Autumn hair loss what to do. How to stop hair loss in the fall. What actions are important

01.08.2020 Information

On the crystal evenings of October, many notice that their hair begins to fall out like autumn: the curls become dull, brittle, lifeless. Of course, some impressionable people immediately panic, which only aggravates hair problems. So why does hair fall out so much in the fall, and what needs to be done to rejoice in a thick head of hair shining with health again? Let's figure it out.

Why does hair fall out in autumn?

The main reason for hair loss in the fall is the "cunning" hormone estrogen, the amount of which drops sharply in the blood with the appearance of the first yellow leaves on the trees. A sharp decrease in the amount of estrogen in the fall is a natural process, genetically laid down. Therefore, a kind of "molting" at this time of year should not scare you. But if you notice that hair falls out very much in autumn, you should think about how to stop or minimize this process.

According to trichologists, severe prolapse hair in the fall is due to a change in temperature and a change in season. Sudden exposure to cold constricts blood vessels in the head, which disrupts blood supply hair follicle... Blood, and with it nutrients, cease to flow to the bulbs, and the curls die.

The reason for hair loss in autumn is the ultraviolet, which is so beloved by women. Can't deny yourself the pleasure of soaking up the July sun? In the fall, it's time to pay for pleasure: ultraviolet light increases the activity of testosterone (male hormone) and increases the amount of free radicals responsible for the transition of curls to the phase of loss.

Do not forget that autumn “goes hand in hand” with stress - after a sultry summer you have to work hard, many of them start the school year. And just in the "golden time" begins to reduce daylight hours, and the body produces less and less "happiness hormone", serotonin, which is responsible for a good mood. The increased agitation also constricts blood vessels, disrupting the blood supply to the hair follicles.

Hair falls out in autumn: what to do?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to stop autumn hair loss. If you do not suffer from hormonal imbalance, chronic stress, neurosis or other internal diseases, problems with curls will disappear by themselves in 4-6 weeks.

But we hasten to please you - you can minimize the severity of the problem. Don't want your hair to fall out a lot in autumn? Then stick to a few simple rules:

1. Do not "torture" your favorite curls

In the fall, we always have to "pay" for summer pleasures. Should you add additional stress to your hair by changing its color and texture? Avoid dyes and perms in the cold season.

2. The hat is your best friend

Do you dream that your hair does not flutter in the wind, and your hairstyle always retains aristocratic neatness? Then think, is your love for Audrey Hepburn worth your hair health? Instead of experimenting with aggressive styling products, look for a collection of sophisticated hats. So your hair will not be affected by the cold of the off-season.

3. Remember vitamins

Vitamins A, C, E, as well as selenium, magnesium, phosphorus will help strengthen the curls. To nourish the body with them, you should include foods rich in them in your diet. Fruits, vegetables, fish oil, butter, sour cream, nuts should be your constant treats in fall and winter.

Perfect for nourishing hair and proven vitamin complexes... For example, the ALERANA® vitamin and mineral complex is a real storehouse of amino acids, minerals and nutrients that will not only strengthen the hair follicles, preventing their loss and section, but also improve the condition of the scalp and, of course, give a person a good mood and energy boost.

4. Wash your hair as needed

Scary stories that daily washing the hair of your grandmother's cousin's sister's daughter led to hair loss - nothing more than folk tales... Hair should be washed as soon as it becomes dirty. Believe me, greasy, inflamed scalp will only cause dandruff, but will not improve the condition of your hair.

5. Take care of your hair

Use the right shampoos, conditioners, and other topical products to help strengthen your hair. Masks with jojoba, rosemary, fir and bey essential oils will not only strengthen the curls, but also make them shine and silky.

So now you know how to make seasonal hair loss invisible and painless. But if simple ways do not help the hair to withstand the autumn cold, and the loss lasts more than 4-6 weeks, you should contact a trichologist to identify possible violations work internal organs... We hope the autumn blues will pass unnoticed for your hair!

It's Indian summer, and my friend pulled on her hat. - What happened? you ask. - Hair falls out in the fall! she sighs. One can only sympathize: indeed, seasonal hair loss in women occurs both in autumn and spring. However, you can not only grieve together, but also find an answer to the current questions: why hair falls out in the fall, and how to deal with it.

Why hair falls out

Let's start with the fact that the process of their loss is quite natural, and you do not need to be afraid of it. Each hair grows from a so-called follicle - a "pouch" of tissue surrounding the root. Growth comes from the root - it is its cells that divide in the follicular sac. The sebaceous glands are located between the follicles. The intensity of their work determines the type of scalp - oily (with active work of the glands), normal or dry. Hair goes through three stages of growth:

The first phase is anagenic. It is characterized by active division of root cells and hair growth. Normally, about 80-90% of the hair is in the growth phase, and it lasts about 3 years.

