How the cat's feline is considered. Age of cats for human standards: ways to determine. Factors allowing to extend the life of a pet

03.11.2020 Insulin

Have you ever thought, looking at your pet, how old the cat human Merkov? I think yes, and more than once. For example, for counting the dog age, the multiplication formula of the number of years to 7 is used, that is, 1 year's life of the dog is 7 ours. But is it true for cats? Many believe that yes, but it is wrong. Cats have one feature, due to which this formula is not applicable to them: they are not aging at the same speed throughout their life. So when we leave cats for a month from friends, and you yourself go somewhere, are we aware of how much time has passed for our cat? How older was she and what did we miss? Let's learn how to determine the human equivalent cat age. And then, perhaps we will appreciate the time spent with your favorite pets.

Cats are not aging at the same speed throughout their life. In the first two years of life, the cat grows faster than the rest

Features of a feline life cycle

The year in the life of the cat is a long and considerable time. It is equivalent to approximately four-five human years. Knowing it, it is easy to understand why cats suddenly sick arthritis, lose sight or cease to hear well for a rather short period of time. Popular and erroneous, as we wrote above, is a "semiodic" way of translating cat years in human: one cat year is not equivalent to seven ours. This is due to the fact that in the first two years the cat grows rapidly than the rest. So, in the first year, the cat reaches the age of 15 of human years, in the second - it is already a 24-year-old man. Each subsequent year is approximately 4 ours with you. After simple calculations, we get: the age of a five-year-old cat is equal to 36 human years (see table below). It should also be borne in account that the cat who lives on the street will grow much faster, perhaps even twice as fast as home well-keeled cat.

In the first year of life, the cat reaches the age of 15 of human years

Life expectancy of a cat

How much your cat will live - the question for which there is no accurate answer. Depends on the conditions of detention, health problems, genetics, and even breed. As a rule, domestic cats live on average from 13 to 18 years, many of them cross the frontier of 20 years. Street homeless cats are more often faced with the threats of their lives: diseases and accidents, and live less - on average about 10-12 years old.

Comparative table of feline and human age


Pet age

Human equivalent


2-3 months

6 months


7-12 months

Teenage years



Old age

Physiological signs of age

Cats do not appear visual signs of aging, as we with you - wrinkles, gray hair. But the body, unfortunately, can not hide age. Therefore, it is not so young to understand that your cat is no longer so young, as it seems, and without counting.

Teeth - excellent age rate. Adult cats, as a rule, are more likely to suffer from caries and tartar than young. Kittens teeth begin to grow between the second and third week of life, and completely grow up to about four months. If you look at the cat's teeth, and you will see their whiteness and the lack of caries - probably a cat for about a year, yellowed teeth - testify to the age of two or three years, affected by the dental - five years, and the lack of some teeth and bad condition The remaining makes it clear that you are quite an elderly animal.

Young cats are active and moving, their muscles daily in work, they are touched and strong. The cats are older, as a rule, become calmer, sluggish, their muscles lose force, and the skin begins to squeeze.

  • Wool

In healthy young cats, the wool is thin, soft and shiny, while the elderly she loses their beauty and becomes thicker and coarse. Some cats can become a noticeable seeding.

As a state of teeth, you can determine the age of the cat

  • Eyes

Bright, clean, clear and healthy eyes in our young pets over time become muddy and faded. Rainbing eyes acquires uneven gear outlines. Such changes occur when the cat crosses a 10-year-old frontier (57 years by human standards).

Just as some people, older, begin to lose his rumor, cats also suffer from it. It does not happen to each pet, but rather common. Deafness varies according to severity: for some cats, these are minor changes, and for some old age means a complete hearing loss - deafness.

"And how old is Barsika?" - "Three". - "So he is younger than me?" And you said that he was an adult. "
How to explain the child why the cat matured before he? Yes, and we ourselves are not always clear, what kind of cat is the young, and what an elderly, it is possible to write off the bad behavior of the kitten on the young age or it's time to demand from it as an adult. Therefore, people are trying to translate feline years in the human analogue.

How to conduct analogies

But how to determine this age matching? It is clear that to compare the intellect even the smartest cat with human incorrectly - except with a small child, barely left of the breastside.

