How to treat old leg injury. Break leg - what to do? What to do with a strong bruise leg when contacting the doctor

05.07.2020 Information

IN everyday life People get a lot of injuries as a result of falling, collisions or shocks. As a result, there is often an injury.

In such a state, sharp pain and swelling occurs. To prevent negative consequences, you need to consult a doctor in time.

However, in simple cases, it is quite possible to treat the legs of the legs at home.

Clinical picture

From a medical point of view, injury is a damage to soft tissues or muscles without damaging their structure.

Depending on the degree of injury, the symptoms of this violation may be different. The main one includes the following:

  1. Painful sensations of a different nature - most often there is a good discomfort.
  2. The swelling of the affected area.
  3. Pulsation of a damaged area.
  4. The appearance of hematoma.

Similar manifestations has a fracture. Therefore, it is important to determine the nature of the injury.

To do this, it is necessary to analyze such features:

Sometimes in the region of the fracture does not appear hematoma. Therefore, the victim takes damage for light injury or swelling. To put an accurate diagnosis, you need to consult a doctor.

Many people are interested, whether sick leave upon receipt of the injury. The decision to take only the doctor, depending on the nature and severity of the damage obtained.

Features of bruises in children

Children are distinguished by high mobility. Therefore, the baby's injury is not rare. Such injuries are often the result of unsuccessful drops or blows with a blunt subject.

Painness and swelling occur immediately or only a few days after damage. In severe injury, hemorrhage develops, which entails the formation of hematoma.

Ears of legs in children are often accompanied by stretching or tensile ligaments. There is also a risk of dislocation or bone fracture.

When a pronounced pain syndrome appears, which increases when driving, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What to do when your leg injury? This question is worried about many people. First aid when the leg injury implies the execution of simple manipulations. For this you need:

If the symptoms after the first aid are not reduced, the patient should be shown a doctor. A specialist will diagnose and can exclude more serious injuries - for example, a fracture of the leg.

Many people are interested in how to treat the injury of feet with an edema at home.

In the first day after damage to the limb, it is necessary to have an injured area with a cold. Subsequently, these manipulations need to be changed to thermal procedures.

To do this, dry or wet compresses, warm baths, bulls are used. With the help of these simple procedures, treatment of hematoma on the leg after the injury is carried out.

It is not necessary when receiving such injuries to carry out the root of the affected areas. Such procedures are able to provoke the development of thrombophlebitis. Under this term understands enough complicated pathologywhich is accompanied by blockage veins with blood clots.

Than to smear the damaged area after removing the exacerbation, the doctor must suggest. Most often apply anti-inflammatory funds - diclac, voltar, and ibuprofen ointment.

How to remove a tumor with an affected limb? To do this, you can apply a timcanzine, gel lioton, heparin gel.

If the leg has a swollen or a bump formed, these substances rub in light movements in the affected place. It is recommended to do it 2-3 times a day.

How to quickly cure bruise? To do this, it is necessary to choose an effective folk remedy. Recipes helps to cope with the problem:

What can not be done when bruised?

Many people are interested in what should be done after injury. There are several simple recommendations:

  • immediately after damage, it is impossible to ignore what happened, especially if the injury got a child;
  • it is impossible to move the damaged limb without fixing;
  • it is forbidden to try independently to go out;
  • cannot be applied medications without consulting a doctor.

In simple cases, the forecast is usually favorable. Thanks to simple medical actions, you can quickly cope with the effects of the bruise.

When the hematoma appears, the recovery period increases. Education data can squeeze nervous trunks and vessels. By joining the infection there is a risk of suppuration.

Therefore, the high temperature after the injury must necessarily become a basis for the consultation of the doctor.

With complex bruises there is a risk of tissue necrosis. This situation requires urgent medical care. Another dangerous complication is considered periostitis - inflammation of the periosteum.

Fears should cause bruises of the foot. Since he has a complex structure, there is a risk of development hazardous consequences. K belongs to break the ligaments, hemarthrosis, lesion of the joint capsule.

The injury of the leg is a fairly serious state that can cause negative consequences. Therefore, any suspicious symptoms should be the basis for a visit to a specialist.

In simple cases, it is quite possible to cope on your own, immediately having a victim adequate assistance.

The leg injury is the most common form of injury of the lower limbs, in which there is damage to soft tissues, without changing their structure. With a strong injury to the toes, feet, knee or hips, an impressive hematoma can be formed. In this case, you need to provide first help as quickly as possible, and further continue full treatment.

