Ferbral cramps. For the first time developed a convulsive attack state after the convulsion of the ICD

12.09.2020 Recipes

Fakes cramps honey.
Febral convulsions occur in children up to 3 years with an increase in body temperature above 38 ° C in the presence of genetic predisposition (121210, R). Frequency - 2-5% of children. The prevailing floor is male.


Simple febrile convulsions (85% of cases) -In the attack of convulsion (usually generalized) during the day duration of several seconds, but not more than 15 minutes
Complex (15%) - several episodes during the day (as a rule, local seizures), which are ongoing more than 15 minutes.

Clinical picture

Tonic-clonic convulsions
General arousal.

Laboratory research

First episode: calcium level determination, glucose, magnesium, other blood serum electrolytes, urine analysis, blood sowing, residual nitrogen, creatinine
In severe cases - toxicological analysis
Lumbar puncture - try to suspicion of meningitis or the first episode of the child's cramps over 1 year old.
Special studies. EEG and CT of the brain in 2-4 weeks after the attack (carried out with repeated attacks, neurological diseases, sophisticated seizures in a family history or in the case of the first manifestation after 3 years).

Differential diagnosis

Febrile Deliry
Afbral cramps
Head injury
Epilepsy in women in combination with mental retardation (* 300088, K): febrile convulsions can be the first sign of the disease
Sudden termination of the arrival of anti-wurals
Intracranted hemorrhages
Thrombosis of corona sinus
Acute glomerulonephritis.


Tactics of keeping

Physical cooling methods
Patient position - lying on side to ensure adequate oxygenation
If necessary, the content.

Drug therapy

Preparations of selection - acetaminophen (paracetamol) 10-15 mg / kg rectally or inside, ibuprofen 10 mg / kg-pleas fever.
Alternative drugs
Phenobarbital 10-15 mg / kg in / in slowly (respiratory oppression and arterial hypotsy) are possible)
Phenytoin (diphenin) 10-15 mg / kg in / in (cardiac arrhythmia and arterial hypotension).


Acetaminophen (paracetamol) 10 mg / kg (inward or rectally) or ibuprofen 10 mg / kg inside (at body temperature above 38 ° C - rectally)
Diazepam -5 mg under 3 years of age, 7.5 mg - from 3 to 6 years or 0.5 mg / kg (up to 15 mg) rectally every 12 hours to 4 doses - at body temperature above 38.5 ° C
Phenobarbital 3-5 mg / kg / day - for long-term prevention in children risk groups with burded history, multiple repeated attacks, neurological diseases.

Four and forecast

Febrile attack does not lead to a delay
Physical and mental development or death. Risk of repetitive
Attack - 33%.


R56.0 cramps for fever


121210 Fabry convulsions

Handbook of Diseases. 2012 .

Watch what is "cramps febrile" in other dictionaries:

    Fucks Epileptic cramps - - seizures of epilepsy in feverish state in childhood. Often such convulsions are associated with high, early aging convulsive readiness and may not be continued in the form of epilepsy. On the possibility that such convulsions ... ...

    Cramps febrile simple - - Epizodic tonic or clonic convulsions arising from feverish condition and not related to epilepsy ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    Causes - I cramps involuntary muscular reductions in a continuous or intermittent nature. Differ in the mechanism of development of C. epileptic and non-epileptic; According to the duration of muscle contraction, myoclonic, clonic and tonic: by ... ... Medical encyclopedia

    Causes - - involuntary reduction in a certain muscular group or all body muscles, both tonic and clonic. It has been established that clonic convulsions are associated with the excitation of subcortical structures of the brain (striped kernel, gear core, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

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By the number of pathological reactions that arise in response to physical stimuli, the convulsive syndrome belongs. It occurs in children and adults. The symptoms of the pathological process should not be ignored, as they can lead to serious complications. With convulsive syndrome, patients are offered comprehensive treatmentwhich is aimed at eliminating the signs of the painful state and its root cause.

Convulsive syndrome - the body's reaction to external and internal stimuli characterizing the sudden attacks of involuntary muscle contractions

The convulsive syndrome in men, women and children is a non-specific response of the body into internal and external stimuli. It is accompanied by an involuntary reduction in muscle tissues.

The international classification of disease includes convulsive syndrome. His code on the ICD-10 - R56.8. This cipher is assigned to pathologies that do not belong to the attacks of epilepsy or other etiology.

The convulsive syndrome is often manifested in newborns. Adults of different ages suffer from him. It is very important to find out the cause of the violation to choose an adequate course of therapy.

Causes of violations

The convulsive syndrome cause various reasons. Quite often, it develops due to congenital abnormalities and CNS pathologies. The common factors also include genetic diseases, tumors in the body and problems from the cardiovascular system.

Frequently common causes that lead to the appearance of syndrome are presented in the table. They are divided by age groups.

Age Causes of violations
Up to 10 years old Sudituers in childhood are central nervous system, feverish condition, head injuries, congenital deviations in metabolism, cerebral paralysis and epilepsy.
11-25 years old The cause of the disease is injuries of the head, angios, toxoplasmosis and neoplasm in the cerebral cavity.
26-60 years Calling pathology can neoplasms in the brain, inflammatory processes in the shells of this organ and abuse of alcoholic beverages.
From 61 years Convulsions may be caused renal failureOverdose medical means, Alzheimer's disease and cerebrovascular disorders.