Take into account physical development? But people and cats are arranged in different ways, and in terms of motor activity - Raughty, Jumping, Lazagna - any cat will give odds to any person, regardless of age.

Therefore, when comparing the age of an animal and a person, their emotional and social characteristics are taken into account, which, in turn, is largely due to the physiological characteristics of the body.

That is, a baby - and cat, and human is a helpless creature, fully dependent on the mother. A teenager is a strong, almost completely formed body, a minimum amount of life experience and torment of puberty.

For the old man is characterized by a gradual loss of interest in life, extinction of motor activity, loss of sharpness of feelings. Approximately for this principle and tried to develop comparative tables of the age of the cat and man.

Different systems "Translation"

These systems are quite a lot.

The most simple and practically useless is the multiplication of the age of the cat on 7. It is easy to make sure that it does not work: just compare almost an adult, strong, half-green one-year-old cat and a seven-year-old child.

Therefore, the translation systems began to complicate and improve.

One of them says that the first year of the cat is equal to 15 human, the second year is 9 more (that is, a two-year-old cat in age corresponds to a person 24 years old). Next, every year goes for 4.

On another system, until the five-year-old age, the cats are considered for 7 human, then for 4 human, after 12 years - for 3 human years.
But it is too simplistic.

It seems to me that the truth is more like a complex system of conformity of cat and human age, when for each year of the cat's life (and in the first year of life for each month), the coefficient is calculated, which determines how many feline years in one year.

On this system:

  • monthly or two-month kitten corresponds to a child of 6-10 months (coefficients 6 and 5);
  • three-month-old kitten - two years (coefficient 8);
  • for a four-five-month-old animal, the cognitive activity of which simply encourages, the coefficient increases sharply, reaching 15 and 19, that is, kittens of this age correspond to children 5-8 years;
  • at the age of 6-8 months, when the kittens occurs puberty - a very important stage in the development of any mammal - the coefficient of conformity increases even stronger, reaching 24-28, and turning kittens in teenagers 14-16 years;
  • further, the coefficient begins to decrease, and in each cat, it becomes less and less human: the one-year-old animal corresponds to the 18-year-old person (coefficient 18), three years old - thirty-year (K \u003d 10), five years - forty years old (k \u003d 8), cat age 10 years - This is a 60-year-old pensioner (K \u200b\u200b\u003d 6), and the twenty-year-old long-life on human standards is exchanged for the age-old line (K \u003d 5).

How many cats live, and from what the duration of their life depends?

The average is about 14 years. Although there are also long-livers who lived to 24 (a cat Poppy from England), 38 (Crim Puff from Texas) and even more than 40 years (this is the famous Lucy from South Wales; However, its age is not exactly established, because no one does not remember date of her birth).

What factors affect the life expectancy of cats?

Breed. The largest long-livers are mongrel animals and animals "old" rocks, not too touched by modern selection.

But the cats with exotic appearance (with pressed ears, shiny or highly elongated muzzle, short legs and so on) usually live less.

This happens, firstly, due to the fact that the genes in chromosomes are clicked with each other, and a cute external mutation can pull serious problems in the body. Ask, for example, in competent breeders, what will happen if we tie the lop cat and a cat.

And secondly, to remove such breed lines, closely related crossings are often used, which also weaken the population.

Floor animal and his fertility (ability to have offspring). The cats, with other things being equal, live longer than cats, and sterile animals - longer than their conifers, because they do not need to spend the vital energy to search for a sexual partner, mating, and feeding offspring.

Cats, pairing uncontrollably and bringing several litters per year, generally lose their health very quickly and rarely live even up to 8-10 years.

Conditions of detention. Everything is simple and understandable: animals living in comfortable conditions, love and care, properly feeding, having the opportunity to move, experiencing the minimum number of stresses, live longer than others.

Not only the life of the cat depends on these conditions. Depending on their matches of the cat, the same age can feel and behave very differently.

I am writing and happy: my eleven-year-old castrated cat-metis - in the translation "on the human" young, healthy and active pensioner - in all signs should live for a long time. And your animals also wish you a long and happy life next to you. And the number of their years by human standards can not be counted - because the cats are great at any age.


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Animal owners are often interested in how to count, how old is the cat in recalculating the age of man. To find out the age of four family member, it is necessary to deal with which there are ways to establish the connection between the years of life of the cat and man. This will make it best to understand your pet pet.

