Cataract operation is the only output. Removal of lens eye need for cataract operation

09.10.2020 Analyzes

Surgical treatment of cataracts is required when there is a deterioration in vision or serious complications are possible. Before the operation, the patient passes a full examination to fully explore the severity of the disease and choose the appropriate method of operational intervention. Painless and absolutely safe for man Operation in Cataract. How do it, and in what cases does it contraindicate?

Cataract spreads very quickly and can lead to complications in the form of a complete blindness.

Previously, the operation was carried out only with the complete maturity of the disease, but now, in the introduction of new technologies of operational intervention, the procedure can be carried out at any stage of the disease.

This eliminates the possibility of complications.

Indications for the operation are:

  1. Overripe cataract.
  2. The swelling form of cataracts, which is dangerous by its consequences in the form of glaucoma.
  3. Changing the position of the lens, his dislocation.
  4. Secondary glaucoma.
  5. Study of the Eye DNA (with retinal detachment or changes in the eye bottom due to disease).

Treatment It is advisable to begin already at the first symptoms of the disease, in which case you can choose a more sparing method.

In some cases, the testimony for the operation is the need to preserve 100% of view for professional activity. In this case, for example, the driver of visual visual vehicles at the time of the operation should be 0.5. When such a high definition of view is required, values \u200b\u200bof 0.1 are allowed.

With double-sided cataract, it is started to operate that eye where there is lower visual acuity.

What are the methods of operational intervention?

Varieties of operations

Operational lens removal intervention is the only way to get rid of cataracts and save vision.

In modern ophthalmology, there are several methods of surgery, which involve crushing lens using a laser or ultrasound.

The operation passes very quickly, while the anesthesia is used. The patient does not feel pain during the procedure itself, and the postreahalitational period lasts quite long.

Types of operational treatment are as follows:

  1. extracapsular extraction;
  2. intracapsular extraction;
  3. ultrasound Facoemulsification;
  4. laser phacoemulsification.

Consider the shortcomings and advantages of each of these types of operations.

  • Extracapsular extraction.

During the procedure under anesthesia, the crustal core is removed, and the capsule itself remains intact. The advantage is the preservation of the rear capsule of the lens after the operation. As a lack, it is possible to consider severe trauma. During the operation, a large incision of the cornea is made, then need to apply seams. The recovery period is quite long.

  • In case of intrakapsular extraction, the lens is excreted through the incision of the cornea as a result of its freezing by cryosis.

Stages of this method are as follows:

  • Earn eye by expanding drops and the introduction of anesthesia.

  • Corneal cut.
  • Extract with the help of the cryoxtractor of the anterior capsule, the kernel of the lens and its masses.
  • Installing a vitreous body.
  • Seam overlay.

The advantage of this method is the possibility of complete removal of the lens, which avoids complications in the form of repeated development of cataracts. This type of operation is made at high cataract maturity. The disadvantages of this type of surgery for the eye is the falling out of the vitreous body and the fall in visual acuity.

What anesthesia is chosen in operational interference to the eye? Most often make local anesthesia.

If you operate a child, we use common anesthesia (the medicine is administered intravenously). If a person has a standing psyche and can sit at the time of surgery, it does not need to make a common anesthesia. In this case, a person is in consciousness and everything sees enough local anesthesia.

Due to the high traumatic eye, intracapsular extraction is used only in the launched cases of the disease, more often make extracapsular extraction.

Despite the popularity of extracapsular extraction, it begins to push out a new method of surgical intervention, such as facoemulsification. In the past 10 years, it is used almost all ophthalmologic clinics.

What is this type of operation, how is the removal of cataracts of the eye?

Ultrasound Facoemulsification: The essence of the method

The essence of the operation is to remove the magnificent lens and replacing it with an intraocular lens. How does it go? In the cornea, microdava is made of only 1.8 mm in size, and with the help of ultrasound soften and derived from the eye of the crystal. A flexible lens is placed in the lens capsule. It will start in the eye in a bent condition, and in the capsule itself it straightens and fixed.

The advantage is the rapid period of rehabilitation. The seams after the intervention are not superimposed, and the microdoscope itself is delayed and heals.

Consider the procedure for the operation:

  • Diamond instrument make microosta.
  • A solution is introduced into the eye chamber, which protects against ultrasound during surgery.