Frequent causes of injury

Probably there is no such person who, at least once in his life, did not feel all the delights of the bruise. Only at first glance it may seem that it is an annoying household trouble. In fact, injury is closed injury Muscular, nervous, connective and vascular tissues, only without bone fractures.

Due to this injury, the epidermis, subcutaneous fiber, muscle fibers are damaged. After impact, the nerves and blood vessels may suffer, and in this case the internal hemorrhage will lead to the formation of hematoma and edema.

The injury of the lower limbs most often occurs for the following reasons:

  • fall at home or on the street;
  • punch blunt object, with sports, production, household or road injuries.

Most often occurs in children, due to their high activity, and people performing severe physical work.

Characteristic signs

The reaction of the body to the injury obtained is as follows:

  1. At first there is a spasm of vessels, but then they quickly begin to expand. A liquid that impresses the fabric is seeping from the vessel. As a result, swelling appears on the injection site, and then the tissue seal is formed.
  2. If the vessels were torn when the vessels were torn, the blood turns out in the interstitial space and stains it in a blue shade. One of characteristic symptoms Eshiba - the appearance of internal hemorrhage. From the small vessels-capillaries - blood will continue to compose about 10 minutes, from the larger - no less than a day. The first three days after the injury, the injured area will be painted in a saturated crimp color, which will turn yellow over time, and a week later, a healthy skin color will be completely restored.
  3. If blood only impresses neighboring tissues, then the bruise is visible, but if it accumulates in them - the hematoma is formed. In rare cases, the hematoma can lead to flaking fabric.
  4. If the front surface of the lower leg was damaged, where the bone is protected only by the skin, there is a very sharp strong pain and rapid formation of hematoma.
  5. With a strong injury, the blood is poured into the articular bags, thereby causing hemarthrosis.

External signs of bruises are largely dependent on their location. For example, there is a layer of loose subcutaneous fatty tissue on the hips, and it provokes the appearance of large hematomas during injury.

differ acute pain, up to trimming state. The strongest painfulness There are during the injury of the periosteum, in which the greatest concentration of pain receptors is located. If, after the injury gained, the feeling of pain took a pronounced pulsating character and at the same time he does not pass long, then this indicates the appearance of hematoma under the periosteum. It may hurt so much, especially when pressing that the injury is easy to confuse with a fracture. In this case, it is recommended to make x-ray.

The injury of the toes may seem completely harmless, but it is far from that. As a rule, the fingers are injured in the process of movement, sometimes at high speed, resulting in a strong blow. Tendons and small fragile bones are damaged, which is fraught with complications in the future when walking.

To eliminate the possible fracture, you should contact a surgeon or traumatologist, and only after consultation begin to treat the bruise.

First aid

With strong bruises, seek medical help. But, unfortunately, not always and not everyone has such an opportunity. Therefore, it is so important to know what to do primarily when a leg injury is obtained.

  1. The damaged limb should be ensured by comprehensive, laying the affected person on a flat solid surface.
  2. Under the injured foot, it is necessary to put a roller or pillow to be on a small hill.
  3. In the first two hours on a bruised place you need to act as a cold. For these purposes, an ice bubble is suitable, packaging of frozen semi-finished products or a bottle of frozen water. The effects of cold should continue not more than 20-30 minutes, after which a break is made for an hour, and then the procedure continues.
  4. A day later, the bruised place should be treated with warming ointments, gels ,.
  5. With severe pain, taking painkillers are allowed.

If the movement of the foot is difficult, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Medical events

After providing first aid and eliminating the likelihood of foot fracture, the subsequent treatment of the bruise can be continued at home. In this case, you can combine methods traditional medicine and folk remedies.

To remove the seal after the injeple gained, you should resort to thermal procedures, anti-inflammatory and absorbent agents. To ensure heat, you can use a warm water and warm water.

Get rid of solid seal, edema and inflammation will help gels, ointments, alcohol compresses. I smear the bruised place follows 3-4 times a day, following a simple principle: the more swelling, the more ointment should be applied.

Ointment is chosen on the basis of their properties:

  1. Heparin-based drugs will help to cope with severe hematoma: Lyoton, Thrombless ,.
  2. To strengthen the walls of vessels and improving blood circulation, it is recommended to use or thrombsyzine ointment.
  3. Anygesic, remove inflammation and swelling will help diclofenac, fast-gel, nurofen gel, nimesil.