The second phase is catagenic, when root cells stop dividing. In an atrophic follicle, the hair root shrinks and "pulls" to the scalp surface. The catagenic phase lasts about a month.

In the third - telogenic phase - the follicle is at rest, the hair in it hardly holds and can fall out even from a weak effect. From 20 to 40% of the hair on the head is in the telogen phase.

These phases alternate cyclically. On average, a hair “lives” 25 cycles.

Therefore, if 80 to 150 hairs fall out per day, there is nothing to worry about. But if the hair begins to fall out in clumps, the hair has noticeably thinned out - it's time to sound the alarm, regardless of whether hair loss occurs in autumn, winter, spring or summer.

Hair Loss Causes

If the process already resembles baldness, you need to start by identifying the causes of this misfortune. First of all, you should check for:

endocrine system diseases;

disruptions in hormonal levels - for this reason, "male / female pattern baldness" often begins;

diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys.

Some medicines as side effect give hair loss. It also happens that the hair crawls from a lack of minerals and trace elements in the body, from nervous tension and stress.

Than wash your hair

Why does weakened hair fall out strongly in the fall? The shampoo, conditioner, or mask you are using may not work for you. If the funds are chosen incorrectly, they will only cause harm. Remember: shampoo is selected according to the type of scalp, conditioner balm - according to the type of hair. Remember that conditioners and masks are applied only to the "body" of the hair, stepping back a couple of centimeters from the roots. Do not overexpose them - it is better to wash off before the specified exposure time. This approach will avoid the problem of hair that is greasy at the roots and dry at the ends.

Why hair falls out a lot in autumn

Hair can react poorly to grooming, not only because the products are chosen incorrectly. Assess the composition: if you find lauryl sulfates in it, part with the bottle, no matter how much it costs. There is research evidence that sulfates, penetrating the scalp, have a toxic effect on the body, accumulate in the kidneys and liver. In addition, many sulfates are carcinogenic and can also cause allergies. The greatest hazard is sodium laureth sulfate (SLS). Sulfates are added to shampoos for two reasons: they give abundant lather when washed and cleanse literally "to a squeak." But there is nothing good in such purity: acid-base balance skin is broken. The scalp dries up, "dry" dandruff appears. Dry hair becomes brittle and begins to fall out. Diethanolamine in skin care products is also dangerous. allergic reaction... Another harmful component of shampoos and balms is parabens. These are preservatives designed to extend the shelf life of products.

Why hair falls out a lot in autumn

Another worst enemy of curls in washing, care and styling products is silicone. At first glance, everything is fine: after using the product with silicone, the hairstyle acquires shine, the hair becomes smooth, easy to comb and keeps styling for a long time. The harm is as follows:

silicone is a synthetic substance, which in itself is no longer useful;

gluing scales, including split ends, silicone accumulates over time in the body of the hair, making it heavy, and sooner or later your hair will begin to fall out;

silicone also accumulates around the hair follicle, blocking oxygen access to it, disrupting blood circulation in the root zone. The skin "does not breathe", lacks nutrients, which also increases the amount of hair loss.

How to wash your hair

They say that daily washing is harmful, but this is more a myth than a truth. Hair should be washed as it becomes dirty, otherwise greasy scalp will react very quickly with the appearance of "oily" dandruff. Sebum clogs the follicles, interfering with the normal metabolism and nutrition of the root, and as a result, the hair becomes thinner and begins to fall out. Therefore, wash your hair as needed. It is very good to wash your hair with a special plastic brush with a rubber "bristle". The soft teeth will not only massage the scalp, causing blood flow, but will also help cleanse it of dead cells. The skin will begin to breathe better, the supply of nutrients to the roots will noticeably improve, and autumn hair loss will stop. After washing, it is good to use a decoction of nettle or water with lemon juice for shine.

Why hair falls out a lot in autumn

The main oil - an assistant in the fight for a thick braid - burdock. Castor also works great: with regular use, the quality of the hair is noticeably improved and its growth is accelerated. But keep in mind that the thick castor oil washed off only from the second or third wash.

Causes of Autumn Hair Problems

So, we carried out an audit on the shelf in the bathroom, mastered a brush for washing our hair and selected recipes natural masks... Now let's turn to seasonal reasons hair loss. Without consulting a trichologist, you can name several reasons why hair falls out very much in autumn.

The first reason - a small amount of sunlight

Under the influence of sunlight, the body produces vitamin D, without which calcium cannot be absorbed. And the hair needs calcium, so we include leafy herbs and green vegetables in the diet: parsley, sorrel, broccoli. Vigorously gnaw nuts and seeds. Beans, peas, and barley are good too.

The second reason is a lack of one or several vitamins at once.