  • A probe is introduced through the hole in the eye, with which the ultrasound is converting a lens into the liquid and remove it from the eye.
  • Enter lens.
  • Remove the protective substance.

In most cases, they make local anesthesia.

After surgery, the patient does not need additional treatment. The doctor appoints eye drops To restore vision. The first month after surgery you need to adhere to prevention measures to avoid complications. You can not drink alcohol, do not strain the eye once again. From reading books and watching TV at first, it is advisable to stay. Also impossible to lift gravity, lean and avoid temperature drops.

Ultrasound Facoemulsification is one of the safest and most effective methods of operational treatment of cataracts. Laser phacoemulsification is also carried out.

Operation itself lasts only 20 minutes, the patient does not feel pain, no outpatient treatment is required. A person may leave the hospital walls on the same day. Already two hours after the operation, the patient begins to see, and in two weeks the vision is restored completely.

Cataract is one of the most common ophthalmic diseases among older people.

This disease is associated with partial or complete closet of lens, as a result of which only a small part of the light rays fall into the eye, and the person begins to see blurry and odd.

The eye cataract has a property to progress over the years: People over 50 years old, the area of \u200b\u200bclouding can constantly increase, and the vision will decline all faster.

Video materials about the removal of the eye cataract

Cataract. Transfer "Live healthy!". Tells Prof.Conalov M. E.

(Release of 08/17/2010 - see the cataract from 30 minutes of video)

Cataract treatment and operations

Cataract Surgery Femtosecond Laser

The femtosecond laser automates the execution of complex stages of the cataract of the treatment traditionally performed manually:
  • - corneal cuts
  • - Front capsulorexis
  • - Laser Facofragmentation

Cataract Eyes is a complex ophthalmic pathology characterized by clouding. Absence timely treatment Thunders of loss of vision. The disease usually slowly progresses in adulthood. However, certain types of cataracts differ in rapid development and can lead to blindness in the shortest possible time.

In the risk group there are people after fifty years. Age-related changes and violation exchange processes In the eye structures often lead to the loss of transparency of the lens. The cause of cataracts may also be injured eye injury, toxic poisoning, available ophthalmological pathologies, diabetes and much more.

All patients with cataract is inherent in the progressive reduction in visual acuity. The first symptom is the fog in the eyes. Cataract can cause bias of items, dizziness, light source, difficulty reading or working with small details. As the progression of pathology, patients even cease to recognize their acquaintances on the street.

Conservative treatment is advisable only at the initial stage of the cataract. It is worth understanding that drug therapy protects against the rapid progression of the ailment, but it is unable to save a person from the disease and return the transparency of the lens. If the lenses are further enhanced, an operation to remove cataracts is required.

General information about cataract surgery

In the first stages of clouding, the lens is shown dynamic observation from an ophthalmologist. The operation can be carried out from the moment the patient's vision begins to significantly decline.

Direct indication to conduct a lens replacement operation is a worsening of vision, delivering discomfort in everyday life And limiting labor activity. A specialist is engaged in the selection of intraocular lenses. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. In the conjunctival bag before the operation, droplets with anesthetic. Usually the removal of the lens lasts half an hour. On the same day, the patient can be at home.

ATTENTION! In the case of complete blindness, the operation during cataract will not bring any results.

Modern medicine does not stand still, so the replacement of the lens of the eye during cataract can be produced in various ways. The essence of the procedure is to remove the natural lenses. It is turned into an emulsion and remove. Artificial implant is placed on the place of the deformed lens.

Operational intervention can be applied in the following cases:

  • overripe stage of cataract;
  • swelling form;
  • dislocation of the leak;
  • secondary glaucoma;
  • anomalous crust blurred forms.

There are not only medical, but also professional domestic readings for the operation. For employees of some professions, high vision requirements are imposed. This applies to drivers, pilots, operators. The doctor can also recommend a crystal replacement if a person cannot fulfill the usual houses at home, as well as with a significant narrowing of fields.


Any eye operation has a number of restrictions, and the replacement of the lens is no exception. Removal of cataracts with a crystal replacement is prohibited in the following cases:

  • infectious diseases;
  • aggravation of the chronic process;
  • ophthalmologic violations of an inflammatory nature;
  • recently transferred stroke or heart attack;
  • period of pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • mental disordersaccompanied by the inadequacy of the patient;
  • oncological processes in the eye.

