Permanent feeling of bloating. Causes of meteorism in women. The reasons for the occurrence of bloating in women

09.11.2020 Glucometers

Basically, the formation of gases complains people who feed incorrectly. In particular, they consume products that cause gas formation in large quantities.

It is not enough that as a result of such actions, you can get into a delicate situation - if a person does not eat incorrectly - he risks earning meteorism.

In this article, we consider which products to reduce gas formation, and what kind of food should be avoided, in order not to provoke gases in the intestine.

Not always gas-forming products are the cause of bloating. Some diseases can also cause this phenomenon:

  • Oncology;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • digestive problems;
  • air entering the stomach during food intake;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • slaxation, intoxication.

During meals, we often conduct conversations - with friends, relatives. It is undesirable to do so, because during a conversation in the stomach, air provoking gas formation is enabled. The same applies to beverages that we drink through the tube - it is undesirable to do it.

Important! If you suffer from a similar problem - it is necessary to completely reconsider your diet, because mostly the food becomes the cause of gas formation.

Some food can badly digest. Over time, such untapped residues are processed by bacteria, provoking gas formation. Pathology may also arise due to lack of enzymes. The most optimal option with such problems is to stop consuming products, correctioning.

What food does not cause gas formation?

Need to eat in food the following products (non-fermentation, and therefore, do not cause meteorism):

  • Long-sighted meat varieties: turkey, chicken;
  • non-fat fish: Heck, crucian, cod;
  • syllo milk: ipuzhka, kefir;
  • porridge: rice, buckwheat, millet;
  • without yeast bread;
    Termically treated fruits and vegetables.

On a note! To eliminate increased gas formation, you need to consume products in boiled or baked form. Excellent option is to cook for a couple.

It is impossible not to mention the spices, which also help to eliminate excessive gas formation:

  • fennel;
  • marjoram;
  • caraway.

In order not to suffer with meteorism after eating the gas-forming food, you can simply add these spices into dishes - delicious and useful. Mint and ginger also reduce gas formation - experts recommend consuming them as refreshing drinks.

What products should be avoided?

It is worth noting immediately - you do not need to completely exclude food that provokes meteorism, it will simply be enough to reduce its consumption.

In any case, everyone should know exactly from what kind of food the belly sweeps:

  • Citrus - lemons, oranges, grapefruit, etc.;
  • dairy products - especially fatty milk;
  • coffee;
  • nuts;
  • fresh fruits and berries;
  • black and milk chocolate;
  • roots;
  • greens - Parsley, Dill, etc.;
  • legumes;
  • zucchini, cinestic, tomatoes and cucumbers.

If it happened that it is not possible to avoid the gas-forming meal - it is possible to combine it with products that do not cause gas formation and bloating. For example, an excellent option will be a spoon of bran or a glass herbal tea. If you need to fix the problem as quickly as possible - gastroenterologists recommend to arrange a unloading day - on low-fat meat, or by the usual green tea with the addition of ginger.

How to avoid meteorism in children?

Colics, bloating - the problem with which every parent came across. In order to avoid this phenomenon, it is not necessary to give the child the products causing gases in the intestine. In addition, if the child is on breastfeeding - Mom must refuse such food:

  1. fatty dairy products;
  2. fresh vegetables and fruits;
  3. legumes - lentils, beans, peas;
  4. cabbage;
  5. radish, radish;
  6. yeast baking.

If the gas formation in the kid provoke problems with digesting food - in this case, it is necessary to exclude fatty and acute food, cottage cheese, beets, cucumbers, kefir, mushrooms and yeast bread.

Products that cause abdomen can be used, but you just need to limit their quantity, or combine with food that removes gas formation in the intestine.

What foods need to eat people who often suffer from meteorism?

In order to avoid the bloating, it is necessary to eat lightweight, well-digestible food. Also, products should not provoke fermentation processes - after all, they cause such an unpleasant phenomenon as a meteorism.

The most common food that the doctors recommend people who often suffer from bloating:

  • Crumbling buckwheat, rice;
  • light vegetable soups without roasted;
  • bread of the first and second variety of wheat, without adding yeast;
  • meat or fish - baked, boiled, cooked for a pair;
  • omelets with minimal oil;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • in small quantities, vegetable oils - olive, sunflower;
  • non-fat rippy;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • baked apples with a small amount of honey and cinnamon;
  • chamomile decoction, tea from Rosehip.

If the question is concerned, what products do not cause the gas formation process in the intestine - we gave it an exhaustive answer.

If the bloating is accompanied by unpleasant or painful sensations - In such cases, you can use ginger tea, dill or cumin - as spices. These are antispasmodics of natural origin, that is, such products are effectively eliminated by pain syndrome. In addition, they contribute to maintaining the bowel tone, effectively eliminate the inflammatory process.

Fact! If you eat a dish, generously flavored by spices - it is worth remembering that abundant drinking while eating reduces the useful quality of herbs.

In order to maintain the normal function of the intestine, it is important to choose the choice of food with full responsibility. The article describes in detail, from which products there may be meteorism - their frequent use in food should be avoided.

  • Fruits and vegetables need to be thermally handled;
  • salads need to be charged only with vegetable oil;
  • no need to eat roasted and smoked;
  • you can not drink sweet carbonated drinks while eating;
  • bread before use you need to dry;
  • before cooking legumes (beans, peas, etc.), they must be soaked in water for 5-8 hours;
  • no need to eat food for the night, which is long digested - mushrooms, meat;
  • you can drink no later than 30 minutes before meals, and not earlier than 30 minutes after meals;
  • all products must be carefully chewed, avoid conversations at the table.