Since convulsive syndrome in an adult or children causes many reasons, then ways to treat such a violation are different. To achieve recovery, it is required to correctly define a factor that led to the development of the disease.

Symptoms in children and adults

Facial syndrome in the child and adults has similar symptoms. Pathology appears suddenly.

Typical seizure is characterized by floating movements eye apples, wandering and loss of contact with the outside world.

The tonic phase of the attack is characterized by a short-term apnea and bradycardia. The clonic phase is characterized by twitching the mimic sites on the face.

With alcohol convulsive syndrome, which is often found in adults and adolescents, a pronounced intoxication appears, loss of consciousness, vomit, and foam from the oral cavity.

The convulsive syndrome in small children and an adult has a localized or generalized character. In the first case, during the attack, individual muscle groups are involved. With the generalized course of syndrome, the child may have involuntary urination and loss of consciousness. Because of the pathology, all muscle groups suffer.

Convulsions are characterized by acute start, excitation, change in consciousness

Why is convulsive syndrome dangerous?

Spastic pathology, which is the condition convulsive syndromeRepresents the danger to the health and life of a person. If you do not in time not to suppress the attack and ignore the treatment of the disease, it will lead to dangerous consequences:

  • Elevation of the lungs, which threatens to complete the cessation of breathing.
  • Cardiovascular pathologies that can lead to a stop of the heart.

The appearance of the attack can overtake the person at the time of their actions that require maximum concentration of attention. We are talking about driving vehicle. Even a walking walk can lead to serious injury, if an adult or child suddenly sound signs and symptoms of convulsive syndrome.


Diagnosis of the disease that is accompanied by convulsions is carried out in the clinic. The specialist must collect anamnesis and, along the conversation with the patient, determine the optimal algorithm for conducting the body's research.

The convulsive syndrome in adult, newborns or adolescents helps to identify the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Radiography.
  2. Electroencephalography.
  3. Analysis of the spinal fluid.
  4. Pneumoencephalography.
  5. Blood test.

Results of research help the doctor to put the correct diagnosis to the patient, that is, to determine the convulsive syndrome.

To help the patient, you need to urgently cause ambulance

The convulsive syndrome, which manifests itself in a child or adult, cannot be left without attention. Required adequate treatment.

Before deciding on therapy, the specialist should find out the cause of the disease. It is for these purposes that the diagnosis is used. Therapy suggesting physicians is aimed at suppressing the symptoms of the pathological process and eliminating the negative factor leading to the development of the syndrome.

Urgent Care

Promotional assistance can be rendered to a patient at the time of the attack by any person. It must recognize obvious symptoms of the disease and quickly react to them. To avoid injury to the patient during convulsions, it is necessary to act accurately and consistently.

The first assistance to a person with a convulsive syndrome helps him wait for the arrival of the medical team and safely survive a painful state. If breast children, adolescents or adults are characteristic of the attack of symptoms, it is necessary to immediately cause ambulance. Next you need to do the following:

  1. You need to provide affected access to fresh air. To do this, if possible, you should remove cramped clothes from it or unbutton your shirt.
  2. A small towel or handkerchief is required to put a small towel or a handkerchief so that a person does not accidentally bite his tongue or broke his teeth.
  3. Patient's head you need to turn the side. It is also necessary to do with all his body. This action will not give him to choke by the lots.

All these actions need to be done very quickly. After it remains to wait for the arrival of physicians, who will help a person get rid of an attack.


Reception of sedatives helps the patient to reduce the occurrence of convulsive syndrome

Emergency care for a person with convulsive syndrome may include reception medicinal preparations. Medical therapy is aimed at eliminating the attack and further prevent this state.

In convulsions, excited condition and epileptic seizures, patients prescribe derivatives, barbiturates and benzodiazepines. Medicines help to calm the nervous system and reduce musculature tone. With acute states, neuroleptics can be spelled out.

In convulsions in the limbs can be assigned vitamin complexes. Such therapy is effective if the attack is provoked by hypovitaminosis.

Assistance for convulsive syndrome includes the use of oral and external means. The following drugs are recommended for convulsions:

  • Vitamins of group B and D.
  • Magistad.
  • Magnesot.

It is strictly forbidden to give a baby or an adult medicine that was not appointed by a specialist. Medicines can be accepted strictly on the recommendation of the attending physician. Otherwise, such therapy may result in complications.

Outdoor tools for the treatment of attacks include ointments. For cramps in the legs, it is customary:

  • Hermes.
  • Troksevazin.
  • Venitin.

Ointments and creams reduce severity severity, stimulate blood circulation in a problem site and improve the saturation of tissues with nutrients.


Of great importance in the treatment of convulsive syndrome has a diet. Patients are encouraged to adhere to a special nutrition that helps reduce the frequency of attacks to the minimum value.

Patients with such a diagnosis should be excluded from its diet baking, carbonated drinks, sweets, strong coffee, alcohol and meat offal. If a person suffers from overweight, he needs to constantly control the amount of calories that were used daily.

To cope with a painful condition, you must include in your diet fresh vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products and whole grain cereals. Mandatory need to keep track of the drinking regime. During the day, patients are recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water. Teas, compotes and drinks in this case are not taken into account.