If the leg is very swollen, you need to convert it more thickly to the selected tool. To enhance the action of the medication, the damaged place can be bought by the food film and consolidate: so active components Ointments will be able to start their healing effect on the injury faster and more efficiently.

Ointments and gels are not used if skin is damaged.

A good result in the treatment of bruises give compresses with Dimeksid.

Recipe healing tools Extremely simple:

  1. Dimexide should be dissolved with water in the proportion of 1: 3, stir, soak the resulting gauze solution and impose on a damaged place.
  2. From above, you need to put polyethylene and fix the compress the bandage.

To strengthen the walls of the vessels and reduce the incidence of capillaries, it is recommended to take vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid.

If the injury delivers strong discomfort when walking, you can easily make the load on the injured area using a fixing bandage. As a rule, elastic bandages or orthosis are used for these purposes - a special bandage that immobilizes the bruised joint.

In most cases, bruises quickly heal, not leaving after themselves complications. Surgical intervention may be required when:

  • bruise bruise;
  • damage to nerve endings;
  • intra-articular hemorrhage;
  • blank bundles.

Recovery after the injection received will be faster and more efficient, if you act according to the rules. For prohibited actions include:

  • heating of the bruise in the first day, the use of ointments and compresses;
  • rubbing medicines with a big pressure;
  • independent treatment of the bruise with acute severe pain, which does not stop during the day or more;
  • ignoring problems when walking and other movements injured foot.

When any alarming symptom appears or deterioration of well-being, it is necessary to get qualified medical care as soon as possible. Inaction or self-treatment in this case may entail serious health problems.

Among the injuries of the legs are the most common - soft tissue injury. It occurs when hitting a stupid object or fall. Strong pain, hemorrhage, edema after the injury bring significant inconvenience, and sometimes even limit mobility.

The body's fabrics react differently to the blow. Bones and tendons have significant resistance to such damage, they are easier to harm, dramatically changing the position of the limb. But the subcutaneous fiber and muscles can be very injured even from minor mechanical impacts, and there is an injury. It is easy to treat such injuries, easy to understand what processes in the body occur when hitting.

In the first seconds, small vessels are breaking, the blood of them flows into the surrounding fabrics and soak them. After a few hours, hematomas appear, which under the skin look like blue stains. The bruise of soft tissue legs contributes to the formation of swelling from the flooded lymph directly at the injury. If they affect the joint, swelling spreads around it. The next day, inflammation and pain in the tissues are added to the swelling.

After 2-3 days, the hematoma begins to dissolve, changes the color to greenish and yellow. In normal cases, a week will need a week for the treatment of ears. But there are complications:

  • Blood may not impregnate the muscle, but to pour into the nearby joint. It threatens it by swelling and bad mobility. In the small joints of the hematoma footsteps, it will be resurrected independently, but the knee will require treatment in the trauma.
  • If the blood does not penetrate the tissue, and spreads them, the bruises with clear edges appear. The hematoma may squeeze large vessels and nerves that are nearby, and entering the infection in the infection is threatened. In this case, blood is released surgically, after which the doctor handles the resulting cavity.
  • Strong injury May contribute to the elimination of tissues. Especially on the viability of the muscle affects the joining infection.

In all these cases, it is impossible to engage in self-medication, only a doctor is able to provide qualified assistance.

First aid with foot injury

The earlier assistance will be provided, the smaller damage will receive the limb.

If the skin is in the scene of the scratch or stessen, it must be treated with an antiseptic to reduce the swelling of the legs on the next days. The tool is better to choose transparent so that changes are visible on the skin. Silver cooler, chlorhexidine, Miramistin are suitable.

The next step is to cool the scene of the bruise, ideally in the first minutes after the injury. Cooling vessels are narrowed, so blood is fused less, the amount of damage decreases. On the leg apply filled cold water Hefer or bottle. Any freezer products wrapped in a towel are suitable. For small bruises of this treatment, it is quite enough. The rest will make the body itself.

Significant bruises also require processing and cooling at home in the first 2 hours. The injured limb must be kept on the elevation so that the tumor is less. Better to lie down, laying something under the leg. After 2 hours, the injury is imposed on the scene, which should not transfer the vessels and interfere with blood circulation.

It's time to go to the trauma to eliminate fractures, bundles breaks and strong damage to soft tissues. The traumatologist will also advise how to quickly cure the injury of the leg, prescribe drugs, anesthetic and physiotherapy.

