Is it useful to donate and donate blood? Is it harmful to be a donor Is it possible for women to donate blood

19.07.2020 Recipes

According to doctors, is it useful to donate blood? How does this procedure affect a person's well-being? What should be considered for those who are planning to become a donor?

Does such a procedure really harm the body

There is heated debate about whether it is harmful to donate blood. Driving colleges cannot determine whether it is worth agreeing to mark the donation and transfusion in the event of a serious accident.

If we talk only about the health of the donor, then the delivery of biomaterial is considered a safe procedure. An exception may be cases when the event is not held according to the rules, too often, or too much body fluid is taken.

Donating blood is harmful if 500 ml of donor fluid is taken from a person at a time. In this case, the procedure can have a negative effect on the body.

When asked whether it is useful to donate blood to women, the answer is ambiguous. It is important to consider a few nuances. It is worth noting that the law regulates the frequency of donating blood fluid for donation. A woman should not settle for this procedure more often than four times a year.

Is it useful to donate blood to men? In order not to harm the body, it is important not to allow the sampling of biomaterial more than 5 times a year and donate no more than a volume at a time.

When does recovery take place

Some people do not know if it is possible to donate blood, and how such a procedure affects their well-being. Although in the first few hours or even days a person sometimes feels noticeable weakness and fatigue, this condition soon disappears. What is the reason for this?

The body of any person is able to recover. If no more than 450 ml is taken at a time, this volume is replenished in about 2-4 weeks. For the procedure, a biomaterial is taken from a vein.

Precautionary measures

Before determining whether it is good for the body to donate blood, it is important to take into account some pitfalls and understand when to be careful with such a procedure.

If you agree to take a biomaterial when the procedure is contraindicated, you can cause serious harm to your health. Donating blood: good or bad? It all depends on the state of health of the person before the procedure.

If a person who wants to donate blood has recently taken large amounts of alcohol or has been abusing it for a long time, the procedure should be abandoned. If there is a suspicion of hepatitis, the donor fluid becomes a source of infection for the future recipient.

Important! V last years infection with the hepatitis virus often occurs through donated blood. There is no laboratory equipment capable of 100% accurately determining the absence of this virus. The risk of infection can be reduced to zero only on condition of refusal of human blood or plasma transfusions.

If a woman has menopause, it is also better not to take the biomaterial. Why? During this period, her body is weakened, so some negative process can be triggered by the depletion of protective forces caused by donating blood for donation.

A cold is another contraindication for manipulation. Athletes should be wary of the process. Of course, they can hand over the biomaterial. However, after that, it will not be possible to withstand high physical activity for some time.

Any colds are considered a contraindication. As long as the person is sick, there is a constant risk of transmission of the infection through the blood to the recipient.

Allergy sufferers also need to be careful. Specific antibodies can be transmitted through the blood. As a result, what was the allergen for the donor will affect the well-being of the recipient.

Iron deficiency is also considered a contraindication to biomaterial sampling for donation. A person already lacks the formation of new red blood cells, which leads to anemia. Taking blood can only make you feel worse.

Other contraindications

There are other situations when the procedure is prohibited. Do I need to donate blood, and why should I do it? Sometimes the cause of infection with serious diseases lies in the ingress of the pathogen into the body through donor blood. Even healthy person may not suspect that he is a carrier severe infections... Whether this blood will become life or a fatal disease for someone, no one can predict.

Pregnancy is considered a separate contraindication. The procedure is not performed both in the first, and in the second and third trimester. If the screening did not show any abnormalities, blood sampling is still contraindicated. At this time, a woman should think about the well-being of her unborn child, and not about the delivery of biomaterial for donation. During the period of breastfeeding, such manipulations should also be abandoned.

Even those who previously tolerated blood sampling well may sooner or later face complications. For example, men may notice that after the procedure, potency decreases for a while.


At the same time, the procedure is practically painless. An injection made when taking blood fluid is no more painful than a regular mosquito bite. According to some doctors, the collection of donor blood fluid - good prevention from some diseases of the hematopoietic organs.