In addition, it will help to get rid of the meteorism Walking in the fresh air, sports, etc. Well, of course, it is necessary to eat foods that reduce gas formation in the intestines.

If all of the above measures did not give any result - this may indicate the presence of pathologies. Therefore, it is best to immediately consult a doctor - he will hold the necessary diagnostic activities and prescribe correct treatment.

Gas formation reduction drugs

If you endure no strength - in this case, you can use the auxiliary drugs:

  1. overwhelming gases - bobotics, espeamizan, etc.;
  2. adsorbents - sorbex, white coal;
  3. safety spasmodics - but-shpa, spasp.

Oplain in any case is better not to do. The most optimal option is to find the cause of the problem and eliminate it. Make it will help a qualified gastroenterologist.

Often the bloating and non-intensive pain appears when moving. These symptoms pass within an hour. This time will be required in order to partially freed the stomach and the portion of food entered the duodenum, where the splitting process continues and suction begins.

The severity in the stomach can be felt and after certain products or if we use incompatible dishes, for example, make the herring with milk. But if the belly sank and it hurts a long time after eating or symptoms are not related to meals, it indicates the development of pathology digestive system. The faster the cause of increased gas formation will be detected, the smaller the risk of developing complications.

Where in the digestive tract gas

Meteorism translated from Greek means "raising", "bloating", as synonyms can also be used by the concepts of "tympania" or "baud." Under these terms, the excessive accumulation of gases in the abdominal cavity is understood, which happens if a lot of gas is formed or it cannot be effectively excreted from the body.

Normally, the amount of gas in the intestinal departments varies depending on the features of nutrition, activity, age and other factors. Gases are usually in the stomach and at the place of rotation of the colon, significantly less they are concentrated in a sigmoid and blind intestine, and very little in a tekchka.

Gases in the stomach appear:

  • when swallowing air;
  • stand out in the process of digestion (most);
  • when neutralizing digestive secrets of bicarbonates;
  • a small volume can penetrate the intestines from the blood.

In gas formation, a large intestine bacteria play a major role.

Gas are mainly over the rectum, as well as a minor part of it enters the lungs (from the intestines penetrate into the bloodstream, and then in the alveoli).

Causes of bloating

One of the most common causes of the fact that the sweeps and stomach hurts is the wrong food. Some products contribute to increasing gas formation. If a person uses many flour products and products containing yeast, as well as cabbage in any form or legumes, then with a splitting, a lot of gas is formed, which leads to the stretching of the walls of the organ and abdominal pain.

Normally in a large intestine should not fall unrepared food components:

  • carbohydrates begin to collapse even in the mouth under the action of saliva enzymes (amylases and maltases). The process continues in the stomach and a small intestine, where carbohydrates are disintegrated to glucose, which will penetrate into the cell and will oxide to water and carbon dioxide, or will turn into fat or glycogen;
  • proteins in the stomach are exposed to hydrochloric acid, resulting in swelling and denaturing. Then, pepsin splits them to amino acids that penetrate the blood and are converted by cells to the necessary protein molecules;
  • a small part of fats falls into the stomach under the action of lipase. The main digestion process takes place in the small intestine due to the effects of acids and enzymes.

Thus, all food should be split before falling into a fat intestine. In the constant form, only water, vitamins and trace elements, as well as unsecured substances (for example, cellulose) penetrate.

If there are too many carbohydrates in a person's diet and they cannot break through the stomach and duodenal gut, then being in a thick intestine, they begin to wander. In the process of fermentation, alcohol, organic acids, acetone, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and other organic compounds.

If the proteins penetrate into a thick bowel, then, under the action of bacteria enzymes begin to rot, resulting in methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, acetic and lactic acid, toxins. These compounds negatively affect the intestinal mucosa and lead to the fact that the belly aches from the generated gases.

The more foods will be at putrefactive bacteria, the faster they will displace the useful intestinal flora (dysbacteriosis will develop). In disruption of fats, which can be associated with a hormonal background, proteins and carbohydrates are poorly digested, as fat surrounds the food molecules and does not allow enzymes to affect them.

The fermentation and rotting can occur not only in the thick intestine, the process can begin in the stomach, if there is an insufficient amount of hydrochloric acid and trypsin. At the same time, pain occurs in the upper part of the abdomen and the disease is accompanied by dyspeptic disorders.

It is rotting and fermentation that holds the formation of gas in the abdominal cavity, but the reasons why these processes proceed are different.

The penetration of proteins and carbohydrates into a thick bowel may be due to the development of organic or functional pathology, and also be an option for the norm.

If the motor is reduced, then rotting and fermentation begins in the stomach or thin intestine, since food is stood. If the peristalistic is increased, the enzymes do not have time to split the components before their receipt in the colon.

Even in the absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) during overeating, the use of carbonated drinks or an unbalanced diet will be observed and abdominal pain.

A portion of the air in the stomach is swallowed during drinking or when eating. Normally, he goes through the mouth when the air belches. But if it feels an unpleasant taste in the mouth or gas with sour smell, this indicates serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bloating and abdominal pain is felt not only with unbalanced nutrition and not always to eliminate symptoms need to revise the diet

In some cases, the cause of pain at the bottom of the abdomen in serious organic pathology, in which the activities of the gastrointestinal tract are violated. This leads to a lack of enzymes necessary for cleavage of proteins, fats or carbohydrates.

In the pathology of the gallbladder, the pancreas, the stomach or intestines are not synthesized by enzymes or hormones, which should digest food or contribute to this process. There are many factors provoking bloating and abdominal pain.

