List of products allowed for patients with diabetes mellitus. Prohibited and permitted foods for diabetes. What foods are prohibited for diabetes

20.08.2019 Information

The disease diabetes mellitus requires not only getting rid of the cause of hyperglycemia, but also prevention of damage to small and large blood vessels who suffer from high sugar blood. This is fraught with dangerous chronic complications from the outside vascular system internal organs, eyes, hearts.

To avoid problems and aggravate the disease, it is recommended to adhere to proper nutrition, which will help to normalize carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Food must necessarily fully meet the needs of a diabetic patient and have a high nutritional value.

Foods allowed for diabetic diets

Healthy foods for all diabetics are those that are high in water and low in fat and sugar, of course. Vegetables: spinach, celery, artichokes, eggplant, watercress, broccoli, zucchini, zucchini, white onion, cucumber, cucumber, cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, green beans, lettuce, cucumbers, peppers, radishes, kale, palm hearts and tomato. Meat and fish without fat: especially chicken and turkey in the case of meat, because they are less fatty, and meat and fish are better steamed, baked or fried. There are other foods that are allowed in the diet for diabetics, but they should be consumed in moderation and under the supervision of a doctor and dietitian.

Without adherence to the diet, it is impossible to eliminate the symptoms of diabetes; in some cases, with a mild course of the disease, a person copes with the disease without the use of drugs.

Proper nutrition when diabetes mellitus helps to reduce body weight in obese patients, high-quality and fresh food should be present on the menu. When the weight does not exceed permissible norm, the calorie content must meet nutritional standards, taking into account:

Diet Prohibited Foods for Diabetics

The amount and frequency of these convenient foods will not be the same in all types of diabetes, as the diet for insulin resistance is not the same as one. Skimmed milk: Both milk and yoghurts should be free of added sugar. low fruit sugars: should be as natural and fresh as possible, such as strawberries, tangerines, papaya, watermelon, watermelon, pineapple, pear, apple, passionfruit, mango, passionfruit, blackberries, oranges, grapes and cherimoya. Cereals and potatoes: rice, pasta, cassava, corn, bananas, oats, barley, beans or beans, lentils, peas, beans, bread made from whole grain and crackers or soy.

  • Coconut water is ideal because of low sugar and calories.
  • It is best to combine them with vegetables.
However, there are a number of foods that are completely prohibited in diabetes and therefore need to be excluded from any of them.

  1. floor;
  2. degree of physical activity;
  3. the age of the person.

As you know, with type 2 diabetes mellitus, the likelihood of vascular atherosclerosis increases, ischemic disease heart, as well as cerebrovascular diseases, which strongly destroy the vessels of the brain. Therefore, the nutrition of a patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus should be anti-sclerotic.

A special case is pregnant women who, in addition to foods that are approved and prohibited for diabetics, have their own special diet for gestational diabetes to ensure a healthy and safe diet for mother and baby. Flour and refined sugar: including refined and brown sugar, chocolate, honey, cakes, syrups, ice cream, jams, cakes, sandwiches, sweet biscuits, industrial snacks, artificial sweeteners, and bottled juices. Dairy products: Anything with a lot of fat, like butter, cream, mayonnaise, butter and cream cheese. Of course, you should eliminate fried ones because they contribute to a lot of bad health fats, so they should disappear as well. Fatty meats: Animal sources such as pork and sausages. ... All of these foods, permitted and prohibited for diabetics, can also serve as a guide for others, because the diet must not only eat well during the season, but also develop healthy eating habits.

Shown to drastically limit the consumption of animal fat, since it is rich in saturated fatty acids, low-density cholesterol. Studies show that nutrition with high content lipids reduces the sensitivity of the body's cells to insulin, regardless of whether food is separated or not. The main condition is that the components of the diet are balanced. A table specially designed for patients helps to understand diabetes well.