If a person who has convulsions, is not able to make a menu for himself for a week, he may apply for help to a nutritionist. The doctor will pick up the patient an optimal diet that will support the work of the body in normal mode.


Therapeutic gymnastics must be performed every day in a complex with prescribed treatment

Conduct with convulsive syndrome helps physiotherapy. To achieve results from it, you need to do it regularly. LFC is also actively used when carrying out the prevention of attacks. Understanding with a painful condition will help simple exercises:

  • Raising from the floor of small items only with the help of the fingers on the legs.
  • Rolling the feet of the rubber ball, which is supplemented with spikes.
  • Tightening the fingers on yourself in the sitting position with elongated legs.

Each exercise must be performed within 2-3 minutes. You can increase the duration of the training, if the patient allows its condition.

If convulsions are worried too often, then the patient should arrange a walking barefoot on sand or grass. If desired, you can apply a special massage rug.


If a person who suffers from convulsive syndrome was in a timely manner of medical care, then a favorable forecast awaits him. The chances of successful recovery increases the correct definition of the diagnosis and the cause of the development of the pathological process.

With a periodic appearance of convulsion, it is required to undergo diagnosis in the clinic. Attacks may be a sign dangerous diseasewhich has not yet managed to exercise itself to fully. The study will detect pathology and to cure it in a timely manner, thereby having warned the development of serious complications that bear the threat of human life.

Ignoring attacks leads to the appearance hazardous consequencesThe number of which includes a fatal outcome.

Manifestation convulsive syndrome Children may not be a joke to scare any adult, especially unprepared. Various reasons can cause a fit of a small child.

And parents need to know why this happened and how to prevent such situations in the future.

Convulsive syndrome - This is the process of involuntary reduction of skeletal muscles caused by a strong external or inner stimulus. Most often manifests in the background of loss of consciousness.

The manifestations of such convulsion are most susceptible to small children, because their CNS has not yet completely strengthened and formed. The younger child, the higher his convulsive readiness. And it is for the immature children's brain convulsions most dangerous.

Did you know?The convulsive syndrome may cause the child to stutter in the future.

A convulsions are classified depending on various factors.

By origin :

  • epileptic;
  • neepileptic (can go to epileptic).

Depending on clinical manifestations :

  • localized;
  • covering;
  • generalized.

Depending on the involvement of different structures of the brain, may differ in nature :

  • tonic;
  • clonic;
  • clonic tonic.

Most often, the last form of convulsion is observed. It combines first long muscle contractions of a particular muscle group, and after fast rhythmic or arrhythmic reductions of all muscles (starting from facial) with small pauses between them.

The first phase, as a rule, lasts no more than 1 minute, but it is the duration of the second phase that is an important factor in further forecasts.

The causes of the occurrence of the syndrome can be the most different. The nature of the seizure is diagnosed by the doctor, conducting all the necessary research.

Attacks can manifest themselves in various infectious diseases. This is due to the high body temperature (more than 38.8 degrees). Manifestations of syndrome are possible with diseases such as otitis, flu, and colds.
Also often convulsions manifest food poisoning and diarrhea, since the body is significantly dehydrated.

Tetanus, and encephalitis can also cause a seizure.

Sometimes such an attack is a child's reaction to a prophylactic vaccination. Basically it happens in children up to 1.5 years.


The pronounced rickets due to reducing the level of vitamin D and can cause convulsion.

They are also observed in children with diabetic hypoglycemia after long starvation and strong physical exertion.

Children with the problems of the work of the thyroid gland, as well as the operation on it, are often found with this kind of attacks.

Such a disease, as, in itself, can cause involuntary muscle contractions. Knowing about the predisposition to this disease and, even more so, diagnosing it, it is necessary to be ready for possible attacks and be able to provide first aid.


Oxygen deficiency may occur both at a low level of oxygen in the surrounding atmosphere and in pathological conditions. It leads to a violation of the body's work due to a failure in the work of exchange processes.

Hypoxia occurs quite often and serves as a concomitant symptom of many diseases.

In a child with an increased nervous excitability, it can manifest itself at the time of pronounced joy or anger. A strong cry or crying can cause this phenomenon.


For structural reasons include brain damage:

  • various tumors;
  • head injuries;
  • anomalies in development.

Important! Only a doctor can diagnose the causes of seizures, relying on the results of all the necessary surveys.

The syndrome develops suddenly and manifests itself with various symptoms, but they all have a general nature:

  • motor excitement appears, the muscles are involuntarily cut (characteristic is the bending of the upper and straightening lower extremities);
  • head throws out;
  • jaws are closed;
  • high probability of stopping breathing;
  • bradycardia appears;
  • skin color is very pale;
  • breathing becomes noisy and highly rapidly;
  • the look is clogging, the child is not aware of what is happening and loses relationship with reality;
  • the appearance of foam from mouth.

Accompanying illnesses

Causes often appear against the background of acute infectious diseases, poisoning and hereditary diseases.

They can also accompany the following diseases:

  • congenital pathology of the CNS;
  • focal brain lesions;
  • heart impairment;
  • various blood diseases.

Since there are many reasons for the occurrence of the syndrome, the survey should include a comprehensive inspection of different specialists (pediatrician, neurologist, endocrinologist and others).

It is important, under what circumstances, how long and what kind of seizures were.