In autumn, the body spends more energy on heating the body and supporting the immune system, so resources may not be enough. As a rule, hair falls out due to a lack of vitamins A, B5, B6, C, E.

Why hair falls out a lot in autumn

Of course, it is better to determine by analysis what vitamins you lack, and to replenish the reserve purposefully. If this is not possible, then the most useful and effective in solving the problem of seasonal thinning of hair are vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (PP, nicotinamide, a nicotinic acid), vitamins B5 (pantothenic acid) and B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin H (biotin), folic acid, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin A (retinol), vitamin E. Hair also suffers from a lack of trace elements, including calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium. Here are the substances that should be "treated" to curls in the fall:

b vitamins will be provided by cereals, potatoes, spinach, seeds and nuts, which, by the way, also contain selenium;

vitamins A and E are present in apricots, tomatoes, paprika. But it is not worth subjecting these products to prolonged heat treatment - vitamin A does not like this;

It becomes so because of the central heating and heating appliances, and also because in the fall we do not often ventilate apartments and offices. What to do? Humidify the air! You can purchase a special device or place any containers with water around your home or office: vases with flowers or glass balls, jugs for watering plants, and finally, ordinary bowls. By moisturizing the air, you also take care of your skin: no more shrinking or flaking.

The fourth reason - walking without a hat

On the street, the head is supercooled, so the vessels, including the skin, narrow. Hair stops getting the nourishment it needs from the bloodstream.

Why hair falls out a lot in autumn

Cold makes hair dry: by narrowing the pores of the scalp, it does not allow it to fully function sebaceous glands... Hair begins to break and fall out. So a hat in the fall is a true friend of curls!

The fifth reason is a violation of immunity

And sore throats, and viral diseases, and seasonal depressions require additional strength from the body to fight and recover. Hair loss can be caused by medication or nervous strain. Sedatives will help to cope with this. herbal teas and vitamin fruit decoctions. So, in order not to hide pretty thinning curls under a scarf or beret by spring, we build a hair care scheme: choose the right shampoos and masks, wear a hat, serve vitamins and get enough sleep to maintain hair health. AND healthy hair - this is beautiful hair!

It's not just the leaves that fall in the fall: is hair loss normal in the fall, or should you sound the alarm and do something about it?

Summer vacations - sun, wind, sea, beach, and in the absence of the sea - a pool and much more frequent washing of hair bring us their autumn "fruits" - many of us notice that our hair has literally started to fall out, combed out with whole bunches and combs.

Many people ask themselves: why does hair climb in the fall? Is this a sign of an incipient problem?

Quietly, in most cases, autumn hair loss is a temporary, harmless phenomenon that lasts about 4 to 5 weeks. Its reasons are quite obvious: prolonged exposure to the hot summer sun, salty sea \u200b\u200bwater, chlorine in swimming pools and water parks, frequent washing. It is quite understandable why over the summer our hair is so much depleted and injured and as a result our body gets rid of damaged hairso that new ones - strong and healthy - will grow in their place. This happens every day, it is considered the norm when a person falls out 60-100 hairs a day, regardless of the season.

However, if hair loss persists for a long time, and despite taken measures, the situation is not improving, one should look for other reasons.

Hair Loss Causes

Problems with thyroid can cause hair loss. At the same time, both a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland and its increased activity have a detrimental effect on the hair.

  • Signs of decreased function include swelling, constipation, fatigue, drowsiness, depression, dry skin, and many others.
  • Signs of increased function include palpitations, soreness, nervousness, profuse sweating, and many others.

The presence of a problem is easily determined by tests for thyroid hormones.

Other conditions leading to severe (excessive) hair loss:

  • fungal infections,
  • seborrheic dermatitis,
  • folliculitis (bumps on the scalp that look like pimples)
  • polycystic ovary disease,
  • anemia with low iron content due to strict diets with deficiencies of vitamins, especially C, E and A,
  • taking certain medications, such as contraceptives, antidepressants,
  • high blood pressure,
  • genetic causes, etc.

Stress, especially long-term and severe stress, weakens hair: examinations, problems with work and family ... it can cost you your beautiful hair and more! Stress in general negatively affects your appearance and well-being.

Why do we lose hair due to stress? It leads to narrowing blood vessels, which means limited access of nutrients to hair folliclesam. In severe cases, not only the hair on the head suffers, eyebrows, eyelashes and hair on other parts of the body begin to fall out.

Hair loss is also caused by excessive use of styling products, frequent dyeing, perm, heat treatments (mask, hairdryer), tight hairstyles such as braids and tails.

Hair falls out in the fall: what to do, how to be?

Those who suffer from excessive hair loss should consult a dermatologist first. What for? Then, to rule out health problems that cause hair loss. This is impossible without a specialist examination.