Among the foods that can be consumed by 2 diabetics, we find nuts. Nuts are recommended for people with diabetes because their carbohydrates are complex, meaning they are absorbed slowly into the body, avoiding a sudden rise in blood sugar. They are also recommended because they contain vitamin E, which is important because it helps to increase protection, and because of diabetes, people suffering from this disease have low protection.

Among the most important nuts are nuts. Walnuts are very useful for diabetics, because they allow better use of the body by insulin, that is, they increase insulin sensitivity. Pistachios are also excellent because they help lower blood sugar levels. Pistachios are recommended to be eaten during or after meals, as after meals occurs when they usually give a sudden rise in glucose.

Food pyramid, cooking method

There is a food pyramid, but what is it? It clearly shows how much and what kind of food you need to eat. At the very top are foods that are rarely allowed for consumption: sweets, alcoholic beverages, vegetable oils. In second place are liquid dairy products, chicken, fish, meat, nuts, legumes, such food can be eaten in 2-3 portions.

Others are legumes. Legumes like lentils are allowed because they contain soluble fiber, which helps lower blood glucose levels. Just be careful not to consume too much as they contain a low proportion of saturated fat, which is not good for the body.

Among the grains that 2 diabetics can eat are oats, rye and rice, but whole. Grains that you cannot eat are wheat, corn, and white rice. Wheat is the one from which all the white flour is made, from which pasta, pizza, cookies, bread, etc. are made. wheat has been shown to be very harmful for diabetes due to its extremely high glycemic index. Also, avoid whole wheat flour and be careful with advertisements because many companies say that whole flour is good for its fiber content, but it isn't.

The next step is fruits and vegetables, the first one per day is allowed to eat 2-4 portions, the second 3-5 portions. At the base of the food pyramid are cereals, breads, which are eaten most - 6-11 servings per day.

According to the presence of energy in the portion and nutritional properties, products within the same group can be interchangeable, they are called food substitutes.

Corn should be avoided because, like wheat, it glycemic index very high. And as you should avoid corn, so are all derived foods such as corn bread, polenta, corn flour, cornstarch, etc. many companies sell diabetic desserts, saying their products are diabetes-friendly because they contain cornstarch instead of sugar. Be very careful with this because cornstarch is just as bad as sugar.

Among the vegetables diabetics can eat are those with a low glycemic index, such as lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, Swiss chard, and others. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. Most people suffer from this disorder due to aging. A list of foods to avoid for diabetes is considered the best way to prevent this problem. Your diet and lifestyle must be regulated if you suffer from this condition.

Nutrition for type 2 diabetes mellitus provides for the exclusion of fried foods; preference should be given to such methods of heat treatment:

  1. cooking in water, other liquids;
  2. steaming;
  3. cooking followed by baking in the oven;
  4. extinguishing.

Doctors often allow patients to bake food in the oven; they use special baking sleeves and aluminum foil for this. It is also allowed to simmer food if they differ in a juicy consistency.

This disease is becoming a global problem. He also attacks the younger generation. Excessive consumption of junk food, alcohol consumption and poor dietary habits are the main reasons for the popularity of diabetes. The consequences of this disorder can be fatal if the required care is not taken. Because it can affect the eyes and legs. A person can become blind if this condition is not properly treated.

List of prohibited foods for type 2 diabetics. Consuming too much sugar can be very harmful to our body. Avoid sugar and all sweetened foods. You should also avoid soft drinks and fruit juices as they are high in sugar. This raises blood sugar levels.

At first, doctors advise measuring the portion size with kitchen scales, after a while the patient will learn to determine the required amount of food "by eye". Instead of scales, you can use measuring containers, dishes.

Nutrition for diabetes mellitus and food allowed for consumption will be discussed below.


Sugar level

You should also avoid sweets and cakes. List of foods you can eat when you have type 2 diabetes. Fish, green leafy vegetables, and all types of lean meats. You should also drink enough water to maintain proper blood circulation in your body.