Methods for the ratio of human and cat ages

Time in animals passes more rapidly than people. It is important to remember that all the methods of recalculating feline years in human are approximate, since it is difficult to compare the thinking of people and instincts of cats among themselves.

Calculation of coefficients

Calculate the age of the animal in human years can be using coefficients. The magnitude of themshows the number of human years per annum cat.Each of the age categories has special characteristics inherent in it. The calculations are based on social and emotional differences on a certain living structure.

Table: age of cats and cats in the human equivalent of compliance coefficients

Age of cats Correction ratio Human age
1 month6–7 6-7 months
2 months5–5,5 10-11 months
3 months8–8,6 2-2.2 years
4 months15–15,5 5-5.2 years
5 months19,2–20,4 8-8.5 years old
6 months28–30 14-15 years old
Seven months25,7–26,5 15-15.5 years old
8 months24–24,75 16–16,5
1 year18–19 18-19 years old
2 years12,5–13 25-26 years
3 years10–11 30-33 years
4 years8,75–9,25 35-37 years old
5 years8–8,6 40-43 years
6 years7,1–7,6 43-46 years old
7 years6,4- 45-47 years old
8 years6,25–6,63 50-53 years
9 years6,1–6,44 55-58 years old
10 years6–6,3 60-63 years
11 years5,6–5,9 62-65 years old
12 years5,4 65-68 years old
13 years5,2–5,46 68-71 year
14 years5,1–5,2 72-73 years
15 years4,9–5 74-75 years old
16 years4,75–4,8 76-77 years old
17 years4,5–4,6 78-79 years old
18 years4,4–4,7 80-85 years old
20 years5 100 years

Cat and man's age ratio

Each year of the life of the animal corresponds to a few years of human life:

  1. The first year, leaving the cat, is equated by 15 years in humans.
  2. The second year will correspond to 24 years old.
  3. Then to each subsequent year before reaching the cat for 16 years, 4 years is added.
  4. After the cat overcomes the life line at 16 years, each living year is added 3 years.

It turns out that in 2 years the cat is a young man, and when it reached the age of 12, it will become a man 64 years old.

Table: Casual age in recalculation of human

1 15 11 60
2 24 12 64
3 28 13 68
4 32 14 72
5 36 15 76
6 40 16 80
7 44 17 83
8 48 18 86
9 52 19 89
10 56 20 92

This option calculation allows you to identify the following compliance:

Continuing to find a common in the ages of man and cat, one can conclude that at the age of 15, corresponding to 76 years in the human dimension, there are already various diseases and changes in the animal behavior, expressed in the following:

  • abruptly disappears interest in any types of games;
  • drowsiness appears;
  • there are diseases associated with the wear of the animal organism.

Arithmetic calculation

It is very easy to determine the cat's age arithmetic. According to this method, the cat's age is multiplied by 7.It should be understood that with this calculation of every year a pet that will correspond to seven human years. In this case, the result will not be true.

Table: match between cats and people

Casual age, yearsMan age, years
1 7
2 14
3 21
4 28
5 35
6 42
7 49
8 56
9 63
10 70
11 77
12 84
13 91
14 98
15 105
16 112
17 119
18 126
19 133
20 140

For example, a cat in an annual age is equal to a seven-year-old child. However, thanks to its instincts, cats, which was fulfilled a year, have greater independence than seven-year-old kids. In addition, the cats overcoming the twenty-year-old chamfer, there are more often people in 140 years.

The main disadvantage of this method is that it is impossible to compare the age stages of a person and an animal.

Other ways to determine feline

If you picked up a street cat, his age is difficult to know. Determine how many years the cat has lived, you can see a visual inspection:

  • in the eyes - in young cats, they have a saturated color, a bright rainbow shell, a clear drawing, and the eyes of an aging animal look dull, with a clumsy crystal, non-latter iris, disturbed pattern;
  • by appearance - In the youth, animals have a beautiful shiny firm, with age, the cat's wool becomes the thinned, more dull, with gray hairs; In addition, young animals are more clumsy, have a relief muscles, in adult cats and cats torso has rounded shapes, at this age animals are calmer and lazy young, and the old representatives of feline look more thin and their skin is flimsy;
  • on teeth - if there is no information about accurate age Cat, to establish how much about an animal, a veterinarian will be able to conduct an assessment general status Pet and health of his teeth.