Subsequent treatment

So, the examination was carried out, the diagnosis is limited to the injury to the soft tissue of the leg. Further treatment can be carried out at home.

In the first 2 days after injury, it is necessary to continue cooling the damaged place, ideally it is necessary for 15 minutes every hour. You need to try not to load the sore limb, less walking, lying with the heads raised above the legs.

In the following days, treatment tactics change dramatically. Now the task is to accelerate the resorption of the hematoma and remove the edema. It will help to heat in this: compresses, baths, bonds with a temperature of 37-39 degrees. The temperature above these values \u200b\u200bwill bring more harm than good, and swelling will become extensive.

If the swelling of the legs affected the joint, increased activity will be useful during recovery. Movement in the joint should be performed first carefully, with a small amplitude, and as it is developed - to increase the load.

What to treat bruise? As a rule, official medicine uses ointment of two groups, based on heparin sodium and trocserutin:

  • Sodium heparin has an anti-inflammatory effect and contributes to the resorption of blood clots. Preparations based on it: heparin ointment, thrombless, veto, Lioton.
  • Throxerutin removes swelling and inflammation, strengthens the walls of the vessels. Is an active substance In Troksevazin, Troksegele.
  • Combined preparations containing both heparin and trocserutin: Velatife and Troksevazin neo.

Mazi from bruises gently rub into the damaged space 2-4 times a day until the echibement feels completely down and the hematoma will not disappear.

Folk treatments

How to effectively treat bruise on foot by folk remedies? How to remove swelling? Here are the most effective means:

  • When bruised, Aloe will help with swelling. In addition, this plant helps to reduce inflammation. The pure sheet of aloe must be crushed, the resulting cleaner to wrap in the gauze and impose on the injury in the form of a compression. Bandage can be kept throughout the night.
  • The bow contributes to improved blood circulation and accelerates the resorption of the bruise. Bandage, impregnated with onion juice, impose on a damaged leg for 3 hours.
  • Plantain is an anti-inflammatory and painful agent, his loss leaves are imposed on the injury. But you can also independently make medical ointment: Planting leaves to twist on the meat grinder, mix with soft butter. To enhance the action you can additionally add juice from the plantain.

All folk remedies apply only after the hematoma on the leg will cease to increase. On the first day, cool the bruised limb.

Doctors determine the injury as damage to soft tissues without disrupting the integrity of the skin. Such a trauma may occur when falling on a solid object or, on the contrary, from impact a solid subject by lower limb.

Strong injury is very easy to confuse with a more severe injury - breaking ligaments and muscles or a fracture. This is because injuries are similar by the main signs.

The reasons

The leg injury can be obtained when falling, impacting or due to the door pinch. Sports, in particular, its extreme views, as well as road traffic accidents, also serve as circumstances for injury.

The main factors for leg injury are:

Stop and ankle joint can suffer if a heavy item fell on the leg;

The injury of the calf muscle most often happens with a direct strike on the leg of a heavy item;

The thigh can be injured during an accident, with a fall, doing sports or from a strong impact;

Knee injury happens from falling and hitting the knee joint;

The hip joint suffers from shocks and falls on his side. All segments of the population are subject to these factors, but most of all children, elderly people and athletes.

Degree of injury

The injury can be of varying severity, respectively, and the treatment will be different in each case.

  1. With a slight injury, small damage to the skin are noted. It can be abrasions or scratches. At the same time, the muscles and bones are not affected. This degree of injury does not require special treatment And goes for 3-4 days.
  2. The resulting hematoma and swelling of the tissue speaks of a second degree and requires the treatment of the ears of the legs. Bruises appear due to break blood vessels, and swelling from damage to the structure of muscle tissue.
  3. With a third degree, the muscles and tendons of the bruised leg are damaged. If you do not apply to an injury with such an injury, it will lead to severe complications. The biggest danger represents the knee injury to the third degree.
  4. The most dangerous ears legs have a fourth degree. Due to the strong injury, the injured limb loses its functionality, which can lead to disabilities.

As can be seen, all degrees other than the first are an indication for inspection by a traumatologist and the beginning of treatment.

Signs and symptoms

Signs of injury:

  • after a sharp short-term painful sensation, the pain gradually subsides, becomes a minor;
  • after a few minutes, the swelling of soft tissues may appear;
  • it is possible to form the bloodthove - evidence of the internal hemorrhage of small vessels.