You can also eat poultry foods such as chicken, duck, and goose. Tags: prohibited fruits for diabetics, diabetic can eat cow stomach, stomach diabetes, you can eat duck for diabetes, foods that type 2 diabetics should not eat.

The following are foods high in purine and should be avoided: heart, liver, kidney, brain, stomachs, meat sauce, meat extracts, red meat, seafood, mackerel, sardines, herring, fish roe, goose, partridge, yeast extracts. Also, you must stop drinking alcohol, especially beer.


The menu for type 2 diabetics should contain meat, it will become a source of protein, carbohydrates and vitamins. There are many types of meat, not all are equally useful for patients with impairment carbohydrate metabolism.

Chicken will be an excellent source of nutrients, it is tasty, light and quickly absorbed by the body, such meat contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. Chicken helps to reduce the amount of bad blood cholesterol, reduce the ratio of proteins that are excreted by urea. For this reason, diabetics are not only allowed, but also recommended to eat chicken.

High cholesterol often has no symptoms, the problem is that when your cholesterol is already high, you may suffer from serious illnesses that can even lead to death. There are thin people who have very high cholesterol levels, and there are also overweight people who have normal level cholesterol.

What you eat is very important in terms of your health. The main problem with diabetics is that the sugar level does not exceed normal limits. Although not usually fatal, diarrhea is very uncomfortable and anyone with diarrhea wants to get it right as soon as possible. In many cases, this can be done with minor dietary changes.

To prepare nutritious meals that are not capable of causing harm, you need to remove the skin from the bird, cut out the fat. It is important to know that the lower part of the carcass contains the most fat, therefore, if the patient is overweight, the patient should choose white meat (breast).

For type 2 diabetes, chicken meat is baked, boiled, stewed or steamed. To increase the taste, add:

Gestational diabetes occurs when blood glucose levels rise when a woman is pregnant. Gestational diabetes usually goes away after the baby is born. But a pregnant woman with gestational diabetes can get type 2 diabetes later in life. There is currently no established diabetic diet program, but you will find general suggestions on what foods to eat. Thus, instead of focusing on foods that diabetics should consume, the main goal is to identify foods that are not suitable for diabetes.

  1. herbs;
  2. spices;
  3. lemon juice.

In the store, you need to pay attention to chickens, they have less fat, and the meat is more tender.

On the menu, when type 2 diabetes mellitus, food can sometimes include pork, it is high in vitamin B, an easily digestible protein. Lean pork must be taken, it is cooked along with a large number of vegetables: beans, tomatoes, peas, peppers.

Diabetes is basically a condition where there is an excess of sugar in the blood. Sugar provides the energy the body needs, and insulin allows the sugar to be used for energy. Lack of sugar, insulin is not absorbed, which leads to fatigue.

Diverticular disease is a disorder gastrointestinal tract, which obviously affects the colon. This disorder is characterized by the development of a sac or diverticulum in the colon wall. Diabetes is one of the most common diseases. Bad eating habits and fast-paced lifestyles have contributed to its expansion in all developed countries as well as in developing countries.

You cannot add various sauces to meat at any stage of diabetes, especially mayonnaise and ketchup. Like chicken, pork is baked, boiled, stewed, but not fried!

A balanced diet involves the use of lamb, but in small quantities, the meat should be free of fat. You can prepare such a product with vegetables, season with:

  • celery;
  • garlic;
  • sweet pepper.

Lamb should be stewed for a long time, over low heat.

Initial symptoms are often associated with direct exposure high levels blood sugar. Diabetes - chronic illness which, in short, occurs at a time when the pancreas is not producing enough insulin or when the body is unable to use it effectively. According to the American Diabetes Association in a document aimed at the general population, insulin has a function similar to that of a goalkeeper, which regulates the entry of glucose into cells.