When there is no possibility to visit the vet and solve this issue, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the teeth development process to find out the age of the animal:

The above changes relating to teeth can occur at other intervals. It depends on the lifestyle of an animal, an important meaning in which has a diet: the content of a large number of vitamins, as well as minerals, slows down the abrasion and teeth.

Video: Age of cats according to human criteria

Analogy of age-related periods of people and cats

Representatives of the feline breed during their lives can take place six main stages from birth to old age. Cats, like people, tend to behave in a special way in different age periods.

A small kitten, for example, teaching the tray easier than an adult cat. With the growth and development of a pet, its skills, habits, character characteristics are formed.

If you make a comparison between a cat and man, then you can make such conclusions:


The infant period of kittens goes much faster than people, and continues to about 1 month. This time is the most difficult for the kitten: he knows the world around, begins to walk.

The kittens that appeared are completely helpless, they do not see anything and do not hear. 5 days after birth, eyes are started to open, and hearing appears in a week. In the second week of life, milk teeth cut through. Translated to the human age this period corresponds to age 5-9 months.

In one month, the kittens are able to run, jump, which corresponds to the age of children in 1 year and 5 months.

Kitten in a month behaves like a two-way child


Begins childhood from the second month and continues until six months. During these months, the development of pets is very quickly, and to compare it with the relevant years of man is not easy. Three-month-old intelligence kitten can be comparable to the children of the two-year-old age.

Kittens in 4 months are active, moving, spend time in the game and communicating with other brethren. They can distinguish "their" from "someone else's", the accuracy of claws, lick themselves fighter, wash and eat themselves.

Connect innocent instincts in this, as well as they learn from the example of the mother to care for themselves. During the first year of your life, the cat overcomes all the steps of growing up. According to human standards, the end of the childhood period corresponds to 14 years.

Kottenka has a period of childhood at six months

It was during this period of time when the childhood of the kitten passes, you need to pay attention to the issues of the upbringing of your pet to have time to form it unwanted for the owner of skills and habits. It follows, for example, to teach the animal that it is impossible to scratch the furniture or go to the toilet where he wanted.


The junior period of the cat begins at 7 months and ends when he will be a year. Although the kitten is growing at this time, its growth slows down. Cats comes sexual maturity.

In the junior period, the cat comes puberty

In long-haired breeds, wool reaches its constant length. An animal gets used to the surrounding environment, to the existing pets, determines for itself a decent routine of life.

In the youthful, teenage period to the cat can not be treated as a child, to forgive its aggressiveness, minor dirtyness of the type of puddles left. It will not go by itself with age. After all, at this time, translated into the human age, the cat becomes comparable to a teenager in transition, and significant changes are observed in his behavior and character.


Cat youth falls for a period of 2 to 6 years. At this life stage, the cat feels in itself, he is tireless and cleft.

Young cat full of strength and deft

Youth (a person she begins after 20 years) - the best time so that the petitioner pet can participate in all sorts of exhibitions and competitions. This period is also ideal for conceiving a healthy offspring.


For a period of maturity of the cat, its age is coming from 7 to 10 years. For a person, these are from 40 to 55.

Mature age comes when the cat is more than 7 years old

At this time, the cats become calm, but sometimes they can play. Professional breeders of thoroughbred animals who have reached the ripe age are stopped engaged in their viscous.

Old age

Cats older than 11 years, sometimes living up to 20 years and more are considered the elderly. The guided age of the animal does not speak at all about his close death. The cat's longevity depends on its health status and conditions of content.

Elderly cat gets after 11 years

Pets, for example, often overcome the life plan for 16 years, and street cats live no longer than 10 years. With good care, cats feel great and in old age.

Homemade pet - Kozya cat from the breed of Persians pleased the surrounding as its presence for the past 14 years and lived to senile age. Throughout his life, he was always active and inquisitive.

Video: Caring for the old cat

How to extend your pet

Any cat owner or cat wishes a long life to his pet, but a number of factors affect its duration.