For practical purposes allocate:

  • Alimentary meteorism. It develops due to the splitting of products that contribute to increased gas formation. Many gas is released when eating food with a large content of fiber and starch. These are legumes (peas, beans, lentils, nut, peanuts), potatoes, black bread, any cabbage.
  • Meteorism arising from the disorder of the digestive function. Enzymatic insufficiency, deterioration of the absorption function, dysbacteriosis lead to rotting and fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract. With these processes, a lot of gas is released, the stomach can swear after eating.
  • Meteorism. Developed due to deterioration of the evacuation function. That is, gases accumulate in a certain part of the intestines, because they cannot be further due to the presence of some obstacle. It can be spikes, neoplasms, stenosis, hollow stones.
  • Dynamic meteorism. Arises due to the violation of the Motoric GTS. Gas are poorly removed with peritonitis, aerophagia, acute infections and poisoning, after childbirth or wagotomy. This form includes senile and children's meteorism, as well as a reflex, which appears when compressing mesenter.
  • Circulatory meteorism. Therefore, there are general or local circulatory disorders (for example, due to stagnation of blood in the intestinal veins), which lead to a decrease in gas absorption from the intestines into the blood and increase gas flow from blood system in the intestines.
  • Psycho meteorism. Developed due to mental disorders affecting the activity of the digestive system, for example, with hysteria.

Often, pregnant women suffer from meteorism. It caused by the pressure of an enlarged uterus on the intestinal walls and the action of the progesterone hormone, leading to the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the organ and the braking peristaltics. This leads to a violation of movement kALOV MASS. and deterioration of the absorption function.

The young children often have a bloating of the abdomen, since the digestive tract has not yet been formed completely, the enzymes are not active enough and the gastric juice is less sour. The more diverse the diet of the child, the faster its enzymatic system will ensure the normal process of digestion.

Symptoms such as bloating and grapple-shaped abdominal pain can indicate intestinal obstruction, which requires an emergency operation. In pathology, there is a violation of the passage of intestinal content due to the narrowing of the intestinal lumen as a result of the disorder of hemodynamics, innervation, its squeezing or spasm.

In case of intestinal obstruction, pain syndrome occurs, vomiting, stool delay and gas, asymmetric belly.


With an increased amount of gas, patients complain about the feeling of gravity and bloating in the stomach or its parts, pain of a pulling or noctive character, which do not have a clear localization. In some cases, pain irradiates to the lower back.

In addition to pain, dyspeptic disorders are observed (air exhaust, constipation or diarrhea, nausea, a taste in the mouth, no appetite), which may result primary disease or disrupting the functions of the gastrointestinal tract due to the delay of gas and an increase in the intestine.

With a sharp gas formation, a colic may appear (attack of strong grabs pain), which passes after the gases go away

In case of disease, some patients experience frequent and noisy elimination, and others, on the contrary, the gas delay. Punching can lead to a feeling of burning in the heart of the heart, rapid heartbeat, problems with sleep, mood changes, severe weakness, head and muscle pain, numbers and legs. Sometimes patients say that there is a strong outbreak, the so-called dyspeptic asthma.


To understand why the stomach hurts and the discrepancy appears it is necessary to undergo a medical examination. Meteorism is only a symptom of some pathology, so it is necessary to diagnose the underlying disease, which leads to the intake of the abdomen.

In case of examination, the gastroenterologist may noted that the stomach completely inflated (general meteorism) or that he swelled partially, only in the right or left side (local meteorism). Pumps all the stomach, if the gases accumulated in the small intestine, for example, with the obstruction of the small intestine, and only a part of the abdomen appears in the presence of a large volume of gas in the thick intestine, which happens with the global blockage of the lumen.

When listening to the abdominal cavity, intestinal noises are capable of increasing before the lumen or to weaken or disappear at all. If, when tugs, it is felt that the blind intestine is increased, then this suggests that there is an obstacle in the Tolstaya intestine, and if she, on the contrary, hesitated, then it indicates a subfountable Ileus.

During an x-ray study, it can be seen that he was very swollen due to the gas of the intestinal loop, most often thick. To find out whether the digestion process is normally proceeded, feces analysis is assigned. Ultrasound procedure The abdominal cavity shows the condition of the mucous membrane, there is a liquid in the abdomen or an atypical location of the organs.

Diagnostic criterion is the duration and frequency of pain. If gases accumulate after eating, regardless of the products and their quantities and continue for two hours, this may indicate the diseases of the stomach (gastritis, ulcer, tumor).

With pathology duodenal gut Swells a lot of belly two hours after eating. The severity and abdominal pain does not pass when the pancreatitis exacerbation. With lactase insufficiency, letters only after dairy products.

If the swelling in the upper part of the abdomen, then this indicates a decrease in the motor or secretory function of the stomach, which leads to the stiring and the beginning of fermentation and rotting. In these violations of the patient worries belching with unpleasant odor, Several less often reflux, and also hurts the stomach due to inflammation of the mucous membrane.

It hurts and swells the abdomen in violation of intestinal peristals, lack of enzymes, the development of pathogenic microflora, the narrowing of the intestine.

To avoid the abdomen of the abdomen, you must follow the diet


It should be treated by the main disease, provoking the bloating and pain. To reduce the amount of gas in the stomach, it is recommended to stick to the diet that excludes the use of cabbage, legumes, fresh bread, and there is also no products with a high content of starch (potatoes, butt, flour dishes) and inadequate carbohydrates.

You can not stick to the diet that limits the use of proteins, fats or carbohydrates, since they are necessary for the functioning of all organism systems. To balance the diet, it is recommended to apply for advice on a nutritionist. The specialist will select a diet depending on age and exercise.

In enzympathy, for example, with lactase deficiency or celiac disease, it is required to exclude a product from the menu that cannot be split due to the lack of an enzyme or inactivity. This diet must be observed throughout life. Only so stomach will stop inflated.

