Dried figs - useful properties. Useful properties of fig fruits. Why is figs useful?

09.08.2019 Products

It turns out when they say figs, do not mean berries or fruits, but inflorescences, covered with a dense skin. The tree on which they grow is sometimes called fig tree or fig tree... As you know, it was from the leaves of the fig tree that Adam and Eve made the first clothes. The benefits and harms of figs are manifested with the careful use of the fruit. The fig tree grows on the Crimean coast, in Turkey, and reaches a height of 12 meters. It is a long-liver because it lives for about two centuries. Fruits spoil quickly, so they are more often available in dried form to the inhabitants of the middle lane.

Why fresh figs are good for you

Its benefits will be maximized when consumed fresh. It contains a lot of vitamins C, B, carotene, trace elements - potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. In winter, it is useful to eat dried inflorescences, they contain up to 70% fructose. Regular use helps to quickly eliminate mental and physical fatigue. Despite the high carbohydrate content, the calorie content of the product is low and amounts to about 50 kcal per 100 g, which is quite comparable with the calorie content of apples.

Useful properties of dried inflorescences

The source of figs in our country is Greece and Turkey. It is first dried in the sun, then washed and processed to protect it from pests. Then they are placed in wooden boxes or packaged in plastic bags. Before eating the inflorescences, they need to be washed, then cut off the coarse part, which is near the stalk.

The benefits of figs

Eating healthy buds has a beneficial effect on work digestive system... First of all, they have a lot of fiber, which is necessary to remove toxins and toxins from the intestines. Several pieces, consumed shortly before the main meal, stimulate the digestive system and accelerate the absorption of nutrients by the body. It also strengthens and maintains bone strength.

It is best to be treated with monthly courses. That is, after a month of admission, take a month break. Such nutrition is especially necessary for representatives of creative professions - writers, artists, musicians, all those engaged in intellectual work, since it stimulates thinking.

Figs are useful in the treatment of various diseases:

  • it is used at high temperatures, and the decoction is most effective. It has an antipyretic effect, causing profuse sweating. To prepare the broth, two tablespoons of dried inflorescences are brewed in a glass of boiling water. The broth has an antibacterial effect, promotes the early destruction of microbes;
  • the broth can be used for rinsing with sore throat or inflammation oral cavityto cure colds;
  • fruits have a diuretic effect, which makes it possible to use them to lower blood pressure;
  • their beneficial effect on the activity of the kidneys and the work of the stomach is known;
  • due to the high content of potassium, it is undoubtedly beneficial for diseases of the cardiovascular system. The trace elements included in the composition relax the vessels, relieving their spasm. Such products are shown when venous insufficiency and for the prevention of hypertension;
  • The product is beneficial in case of a tendency to form blood clots, and thins the blood. As a result, the blood coagulates much more slowly, the formed blood clots begin to dissolve on the walls of the vessels;
  • fruits have a laxative effect, which helps to cope with constipation;
  • the function of hematopoiesis is stimulated, the heartbeat decreases;
  • undoubtedly useful in anemia, diseases of the spleen and liver.

The harm of figs. Contraindications

In addition to the undoubted benefits, the harm of figs to health manifests itself if you use it without taking into account contraindications:

  • useful inflorescences and products from them can be harmful when diabetes mellitus;
  • there is a lot of oxalic acid in the fruits, therefore, if you are prone to gout or if you have this disease, you should not use them. They help dissolve kidney stones, but if there is a violation of oxalic acid metabolism, you should not eat them;
  • in inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, the product can be harmful due to its high fiber content;
  • dried figs are harmful for diseases of the pancreas, can cause exacerbation. It does not need to be used for pancreatitis.
  • due to possible harm with caution, figs should be consumed with stomach ulcers, duodenum and gastritis.

Fig is the first plant named in the Bible and is probably the oldest cultivated plant in the world.

Figs have several common names.

Figs have been known since ancient times

This is a fig, this is a fig tree, you can also hear the name "wine berry" and a fig tree.

The fig tree has been known since ancient times. The mention of the fig tree began with the Bible and the Old and New Testaments. In Italy, there are legends about this unique tree and its delicious fruits.

In the Middle East and in Arabian tales, it is unthinkable not to meet any interesting fact or a legend associated with this ancient plant.

Figs grow in subtropical conditions. It is often found in the Mediterranean countries, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, Central Asia.

Figs grow in the subtropics

There are two varieties of figs: early (white) and blue (purple), which ripen two months after the harvest of white fruits.