An involuntary abbreviation of muscles and tendons becomes a sign of the concomitant bruise, a violation of their elasticity, which leads to additional pain when trying to proceed with the damaged leg.

With a strong injury, the heel felt gravity, stiffness, numbness various degrees Localization, soreness, edema. Burn injury is a closed mechanical injury without disrupting the integrity of bone tissue. As the depletion and pain is localized and the restriction of the motor function is enhanced.

Related damage:

  • stretching or violation of integrity (gap) tendons and ligaments;
  • damage nail plates;
  • dislocation or fracture of the foot.

They may not be detected immediately, nevertheless require close attention and serious treatment.

In case of incorrect diagnosis, an additional connecting or bone tissue, irritation of nervous fibers, is sometimes formed by unqualified self-treatment.

When trauma fingers, damage to the feed tissue is not immediately detected. Serious complication becomes dystrophic pathology of bones. Then the treatment is stretched for 2-4 weeks or more.

Sometimes it falls in the field to inspect and take ambulance measures with households.

The symptoms of this phenomenon is obvious, you do not need to be a doctor to understand what happened.

  • Initially, a strong and sharp pain is felt, the intensity of which is gradually weakening or vice versa increases. Over time, pain acquires a good character.
  • The damaged leg is hurt. Either on a particular section of the limb of motion becomes painful or at all paralyzed, which happens with strong bruises.
  • The hurt foot section gradually swells, swelling begins.
  • In the case of subcutaneous hemorrhage, hematomas are manifested.

It hurts to rely on the sore feet. At such moments the temperature may rise. Man becomes nervous and irritable.

Signs and symptoms

With injuries, the skin is not damaged, the main

damage is applied soft fabrics

With severe injury may be damaged not only soft injuries, but also internal organs (for example, brain injury may be diagnosed).

Features of treatment by folk remedies

It is also recommended to turn the mugs of the cut potato (naturally, the potatoes are rinsed, clean from the peel, cut into slices with a thickness of about 0.5 cm and these slices and apply 10-15 minutes to the place of the bruise).

Another way to put the leaves of fresh cabbage to the place of the bruise on the leg.

It is also possible to use ointments that accelerate the resorption of hematoma, remove the swelling.

Folk remedies

A person who collided with this problem should know how to treat her legs at home. In fact, there is nothing complicated. Here are some tips, how to cure the leg if the foot or another is bruised.

ethnoscience repeatedly proved its effectiveness in the treatment of diseases and injuries. Methods and techniques are tested by many years, if not centuries-old experiences are available. Preparations can be prepared independently.

So, if you were convinced that there is no fracture, breaks, open deep wounds, try to perform a number of simple manipulations:

Acute pain sensations are removed in 1-3 days, but residual phenomena require a certain rehabilitation period.

Thus, foot bruise, burdened with tension of ligaments, waste, sharp pain - injury, rather common at any time of the year. It lies on the playground, bad road, ice, rolling games, drops.

In most cases, it can be copped at home, unless we eliminate fractures, bundles of ligaments. Then the surgical intervention will be required. In all other cases, you can do without hospitalization. Success in our hands.

These materials will be interested in you:

How to treat leg injury at home and without using drug drugs? This question is asked by many of those injured. Folk remedies - Excellent help, but before this it is necessary to discuss the treatment of bruises with a traumatologist.

First aid

To normalize the state of a person and prevent complications, it is necessary to know what to do when a leg injury. On time, the first assistance rendered during injuries is the key to the rapid recovery and a short period of recovery.

Despite their seeming simplicity and primitiveness, neglect ways of first medical care When bruised, the legs are not worth it.

Do not neglect the cold compress in the first minutes after the injury - it will help prevent the appearance of extensive hematoma and will remove the pain of the puffiness.

The gulling bandage on the knee joint will help to avoid a big swelling.

Keep your bruised leg in a raised position - another effective method to minimize the consequences of the bruise.

It is important in the first hours after injury to understand which parts of the body are injured (bone, joints, organs). The sick plot is superimposed by a gulling bandage. Damaged leg needs to create peace. Absadines and scratches are processed disinfectant. You can not break the leg.

In the first hours, the injury is treated by cold. It contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels and cessation of bleeding.

After 24 hours, warm baths, compresses and grafts are used. They reduce swelling, resolve the hematoma.