When swollen and pain in the stomach, the following drug groups can be applied:

  • adsorbents (smecta, polysorb). Colloidal substances are able to derive intestinal gases, for example, magnesium trisilicate, activated coal (use only when receiving a large number), white clay, colloidal gels;
  • feriment (Pancreatin, Mezim, Panzinorm, Festal). They stimulate or replace enzymes;
  • the defoamers (Ceuolate, dysfatile, Espumizan) reduce the tension of air bubbles, so that they are bursting or absorbed into the intestinal mucosa and are derived naturally.
  • windmound. Bismuth based preparations (de nol, Vicalin, Vicair) and windy herbs, such as chamomile, dill, yarrow, mint;
  • probiotics ("Bifidumbacterin", "Bifiform", Linex "Laktobacillus"). Suppress the activities of rotten and gas-forming bacteria of the inset intestines;
  • antispasmodics (but-shp, droterine) help to eliminate pain caused by the spasm of the intestinal walls.

The choice of funds will depend on the cause and severity of bloating. So, if the gas formation is increased due to fermentation and rotting in the intestine, it is assigned tools that improve the digestive function (enzyme preparations, hydrochloric acid With pepsin, natural gastric juice) and medicines that help restore the intestinal microflora (probiotics and prebiotics).

If the gas accumulation is provoked by aerophage (air swallowing), then the patient is recommended to be more thorough feeding of food, limit the reception of the fluid, and tranquilizers and cholinolities are prescribed to reduce salivation.

If the discrepanished belly bothers due to the narrowing of the gossip, then shown surgery

Avoid meteorism will help balanced diet, physical activity, timely therapy of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, preventive measures carried out in postpartum and postoperative periods (physical education, wearing a bandage, massage, chair normalization), also do not need to abuse laxative preparations and intestinal cleansing through enema.

If the symptom often worries, then you should not engage in self-medication, as this may lead to complications of the main disease and promote its transition to chronic form. Only after the detection of pathology, the gastroenterologist will tell you what to do to eliminate the abdomen.

All people have formed a small share of gases after taking food, which does not interfere with the normal functioning of the body, which is derived during defecation. If a strong bloating appears, then the patient has a feeling of gravity, his stomach is blown out from the inside. In this article we will reveal the reasons for this state and tell me what to do in this case.

Causes of illness

Strong gas formation is permanent and temporary. The first look arises as a result of the pathologies of the abdominal cavity. Temporary develops due to disorders of digestion, gases or liquid. When there is a violation of the functioning of the abdomen, the reasons can be the most diverse: from an incorrectly composed diet, to serious health problems. The most common ones are:

  • The uncontrolled consumption of products containing a large amount of fiber. Easily-friendly carbohydrates are put on the process of fermentation, as a result of which the gravity of the abdomen appears.
  • During food intake, air swallowing occurs. This is especially true if the meal takes place while driving, rush, conversation. Human, his abdomen, his sick. /
  • Great food eating. The use of a large amount of food at a time often leads to this problem.
  • Violated intestinal motility often leads to irritated stomach syndrome.
  • When the stomach goes immediately after meals, it can talk about such diseases as: gastritis, pancreatitis, enteritis.
  • Often the cause of such a state is the intestinal dysbiosis. After the body is weakened by protective properties, the intestine is attacked alien bacteria, as a result of which a strong meteorism is formed.
  • Often, the abdomen of the stomach during pregnancy. In the first trimester, this is due to the increased development of progesterone, in the third, due to an increase in the pressure of the uterus.
  • Chronic constipation.
  • Insufficient development of digestive enzymes.

Symptoms of bloating

Many people do not pay attention to the fact that strong gases are produced in their body. Signs of the pathological state gradually progress, while a person is imperceptible for himself gets used to discomfort.

If the stomach bursts, then this gives a lot of inconvenience, he turns to the doctor, with usually, complaining of the following symptoms:

  • increased abdomen,
  • bright rumbling in the gastrointestinal tract, audible in the lying position,
  • strong diaphragm voltage, which is observed during the tilt forward,
  • after taking food, the patient is forced to jump off the air,
  • gravity
  • stool violation
  • intestinal colic
  • flatulence.

As a rule, the above features are passing after gases. If the patient has a launched disease, it can feel signs of general intoxication such as:

  • headache,
  • feverish condition
  • weakness,
  • full loss of appetite,
  • sword
  • insomnia,
  • arrhythmia,
  • reducing the immunity of the body.

When you should urgently ask for medical help

Usually people do not pay attention if the belly sank. However, there are symptoms, with the appearance of which you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, as they can talk about such a serious disease as intestinal obstruction. These include:

  • asymmetrically swollen belly;
  • solid to the touch stomach;
  • blood bodies in feces;
  • increased body temperature;
  • very much hurts and swelling the stomach;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • pain in the chest;
  • nausea, accompanied by vomiting.

Diagnosis of bloating

If the patient has a scrawl of the abdomen, which causes him and what only the doctor will tell you after the examination. First of all, he will try to identify the clinical picture of the disease on time and find out how the patient was fed.

After that, he will appoint the following examination:

  • cala analysis on the definition of intestinal microflora,
  • study of bile
  • study of gastric juice,
  • Ultrasound abdominal organs,

Only on the basis of the results obtained, the attending physician must appoint adequate treatment.

Treatment of the problem

What to do if the stomach is regularly sank, only a specialist will tell. First of all, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the cause forcing the belly to swell. Treatment of this pathology is based on the following principles:

  • diet correction;
  • therapy of the disease that caused a bloating;
  • purpose of drugs restoring intestinal motor function;
  • therapy helps restore intestinal microflora;
  • elimination of gases accumulated in the body.