Also, for proper diagnostics, it is necessary to provide reliable information about the hereditary predispositions undergoing diseases and injuries.

After clarifying all concomitant circumstances are held various tests In order to determine the nature of the convulsion:

  • reophiecephalography;
  • radiography skull.

For diagnosis clarifications Can be useful:
  • lumbal puncture;
  • neurosonography;
  • diaphanoscopy;
  • angiography;
  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • CT brain.

In the development of the syndrome, it is necessary to perform a biochemical study of blood and urine.

Saving convulsive syndrome in children: treatment

After identifying the cause of the convulsion, the doctor is prescribed treatment. If the attack was caused by fever or somehow infectious diseaseThe manifestations themselves will disappear along with the main disease.

But if analyzes have identified a more serious reason for their occurrence, medication treatment is appointed:

  • relieving syndrome with drugs such as "hexenal", "diazepam", "gomk", and intramuscular or intravenous introduction of magnesium sulfate;
  • reception of sedatives.

An important factor is the normalization of nutrition for the full restoration of the body.

After removing the acute state, supporting and preventive therapy under constant supervision of the doctor is carried out.

Did you know? Many people famous in the history of people suffered from epilepsy, for example, Socrates, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Lenin, Standal, Dostoevsky.

If the attack happened, you need to act quickly and accurately, so as not to harm the child and not aggravate the situation. Render promptual help Maybe any person, the main thing - to accurately determine the nature of the cramp and follow the rules.


  1. If the child stood, try to prevent fall (a blow when the position only wishes).
  2. Lay on a solid surface, and you can put something soft under the head.
  3. Expand the head or the whole body of the side.
  4. Free the neck from clothes.
  5. Provide fresh air.
  6. Put the handkerchief or tissue napkin in the mouth.
  7. If the attack is accompanied by crying or hysterical, you need to calm the child - to spy cold water, give sniffing the ammonia alcohol and all possible methods Distract his attention.

Properly rendered first aid is an important stage in the treatment that will help keep health or even life.

Important! It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, especially if the attack happened for the first time, and you do not know His nature.

In most cases, convulsions are stopped with age. But it is necessary to observe precautions. In order to avoid repetitions, the seizure cannot be allowed hyperthermia in infectious diseases.

Prevention lies in a regular inspection of a doctor and timely treatment The main disease that provoked seizures.

With prolonged manifestation of convulsion, it can be assumed that the child has developed epilepsy. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a full inspection by the doctor and provide a complete treatment to the child.
With proper prevention, the probability of transition of seizures to epileptic is 2-10%, and proper treatment will help completely stop the disease.

Danger and unpredictability

Convulsions are a very dangerous phenomenon, as they can cause damage to the brain, problems with cardiovascular system and stop breathing. A long and prolonged attack can lead to epilepsy with a difficult course, so do not resort to self-medication and give the child any drugs without consulting with the doctor.

Remember that timely appeal to the doctor and the correct prevention will continue to help keep your child health and protect his life from the emergence of this kind of seizure in the future.

Class VI. Nervous System Diseases (G00-G47)

This class contains the following blocks:
G00-G09 Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system
G10-G13. Systemic atrophy affecting mainly central nervous system
G20-G26. Extrapyramidal and others motor disorders
G30.-G32. Other degenerative diseases of the central nervous system
G35-G37. Demyelinizing diseases of the central nervous system
G40-G47 Episodic and paroxysmal disorders

Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system (G00-G09)

G00 bacterial meningitis not classified in other categories

Included: Arachnoiditis)
Meningitis) bacterial
Excluded: bacterial:
meningoencephalitis ( G04.2)
meningomyelitis ( G04.2)

G00.0. Influencing meningitis. Meningitis caused by Hasophilus Influenzae
G00.1. Pneumococcal Meningitis
G00.2. Streptococcal Meningitis
G00.3. Staphylococcal meningitis
G00.8. Meningitis caused by other bacteria
Meningitis caused by:
freedlander's wand
Escherichia Coli.
G00.9 Bacterial meningitis uncomfortable
purulent BDA
piogenous BDA
gnotodo BDA

G01 * meningitis in bacterial diseases classified in other categories

Meningitis (when):
siberian ulcer ( A22.8.+)
gonococcal ( A54.8.+)
leptospyrosal ( A27.. -+)
listeriosis ( A32.1.+)
lyme disease ( A69.2.+)
meningococcal ( A39.0.+)
neurosimifilisa ( A52.1+)
salmonellosis ( A02.2.+)
congenital A50.4.+)
secondary ( A51.4.+)
tuberculosis ( A17.0.+)
tiffoid fever ( A01.0.+)
Excelves: Meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis for bacterial
diseases classified in other categories ( G05.0.*)

G02.0.* Meningitis viral diseases, classified in other categories
Meningitis (caused by virus):
adenovirus ( A87.1.+)
enterovirus ( A87.0.+)
simple herpes ( B00.3.+)
infectious mononucleosis ( B27. -+)
corey ( B05.1+)
epidemic parotitis ( B26.1.+)
rubella ( B06.0.+)
wind smallpox ( B01.0.+)
laying shelter ( B2.1.+)
G02.1* Meningitis for Mikosakh
Meningitis (when):
candadose ( B37.5.+)
cocidioidomykosis ( B38.4.+)
cryptococcal ( B45.1.+)
G02.8.* Meningitis with other refined infectious and parasis of tare diseases classified in other categories
Meningitis due to:
african Tripanosomoz ( B56.. -+)
shagas disease ( B57.4.+)