At this stage of therapy, Nanoplast Forte is used - anti-inflammatory plaster. Course treatment at home - 3-9 days.

You can not rub the scene on your own. Otherwise, thrombophlebitis can develop.

If the edema does not disappear for a long time, it is necessary to consult with a traumatologist. With moderate and severe injury, physiotherapy is assigned, the UHF apparatus is applied.

If the foot has swollen, electrophoresis with therapeutic solution is shown.

Treating ears legs with swelling is a mandatory procedure if you want to maintain the normal functionality of its limb. Modern people lead a rather active lifestyle, so leg injuries and hands are not uncommon. The bruises can suck us at each step, always need to keep several "ambulance" methods, which will get rid of unpleasant sensations and help remove the tumor.

Ears are damage that cause pain, but at the same time they do not injure the bone, but only provoke the breaks of small vessels. Due to the fact that the vessels are damaged, hematoma and swelling develops. The picture, at first glance, may seem terrible, but it is not necessary to panic premature. Medicine has already been far advanced in the treatment of injuries, and can cope with damage even much more serious.

Ears treatment in traditional ways

Such an injury as a bruise is recognized only by the fact that the foot has a swollen and a little cried. If the bone does not stick out above the skin, and you are not hard to move your fingers, probably no fracture.

Treat damage must, as in the future, cysts may form at the place of injury or necrosis of soft tissues will begin. According to the swell, it is difficult to determine the degree of complexity of the bruise, but in the color of the hematoma you can understand how long the injury was obtained. The darker of hemorrhage under the skin, the "fresh" bruise.

To draw conclusions about the severity of the injury and only a qualified doctor can develop a treatment regimension. Cause physicians a matter of several minutes, and this will protect a person from possible consequences Injuries and complications. While the ambulance is going, you can render the victim or myself first aid, which will certainly facilitate your suffering.

The first thing to be done is to squeeze the patient on a flat surface and put the leg on the exaltation, this will allow to normalize the blood flow and avoid hematoma. Next you need to impose a dressing, but not too tight to stabilize the position of the leg.

You can remove the edema at home with ice or cold. A package with ice or cold water is required to attach to the place of damage not longer than 2 hours. The sooner you react to the injury, the faster you can remove its consequences, that is, to remove the edema that brings a lot of inconvenience. Sometimes a person falls for several days to cancel his plans due to a swollen leg. If the patient is experiencing severe pain, painkillers can be used:

  • - but-shp;
  • - Nurofen;
  • - Dollarken;
  • - Parakodimol;
  • - Mova;
  • - aspirin;
  • - Kebrex;
  • - Nimulide;
  • - Nimesil, etc.

Re-read the instructions before use, eliminate contraindications and side effects that may appear after receiving the tool.

Treating the ears of legs with swelling can be started independently on the second day, if the bruise does not apply and the tumor did not increase in size. Remove the tumor after injury with the help of NSAIDs, Badyagi, the opponent, heparin ointment, throksevazin. Nonteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help to normalize the blood flow in the damaged limb, and make the body less susceptible to pain. Ointments, including the NSAID, have a rapid effect. Among these ointments, the rest were the rest of themselves:

  • - diclofenac;
  • - Dicloran;
  • - Ortofen;
  • - Voltaren;
  • - Diclac;
  • - Diclovit;
  • - Diclogen.

For a long time, ointments with the NSABS cannot be used, as they have a number side Effects. The feasibility of their application and should be negotiated with the doctor.

Mazi to eliminate hematomas

Mazi from bruises and hematomas also give a good result, they are able to absorb hemorrhage under the skin. Among such ointments can be noted:

  • - express bruise;
  • - bruise-off;
  • - Indusan;
  • - indomethacin;
  • - Lioton;
  • - Lavenum;
  • - Trokserutin.

Some of the above-mentioned funds are contraindicated to children under 14 years old and pregnant women. Therefore, do not apply them without the recommendation of the doctor, although most medical preparations of this group are sold without a recipe.

Warming ointment remove swelling

No less effective in bruises and edema will be warming ointments, they accelerate the healing of abrasions and have a relaxing effect. Among such warming ointments can be noted:

  • - decantenol;
  • - Allantoin;
  • - dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • - Heparoed Zentiv;
  • - Finalgon;
  • - Apizartron;
  • - nicoflex;
  • - betiacomylon;
  • - Efalkon;
  • - Espol;
  • - capsicles;
  • - Viprosal.