When there is enough insulin and it “works well,” glucose can penetrate into cells where it can be transformed or used in the form of energy. Conversely, when there is not enough insulin, due to the lack of synthesis of the pancreas, or when for some reason it cannot do its job, blood sugar levels increase.

Beef should be a welcome guest on the table of diabetics; such meat has a beneficial effect on the blood sugar levels of a person.

High-quality meat is included in the food for type 2 diabetics; during the cooking process, it is enough just to salt the dish, spices and herbs in it will be superfluous. Nutritionists advise eating boiled beef, making soups and broths from the product. Cooking recipes are on our website.

What is diabetes treatment?

Treatment of diabetes mellitus includes several strategies related to lifestyle, more specifically with regard to food and physical activity, as well as pharmacological treatment... In this last aspect, treatment based on oral medications as well as various injectable insulin preparations. The various therapeutic combinations are varied and will depend on each case, based mainly on the type of diabetes, the development of the disease and the characteristics of the patient.


For the treatment of diabetes mellitus, the menu should contain a large number of fresh vegetables, they contain quite a lot of fiber, which is necessary to replenish carbohydrate metabolism in case of a disease. We can say that vegetables are even doubly useful, they help accelerate metabolic processes, saturate the body with amino acids, microelements, macroelements, tone the body and remove oxidized toxins.

Doctors identify a group of vegetables that are especially rich in fiber. So, it is allowed to eat vegetables: eggplant, red pepper, zucchini, pumpkin.

In diabetes, eggplant helps to evacuate excess fat, toxins, and waste products. Vegetables contain little glucose, which is important for hyperglycemia. There are a lot of vitamins in red pepper, including B vitamins (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9), A, they are necessary to remove bad low-density cholesterol from the blood, this property is simply irreplaceable.

As part of the diabetic menu, zucchini should also be present, the content of trace elements in them is off scale:

  1. magnesium;
  2. zinc;
  3. iron;
  4. potassium;
  5. sodium.

These substances will have a beneficial effect on the body of a patient with symptoms of diabetes mellitus. Also, zucchini normalize metabolic processes.

Pumpkin is well suited for nutrition in diabetes mellitus; it improves the processing of the hormone insulin, thereby lowering the glucose concentration.

Eating pumpkin every day will help control blood glucose.

Fruits, berries

A therapeutic diet for diabetes mellitus includes a large amount of fruits, preference should be given to sour and sweet and sour varieties. It can be apples, pears, grapefruits, oranges, kiwi, plums.

Berries with diabetes in the diet can be any, their glycemic index and calorie content are minimal. Fruits and berries are included in desserts, diabetic ice cream and sugar-free compotes are prepared on their basis. But doctors advise to eat these foods naturally.

We must not forget that even foods that are allowed for the symptoms of diabetes mellitus cannot be eaten in unlimited quantities. The correct serving of fruit is the one that fits in the patient's palm.

The main fruit for diet therapy is an apple; it is eaten for any type of disease 1, 2 degrees. Apples contain a lot of pectin, it cleans the blood well, and lowers the level of glycemia. In addition to pectin, the fruits contain:

  1. vitamin C;
  2. potassium;
  3. cellulose;
  4. iron.

Moreover, apples can be bought throughout the year, they are affordable.

Pears will become an alternative to apples, they are not so sweet and take a long time to digest in the stomach, giving a feeling of satiety. Grapefruit has a record content of fiber and ascorbic acid, the glycemic index is low, and the calorie content is minimal. Even if you eat a couple of grapefruits a day, your blood sugar will not rise.

As noted, any berries are allowed for diabetes, except for melons, which are eaten in limited quantities. A diabetic can easily consume cranberries, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, lingonberries, blueberries and other types of berries. They can be eaten raw or cooked compote, from heat treatment, the glycemic index of the fruit and the amount useful properties does not change.

It is allowed to make jam and confiture from berries, but without adding white sugar to them.