G03 meningitis due to other and unspecified causes

Included: Arachnoiditis)
leptoteningitis) due to other and unspecified
Meningitis) reasons
Excluded: Meningoencephalitis ( G04.. -)
Meningomyelitis ( G04.. -)

G03.0. Nepiogenic meningitis. Nebacterial meningitis
G03.1 Chronic Meningitis
G03.2. Benign recurrent meningitis [Mollar]
G03.8. Meningitis caused by other refined pathogens
G03.9. Meningitis is unspecified. Arachnoiditis (spinal) BD

G04 Encephalitis, Mielit and Encephalomyelitis

Included: acute ascending myelitis
Excluded: benign Malgic Encephalitis ( G93.3.)
BDU ( G93.4.)
alcohol origin ( G31.2.)
toxic ( G92.)
multiple sclerosis (G35)
acute transverse ( G37.3.)
subacute necrotic ( G37.4.)

G04.0. Acute disseminated encephalitis
Encephalomyelitis) Postmimunization
If necessary, to interface the vaccine
G04.1. Tropical spastic paraplegy
G04.2 Bacterial meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis, not classified in other categories
G04.8. Another encephalitis, myelit and encephalomyelitis. Post-infection Encephalitis and Encephalomyelitis BDU
G04.9. Encephalitis, myelit or encephalomyelitis is unspecified. Ventriakulit (cerebral) BD

G05 * Encephalitis, Melitis and Encephalomyelitis for diseases, bathroom classifies in other categories

Included: meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis for diseases,
classified in other categories

If necessary, identify infectious agent use additional code ( B95-B97.).

G06.0. Intracranial abscess and granuloma
Abscess (embolistic):
brain [any part]
Intracranial (aya) abscess or granuloma:
epidural (Aya)
extradural (aya)
subdural (Aya)
G06.1. Internal abscess and granuloma. Abscess (embolistic) spinal cord [any part]
Internal abscess or granuloma:
G06.2 Extredural and subdural abscess unsocured

G07 * intracranial and intracable abscess and granuloma in diseases classified in other categories

Abscess brain:
amoebic ( A06.6.+)
gonococcal ( A54.8.+)
tuberculous ( A17.8.+)
Granuloma of the brain with schistosomes ( B65. -+)
brain ( A17.8.+)
brain shells ( A17.1+)

G08 intracranial and intra-moving phlebitis and thrombophlebitis

Septic (s):
flebitis) intracranial or intransfill
thrombophlebitis) venous sinuses and veins
Excluded: intracranial phlewable and thrombophlebitis:
abortion, ectopic or molar pregnancy ( O.00 -O.07 , O.08.7 )
pregnancy, childbirth or postpartum period (O22.5., O87.3.)
unmarginous origin ( I67.6.); Negomous inspirational phleets and thrombophlebitis ( G95.1)

G09 Consequences of inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system

NoteTe the heading should be used to designate
states primary classified in rubrics

G00-G08. (excluding those marked with *) as the reason for the consequences that themselves are related to
Another regurgitation of the "consequences" includes from standing, refined as such or as late manifestations or consequences that exist during the year or more after the beginning of their condition. When using this category, it is necessary to guide the relevant recommendations and rules for encoding morbidity and mortality, given by Mi in T.2.

System atrophy affecting mainly central nervous system (G10-G13)

G10 Genton's disease

Kharya Genretton

G11 Hereditary Ataxia

Excluded: hereditary and idiopathic neuropathy ( G60. -)
cerebral palsy ( G80. -)
metabolic disorders ( E70.-E90.)

G11.0. Congenital unprocessing ataxia
G11.1 Early cerebelchik ataxia
It is usually noticed by persons under 20 years old
Early cerebellar ataxia with:
essential Tremor
myoclone [Ataxia Khanta]
with preserved tendon reflexes
Attakia Fridreiche (autosomal-recessive)
X-connected recessive spinocelebellar ataxia
G11.2 Late cerebellar ataxia
It is not necessary for people over 20 years old
G11.3. Cerebellum ataxia with disruption of DNA repair. Teleangectatic Ataxia [Louis Bar syndrome]
Excluded: Cockein Syndrome ( Q87.1)
Pigmented Kerodermia ( Q82.1)
G11.4. Hereditary spastic paraplegy
G11.8. Other hereditary ataxia
G11.9. Hereditary ataxia uncomfortable
Hereditary cerebelchikovka (ha):
ataxia BDA

G12 spinal muscular atrophy and related syndromes

G12.0. Children's spinal muscle atrophy, I type [Verdigo-Hoffman]
G12.1 Other hereditary spinal muscle atrophy. Progressive Bulbarium Paralysis in Children [Fazio Londe]
Spinal muscular atrophy:
form of adults
children's form, type II
youth uniform, type III [Kugelberg - Vallanger]
G12.2. Motor neuron disease. Family disease Motor neuron
Side sclerosis:
Progressive (AA):
bulbarium paralysis
spinal muscular atrophy
G12.8. Other spinal muscle atrophy and related syndromes
G12.9. Spinal muscle atrophy uncomputed