Problem hair requires special care and approach:

  • Provide sun protection with hats, scarves or special balms with sufficient UV filter.
  • Trim the ends monthly to remove weak, cut hair.
  • Use the most harmless hair dyes.
  • Regular use of good cosmetics - balms,. Best of all - natural, based on.
  • Use only and according to hair type.
  • Be sure to include proteins, nuts, fatty acid, fish and seafood (rich in selenium and zinc), milk, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Less nervous and more outdoor activities.

If you notice that hair falls out especially strongly in autumn, do not be upset, you need to find out the reason why this is happening. If you are generally healthy, using available home remedies can reduce your fall hair loss.

It would seem that over the summer the body has been saturated with a record amount of vitamins, but the hair still lacks something.

In the fall, hair falls out more abundantly, and this is not a reason for panic

Why does hair fall out in autumn?

There are reasons for this:

  • In autumn, there is a natural period of change of the weakened hairline new, young and strong.
  • Changes in the weather plunge your mood and lower levels of the happiness hormones that support good health. Immunity weakens, skin and hair condition also deteriorates.
  • The level of female hormones in the body, which are directly responsible for the condition of hair and skin, decreases. For the same reason, there is profuse hair loss after childbirth.
  • Aggressive effects of beauty products and hot styling.
  • Stress associated with leaving leave for work, the beginning of the school year in children.

Sometimes the cause can be a serious hormonal disruption. If there are other symptoms of it - a violation menstrual cycle, a sharp increase in the oily skin and scalp, the appearance of acne, the growth of facial hair - you need to see a doctor. You should be tested for hormone levels and treated until more serious health problems begin.

Some diseases of internal organs can also cause hair weakening, so you need to be attentive to any alarming symptoms and be examined in a timely manner.

What to do if hair falls out especially strongly in autumn?

If everything is in order with health in general and only the condition of the hairstyle worries, you can try to strengthen your hair using available home methods. The following methods have proven themselves well:

  • Massage. It can be done while shampooing or after applying the mask to the skin.
  • Change the shampoo to a more natural one with active firming ingredients.
  • Before shampooing, make masks to stimulate hair growth and nutrition.
  • After washing, use herbal infusions that strengthen the hair instead of the usual conditioner.

You also need to give your head a rest, giving up hot styling, complex hairstyles, elastic bands and hairpins.

Home tonic recipes

Mix equal parts basil, rosemary and sage oils (30 ml each). Add 20 drops of jojoba and ylang ylang oils. TO essential oils add 50 ml of baby liquid soap. Use this mixture instead of shampoo. For dry hair, it is ideal; for oily hair, you may need to reduce the amount of base oil.

Seasonal hair loss is not a myth. We figured out what exactly affects the health of the curls in the cold season.


Lack of sun and reduced quantity fresh vegetables and fruit in the diet does not pass without a trace - the body begins to lack vitamins. Most often in the fall, we lack vitamins A, C, E and group B. The result is fatigue, mood swings, stress, extra pounds and hair loss.

Fans of diets low in vegetable fats and proteins are also at risk. Brittleness, lack of shine and hair loss are sure signs of a lack of these elements in the body.


Cold, bad weather and short daylight hours also leave their mark: it becomes more difficult to maintain a good mood. The beginning of the school year and the traditional increase in the number of tasks at work by the end of the year can be added to the list of stress factors. It gets harder and harder to handle the load.

With emotional stress, muscle spasm "squeezes" the hair root, and it stops receiving oxygen and necessary nutrients in the same volume, weakens and falls out.


Do you like to walk in autumn without a hat? Expect hair to fall out. Cold blood supply to the scalp is impaired. This leads to a lack of nutrition of the hair follicles and, as a result, to hair loss.


Due to a lack of vitamins, immunity weakens, so we start to get sick more often. Colds, flu, pharyngitis, tonsillitis - this is an incomplete list of what one has to deal with in the cold season. Long-term illnesses, as well as some medications, can also provoke hair loss.

To cope with such a problem, you need to approach the treatment comprehensively.

From the inside.Add more seafood, red fish and nuts to your diet - they contain omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids necessary for beauty and health of hair. Don't forget about dairy products - they contain protein and calcium, which are necessary for building cells. And be sure to drink the course special complex for hair. Trichologists most often recommend Pantovigar - thanks to a special combination of components necessary for hair, it helps not only to stop hair loss, but also to restore the lost hair volume.

Outside... Every day, do a head massage along with special anti-hair loss serums - this will increase blood flow to the hair zone and improve the nutrition of the hair follicles. If this is not enough, you can try a course of mesotherapy. The drugs delivered with the help of injections stay in the tissues for as long as possible and have time to have a pronounced effect.