A fish

Quite an important product in the presence of diabetes mellitus is sea and river fish, it is allowed to be consumed at least twice a week. Thanks to omega-3 acids, with hyperglycemia, blood sugar and cholesterol levels decrease, and metabolic processes are regulated. The nutritional value enough seafood, which is important for metabolic diseases.

Separately, it should be noted the content of fish oil, it is a storehouse of useful substances. But if the patient has inflammatory process in the pancreas, you need to be careful with fish oil.

Diabetes of the second type requires adherence to a certain diet, the fish must be steamed, baked or boiled, sometimes even lightly salted fish is allowed. Self-prepared ones are also useful.

It is advisable to eat lean fish, it can be:

  • cod;
  • haddock;
  • pollock;
  • flounder;
  • vobla;
  • zander;
  • navaga.

The fat content of such fish ranges from 0.3 to 0.9%.

It is necessary to follow the nutritional rules for hyperglycemia, use recipes that do not involve frying the product. It is better not to eat fish broth soups, eat only a carcass of fish.

If there is no excess body weight, the endocrinologist allows you to eat more fatty varieties.

Mineral water

For diabetics, not only food is important, but also water. Mineral waters differ in composition, they may contain: hydrogen sulfide, sulfuric acid salts, carbon dioxide, ions of carbonic acid salts.

Mineral water contributes to normal digestion, improves carbohydrate metabolism, accelerates the reaction of insulin receptors, increases the work of enzymes that are responsible for transporting glucose to tissues. The patient should know what to drink in case of problems with sugar, and what not categorically.

So, to lower acetone in the blood, remove under-oxidized enzymes and increase alkali reserves, doctors advise drinking bicarbonate and sulfate water. With regular use, a patient with diabetes will get rid of free fatty acids, cholesterol.

Mineral water for the symptoms of diabetes mellitus eliminates the constant feeling of thirst, renews water balance, as a result, the patient ceases to suffer from discomfort in the area of ​​the liver. Carbonic acid and sulphate water is necessary for:

  1. regeneration;
  2. oxidation.

Therefore, the production of insulin increases significantly.

The type of water, temperature and dosage should be prescribed by a doctor, recommendations depend on the age of the sick person, the type of diabetes, the presence of complications and the severity of the pathology. None is complete without the use of mineral water.

Therapeutic nutrition for diabetes mellitus can be separate, in which case the patient eats each type of food separately. It can help some people lose weight.

How to eat right with diabetes is described in the video in this article.

Refers to endocrine diseases and is characterized by a relative or absolute deficiency of the hormone insulin, which is produced in the pancreas.

There are 2 types of this disease:

  • insulin-dependent diabetes;
  • insulin-resistant diabetes.

And in fact, and in another case, in addition to insulin preparations, it is shown to follow a diet.

Basic nutritional principles

The goal of the diabetes mellitus diet is to normalize carbohydrate metabolism, as well as prevent fat metabolism disorders.

Pevzner's treatment table corresponds to No. 9.

general characteristics diet food for a day:

  • carbohydrates due to polysaccharides should be 300-350 grams;
  • proteins - at least 90-100 grams, of which 55% are animal proteins;
  • fats - at least 70-80 grams, of which 30% are vegetable fats;
  • free liquid - 1.5 liters (with soups);
  • the energy value- 2300-2500 kilocalories.

Basic principles of the diet:

  • diet;
    Meals for diabetes should be fractional: in small portions up to 5-6 times a day, which, on the one hand, will prevent hunger, and on the other hand, exclude overeating.
  • temperature regime;
    Food should be eaten warmed up to 15-65 degrees Celsius.
  • alcohol consumption;
    Observing a diet for diabetes mellitus, one should refuse alcoholic beverages, since they contain a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates.
  • limiting sugar;
    Sugar and "fast" carbohydrates should be replaced with xylitol because they are quickly digested and threaten to coma.
  • salt restriction;
    Diet for diabetes means limiting table salt, since it adversely affects the kidneys.
  • nutrient content;
    The amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates must be balanced: with each meal, their content should be approximately the same.
  • obligatory breakfast;
    In the morning, before the injection of insulin, you need to have a snack so as not to cause a hypoglycemic coma.
  • culinary processing;
    It is necessary to avoid fried foods, all dishes are served boiled and baked in order to spare the liver.
  • drinking fluids;
    In diabetes mellitus, both excess and lack of fluid are dangerous for the development of coma. The amount of liquid you drink should be at least 1.5 liters per day.