The advantages include the fact that different fractions are made from several grams of donated blood, secreting proteins that can fight various diseases, for example, immunoglobulins.

More information about the benefits and harms of donation can be found in the video:

Blood donation: benefit or harm?

There has been a long debate over the benefits of losing some blood. But doctors are in a hurry to calm everyone down and say with confidence that it is useful to donate blood after a certain time and with some restrictions. In this case, we are talking about the fact that blood is donated according to certain rules, after the examination of the donor.

The main thing is to carry out all the preparatory measures that will allow you to carry out the fence with the benefit of the person, and without harming him. This is especially true of the female sex, because women need to donate blood a little less often, since their loss is taken into account due to monthly menstruation.

Before surrender

Since it was already noted above, preliminary preparation is needed before taking the analysis. Be sure to check for the Rh factor and determine the group. It is also useful to do general analysis blood for the possible content of viral cells. These can be HIV infections, hepatitis B and C, syphilis and others. No matter who needs this help, age does not matter. Therefore, older people can donate blood for children. Our plasma is ageless.

Why is it impossible to donate blood without additional examinations? This is due to the fact that our body can contain dangerous cells for the patient's health and the donor can thus harm. Therefore, a preliminary examination and taking tests is simply necessary. You will also need to undergo a general examination by a doctor to determine general condition health, it may turn out that you cannot take a blood sample due to certain indicators. This is especially true for those who have had operations, have tattoos on their bodies, piercings.

In order to become a donor, you also need a certain weight - at least 50 kilograms. In particular, this applies to children who with low weight cannot be tested for a donor. Also, who else needs to be careful - it is pregnant women and lactating women. In some cases, it is still useful to make a fence, but not in large quantities.

Beneficial or harmful effect of blood sampling on the body

Many are interested in this question, and some are even indignant - why not? It must be said that the information that it is useful to donate blood from time to time has been confirmed a long time ago. Also, in more serious situations, many do not even think about their health, because for someone this blood is much more important. Therefore, the question of whether it is harmful to donate blood is completely absent.

And so we will determine what exactly are the advantages of periodic delivery:

  • general recovery of the body is stimulated and blood circulation is normalized;
  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases occurs;
  • there is an independent activation of the body, the immune system is developing, because in this case, taking special drugs will be harmful, compared with transfusion;
  • the liver unloads itself and the spleen is prevented from working - why not do this without medication;
  • if you periodically donate blood, then the body independently resists subsequent excessive bleeding.

Why is it not possible to donate blood often?

Despite the many advantages of this procedure, there are some limitations:

  • it is not recommended to donate blood to men more than 5 times a year, and women - more than 4;
  • you can not load yourself with physical activity two days before the procedure;
  • there are some dietary restrictions - do not eat fatty and fried foods, alcohol, eggs. It is better to donate blood after a diet;
  • after the fence, it is harmful to lead an active lifestyle, in particular, we are talking about the fact that it is better to rest and not go on long trips.

Donate blood - for free or for a fee?

It should be noted that today (03/02/2014) all such procedures should be carried out free of charge. Without fail, this should take place in certain places of transfusion with a preliminary examination by a doctor. Therefore, the doctor must determine whether it is harmful for you to donate blood or not. It is not recommended to agree to a fence without tests and examination.

We can say with confidence that today donating blood is free, especially since after the procedure you yourself should receive a reward and additional days off for rehabilitation. As for the size of the remuneration itself, this is already a matter for local authorities. Therefore, do not be afraid and, if necessary and the opportunity, go boldly donate blood in order to help people who really need donation. The doctor should warn you about the rehabilitation period, balanced nutrition and other features.

Now you can make your own conclusion about whether it is useful to donate blood periodically, in order not only to help the patient, but also to help your body with recovery. You will become an irreplaceable donor, because it happens that a rare group meets and a careful selection of the right person is required. This also applies directly to your own health, because in this way you help to cleanse blood vessels, increase immunity and restore the overall balance of your body.

Please note that quite often people themselves are called for the fence and this really helps. After all, not everyone just wants to go to the hospital and get a transfusion. There are good reasons for this. And the search for a donor is exactly what you need. You get a double benefit from this - you help the patient and your body. In just half an hour, you can become a little healthier, and the sick patient gets a chance for life.