G13 * system atrophy affecting mainly central nervous system with diseases classified in other categories

G13.0.* Pareenoplastic noncropathy and neuropathy
Carcinomatous noncropathy ( C00.-C97.+)
Neuropathy of the senses at the tumor process [Denia-Brown] ( C00.-D48.+)
G13.1* Other system atrophy, affecting mainly on the central nervous system, with tumor diseases. Pareenoplastic limbic encephalopathy ( C00.-D48.+)
G13.2.* Systemic atrophy with a mixeme that affects mainly on the central nervous system ( E00.1+, E03.. -+)
G13.8.* Systemic atrophy affecting mainly on the central nervous system, with other diseases, classified in other categories

Extrapyramidal and other motor disorders (G20-G26)

G20 Parkinson's disease

Short palsy
Parkinsonism, or Parkinson's disease:
idiopathic (aya)
primary (Aya)

G21 Secondary Parkinsonism

G21.0. Malignant neuroleptic syndrome. If necessary, identify medicine
Use additional code external reasons (Class XX).
G21.1 Other forms of secondary parkinsonism caused by drugs.
G21.2. Secondary Parkinsonism caused by other external fala
If necessary, identify the external factor use additional external reasons (class XX).
G21.3. Postencephalitic parkinginsonism
G21.8. Other forms of secondary parkinsonism
G21.9 Secondary parkinsonism uncomfortable

G22 * Parkinsonism in diseases classified in other categories

Syphilic Parkinsonism ( A52.1+)

G23 Other Degenerative Basal Ganglia diseases

Excluded: polysystem degeneration ( G90.3.)

G23.0. Gallerto-spike disease. Pigmental Palladium Degeneration
G23.1. Progressive Output Ophthalmoplegia [Style Richardson-Olshevsky]
G23.2. Stray degeneration
G23.8. Other refined degenerative diseases of the basal ganglia. Outline of basal ganglia
G23.9. The degenerative disease of the basal ganglia is unspecified

G24 Distonia

Included: Discinesia
Excluded: atteetoid cerebral paralysis ( G80.3.)

G24.0. Distonia caused by drugs. If necessary, identify the drug
Use additional external reasons (class XX).
G24.1. Idiopathic family dystonia. Idiopathic dystonia BDA
G24.2. Idiopathic disaster dystonia
G24.3. Spastic Krivoshea
Excluded: Krivoshi BDU ( M43.6)
G24.4. Epiopathic Roto Facial Distonia. Roto-facial dyskinesia
G24.5. Blefarospasm
G24.8. Other dystonia
G24.9. Dystonia is unspecified. Discinesia BDA

G25 Other Extrapyramidal and Motor Violations

G25.0. Essential tremor. Family tremor
Excluded: tremor BDU ( R25.1.)
G25.1 Tremor caused by drug
If necessary, identify the drug use additional external reasons (class XX).
G25.2. Other refined forms of tremor. Intentive tremor
G25.3. Mioclonus. Mooclonus caused by the drug. If necessary, identify the drug use additional external reasons (class XX).
Excluded: Facial Mikimia ( G51.4.)
Mioclonic epilepsy ( G40. -)
G25.4. Chorea caused by drug
If necessary, identify the drug use additional external reasons (class XX).
G25.5. Other types of chorea. Khorora BDU
Excluded: Khorora BDU with the involvement of the heart ( I02.0.)
Kharya Genthaton ( G10)
Rheumatic chorea ( I02.. -)
Chorea Sidenchen ( I02.. -)
G25.6. Tiki caused by drugs and other ticks of organic origin
If necessary, identify the drug use additional external reasons (class XX).
Excluded: De La Turnetta syndrome ( F95.2.)
Tick \u200b\u200bBDU ( F95.9)
G25.8. Other updated extrapyramidal and motor disorders
Syndrome "Restless" legs. Crested man syndrome
G25.9 Extrapyramidal and motor disorder Uncomfortable

G26 * Extrapyramidal and motor disorders in diseases classified in other categories

Other degenerative diseases of the nervous system (G30-G32)

G30 Alzheimer's disease

Included: seenylon and presets
Excluded: Shenyl:
degeneration of NCDR brain ( G31.1)
dementia BDA ( F03.)
Senior BDU ( R54)

G30.0. Early Alzheimer's disease
Note the disease usually in persons under the age of 65
G30.1. Late illness Alzheimer
Note the disease usually in persons over 65 years old
G30.8. Other forms of Alzheimer's disease
G30.9 Alzheimer's disease is unspecified

G31 Other degenerative diseases of the nervous system, not classified in other categories

Excluded: Rea Syndrome ( G93.7.)

G31.0. Limited brain atrophy. Peak disease. Progressive isolated aphasia
G31.1 Shenyl degeneration of the brain, not classified bathroom in other categories
Excluded: Alzheimer's disease ( G30.. -)
Senior BDU ( R54)
G31.2. Degeneration of the nervous system caused by alcohol
cerebral degeneration
Estimation of the vegetative [autonomous] nervous system caused by alcohol
G31.8. Other refined degenerative diseases of the nervous system. Segeneration of gray substance [Alpes's disease]
Prostulating necrotic encephalopathy [League's disease]
G31.9. The degenerative disease of the nervous system is unspecified

G32 * Other degenerative disorders of the nervous system in diseases classified in other rubric

G32.0.* Prostulating the combined degeneration of the spinal cord for diseases classified in other categories
Prostulating the combined degeneration of the spinal cord with the lack of vitamin AT 12 (E53.8.+)
G32.8.* Other refined degenerative disorders of the nervous system of the topic for diseases classified in other categories

Demyelinizing diseases of the central nervous system (G35-G37)

G35 scarm sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis:
brain barrel
spinal cord

G36 Other form of acute disseminated demyelinization

Excluded: post-infection encephalitis and encephalomyelitis BDU ( G04.8.)