Allowed foods for diabetes

It is advisable to exchange fast-digesting carbohydrates for raw, boiled and baked vegetables, which are very useful for diabetes mellitus. Food must contain increased amount vitamins, which is of great importance for any disease.

Since the diet for diabetes mellitus is aimed not only at normalizing carbohydrate metabolism, but also at preventing disruptions in fat metabolism(in the liver), it is necessary to eat foods with a large amount of lipotropic substances. Sugar and sweets are excluded due to the risk of developing hyperglycemic coma. Preference should be given to complex carbohydrates, which are slowly broken down in the stomach, while simple ones begin to be absorbed already in the mouth.

The list of permitted foods includes:

  • bran and rye bread - about 200-300 grams;
  • low-fat varieties of beef, veal, pork and lamb (cut off all fat);
  • poultry (turkey, chicken without skin) boiled or stewed;
  • rabbit meat;
  • boiled tongue, diet sausage;
  • boiled or baked low-fat fish;
  • canned fish in own juice;
  • boiled eggs, protein omelets - no more than 2 eggs per day, yolk -1 times a week;
  • vegetable soups, weak meat broths;
  • milk at the discretion of the doctor (one glass per day), low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, low-fat fermented baked milk;
  • unsalted and mild cheese;
  • butter and ghee without salt;
  • buckwheat porridge, millet, pearl barley, oatmeal;
  • restricted pasta and legumes;
  • sour berries and fruits;
  • vegetables (restricted potatoes, white and cauliflower cabbage, zucchini, eggplants) in boiled and baked form;
  • jelly, jelly, mousse;
  • weak tea or coffee with milk, fruit drinks and fruit drinks without sugar;
  • aspic fish, vegetable caviar, vinaigrette, soaked herring;
  • vegetable oil in salads;
  • okroshka.

Prohibited foods

When dieting, you should exclude simple carbohydrates, including starch, which increase blood sugar and increase the patient's weight, this is especially true for obese people. It makes sense to avoid consuming fructose: it is also a simple carbohydrate.

It is also worth limiting animal fats and extractives, because they put a strain on the liver.

The list of prohibited foods includes:

  • puff pastry and pastry;
  • high fat meat;
  • fatty bird (geese, ducks);
  • most sausages;
  • almost all canned food;
  • high fat fish;
  • canned fish with oil;
  • salted cheese;
  • sweet curd snacks;
  • yolks are limited;
  • rice, semolina, pasta;
  • salted and pickled canned vegetables;
  • rich broths;
  • sweet fruits (bananas, grapes, raisins, figs);
  • sweets (ice cream, jam, cakes, pastries, sweets);
  • mustard, horseradish, pepper;
  • juices from sweet fruits and berries, sweet carbonated drinks;
  • mayonnaise;
  • fatty cottage cheese;
  • sugar;
  • potatoes, carrots, beets are limited.

The need to follow a diet for diabetes

A diabetes diet allows not only to normalize blood sugar levels, but also to reduce weight in obese individuals. Moreover, this treatment table rich in vitamins, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The diet avoids complications of diabetes mellitus (coma) and disciplines the patient.

Proper nutrition is a struggle for healthy image life.

Consequences of not following the diet

Failure to comply with the diet is dangerous for the development of both hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic coma. Regular violation of the diet is dangerous for kidney damage and the development of vascular complications, which are fraught with amputations of the limbs, blindness and even death.