Balanced diet

Extend pet life will help balanced diet. It significantly affects the health of the cat, increases its activity. The animal wool becomes smooth, chair - regular. When calculating the composition and norms of nutrition, the age and the cat breed, its health status must be taken into account physiological features organism, feeding mode. Surplus or lack of nutrient elements lead to the appearance of such diseases as renal failure, colitis, obesity, allergies, diabetes and others.

Proper nutrition implies that the animal consumes and consumes the same amount of calories. Energy is spent by a feline organism constantly (and at rest), and is replenished with nutrients that come from food. Feeding diet should be filled with a certain amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, water. In connection with these young and active cats, more frequent nutrition and calorie food is required. Caloric feed is also needed by pregnant and nursing cats having increased energy consumption. Old cats have energy costs lower, they eat less.

Pregnant and lactating cats need more calories

Food of the animal may include:

  • special feed;
  • low-fat ram, beef, rabbit meat (pork is undesirable);
  • sub-products from meat;
  • dairy products;
  • low-fat fish;
  • raw vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, cabbage, Bulgarian pepper, parsley, celery).

Feline diet should not contain flour products. The choice of product assortment affects the preferences of the cat. Feed it on a day at least 3 times. Natural food is not recommended to give together with industrial feeds.

The composition of the high-quality premium dry feed, the holistic is well balanced, and the cat will receive all useful components to power.

The correct diet will help to choose a veterinary hospital specialist.

Water mode

Maintaining the Cat's body in a working condition is provided by water in the body of about 70%. Water is necessarily required for the processes of digestion, the absorption of minerals and vitamins, maintaining the body temperature. Pets that occurred from wild African cats were inherited from these congor, a weak feel of thirst, therefore they need some water. If the animal is powered by natural food, wet food, it can not drink at all.

At cats, the feeling of thirst is quite weak

However, the result of a lack of water in the body become health problems, the development of infections in bladder bubble, deposition of salts in it, the formation of stones. The functioning of the kidneys and water balance organism. The reserve of fresh pure water, the necessary cat, will depend on the type of feed, ambient temperature, air humidity, physical Loads Animal. When feeding with industrial dry foods, it is necessary to observe the water mode. Cat on average requires the amount of water, 2.5-3 times higher than the amount of dry food eaten. Water should be changed at least 1 time per day. Not bad to pour the cat filtered or purchased bottled water.

The bowl under water should be from ceramics or stainless steel. Plastic spoils the taste of liquid.

Other factors

The life expectancy of the pet depends on a number of other factors. Among them:

  • the absence of stressful situations - stress can cause many diseases capable of cutting the life of the cat, it is important that the pet has received more pleasant impressions during his life and less nervous, and when it appears signs of stressful state, first of all, you need to eliminate their reasons (when It is unrealistic to do this, for example, to return the previous place of residence after moving, you need not to leave a pet one, divert it: to take on your hands, to talk to him gently, to play familiar toys, stroke);

    Cat stress can be reduced by taking it in hand and standing

  • activity - it is necessary that the pet is moving more more, and not only lay on the sofa: physical activity prolongs the life of the animal; It is necessary to invent various games for a cat, provide toys for active entertainment, make long and regular outdoor walks;

    Walks will support the active lifestyle of the cat

  • communication - It is necessary to isolate a pet from contacts with rodents, homeless animals that are carriers of rabies and other dangerous diseases: the acquired diseases are reflected on the life expectancy of the cat;
  • a visit to the doctor - regularly, every six months or a year, you need to deliver a cat to a veterinary clinic for preventive inspection and determining the health of the animal, identifying possible diseases on early stage development, power adjustment and petrol conditions;

    Hike to the veterinarian once a year is needed to maintain health

  • castration or sterilization of an animal in early age (up to 2 years) if no offspring is planned - the animal becomes more calm, obedient and lives for 1.5-2 years longer;
  • timely vaccination of the animal from infectious diseases.

Long-livers are more likely among migratory homemade cats.

The owner of the cat, having counted the age of his cat for human standards, can not only learn how to handle animals, but also help him live for a long time. Correct care, upbringing, care for the state of health must respond to the age of a pet, its physical and mental state.

Anyone is clear that the development of the cat occurs according to some of its own, individual, laws. These animals grow and change pretty quickly, which is especially noticeable in the first year of life.