Daily charging, outdoor walks will also help to get rid of meteorism.

Medicia treatment

The following drug drugs helps to treat the bloating:

  • Activated carbon is taken before eating 2-3 tablets, pre-dissolved in water.
  • Remove gases I. toxic substances Smekt, polyfepan.
  • They will help to relieve pain spasmolitics, for example, but-shp, spasmalgon.
  • Espumizan can be applied not only with temporary bloating, but also developed as a result of chronic diseases.
  • White coal is bulging food fibers that collect gases and toxins.
  • If the pathology is caused by a violation of the pancreas function, then digestive enzymes will help eliminate the cause, for example, festal, mesim forte.
  • Dysbacteriosis prescribed drugs that normalize the intestine function such as lactobacterin, bifidumbacterin, Linex.
  • Duhalak activates the activities of useful bacteria and suppresses pathogenic.

Diet when the abdominal

Nutritionists to avoid bloating, they recommend frequent, but fractional food. It is necessary to eat in slower, while slowly chewing food. Unwanted products at this state:

  • grapes;
  • bananas;
  • legumes;
  • apples;
  • pears;
  • fresh bakery;
  • salty fish;
  • fat milk;
  • pearl barley.

When the abdomen is bloated, the following dishes are shown:

  • stew low-fat meat;
  • non-fat fish;
  • rubbed soup;
  • non-fat bird;
  • cereals;
  • grenades;
  • beet;
  • green tea;
  • prune.

Often the use of fried and fatty dishes can provoke too bloated belly. It should be completely eliminated by provocateurs of this process. It is better to replace milk to replace the milk products, wheat bread - on bread from grains of large grinding.


Not bad has established itself in the treatment of bloating, traditional medicine. However, it must be remembered that any folk Methods It is possible to apply after consultation with a specialist and in a complex with conservative treatment.

  • Most often, dill is used for these purposes. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. dill seeds, pour ½ l. boiling water. Interest for 3 hours in a warm place. Adults should be used on 1/3 cup 3 times a day before eating. Also dill can be prepared with a decoction. 1 tsp. dill seeds pour 1 cup cold waterTomber on slow fire for 15 minutes. Cool, drink 1 cup twice.
  • Pre-crushed parsley root (1 hour.) Pour 1 cup of cold water. It is possible to brew for 15 minutes, after which they bring to a boil, strain, take a small throat hourly. Throughout the day, 1 cup of ragum drinks.
  • Take 1 h. Castabre, dill seeds, pour 1 cup boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes, after which it is to bring to a boil, take it half an hour before meals every 60 minutes.
  • For the next infusion, take 1 tbsp. l. Fennel, Valerians and 2 Art. l. Mint. 2 h. L. The obtained collection, pour 250 ml of steep boiling water, insist for half an hour, strain. Drink on ½ cup twice.
  • And also well helps the root of ginger, it stimulates digestion, kills pathogenic bacteria. To eliminate meteorism, it should be dissolved immediately after meals.

Exercises from metiorism

Eliminate the bloating will help physiotherapywhich can be carried out at home because it does not require special training. However, before proceeding to its implementation, it is necessary to be confident in the absence of serious changes from the gastrointestinal tract.

  • you should lie on the left side and pull the legs as close as possible to the stomach. In this position, it is recommended to lie down for 1 minute, after which it is gently turning onto the back, then on the left side, also pulling the leg to the stomach;
  • stand on all fours and make deeper inhale, while raising the pelvis and head, dropping the back lower. Then at a slow pace, bring the back, while heading his head to the chest on the exhalation;
  • from the previous postures you need to put my left foot forward, knee the same leg to move back. Hands raise up and reach in this position for 8 breaths.

Eliminate increased gas formation is easy at home, for this you should balance your diet, walk more and make simple exercises.

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The meteorism is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that discomfort delivers and is accompanied by such symptoms: pain, bloating, gases. What to do? How to deal and how to warn this problem?

Causes of meteorism

Do you care about the bloating? What to do in such a situation? To date, there are a large number of diverse drugs that eliminate the problem under consideration. Most of them can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. But it is worth noting that they mostly eliminate unpleasant symptoms once. Also, the methods of traditional medicine have a positive effect, but only if excessive gas formation is not associated with the presence of diseases of the organs of the digestive system.

Folk recipes

Most. effective tool Non-traditional medicine is dill. If you have digestion disorder, constipation, stomach hurts, bloating, what to do? For prevention or for therapy, take dill. He possesses healing properties: With it, effectively eliminate various diseases The digestive system, the plant relieves the spasms of the muscles of the stomach and intestines, prevents the formation of fermentation processes, rotting and excess gas formation, and also stimulates appetite, expels helminths and acts as a laxative.

  • Brew 1 tbsp. l. Seeds of dill, insist one hour. Take small equal portions during the day.
  • Distribute 1 tbsp. l. Dill seeds in Cashitz, brew glass boiling water. The decoction must be insist in thermos forty minutes, then strain. Infusion take a hundred milliliters for half an hour before meals.
  • Dill can be used as seasonings for food.


Often bother pain, severe bloating? What to do in such a situation, a doctor will tell. In this case, the methods of traditional medicine will not be able to help. Before prescribing treatment, a specialist will recommend the necessary research:

  • analysis of feces on dysbacteriosis;
  • study of gastric juice and bile;
  • bacteriological examination of feces;
  • Ultrasound bodies responsible for digestion.