Processing types

With such a wide popularity and gastronomic attractiveness of this plant, it is still better to know what figs are useful for and how to use them in different forms.

It is used fresh, like berries, as a delicacy, dessert.

The fruits are also dried, dried and already used in dried fruits beneficial features figs. Dried fruits (in 100 g of product) contain about 250 - 258 kcal, while fresh ones only 50 kcal.

Jams and jams are often made from the fig tree.

Fig composition

Fig fruits contain almost everything you need for health human body, substances and trace elements.
These are the main ones, in mg (per 100 g of product):

  • Calcium - 162;
  • Sodium - 10;
  • Phosphorus - 67;
  • Potassium - 680;
  • Iron - 2.03;
  • Magnesium - 68;
  • Zinc - 0.55;
  • Copper - 0.287;
  • Manganese, Selenium, etc.

Dried figs retain all the beneficial properties


  • Retinol (vitamin A);
  • Betaine;
  • Thiamine;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Niacin;
  • Pantothenic acid;
  • Pyridoxine;
  • Folic acid, etc.

The composition of these fruits also includes fats, carbohydrates, plant fibers (fiber), starch, proteins and sugars.
That is why the beneficial properties of fresh figs are valuable for both women and men.

Dried figs retain all their beneficial properties in full.

Because this method is nothing more than getting rid of moisture in the fruits, while preserving all vitamins and nutrients.


What are the benefits of fig fruits and whether they are harmful:

Contraindications and harm

The useful properties of figs are obvious, but what are the contraindications and are there any?
The fig tree fruit is not desirable for people with digestive and intestinal disorders.

The fig tree is one of the few fruits containing oxalates, a special substance found in some plants.

When these compounds become too abundant in body fluids, the process can lead to problems with kidney or gallbladder stones.

The high concentration of dietary fiber in figs can lead to excessive bowel movements, which causes abdominal cramps and loose stools. Also, the fruits of figs can bring harm to the body of those who are obese instead of benefit.

You will learn all the details about the benefits and dangers of figs from the video:


Since freshly harvested fig fruits can be stored for a very short time, about three days, and in a hermetically sealed container for about a week, figs are often dried or dried for future use.
What is the difference between the properties of dried figs, what are its benefits and harms, in contrast to the beneficial qualities of fresh fruits?

The sugar content in dried fruits is several times higher than in fresh ones. The shelf life is significantly increased due to the lack of moisture in the pulp.

Once dried or dried, figs become rather coarse food. Dried figs eaten like raisins or regular dried fruits, but pre-soaking in boiling water or in cool water is also possible.

The benefits and harms of dried figs

The most important property of dried figs for the body is the benefits that can be obtained throughout the year, regardless of the harvest season.
What dried figs are useful for for women is, among other things, also effective prevention. varicose veins. A few fruits in the daily diet are enough to tone the veins of the legs.

Fig tones the veins of the legs

Figs are known as Cleopatra's favorite fruit. Figs have beneficial properties for women in general for health and in particular for weight loss.

Dried fruits are divided into carbohydrate and lipid properties.
Dried fruits of the carbohydrate spectrum, these are figs, prunes, dates, apricots, etc. They consist of dried or candied fruits and are high in sugar and vitamins (especially A and E), but low in protein and lipids.

Dried fruits of the lipid (or oil) spectrum includes fruits, seeds, or toasted legumes, including walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios and almonds. They are low in sugar, but high in protein and lipids, although these are mostly "good" fats: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated (Omega 9), which help fight cholesterol. They are also rich in vitamins A, E, calcium and potassium. The calorie content of oily dried fruits is about 600 kcal per 100 grams.

Dried figs are included in the top 10 aphrodisiac products, so it is useful for men with special properties. It was not for nothing that the ancient Greeks regularly consumed figs during sexual rituals when they celebrated the harvest of the year.

During pregnancy, figs are undoubtedly more beneficial than they can be harmful if overused.
You will learn all the details from the video:

So, the harm of dried figs is minimal. It can be applied only if it is used by a person with an unhealthy gastrointestinal tract, or when overeating.

How to choose

It is good when the fig tree grows in its own garden or in the region where the consumer lives.

But when you come to a store in the Urals, Siberia, or, for example, in Central Russia, you need to know how to choose dried figs so as not to waste money.

Dried figs are best chosen for the following visible properties:

  • color from beige to light gray;
  • the surface must be matte;
  • light whitish layer (protruding glucose);
  • free from brown dents and damage.

Attention! If the surface is glossy, then the fruits are treated with sulfuric waste.
Observing these few conditions, the purchased dried figs will only benefit, and not harm the buyer's body.