As we see from the range of the above drugs, modern pharmacology It took care that people can cure minor injuries as quickly as possible. But it is important not to engage in a long time by self-treatment in order not to impose unforeseen consequences.

Sometimes patients note that after the edema comes down, some seals are formed. It is not necessary to worry in advance, this is a normal response of the body. Some kind of blood portion from torn vessels falls under the skin, and some kind of settles in muscle tissue. The seal itself will resolve for a month. If you want to speed up this process, you can make iodow mesh or apply compress with magnesia.

Medical gymnastics at home

The treatment of the injury does not end with the reception of drugs and overlapping warming ointments. To restore normal feet mobility required rehabilitation, that is, the occupation exercise and gymnastics. Of course, before the expiration of the treatment period, it is forbidden to rely on the sore leg, but when the edema comes down, you need to start physiotherapy. Even if swelling and hematoma went fast, after a strong bruise you are more exposed to the risk of arthrosis and arthritis knee Sustava. No one speaks of marathon loads, but the light exercises did not interfere with anyone. There is a certain technique that allows you to quickly restore the limb after injury, it looks like this:

  • - 1 phase is self-massage damaged legs;
  • - 2 phase is aimed at restoring the endurance of the limb, you can in the position lying raising and lowering, bending and blending the limb;
  • - 3 phases is stretching and strength exercises.

If after rehabilitation you have changed the gait, it means that the injury has caused the weakening of the muscles of the limb and need a common therapy with the necessary micro- and macroelements in its composition. Separately I would like to mention sports for prevention. If you are engaged in cycling, running in the mornings or visiting the gym, the risk of limb damage will be minimized, because the trained muscles are less susceptible to injury.

It is possible to help the body, by adjusting your diet. When you are sick, you try to secure peace and protect you in every way from physical work. The same needs to be done for your internal organs. Try not to use heavy food, which causes the body to work overtime. All protective forces in your body should be sent to the place of failure - to the damaged leg.

People's methods of treating bruises with swelling

In addition to traditional methods of therapy, you need to pay my attention and ways folk treatment. Of course, with strong injuries that disturb the integrity of the skin, they are unlikely to help, but with small bruises, they will definitely give the result.

Treatment consists in compresses and ointments. Means for internal application It is practically not used, and if they occur, then only as a common therapy. It is known that the good effect gives cold compresses, but much faster will be the result, if this cold compress is based on medicinal herbal, such, for example, like Pijm, St. John's wort, plantain, yarrow or heather. You need to boil one of herbs or a whole collection for 5 minutes, and then let it cool. In the resulting means, smear bandages or towels and apply to the affected place. The compress should be only cold, warm compresses in no way do, it will only aggravate the situation and strengthen the swelling.

If there have been a dislocation or a strong pain of injury is felt, our great-grandmothers applied fresh shredded leaves of wormwood on a painful leg. Folk healers say that if there was injury, cut or burn, you need to apply crushed green leaves of any plant in the first few minutes. As they claim, pain ceases to be felt already after 5 minutes. Scientific sources do not refute this theory. The fact is that in all green plants there is a substance called chlorophyll, capable of stopping bleeding and dull a feeling of pain.

When breaking tendons and strong bruises, it is recommended to apply the compress of garlic. Garlic teeth are crushed and poured with vinegar. The resulting mixture is watched on the leg for the night. In time, attaching a tool, you can avoid a tumor. In order for the compress to give the effect of faster, the garlae with the cashem of garlic is wrapped with a polyethylene film.

There are several ointments that are prepared from remedies and plants. The following recipes showed well:

In most cases, bruises pass themselves without medication intervention, but still, they should not ignore them. This is especially true for older people who have damaged soft and bone tissue is restored very slowly due to age-related changes. No one is insured against possible injury, so try to be closer, moving in the winter around the city, going at high heels and engaged in moving sports. Like any disease, the injury is easier to prevent than to treat and fight with its adverse consequences.

Our legs daily experience a colossal load, so it is not strange that sometimes they get injuries. Man limbs need no less care than other parts of the body and internal organs. Try to minimize the load on them and rest more. If the injury has yet occurred, make sure that this is not a break of ligaments and a fracture, but really bruised. To help you can X-ray and doctor traumatologist. Launched dislocations and other injuries can cause inhydration, and in the future and even disability, therefore website Recommends you not to tighten with a campaign to the doctor.