Owl of belly. What to do? Medicine

Basic efficient and safe drugs from bloating:

  • "Mezim". Refers to digestive enzyme preparations. Normalizes the operation of the digestive system, activates the secretion of the pancreas, has an analgesic effect.
  • "Espumizan". Reduces gas formation, contributes to the removal of gases and improves intestinal peristalsis.
  • Probiotics. This is a group of drugs that have in their composition lactobacillia, bifididbacteria. These substances activate the secretory function of the stomach, improve the absorption of food and prevent the formation of pathogenic microflora in the intestine. Some probiotics: "Linex", "Laktovit", "Bifidbacterin", "Lactobacterin", "Hilak-Forte", "Bifti-forms", etc.
  • Enterosorbents. These are drugs that absorb toxic substances and improve the operation of the digestive tract: "enterosgel", "Enzym".
  • Activated carbon. It prevents the suction of harmful substances into the blood, normalizes digestion.

Often flatulence is accompanied by diarrhea, constipation, painful sensations. In such cases, drugs are prescribed, taking into account the prevailing symptom.

  • Bloating, diarrhea. What to do? Take such medicines as trimetutin Maleat, Loperamide and Slavsmolitis (Oticonia
  • With constipation: "macrogol", "sorbitol".
  • In strong pains are prescribed hyoscium butylbromide and antispasmodics.

Exercises from excess gas formation

There is no medicine at hand, but strongly torments the bloating? What to do in this case? You can use the complex of simple exercises that will get rid of meteorism:

  • Slop forward. Make turns take the slopes to one, then to the other leg. Exercise is recommended to perform at least ten times.
  • "Bicycle". Lie on your back, lift your legs up and move them, imitating riding a bike.
  • Lie on the belly on a solid surface. Try to get used to the lower back as possible, leaning on your hands. Exercise is recommended to do ten times.

Methods for quick elimination of meteorism

There are life situations under which a person is experiencing a great discomfort from the scrawl, but circumstances do not allow to adopt the necessary medicine or take advantage of a proven popular recipe. In such cases, there are ways to help facilitate the state and relieve meteorism symptoms:

  1. Fast relief. It is necessary to understand that both the formation of gases inside the intestines and their output is the natural processes necessary for the body. Therefore, you do not need to keep gas in yourself (if you are publicly located, then find the bathroom or toilet and stay there until the discomfort leaves; if it is difficult to release the gas, then you need to change the position of the body, take a walk).
  2. Gloor or compress. To eliminate the bloating as follows: putting the heating or warm compress on a problem space.

Causes of excess gas formation during pregnancy

The meteorism during pregnancy is considered a normal phenomenon. This is due to certain changes occurring in the woman's body.

  • With increasing baby, the uterus is constantly increasing in size and begins to put pressure on the intestines. Thus, the bloating becomes more pronounced with an increase in the period of pregnancy. This leads to a cluster of gases in the intestine, which, in turn, causes constipation and is often accompanied by painful sensations.
  • During pregnancy in the blood, the level of progesterone hormone increases. He relieves muscle spasm, preventing miscarriage. And at the same time, this hormone has a relaxing effect on the intestinal muscles, which leads to the stress in it, causing gas formation.
  • Other reasons: Improper nutrition, use of products that increase gas formation, enzyme failure, etc.

How to get rid of a future mother from such an unpleasant phenomenon like a bloating? What to do? First of all, you should not be shaped to share this problem with the attending physician. The doctor will register the necessary medicationsthat will be safe for the fetus. It is categorically prohibited to engage in self-medication.

Getting rid of meteorism and pregnancy

Screaming belly - what to do? This question is worried about many future mothers. Stop the natural changes that occur in the woman's body in the position is impossible. But to facilitate the state of the future mother and save it from the meteorism quite real. The gynecologist must send pregnant to the consultation to the gastroenterologist in order to establish or eliminate the presence of diseases of the digestive tract. And only the doctor can assign the necessary medicines that must be taken, strictly following the instructions or appointments. It is important to know what to engage in self-medication is dangerous to the health of the future child.

Otherwise, a pregnant woman needs to follow the general rules for the warning of the problem under consideration.

Prevention of excess gas formation

Observing simple rules, it is possible to avoid the formation of excess gases in the intestine:

  • walk in the fresh air, take hiking;
  • exercise;
  • drink more fluid;
  • avoid stress;
  • use only properly cooked food: cutting, boil products;
  • exclude all fat from the diet;
  • enter the rule for breakfast to eat oatmeal or flakes of coarse grinding;
  • limit food intake, which is rich in active carbohydrates;
  • do not eat carbonated drinks, do not chew a rush;
  • refuse smoking;
  • try to carefully chew food;
  • eat in small portions.

Many, especially this concerns representatives of the fine floor, dream of a flat stomach. But sometimes it happens that there is no excess weight, and he still bulges and spoils all the mood. What is the reason for such a phenomenon? This may be associated with increased gas formation. In this article we will talk in detail about why the belly is swollen and how to deal with it.

Common reasons

Incorrect lifestyle, poor-quality food, hormonal failure - all this and much more can cause the scrawl and gas formation. To eliminate the problem that appears, it is necessary first of all to determine the causes of the pathological process.

Each person at least once in his life came across the driving sensations at the bottom of the abdomen. Meteorism is not a disease. This is a symptom that can appear against other pathologies. - These are not just air bubbles. This is the grinding masses of the foam structure. In normal condition, the excretory system displays these clusters naturally.


The reasons for the bowl of the intestine can be due to both the physiological state and serious diseases of the digestive tract. For the first case, an episodic meteorism is characterized, which occurs after the use of specific food. The pathological bloody intestine is present regularly and arises against the background of chronic processes.