The ban on the operation of pregnant women and nursing mothers is due to the fact that during surgery, medical support is necessary for the patient. Doctors prescribe antibacterial, sedative, analgesic drugs that may not best be reflected in the state of a woman and child.

Age up to eighteen years is a relative contraindication to the operation. In each case, the doctor accepts an individual decision. It largely depends on the state of the patient.

It is dangerous to carry out an operation during decompensated glaucoma. This can lead to hemorrhage and loss of vision. Surgical intervention must be carried out after the normalization of indicators intraocular pressure.

If the patient has no light, operational treatment is not carried out. This indicates that the retina began to develop irreversible processes and surgery here will no longer help. If during the study it turns out that the vision is partially possible to restore, the operation is assigned.

Complementary factors during operational treatment include:

  • diabetes;
  • hypertensive disease;
  • chronic pathology;
  • age up to eighteen years.

Most often, the cataract occurs in old age. People have old years often have serious diseases. With some of them, the anesthesia is a great risk for health. Many modern techniques imply the use of local anesthesia, which does not have an increased load on the cardiovascular system.

Problem replacement operation can not be done when infectious diseases


Let's talk about four modern techniques that help to completely get rid of closet of lens.

Laser Facoemulsification

The operation requires a surgeon of marginal accuracy and concentration. It is prescribed when it is detected to harden in eye media, which is absolutely not sensitive to ultrasound. Laser facoemulsification is not available to many, patients, as it implies the use of special expensive equipment.

Operation can be carried out in extremely complex cases:

  • when glaucoma;
  • sugar diabetes;
  • leveling crust;
  • dystrophic changes in the cornea;
  • various injuries;
  • loss of endothelial cells.

Before the procedure, the patient burst anesthetic drops. A healthy eye is covered with a napkin, and the area around the affected eye is processed by an antiseptic.

Next, the surgeon makes a small incision through the cornea. Laser ray crushes a smooth leak. It focuses in the thickness of the lens, while not damaging the cornea. After that, the magnificent lens is split into tiny particles. During operation, patients can see small flashes of light.

Then the capsule is prepared for implantation of an artificial lens (about the rules for choosing an artificial lens). The installation of a predetermined intraocular lens is carried out. Sealing the cut is carried out in a seamless method.

IMPORTANT! During the surgery surgery, the tools do not enter into the eye, which reduces the risk of postoperative complications.

Complications appear quite rarely, they are still possible. Among the negative consequences, it is possible to distinguish the appearance of bleeding, the displacement of the artificial lenses, the retinal detachment. The fulfillment of all the recommendations of the doctor and compliance with the rules of hygiene is the best way to avoid the development of dangerous complications!

Laser facoemulsification does not imply under an obligatory hospitalization. A few hours after the procedure, a person can return home. Restoration of the visual function occurs within a few days.

Nevertheless, some time will have to take into account some limitations. During the first two months, try not to overwrite your eyes. It is better to abandon the driving of the car. To minimize the risks of complications will have to be taken by the doctor prescribed drugs and vitamins.

Ultrasound Facoemulsification

This technique is recognized as one of the most efficient and safe in the treatment of cataracts. If there is no discomfort in the first stage, then at wishes it can be replaced by a crystal.

Operational treatment is absolutely painless, no discomfort during the procedure does not experience the patient. Ask up and immobilize the eyeball using the tools for local use. Drops with anesthetic effects can be used: alkaine, tetrakain, precaircane. Also for anesthesia injections in the area around the eyes.

With the help of ultrasound, the damaged lens crushed into small particles, turning into an emulsion. Remote lens replaces intraocular lens. It is manufactured individually, taking into account the features of the eye of each patient.

ATTENTION! Related eye pathology reduce the effectiveness of surgical interventions.

During the procedure, the surgeon makes a small incision. This has become possible, thanks high indicators Flexibility of IOL. They are entered into a rolled state, and already inside the capsule are spread and take the right form.

During the recovery period, intensive physical Loads and high temperatures. Doctors categorically prohibit the saunas and baths. It is not recommended to sleep on the side, with which the eye was operated. In order to avoid infection, it is temporarily able to abandon the use of decorative cosmetics. The eyes should not be exposed to aggressive exposure to sunlight, so do not forget about the use of glasses with an ultraviolet filter.