G36.0. OpticEverMelitis [Devik's disease]. Demelinization at never spectator nerve
Excluded: Neurrit of the visual nerve BDU ( H46.)
G36.1. Acute and subacute hemorrhagic leuoentephalitis [Harst's disease]
G36.8. Another updated form of acute disseminated demelization
G36.9. Acute disseminated demyelinization unspecified

G37 Other Demyelinizing Diseases of the Central Nervous System

G37.0. Diffuse sclerosis. Periaxial encephalitis, siltra disease
Excluded: adrenolate code [Addison-Schilder] ( E71.3.)
G37.1. Central Molden Body Deeelination
G37.2. Central Pontane Melinolysis
G37.3. Acute transverse myelitis with demyelinizing diseases of the central nervous system
Sharp transverse Melit BDU
Excluded: Dispel Sclerosis ( G35)
OpticEverMelitis [Devik's disease] ( G36.0.)
G37.4. Motor necrotic myelit
G37.5. Concentric sclerosis [Balo]
G37.8. Other refined demyelinizing diseases of the central nervous system
G37.9. Demyelinating the central nervous system uncomfortable disease

Episodic and paroxysmal disorders (G40-G47)

G40 Epilepsy

Excluded: Landau Clefner syndrome ( F80.3.)
convulsive fit BDU ( R56.8.)
epileptic status ( G41.. -)
Parables Todd ( G83.8.)

G40.0. Localized (focal) (partial) idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with convulsive false kami with focal start. Benign children's epilepsy with peaks on EEG in the Central-temporal area
Children's epilepsy with paroxysmal activity either EEG in the occipital region
G40.1. Localized (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with simple partial seizures. Attacks without changing consciousness. Simple partial seizures passing into secondary
Generalized seizures
G40.2. Localized (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with complex parcies of convulsive seizures. Attacks with the messenger of consciousness, often with epileptic avtomatism
Complex partial seizures, moving into secondary generalized seizures
G40.3. Generalized idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes
Benignant (s):
myocLonic Early Children's Epilepsy
neonatal cramps (family)
Children's epileptic absansions [Picnoleppsia]. Epilepsy with big convulsions when awakening
mioclonic epilepsy [impulsive small seizure, Petit MAL]
Nonspecific epileptic seizures:
G40.4. Other types of generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes
Epilepsy with:
myoclonic absans
myoclon-astatic seizures

Children's spasms. Lennox-Gasto Syndrome. Salaams Tick. Symptomatic Early Mioclonic Encephalopathy
West Syndrome
G40.5. Special epileptic syndromes. Epilepsy partial continuous [Kozhevnikova]
Epileptic seizures related to:
alcohol use
use of drugs
hormonal changes
deprivation of sleep
exposure to stress factors
If necessary, identify the drug use additional external reasons (class XX).
G40.6. Saves GRAND MAL uncomfortable (with small seizures or without them)
G40.7. Small seizures unspecified without seizures GRAND MAL
G40.8. Other refined forms of epilepsy. Epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, not defined as focal or generalized
G40.9 Epilepsy uncomfortable
convulsions BDA
bD attacks
saves BDA

G41 epileptic status

G41.0. Epileptic status of GRAND MAL (convulsive seizures). Tonic-clonic epileptic status
Excluded: Epilepsy partial continuous [Kozhevnikov] ( G40.5.)
G41.1. Zpileptic status Petit MAL (small seizures). Epileptic status Absans
G41.2. Sophisticated partial epileptic status
G41.8. Another refined epileptic status
G41.9. Epileptic status is unspecified

G43 Migraine

Excluded: BDA Headache ( R51)

G43.0. Migraine without aura [simple migraine]
G43.1. Migraine with aura [Classical Migraine]
aura without headaches
family hemiplegic
aura in acute early
long aura
typical aura
G43.2. Migraneous status
G43.3. Complicated migraine
G43.8. Other migraine. Ophthalmoplegic migraine. Retinal migraine
G43.9. Migraine uncomfortable

G44 Other headache syndromes

Excluded: Atypical face pain ( G50.1)
Headache BDU ( R51)
neuralgia trigeny nerve (G50.0.)

G44.0. Syndrome "Histamine" headaches. Chronic paroxysmal hemikrania.

"Histamic" headache:
G44.1. Vascular headache, not classified in other categories. Vascular headache BDA
G44.2. Headache intense type. Chronic tension headache
Episodic tension headache. BDA voltage headache
G44.3. Chronic post-traumatic headache
G44.4. Headache caused by the use of drugs not classified in other categories
If necessary, identify the drug use additional external reasons (class XX).
G44.8. Another refined headache syndrome

G45 Transient Cerebral Cerebral Ischemic Attacks [Attacks] and Related Syndrome

Excluded: Neonatal Cerebral Ischemia ( P91.0.)