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The material is published for informational purposes only and under no circumstances can it be considered a substitute for medical advice with a specialist in a medical institution. The site administration is not responsible for the results of using the posted information. For diagnostics and treatment, as well as prescribing medications and determining the regimen for their intake, we recommend that you consult a doctor.

Is it dangerous to be a donor?

New research confirms that blood donation is not harmful to health and does not cause cancer. “Do not be afraid that if you donate blood frequently, you will develop cancer,” said study leader Gustave Etgarn from Stockholm. "Moreover, donating blood can even be beneficial." New research confirms that blood donation is not harmful to health and does not cause cancer. “Do not be afraid that if you donate blood frequently, you will develop cancer,” said study leader Gustave Etgarn from Stockholm. "Moreover, donating blood can even be beneficial."

“People who donate blood frequently have fewer cancers than non-donors,” said Dr. Etgarn and colleagues in a report published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

However, due to the fact that the overall health of donors is generally better, frequent donations of blood can mask emerging diseases. The scientist in his interview also said that there are certain prerequisites that donating blood can affect health.

Loss of blood from the body leads to activation of the bone marrow, which stimulates the active production of blood cells. More intense cell division, the so-called "mitotic stress", can increase the likelihood of a malignant disease of the hematopoietic system. Loss of blood triggers immune shifts in the donor's body, which can trigger cancer.

The positive side of donation is the fact that iron stores in the body are reduced. Excess iron can cause various diseases therefore, people who donate blood frequently can improve their health by reducing this excess supply.

Dr. Etgarn and his colleagues decided to find out how donation actually affects the human body. They looked at archival data from Swedish and Danish blood banks, which contained data on more than 1 million donors from 1968 to 2002. The researchers concluded that there is no link between frequent donation and risk cancer... Moreover, in male donors, there was a decrease in cancers such as liver, lung, colon, stomach and laryngeal cancer. The risk of getting cancer decreased the more the more often men donated their blood. As already mentioned, scientists explain the decrease in the risk of contracting cancer by a decrease in the supply of iron in the body.

However, donors were more likely to have non-Hodgkin's lymphoma ( malignant disease blood). However, this disease was recorded only in those donors who donated blood before 1986. Therefore, this data should be treated with caution, said Dr. Etgarn.

More research is now required on the causes of donor lymphoma. Since many people donate their blood, the message that it can be at least somewhat dangerous should be seriously studied. Yet Dr. Etgarn believes that "our research has shown quite clearly that donors do not have an increased risk of developing malignant diseases."

The Moscow Main Territorial Administration (MSTU) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation called on banks to strengthen control over the state of banknotes and coins arriving at the cash desks of credit institutions. On this occasion, a circular was sent out, which says about the detection of signs of radioactive contamination of banknotes in packages that banks hand over to the branches of Moscow State Technical University, Novye Izvestia writes.

More than 1,500 people have fallen victim to an outbreak of cholera in Nigeria this year, Reuters reports. This is more than four times the death toll released by the government in August, the UN said in a statement released on Monday.


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Donation of blood and its components is widespread today. This is one of the ways to help people who have suffered a lot of blood loss as a result of complications from surgery or accidents. There are a lot of such people. As more and more volunteers respond to the call to donate, the question arises - is it beneficial to donate blood for donation to men and women? What changes occur in the body if you donate part of your own blood to other people several times a year? Let's figure it out.

Checking regularly for infections

If you often provide yourself as a blood donor, then before each collection of material, your blood is checked for infections. This allows the donor to constantly monitor his own health, and in case of any abnormalities, immediately start treatment. Most people do not have this opportunity, since they rarely go to the hospital for tests, so they learn about their ailments only when the disease manifests itself on a physical level and progresses. This is one of the good things about why being a donor is beneficial. But that's not all, by donating blood, a person literally heals his body.

What are the health benefits of donation?