Extracapsular extraction

This is a simple traditional technique without the use of expensive equipment. In the shell of the eye, a large incision is made through which the smooth crystal is completely removed. A characteristic feature of ECs is the preservation of a lens capsule, which serves as a natural barrier between the vitreous Tol and artificial lenses.

Extensive wounds imply the overlap of seams, and this affects the visual function after the operation. Patients develop astigmatism and hyperopia. The recovery period takes up to four months. Conduct extracapsular extraction with ripened cataracts and hardened lens.

In the extraction of cataracts, the surgeon has to make a big incision with the subsequent imposition of seams

Most often use a tunnel technique. During the operation, the crystal is divided into two parts and is displayed. In this case, the risk of early postoperative complications is reduced.

Removing seams does not require anesthesia. About a month later, glasses are selected. The postoperative scar can cause astigmatism. Therefore, in order to avoid its discrepancy, injury and excessive physical exertion should be avoided.

Despite the high efficiency of modern techniques, in some cases specialists prefer the traditional operation. EEK is prescribed with the weakness of the ligament apparatus of the lens, overripe cataracts, corneal dystrophy. Also, the traditional operation is shown in narrow pupils that are not expanding, as well as when identifying secondary cataract with the decay of IOL.

IMPORTANT! Vision begins to recover already during the operation, but for full stabilization, time is necessary.

Intrakapsular extraction

It is carried out using a special tool - cryoxtractor. He instantly freezes the lens and makes it hard. This facilitates its subsequent elimination. Lens is removed with the capsule. There are risks that the particles of the lens will remain in the eye. This is fraught with the development of pathological changes in visual structures. Not remote particles grow and fill out free space, which increases the risk of secondary cataracts.

From the advantages of IEK you can select the available cost, as it eliminates the need to use expensive equipment.


What tests need to pass before the operation? An inspection of the visual apparatus and the whole organism to eliminate contraindications to conduct surgery is carried out. If during the diagnostics were identified some inflammatory processesBefore the operation is carried out a rejection of pathological foci and anti-inflammatory therapy.

Such research is required:

  • general analysis blood and urine;
  • coagulogram;
  • hematological biochemistry;
  • test on blood glucose level;
  • analysis on HIV infection, syphilis and viral hepatitis.

Disinfecting and expanding pupil drops are introduced into the operated eye. Eye drops or injections in the area around the organ of vision can be used for anesthesia.

Selection of artificial lens is a complex and time-consuming process. This is perhaps one of the most responsible stages of training, since the vision of the patient depends on the quality of the chosen lenses after the operation.

Recovery period

Operation in most cases is well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, specialists complain about the emergence of unpleasant sensations, including:

  • photophobia,
  • discomfort,
  • fast fatiguability.

After the operation, the patient goes home. Man impose a sterile bandage on the eye. During the day, he must comply with full peace. After about two hours, the meal is allowed.

IMPORTANT! At first, after surgery, patients should avoid sharp movements, not lifting weights, refrain from alcohol.

For speedy restoration, it is necessary to follow medical recommendations:

  • comply with eye hygiene rules;
  • within three weeks after surgery, do not go outside without sunglasses;
  • do not touch the operated eye and do not rub it;
  • refuse to visit pools, baths or saunas;
  • reduce your stay in front of a TV and a computer, as well as reading;
  • during the first two weeks, do not sit behind the car's wheel;
  • compliance with dietary power mode.

More details about rehabilitation after surgery.

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Cataract treatment

General principles of therapy

Currently there are two types of treatment. cataracts - Surgical and conservative. Surgical treatment is to carry out the operation, during which clouding is removed together with a lens substance, and intraocular lens is inserted into the eye, acting in the role of a prosthesis that completely replaces the destroyed lens. Thanks to the lens, a person is restored vision, and it can lead a familiar lifestyle, including continuing to work.

Conservative treatment It is to use various drugs capable of slowing down or fully stopping the further progression of cataracts and, thus, to maintain vision on the current existing level.

It is necessary to know that conservative treatment cannot fully lead to the disappearance of cataracts, since the existing turbidity is not resolved under the action medicinal preparations. Conservative therapy can only stop the progression of the process and to ensure the maintenance of vision at the existing level without operational intervention. That is why it is resorted to non-operational methods of treatment. initial stages Cataracts, when the vision does not even suffer significantly, and a person can live ordinary life. Medicines are used to support vision at the current level as long as possible and avoiding the possibility of surgical intervention, which in any case carry certain risks.