The bloating of the stomach in adults can be observed with intensive physical Loads. When performing complex exercises, a person begins to breathe more often, blood is saturated with oxygen, but the body does not have time to remove the exhaust gas. To begin with, let's talk about the reasons for which there is a swelling against the background of absolute physical health:

  • incorrect power mode;
  • addiction to Fastfud products;
  • powered air during meals for drinking conversations or yawns;
  • frequent use of carbonated drinks;
  • stressful situations, emotional lability;
  • prolonged chewing chewing chewing
  • smoking;
  • eating a large number of berries and fruits.

Aerophagia, or swallowing air, may occur with a hurry absorption of food, conversations during meals. Its appearance can be associated with the difficulty of nasal breathing, psycho-emotional shocks, as well as inflammation of the throat with swallowing pain. Aerophagia is formed with excessive salivation and smoothing. This happens during smoking and sucking candy. The main manifestation of Aerophagia is the sonorous and loud belching.

Condimize the pronounced bloating and gas formation can such products:

  • fatty meat and fish;
  • legumes;
  • whole milk;
  • mushrooms;
  • fruits (apples, pears, grapes);
  • juices (grape, apple);
  • black bread;
  • sweets (cakes, cakes);
  • radish, radishes;
  • white cabbage.

Important! The bloating belly appears in women after a sharp weight loss due to a strict diet.

The severity in the stomach and bloating often arise in people of old age. This is due to atrophic changes in the smooth muscles of the muscles of the gastrointestinal organs (gastrointestinal tract), as well as a decrease in the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the tissues. The intestine is a common phenomenon during the launching period of the child. Growing uterus squeezes internal organs, among other things, the organs of the digestive tract.

This leads to a slowdown in the promotion of the food lump and gas separation. The swelling in the evenings can be knitted with bad fierce food or use it on the go. In the evening, the problem arises even because of a large amount of oily and acute food, which was on the table during the day.


Experts caution: do not believe that increased gas formation in all cases will pass without a trace. If in some situations it is enough to change the diet, then in others it may be necessary to carry out medical therapy or even surgery. One of the common reasons for which he cuts from the inside is the shortage of enzymes.

Violation of enzymatic production causes processes of rotting and fermentation in gastrointestinal. The lack of food enzymes in adults is due to unbalanced and irrational nutrition. As for the newborn, the violation of the enzyme system is related to the fact that it has not yet managed to adapt to new working conditions.

Another common reason strong bloating is dysbacteriosis. The intestinal tract is populated by a large number of useful and conditional pathogenic bacteria. Gases are necessary to maintain the vital activity of these microorganisms. The main part of the intestinal gases of the bacteria is absorbed, contributing to the digestion.

Increased gas formation causes bean, white cabbage, bakery products

To lead to the death of beneficial bacteria and the activation of the conditionally pathogenic microflora can long antibiotic therapy, intoxication, the pathology of the stomach, intestines, liver. Discovers in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach may also arise after surgery. During operations on the abdominal organs, stretching the walls of the thick and small intestine.

In general, any operational intervention leads to a deterioration in intestinal motor activity. In early postoperative period Patients often complain that they swept the belly. They note the feeling of cutting and severity. Sometimes bloating occurs against the background of neurogenic disorders. Nervous excitability causes an increase in the tone of the smooth muscle muscles of the intestinal tract. Constant conflict situations and experiences on this occasion lead to the formation of irritable bowel syndrome.

Lactose intolerance is another common cause of the scrawl. Pathology is formed due to the lack of lactase enzyme, which is responsible for the splitting of milk sugar (lactose). Pathology is manifested in the form of increased gas formation, nausea, pain, ration, weight loss, as well as the appearance of a liquid foam chair.

Meteorism is also associated with fermentation of poorly digested food. Fat and salty dishes contribute to the accumulation of the food lump in the intestinal tract and prevent his timely removal. This leads to a cluster of stones from non-processed food in the gastrointestinal tract. They start grew and produce gas bubbles.

Among women

Increased gas formation is more common in women than in men. Often, the feeling of cutting occurs before the active phase menstrual cycle. Before the onset of menstruation due to hormonal rearrangements in women's body Liquid accumulates, which enhances the blood supply to the small pelvis organs. This leads to a temporary increase in body weight and the appearance of a small tummy.

To the main reasons of bloating in women refer:

  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • improving the level of progesterone hormone;
  • systematic overeating.

Separately, it is worth saying about pregnant women. In addition to the enhanced generation of progesterone and the pressure of the growing uterus, inconvenient or tight clothing may cause, incorrect meals, addiction to sweet or flour. It is also worth noting that the body of a pregnant woman is experiencing the strongest stress. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the immune system is significantly weakened to avoid rejection of the developing fetus.

Gases in the morning are considered an option for the norm. If the gas separation is accompanied by extermination, nausea, bloody, then you need to examine. Physiological meteorism passes immediately after eliminating provoking factors. If menstruation or pregnancy passed, and gas formation is present, you can suspect more serious reasons:

  • myoma uterus;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • enterocolitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • functional disorders pancreas.

In men

The sensations in the meteorism in women and men are almost the same. Against the background of absolute physical health, increased gas formation may appear due to such reasons: systematic technique of alcoholic beverages, stress, overeating, smoking, frequent use of semi-finished products, carbonated beverages.

If the unpleasant symptom is preserved for a long time, the cause of the bloating can be:

  • chronic dysbacteriosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • colitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • ulcer.

In men, bloating in the top of the abdomen can be a consequence of bad habits


The severity of symptoms of meteorism directly depends on its cause, diseases, age and age and general status. Patients often complain about parlor or grapple-shaped painful spasms in the stomach. A person has frequent urge to empty or there is a resistant stool delay.

The most characteristic manifestations of increased gas formation include exhausting, nausea, degradation of appetite, abdominal pain on the left or right, heartburn, rumbling. Digestive disorders often become the cause of other unpleasant symptoms, including:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • burning in the heart;
  • violation heart Rhythm;
  • mood swings;
  • insomnia;
  • lost, apathy.