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Fig, as a very valuable plant, has been used by mankind for a very long time (it is considered the most ancient cultivated plant). Otherwise referred to as a fig tree, ordinary sweet figs are used for food (fresh, dried, dried, in the form of jam), and as a medicine. The healing properties of figs for humans are simply invaluable.

What are figs

Fig is a tree of the Fikusov family, which can only be found in the subtropics: the southern coast of the Crimea peninsula, Georgia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Abkhazia, Egypt. The plant has many other names - wine berry, fig, fig tree, fig tree, fig. Fresh fruit, depending on the variety, has a different color. It can be yellow, golden, green, blue, even almost black. The tree itself can reach 10-13 meters in height, but this is by no means the most important thing. The fruits themselves have the greatest value for health. A little less, but the leaves and root are also useful.

Why figs are useful

Useful properties of figs colossal, but chemical composition very rich. The most useful are berries. They contain a huge amount of fats, proteins, vitamins (A, B, PP, C, β-carotene). Among the nutrients were important trace elements such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, copper, iron, and acids and coumarins. A lot of glucose and fructose can be found in wine berries.

The fig tree remains the second largest fruit after nuts in terms of potassium content. Healing properties figs are widely used for medicinal purposes: to treat cough, bronchial asthma, anemia, vitiligo, as an antipyretic agent and a remedy for tachycardia. It is good for liver enlargement, kidney stones. It has a strong diuretic, laxative effect. Wine berry leaves contain substances that promote wound healing.

Why dried figs are useful

This fruit has many medicinal properties. Most often it is consumed in dried form, because fig berries are stored little and poorly transported.Useful properties of dried figs diverse. For instance:

  • well cleanses the intestines of toxins, toxins (thanks to the laxative effect, the wine berry normalizes the digestive processes);
  • helps to effectively overcome colds (cough, sore throat, fever);
  • is a remedy for bronchial asthma and tachycardia;
  • treats female inflammatory diseases;
  • helps to get rid of kidney stones and stones bladder;
  • increases hemoglobin, helps in the treatment of anemia (due to its high iron content);
  • heals an enlarged liver.

Dried wine berry is good for nervous system... With regular use, it improves mental activity, normalizes all nervous processes and is a mediator of good mood.

Why fresh figs are useful

Fig berries have medicinal properties.Fresh figs it is customary to use it for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, liver. You can wipe your face with wine berry juice when skin diseases (rashes, acne, other inflammations). They can treat fungi, rheumatism. Thanks to the many beneficial substances that make up the fresh fig tree, it is used in the beauty industry. The medicinal extract is used in cosmetics, perfumes (body, face and bath products). At the same time, an unripe berry is inedible and, instead of healthy and tasty pulp, contains white milky juice.

Figs - beneficial properties for women

The benefits of figs for women recognized for a long time. Scientists have confirmed that this berry has a beneficial effect on the health of women and helps to look good. Because it contains a lot of calcium, eating figs can help you forget about hair loss and poor nail condition. The substances contained in the fruit have a positive effect on health during menstruation. They help relieve pain, overcome emotional outbursts with PMS. Fig has been successfully used for inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, its usefulness is undeniable.

Why figs are good for men

The fig tree is considered not only a female panacea for diseases, but also a male one. It has a good effect on potency (it is believed that the fig perfectly enhances the potency of men, even of old age), prevents prostatitis and helps a man to forget about such ailments. For this, several fruits are poured with boiling water, or they are soaked in milk, and the infused mixture is taken orally 1-2 times a day.Figs for men very useful and can replace many chemical medications.

Figs with cough milk

Cough figs is a wonderful tool. The fruit helps to get rid of cough, sore throat, elevated temperature, it was invented to use it with milk. The recipe is simple: you need to take 2-3 dry seed fruits and a glass of milk. Boiling process: the chopped fruits should be mixed with boiling milk and cooked for about 2 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave for about an hour. You can add a pinch of sugar to sweeten the mixture.

Figs during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is harmful for a woman to take medications, so the fig will the best option... The fig allows you to cure colds and coughs without the intervention of harmful drugs.It has absolutely no effect on the health of the mother and child. Doctors recommend takingfigs during pregnancy to maintain the required level of vitamins. When pregnant women may have digestive problems (constipation, upset, etc.), they need to eat 2-3 fruits a day. This will help bring the digestion process back to normal.