Surgery Allows you to completely deliver a person from cataracts, because during the operation it is removed by the clinked mass of the lens. But after the operation to remove the cataract, a person will not be able to see, because The crystal will be simply destroyed, so the mandatory second part of the surgical intervention is the installation of a prosthesis that will allow to see. Currently, both stages of the operation - the removal of cataracts and the installation of an intraocular lens (lens prosthetic) are made during the same intervention. In other words, for one operation, a person gets rid of cataracts and gets a prosthesis that allows him to see normally. And the artificial intraocular lens, which is often called " artificial lens", It will serve a person an unlimited term. Therefore, one day, a remote cataract with an established artificial lens is considered to be fully cured. eye disease.

Considering this state of affairs, ophthalmologists when cataract detection is almost always recommended to produce surgeryguaranteeing full deliverance from the disease and allows you to restore normal vision. However, in the United States and European countries, doctors are not recommended to resort to surgical treatment of cataracts in any cases, since any surgical intervention has a risk of complications, without which it is better to do if it allows. That is why in Western countries, ophthalmologists prefer to treat cataract conservatively, if a person is able to see it normally using glasses or contact lenses. And only in ineffectiveness conservative therapy And the progression of cataracts resort to surgical treatment.

Thus, it can be said that there are states of cataracts, in which the surgical operation is necessary and must be made at mandatory. But there are also other states in which conservative therapy can be carried out, and the operation is not mandatory, but only desirable. Consider the states in which the operational treatment of cataracts is necessarily and desirable.

Cataract surgical operation must be carried out in the following cases:

  • Congenital cataract in a child (it is important to remove cataracts as early as possible so that the child can develop and not lose sight);
  • Overripe of cataract;
  • Swelling immature or mature cataract, at which the lens increases significantly in size and can overlap the outflow intraocular fluidby provoking the attack of glaucoma;
  • Dislocation or sliding lens;
  • The attack of secondary glaucoma, provoked by swelling of the lens;
  • The need to study the Eye DNA with other diseases or for the use of laser types of treatment (for example, with retinal detachment, etc.).
It is recommended to refrain from the operation and produce conservative cataract treatment in the following cases:
  • Loss of vision is insignificant and gradual, as a result of which a person can fully fulfill its usual duties at home and at work;
  • The presence of others diseases of the eyes, such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy (in this case, the operation to remove cataracts will not improve vision);
  • Points or contact lenses allow you to achieve a level of view that suits a person and allows him to perform ordinary home or work affairs;
  • The presence of severe somatic diseases in which any operations and stress are undesirable.
In all other cases, the decision to operate in cataract or limit oneself to conservative treatment is adopted by the person. For example, if a person works with a watchmaker or seamstress, it can make an operation even at the initial stages of cataracts, since it needs to distinguish small details well. If the work is not related to the need to distinguish small details, the operation can be postponed until a person loses the ability to live normally and comfortably.

If the cataract is one-sided, then the question of the operation is solved on the basis of the professional and domestic needs of a person. If he does not need vision with two eyes, he can refuse the operation, but to limit the conservative treatment.

If the cataract is bilateral, then the removal operations are produced alternately on each eye. And first operate the eye with a stronger loss of vision.

Cataract operation

The first thing you need to know about Cataract operations is an opportunity to carry out surgical intervention at any time at the request of a person, provided that it does not have contraindications (for example, uncontrolled hypertensive disease, too high level Glucose in the blood, hemophilia and other diseases in which blood clotting is low). Today there is a common view that cataract needs to operate only when it matures. However, this is not true. The fact is that earlier, a few years ago, the cataract was really operated only when it matured, as surgery was difficult, often led to complications with full loss of vision. And therefore, doctors did an operation only when there was nothing to lose, a person was almost blind. But at present, operational equipment and modern equipment made it possible to make operations with a minimum amount of complications (blindness as a complication after surgery is registered by no more than 0.1% of cases), which makes it possible to recommend interference at any stage of cataracts.