The thing is that the life of the cat in nature is significantly different from the allotted people. At the same time, the cat is still obliged to fulfill its main biological function: to bring and adapt to vital activity is not one offspring.

So it turns out that the one-year-old cats are already conducting tightening battles with competitors, retavating the territory, females and the sphere of influence. According to our standards, such a cat can already be considered quite an adult - after all, he is already ready to leave offspring.

The main cause of differences at the age of a person and the cat is the difference between their lives. W.

Of course, as in humans, there are exceptions - a cat is known, which in this plan put a record worthy of the Guinness Book of Records. She happily lived 28 years old.

It is terribly even to imagine what age this kitty for human standards was.

How to calculate feline age in the years of man?

There are many ways, and the opinions of experts often differ very much. There is the easiest and most famous way to find out age: count every year a cat for seven human years. With this method, you can approximately submit to how an ancient old woman you just rushed to the sneaker.

This apparent simple and easy calculation option, alas, is far from being perfect: it is inaccurate and gives only an approximate result. After all, even people are developing unevenly throughout life, what can we talk about such creatures like cats?

How to determine more precise?

Felinological scientists for more than one year investigated this issue and managed to create a table, with the help of which the ratio of the stages of the development of the cat's development is visible. With this calculator, it is possible to more accurately calculate the human age of the animal.

When considering the data of the table, it becomes clear that in the first year of his life the cat learns about as much as human cub for his fifteen years. Only for the second year passed, and your cat is already selling alcohol and will be allowed to the club - after all, count, 24. After the second year, the development slows down, there is no place to rush, it makes sense to enjoy youth and activity.

Each Next new Year Adds the inner age of your favorite just 4 years. Thus, a sixteen-year-old cat is already an eightieth old woman.

As the age of cats for human standards is considered:

  • 1 year of the cat - 15 years of man;
  • 2 years cats - 24 years;
  • 3 years - 28 years;
  • 4 years - 32 years;
  • 5 years - 36 years;
  • 6 years - 40 years;
  • 7 years - 44 years;
  • 8 years old - 48 years;
  • 9 years - 52 years;
  • 10 years - 56 years;
  • 11 years - 60 years;
  • 12 years - 64 years;
  • 13 years - 68 years;
  • 14 years old - 72 years;
  • 15 years - 76 years;
  • 16 years old - 80 years.

Now that it is clear how to calculate the age of your favorite, it can be noted that such a table is far from the only one. Instead of simple figures, it is much more interesting to share the life of a pet in the stages, like a person: infancy, childhood, teenage crisis, youth, maturity, old age. And seriously, the scientists have already been divided, and such steps it turned out 6.

Stages of life

  • First stage: childhood. It lasts approximately six months after birth. During this time, the kitten learns the world around the world and its danger, constantly gets new information. So far, he walks next to her mother, who teaches him everything and protects against dangers. At the end of the first stage of the cat's life, we have an 8-12 year old child.
  • Second Stage: Youth. Lasts from half a year to two years. Feline sexual maturation, period of mature, puberty. By the year, the cat is already biologically ready, but it is better to wait until two years - by this time it acquires all the vital skills and skills.
  • Third stage: youth. Peak development and activity. It lasts from three to five years. Cat playing, intelligent, curious and very active. Ready to reproduce healthy offspring. If you compare it with human life, then here we are not a teenager, but finished university and found good work young man.
  • Fourth Stage: Maturity. From the seventh to the tenth year of life. Cat acquires cynicism and indifference in views on the world, he worries her less. More time, and the look of the animal becomes dismissive and proud. The cat is still healthy and there is a lot of strength in it, but there is no special desire to spend their stupid games.
  • Fifth stage: pension. Only due to today's veterinary achievements of the cat massively began to discover this magnificent stage of their lives for themselves. Now they enjoy life as people approximately 60-70 years old. Such animals live exclusively for themselves and in their pleasure. They sleep, eat and look at the birds in the windows for a long time, no longer trying to catch them, not nervous.
  • Sixth Stage: Old age. Cats in 15-16 years are already considered long-livers. If your pet or pets lived before this stage - you are lucky. During this period of life, they become affectionate, loyal, require more attention, love, care and heat

What can adversely affect the "human" age of the cat?

Of course, the above figures may differ from reality. All cats are different, and their lives also depends on the owner. Plus to this - different breeds have a different life expectancy, and, therefore, the coefficient of translation into human years is different.