Figs for weight loss

Above, a lot has been said about the benefits of wine berries as a medicine. But almost no one knows about its benefits for weight loss. It contains ballast substances that prevent the appearance of hunger. If you eat at least 1-2 fruits a day instead of the usual meal, you can lose weight in a short time and with health benefits. Whereinfigs for weight loss very important. It helps cleanse the body of toxins, lower cholesterol, relieve constipation. The beneficial properties of this plant are excellent for weight loss.

Figs - contraindications

The fig has healing properties, but if you plan to eat figs, contraindications must be taken into account, otherwise you can do yourself a lot of harm. This fruit should not be consumed for gastritis, pancreatitis, gout, diabetes mellitus (dried fruits contain a large amount of sugar). The dried fig tree is prohibited for consumption by people who are obese (in dried form, it is very high in calories). You should be careful about using this product before important events, because it has a strong laxative effect.

Video: the benefits of figs for the body

If you are on a diet, this does not mean that the food should be bland and not tasty. Today we will tell you how it is useful fresh figs - one of the most popular additions to dishes, giving them an unforgettable taste.

Fig composition

Figs are one of the favorite fruits. There are two options for the supplied figs: dry, dried fruit and fresh. Depending on which type of figs you have chosen, the amount of trace elements in its composition changes. So, for example, in dried figs there are 57.9 g of carbohydrates, while 16.28 g in cheese, there is an equally big difference in the protein content: dried figs contain 3.1 g of a trace element, and raw - 0.75 g In addition, figs are a storehouse of vitamins. It contains vitamins of group A, D, E, K, C, as well as B and PP.

Useful properties and contraindications of figs

Fig is the record holder for its composition. That is why it is often prescribed to people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. It helps to strengthen the walls of the heart, nourishes and strengthens blood vessels. For women suffering from varicose veins, daily consumption of figs is a must. Figs are also effective in reducing blood clotting and eliminating clots in blood vessels. In addition, the combination of beneficial and anti-inflammatory properties in its composition can help with the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system and urolithiasis... There are practically no contraindications for figs, but more on that later.

Useful properties of figs for women

Even in ancient times, women of Indian tribes noticed that figs are especially useful for the weaker sex. In particular, special anti-aging face masks were made from it. In just 15 minutes, the skin becomes soft and fresher. Figs are also very beneficial for menstruation. By consuming several figs daily, a woman will feel better. During pregnancy, figs can help fill in folic acid, which will help the correct development of the fetus.

If we talk about the calorie content of the product, then the dried version has energy value 257 kcal, and raw only 74 kcal. Therefore, it is better to choose a dried product for consumption during a diet. It can be added to meat or combined with prunes in salads. All this will enable the body not only to make up for the lack of essential vitamins and microelements, but also gently cleanse it. Nutritionists also advise eating two or three figs if you are suddenly hungry. Such a snack will be not only healthy, but also satisfying. The seeds inside the figs help to improve digestion. Another plus of figs is the ability to remove excess water from the body, which also contributes to the process of losing weight.

Fig contraindications

Of course, any, even a very useful product, has its own contraindications. So, figs should not be consumed by people suffering from inflammatory diseases of the digestive system. This fruit is no less dangerous for pancreatitis or gout, since the fig contains oxalic acid, which can aggravate the course of the disease. In addition, women with diabetes or diabetes should not include figs in their diet.

The use of figs

Fig fruits are often used not only as an additive to meat, poultry or salads. Fillings for pies made from this fruit are no less popular. To do this, walnuts, orange or lemon juice are added to the refined product. In addition, the pulp is added to cakes, jam, confiture or pastille.

  1. Dried figs can help relieve constipation. But if the crushed dried fruits did not bring the expected result, then you should use medications.
  2. Use dried fruit for desserts. The natural sweetness of these foods will help eliminate sugar and candy from your baby's diet.

Why dried figs are dangerous

First of all, remember that dried fruit contains very little water. Because of this, the amount of sugar in fruits rises to 70%. This fact does not negate the benefits of dried figs for the body, but it should be taken into account by people suffering from certain diseases and overweight.

Healthy people should also not indulge themselves with delicious dried fruits too often. Dried figs, the calorie content of which does not exceed 50 kcal per 100 grams, is perfectly absorbed by the body. But the high carbohydrate content in it should get you thinking.

Dried figs, the benefits and dangers of which we have described in detail in this article, can often be seen on the shelves of Russian stores. Unfortunately, fresh fruits rarely reach us intact and rarely have a presentation. But if you want to replenish the diet of your family with a healthy and tasty product, then you can safely purchase dried figs.

The benefits and harms of figs for diabetes - video