Currently, the following types of operations can be produced at Cataract:

  • Extracapsular extract of lens - during the operation, the outer part of the capsule is removed and the lens substance is removed, but the rear of the capsule is left, which allows you to save the barrier between vitreous body and cornea. After removing the lens instead it is inserted and the prosthesis is fixed - intraocular lens. This operation is relatively rare, since it is a traumatic due to the large cut on the cornea and the imposition of seams. Currently, the extracapsular extract of the lens is replaced by less traumatic facoemulsification.
  • Intrakapsular extract of crustal - During the operation, the lens is removed along with the capsule through a high incision of the cornea. This operation is currently practically not produced, because it is very traumatic and carries a high risk of full loss of vision.
  • Ultrasound Facoemulsification - During operation through a small incision (1.8 - 3 mm), the device is introduced into the front chamber of the eye, with which the substance of the lens is destroyed, bringing it to the consistency of the emulsion. Then this emulsion is removed through special tubes. That is, during the operation, the substance and the front part of the lens capsule are removed. The back of the crust capsule remains and serves as a barrier between the iris and the vitreous body. After removing the crushed crusted masses, polished the remaining rear capsule is made to destroy the epithelium available on it. Upon completion of polishing in the eye, an intraocular lens is inserted instead of a remote lens, and the incision is sealed without bleaching. Ultrasound Facoemulsification is the "gold standard" in modern operational treatment Cataract, since the method is simple, widely available and rarely causes complications.
  • Femtolaser Facoemulsification - The operation is practically identical to ultrasonic facoemulsification, only in contrast to it the destruction of the leases is made by a laser, and not ultrasonic waves. This method It is still safer than ultrasound facoemulsification, but, unfortunately, is quite expensive, which limits its widespread use.
So, as it became clear, best options Cataract removal operations are ultrasound and femtolazer facoemulsification. If possible, it is better to produce femtolazer facoemulsification. But if there is no such possibility (for example, there are no funds for the operation, or there are no necessary equipment in the medical centers available to visiting the medical centers), then you can safely produce ultrasound facoemulsification.

Any operation on the removal of cataracts and implantation instead of a crystal intraocular lens is made under local anesthesia. Anesthetics can be buried in the form of eye drops directly into the eye or administered injectable. In this case, the injection is made in soft tissues near the eye.

Since the operation to remove the cataract involves the installation of an intraocular lens, the prosthesis with the necessary properties is selected before surgery. In the world, hard and soft lenses are produced, but currently used primarily soft, since they can be quickly and painlessly introduce through a small incision (1.8 - 2.5 mm). Rigid lenses are inconvenient - for their installation, a large incision is required, requiring the seam impositions after the operation.

Currently use the following types of soft lenses to replace the lens:

  • Lens with a "yellow filter" - Protects human eye from the harmful effects of ultraviolet and provides good vision into the conditions of normal light. However, if a person has a myopia, then in addition to such a lens may be needed and ordinary glasses.
  • Aspheric lenses - adjust spherical disorders and ensure excellent vision in the distance in the dark and during normal lighting. However, if a person has a myopia, then in addition to such a lens may be needed and ordinary glasses.
  • Toric lenses - Designed for people who, in addition to cataracts, suffer from corneal astigmatism. Lens allows you to not carry a person special cylindrical glasses for the correction of astigmatism.
  • Multifocal lenses - Provide excellent vision of both near and away in conditions of any light. Thanks to multifocal lenses, humans even in the presence of myopia or hyperopiasis almost completely eliminates the need to additionally use points.
  • Accommodating lenses - The best lens, according to the properties of the most close to the natural lens. Installation of a lens of this type allows you to find completely excellent vision and near, and away, and abandon additional use of points, even in the presence of myopia or hyperopia.
The best lens is accommodating. Several inferior to her multifocal. But these types of lenses are very expensive, so everyone else has the opportunity to purchase and install them. In principle, aspherical is aspheric - it is rather cheap, and provides good vision in any illumination conditions. And the need for additional use of points is not too burdensome, as a person is usually already bothering with this subject.

Conservative cataract treatment

Conservative cataract treatment consists in introducing drugs in the form of drops containing vitamins, amino acids and other substances whose deficit leads to Cataract.