That is, the human age separately taken cats may depend on such factors as: breed, living conditions, nutrition quality, transferred diseases, etc.

Something, of course, will remain unchanged, for example - a period of growing and maturation. For animals like cats, it is important that this period passed as quickly as possible. From this in nature, there is a lot of survival of a whole population. This means that the first two years of your cat's life will be exactly the fastest, active and full of different events. But the rest of her life is largely depends on you.

Many owners of cats and cats are concerned about the question: how old are their homemade pets for human standards? After all, age strongly affects the characteristics of behavior. And perhaps a cat could be understood much easier by transferring her age to human. For example, why does the favorite ignore active games? Maybe because she grew up, is experiencing middle-aged crisis or is already in a mature state? About how to determine how many cats will tell this article.

There is an opinion: in order to find out the age of cats, you need to multiply the number of years to 7. For example, if a cat is 2 years old, then for human standards it is 14 years old. It would seem that everything is simple. But these calculations, hardly, can be called true. After all, if this is so translating the age of a pet in human, it turns out that the 12-year-old favorite has been living for about 84 years. But there are 20 year old long-livers. Then it turns out that their age is equal to 140 years of human life. Therefore, it is not recommended to determine how many cats for years. Most likely, this is an erroneous method.

Adopted method for calculating the age of cat

So how much how to determine how much the cat for human standards is correct? There is another option, quite popular. It is believed that the one-year-old cat lived for human standards, and a two-year-old special - as many as 24 years. Each subsequent year is equal to an additional 4 years of human life. But, starting from 16 years, the cat for the year of his life lives 3 human years. Taking advantage of this method, it is easy to determine that a 12-year-old cat lived in humanly 64 years, and the age of a 20-year-old animal is equal to 92 years old. Such conformity of the age of the cat and man looks more reliably.

According to the above method of translating cat years in the human equivalent, it is enough to just calculate the age of a pet. In addition, there is a special table of age of cats and a person, which greatly simplifies the translation. For example, it is immediately seen from it that a 7-year-old person lived in humanly 44 years, and an animal at the age of 10 is equated to 56 years of human life. This cat's age table is freely available on the Internet. Therefore, everyone can use it.

How many lives have cat individuals?

So, how to find out how old the cat, now it is clear. But the question regarding the number of lives of these animals remains open. After all, according to the myths, cats and cats live 7, and even 9 lives. Such assumptions are associated with natural speed and flexibility, due to which these unique animals easily avoid dangerous situations.

For example, when falling from a height, the cat lands on all 4 paws. Fast reaction and ability to deftly turn over in the air, allows the pet easily perform such maneuvers. Of course, it happens not always. And falling from a big height, the cat can be bored and even break.

There are different myths about the number of cats. According to the Egyptian legends, the God of the Republic of Armenia, when he descended to Earth, took a feline. He gave these unique animals by 9 lives for the faithful service of Pharaoh and his reliable security.

Die, the sorceress again acquired a person's appearance. And she could have done this transformation 9 times. Hence the myth that the cat can live 9 lives.

How many lives of cats 7 or 9 are disputes, various nations are distinguished for cats for cats for cats:

But, of course, the number of cats cats is just a myth. These animals live just one life. And what it will be, largely depends on the human factor.

Life expectancy of cats

Considering how many on averages cats live, it is worth paying attention to the conditions of their content and feeding features. So, in domestic pets the life expectancy is several times higher than in stray individuals. Of course, if the owner complies with the rules of care. Stray cats live only 3-5 years. But in conditions of the house and with proper content, it usually concerns the animal can live and more than 10-15 years. Also are also homemade cats long-livers.

The Guinness Book of Records is a spotted cat Ma and Cat Granp, who lived for 34 years.

Considering the life expectancy of animal cat, as it turned out, lives longer than the dog. Recent life expectation depends on the breed and size. For example, little dogs live longer.

Factors affecting the life expectancy of the animal:

Thus, the article covered how the age of the cat in the human equivalent is calculated correctly, the myths regarding the number of lives of these interesting animals, how many cats and dogs live, as well as factors affecting the life expectancy of pets. It is important to remember that attention and care about domestic pet Significantly prolong his life.