The elimination of the frequent bloating and increased gas formation begins with the establishment of a provoking cause. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, a whole range of activities, including drug therapy, treatment with folk remedies, dietary food is required.

Medicinal products

Most of the drugs that help when the abdomen is free to buy in a pharmacy without a recipe. Consider the most popular and affordable tablets. Activated coal refers to the enterosorbent group. Entering the digestive tract, the means connects toxins, poisons and gases. Dosage is calculated in such a way that there are one tablet for ten kilograms. That is, if a person weighs 50 kg, then he needs to drink five tablets of activated carbon.

Take the drug at least an hour before meals or before other medicines were used. For peptic disease Stomach activated carbon contraindicated. Tablets Mezim Forte is another known remedy for gas formation. It includes enzymes obtained from the pancreas of large cattle. Mezim Forte contributes to the normalization of the operation of the tract and improved suction.

Another means based on enzymes - Pancreatin tablets. The mechanism of action of the drug is similar to therapeutic effect Mesima. Most often, the pills are prescribed at bloat, the cause of which lies in the pathology of the pancreas.

Espeamizan will help to get rid of increased gas formation. For adults, capsules have been developed, and for the treatment of children - oral drops. The active component of the drug is a simethicone. This substance contributes to the removal of intestinal gases in a natural way. Espumizan is not absorbed into the body and is removed unchanged.

Polysorb is also prescribed at bloated. Active medication is silicon dioxide. Available in powder for making a suspension. Polysorb is an enterosorbent that binds toxins, poisons, gases, bacteria, alcohol. The tool will help to cope with bloody only if it originated against the background of food or toxic poisoning of the body.

The photo shows how simply a solution of polysorb powder is preparing

Hilak Forte is produced in the form of droplets for intake. The active components are presented aquatic substrates of bacterial metabolic products, which are part of normal intestinal microflora. First of all, Hilak Forte is a controversy agent. However, it is effectively struggling with gas formation arising from dysbiosis.

The only contraindication to the application is the individual intolerance to the components. Hilak Forte is even appointed pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is impossible not to mention about Linex capsules. It consists of enterococci, lacto, bifidobacteria. The elimination of meteorism occurs due to the normalization of the natural balance of microflora. Lines is used even in the treatment of infants.


Effectively eliminate the bloating of belly not only expensive drugs, but also available folk recipes. The very first thing is that young mothers advise with the emergence of intestinal gases in a child - it is to give dill water. Dill seeds should be pouring hot water. One spoon without a slide is a glass of liquid. The remedy should be inspected within two hours. The lean solution should be drilled in small sips during the day.

Alternatively, you can take the seeds of parsley. Only in this case the product is flooded with cold water. The tool must flow twenty minutes, after which it should be heated, but not boil. Consider other effective councils of populists when swolling:

  • ginger. After eating, slowly dissolve a small piece of ginger root. This will contribute to the activation of digestion processes, eliminate pathogenic microflora and respiratory refreshment;
  • chamomile. The plant has soothing properties, and also stimulates the immune system. To prepare a decoction, a tablespoon of dry flowers of the pharmaceutical chamomile poured a glass of boiling water. The tool must be forced within twenty minutes. After the decoction is expanding, it can be used inside. Five hours later prepare the tool;
  • potatoes. In the morning, after awakening, it is recommended to drink a hundred grams of freshly squeezed potato juice. Therapeutic course lasts ten days. Then there is a short break and popular treatment continues;
  • carrot . To eliminate the swell, the seeds of this vegetable will be needed. They need to grind in a coffee grinder or blender. For half an hour before meals, you should eat a spoonful of carrot flour, drinking with enough water.


To eliminate meteorism, a number of uncomplicated rules should be understood:

  • during meals, do not rush, chew each piece;
  • do not drink food with liquid. Drinks are allowed to drink no earlier than half an hour after eating food;
  • if possible, eat approximately the same time;
  • take food with small portions 5-6 times a day;
  • dishes are recommended to cook, stew, bake or cook for a pair;
  • daily use a sufficient amount of pure filtered water without gas;
  • eat food in warm form.

When the abdomen should be avoided three categories of products:

  • Rough vegetable fiber: bran, legumes, rice.
  • Simple carbohydrates: honey, sugar, jam.
  • Independed by man food. Allergic reaction Most often occurs on citrus, chocolate, honey, milk.

Therapeutic diet can last from week to month. It depends on the severity of the main pathology. If, after the end of the diet, the bloating did not have passed, it means that you were incorrecting the nutrition or the above period was not enough. Do not immediately return to your habitual diet, it can cause a relapse. Enter your favorite products in the diet slowly, one-two products per week.

The allowed products with increased gas formation include low-fat meat and fish, green tea, boiled eggs, omelet, compotes, cocoa, porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, manka), pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes, parsley, dill.

The most important

The bloating and increased gas formation may appear after the use of certain foods, such as legumes, white cabbage, bran, confectionery products. Meteorism occurs during aerophagia, when a person during the meal swallows a large amount of air.

Breaking is a frequent phenomenon before menstruation, as well as during pregnancy. The swelling can be a symptom of serious tractures of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, colitis, ulcers, pancreatitis. Meteorism can appear against the background of neurological disorders and psycho-emotional experiences.

Treatment begins with establishing a provoking factor. Of drugs Enterosorbents, wind turbines, enzymes, probiotics are very popular with sweeping. It is impossible to imagine a sweat without a diet. It is necessary to exclude from the diet with coarse fiber and simple carbohydrates. Also avoid food to which you have individual intolerance.