G45.0. Vertebrobasilar arterial system syndrome
G45.1. Sleepy artery syndrome (half-stone)
G45.2. Multiple and bilateral cerebral arterial syndromes
G45.3. Transient blindness
G45.4. Transient global amnesia
Excluded: amnesia BDU ( R41.3.)
G45.8. Other transient cerebral ischemic attacks and associated syndromes
G45.9. Transient cerebral ischemic attack unspecified. Cerebral artery spasm
Transient cerebral ischemia BDA

G46 * Vascular brain syndromes with cerebrovascular diseases ( I60.-I67.+)

G46.0.* Middle Brain Artery Syndrome ( I66.0.+)
G46.1.* Front brain artery syndrome ( I66.1+)
G46.2.* Rear brain artery syndrome ( I66.2.+)
G46.3.* Stroke syndrome in brain trunk ( I60.-I67.+)
G46.4.* Cerebellar stroke syndrome ( I60.-I67.+)
G46.5.* Pure Motor Lacooner Syndrome ( I60.-I67.+)
G46.6.* Pure sensitive lacuniary syndrome ( I60.-I67.+)
G46.7.* Other lacunar syndromes ( I60.-I67.+)
G46.8.* Other brain vascular syndromes in cerebro vascular diseases ( I60.-I67.+)

G47 sleep disorders

Excluded: nightmares ( F51.5.)
Sleep disorders inorganic etiology ( F51. -)
Night horrors ( F51.4.)
Single ( F51.3.)

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And parents need to know why this happened and how to prevent such situations in the future.




A convulsions are classified depending on various factors.

  • epileptic;
  • neepileptic (can go to epileptic).

Depending on clinical manifestations:

Depending on the involvement of different structures of the brain, may differ in nature:

  • tonic;
  • clonic;
  • clonic tonic.


The first phase, as a rule, lasts no more than 1 minute, but it is the duration of the second phase that is an important factor in further forecasts.

The causes of the occurrence of the syndrome can be the most different. The nature of the seizure is diagnosed by the doctor, conducting all the necessary research.




Sometimes such an attack is a child's reaction to a prophylactic vaccination. Basically it happens in children up to 1.5 years.



They are also observed in children with diabetic hypoglycemia after long starvation and strong physical exertion.

Children with the problems of the work of the thyroid gland, as well as the operation on it, are often found with this kind of attacks.




Oxygen deficiency may occur both at a low level of oxygen in the surrounding atmosphere and in pathological conditions. It leads to a violation of the body's work due to a failure in the work of exchange processes.

Hypoxia occurs quite often and serves as a concomitant symptom of many diseases.

In a child with an increased nervous excitability, it can manifest itself at the time of pronounced joy or anger. A strong cry or crying can cause this phenomenon.


For structural reasons include brain damage:


The syndrome develops suddenly and manifests itself with various symptoms, but they all have a general nature:

  • {!LANG-600bd825cd3ee023c2416b38bd1ca37e!}
  • head throws out;
  • jaws are closed;
  • high probability of stopping breathing;
  • bradycardia appears;
  • skin color is very pale;
  • breathing becomes noisy and highly rapidly;
  • the look is clogging, the child is not aware of what is happening and loses relationship with reality;
  • the appearance of foam from mouth.

Accompanying illnesses

Causes often appear against the background of acute infectious diseases, poisoning and hereditary diseases.

They can also accompany the following diseases:

  • congenital pathology of the CNS;
  • focal brain lesions;
  • heart impairment;
  • various blood diseases.


Since there are many reasons for the occurrence of the syndrome, the survey should include a comprehensive inspection of different specialists (pediatrician, neurologist, endocrinologist and others).

It is important, under what circumstances, how long and what kind of seizures were.

Also, for proper diagnostics, it is necessary to provide reliable information about the hereditary predispositions undergoing diseases and injuries.


  • reophiecephalography;
  • radiography skull.


  • lumbal puncture;
  • neurosonography;
  • diaphanoscopy;
  • angiography;
  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • CT brain.

In the development of the syndrome, it is necessary to perform a biochemical study of blood and urine.

Saving convulsive syndrome in children: treatment


But if analyzes have identified a more serious reason for their occurrence, medication treatment is appointed:

  • relieving syndrome with drugs such as "hexenal", "diazepam", "gomk", and intramuscular or intravenous introduction of magnesium sulfate;
  • reception of sedatives.

An important factor is the normalization of nutrition for the full restoration of the body.

After removing the acute state, supporting and preventive therapy under constant supervision of the doctor is carried out.



  1. If the child stood, try to prevent fall (a blow when the position only wishes).
  2. Lay on a solid surface, and you can put something soft under the head.
  3. Expand the head or the whole body of the side.
  4. Free the neck from clothes.
  5. Provide fresh air.
  6. Put the handkerchief or tissue napkin in the mouth.
  7. {!LANG-e75cfb6add319ecf59eaff2a4871f49f!}


In most cases, convulsions are stopped with age. But it is necessary to observe precautions. In order to avoid repetitions, the seizure cannot be allowed hyperthermia in infectious diseases.



Danger and unpredictability


Remember that timely appeal to the doctor and the correct prevention will continue to help keep your child health and protect his life from the emergence of this kind of seizure in the future.




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