Currently, the following drugs are used in conservative cataract therapy:

1. Ready eye drops from cataracts:

  • Vysomitin "Drop Skulachev";
  • Vitaiodurol;
  • Vicein;
  • Vitafolov;
  • Eye drops 999 from cataracts;
  • Quenax;
  • Offan-catahot;
  • Taurine;
2. Sterile solutions that can be brought into the eye in the form of droplets:
  • Ascorbic acid solution;
  • Nicotine acid solution;
  • Riboflavina solution.
3. Electrophoresis with a solution of cysteine \u200b\u200b(the course of therapy is 40 procedures).

Cataract Laser Removal - Video Operations

Eye after Cataract Removal Operation

After surgery, the following drugs are prescribed to accelerate the healing and prevention of complications:
  • Eye drops with antibiotics (Tobex, Onceclix, etc.) for 10 days. On the first day, the drug is brought into the eyes every hour, and then 4 times a day;
  • Eye drops with anti-inflammatory components (indocolly, diclof, etc.) - drive 2 times a day for 14 days;
  • Eye drops with hormones (offan-dexamethasone, etc.) - brought into the eyes every 12 hours for 14 days;
  • Preparations of artificial tears (Sistein, etc.) - bring into the eyes only as needed if there is an excessive dryness of the eye.
All eye drops can be added to the eye alternately, withstanding the interval between them with a duration of at least 15 minutes.

In addition, for the successful healing of the cut and prevention of complications after the Cataract Removal Operation, the following rules must be observed in everyday life:

  • Wearing sunglasses;
  • Do not lift gravity;
  • Do not rub your eyes with your hands;
  • Do not sleep on the side of the operated eye for 3 weeks after surgery;
  • Do not drive a car to complete vision;
  • Do not use eye cosmetics within a month after surgery;
  • Not to be in dusty places;
  • Do not be on the street in windy weather;
  • Do not allow water to get into the eyes;
  • Prevent sudden temperature drops;
  • Do not allow sharp slopes;
  • Refuse to eat alcohol within 2 - 4 weeks after surgery.
Otherwise, you can guide the usual way of life - to eat, walk, work, read, write, sit at a computer, etc.

If there is a need, you can wear glasses or contact lenses immediately after surgery, as it will not only hurt, but even on the contrary, accelerate healing.

If the bright light after the operation causes a feeling of discomfort, then it is necessary, even being indoors, put on sunglasses.

At first, after the operation, the picture can be blurred, but after some time (1 - 3 days) the pupil is narrowed, and the vision will become normal.

Cataract: Operation of ultrasonic facoemulsification, rules of behavior after surgery - Video

Cataract without surgery

Currently, there is a promising method conservative treatment Cataracts, which, unfortunately, is not yet officially approved by the ministries of health of various countries for use in humans.

This method is to instill in eye drops containing lanosterol.. Drops lead to complete resorption of clouds and allow you to get rid of cataracts without surgery.

However, today data drops are applied only in the practice of veterinarians, which reported on excellent results. full cure Cataract in dogs and cats, which have been driving solutions with Lanosterol. Data drops have an excellent therapeutic effect and do not cause side effects.

Currently, the creation of drugs with Lanosterol, which will be officially registered and allowed for use in humans. But for now, on sale in Europe and the United States there are only veterinary drugs with Lanosterol, so people who want to avoid surgery can use them, but, of course, at their own peril and risk.

Folk treatments

Currently there is a wide range of methods folk treatment Cataracts, but their effectiveness is very dubious. Therefore, it is recommended to apply them only as a supplement to conventional medical treatment methods, and not in the role of independent and the only therapy.

The most common folk methods Cataract treatment are the following:

  • Nabine Sophia Crimean. Fruits Sophia Clear from the peel of the pods. Next, a tablespoon of purified fruits pour a glass of vodka and insist for 10 days. After that, take the infusion on a teaspoon 3 times a day before meals. The course of therapy consists of three 10-day cycles of receiving infusion of sofa with 10-day breaks between them.
  • Divorced honey. A tablespoon of honey is dissolved in a cup of distilled water, and the resulting solution is buried in the eye of 1 - 2 times a day for 2 to 3 weeks. Courses can be repeated with intervals between them are not shorter than 2 weeks.

Cataract: Folk Recipes - Video

Prevention of the disease

For the prevention of cataracts, it is necessary to perform the following rules during the life:

Price of operation

The cost of releasing cataracts with simultaneous installation of intraocular lenses is currently fluctuated from 40,000 to 130,000 rubles. The price depends mainly on the type of implantable lenses.