Bloodletting is believed to have a healing effect when done in small quantities. When a volunteer donates his blood to a patient, he gives about 450 g of life-saving fluid. The loss of such a volume is insignificant and cannot harm the donor in any way.

Donating blood for donation allows you to accustom your body to small blood loss. In the event of a situation, for example, an accident or a serious operation, the body of a person who has repeatedly donated blood will find itself, as it were, in an already familiar situation. It activates processes that allow you to quickly replenish the lost volume of red blood cells.

Small blood loss contributes to the rejuvenation of the body, its self-purification and cell renewal. This process makes it possible to rest the liver a little, which usually processes the spent red blood cells. Bone marrow on the contrary, it works harder to produce new blood cells to replace what has been lost. Moderate blood loss has a good effect on cardiovascular system.

Donating blood for the donor's body is a little stress, due to which its protective functions are activated. The immune system is on alert, which makes donors less likely to get colds and viral diseases.

According to the opinion American doctors, people who donate blood regularly are less susceptible to the development of atherosclerosis, ischemic disease hearts as their veins are constantly cleared of excess bad cholesterol. According to the results of several studies, donation prolongs life by at least 5 years.

Donating blood for donation is also useful from a psychological point of view. By helping others, you get joy and satisfaction, and such emotions are needed by every person. They are known to promote wellness. Well, for a patient who needs your blood, the benefits are obvious - you will save his life.

Rules for donating blood for donation

If you want to participate in the donation program, then you should familiarize yourself with the rules, recommendations and restrictions in this regard. Anyone who does not have infectious diseases person over the age of 18. The limitation of the upper age threshold was removed not so long ago, so even people over 60 years old, provided they feel well, can become blood or plasma donors. The volunteer's weight should not be less than 50 kg, however, persons of this weight category can become donors in the absence of contraindications. No more than 300 ml of blood is taken from such people.

Men can donate blood no more than 5 times a year, while women are allowed to do this 4 times within 12 months. Women should not donate blood more often. Such a restriction makes sense for them, since each month their body loses a small amount of blood during menstruation. The break between fences must be at least two months. During this time, the body of a healthy person is fully restored.

Preparation for sampling blood or its fractions includes a complete healthy diet(refusal of fatty foods, smoked, fried) within 2-3 days before the procedure. During this period, you can not take any medications, as well as refrain from alcohol. Immediately before the procedure, the donor is examined and tested for the presence of various infections. If everything is in order, the person is admitted to this procedure, he is allowed to become a donor. After the procedure, the donor is advised to rest. You can not engage in heavy physical labor, make long trips. During the recovery period, it is advisable to include beef liver, pomegranate, and cranberries in the diet.

Donating blood for donation is not only a useful, but an honorable procedure that allows you to do good unselfishly to other people, giving them a piece of yourself so that they can live. For such actions, the state rewards donors who have undergone this procedure more than 40 times in their lives, benefits and annual payments, provides them with additional time off and vouchers to a sanatorium.

We spoke with Olga Andreevna Mayorova, chief physician of the Blood Transfusion Station of the Moscow Department of Health.

Maya Milich, - April 20 - National Donor Day. What set of events are planned to be held in Moscow in connection with this date?

Olga Mayorova: - In connection with this date, we are holding a round table dedicated to the National Donor Day, we are attracting students of secondary specialized educational institutions. Donors need to be raised right from the start early age, so we will have young people as our guests. In addition, the transition of our service to work seven days a week was timed to coincide with the national day of the donor. The blood transfusion station is now open 7 days a week, excluding only public holidays. We consider this our achievement, because we are the first blood transfusion station in Russia that fully adapts to the interests of donors and operates seven days a week.

In preparation for the National Donor Day, we also host large field events with the participation of various institutes and universities. After the holiday, we are planning to hold outdoor events with student youth.

- How is donation popularized today?

- I would like to believe that the active propaganda measures that we are carrying out with targeted categories will lead to results and the influx of donors will increase. As practice has shown, simply hanging large posters on the street has little power. Now we are working with address categories, with executive authorities, with school teachers, with educational institutions, and not only medical ones, with bikers who actively come and donate blood. We try to conduct our work in a more targeted and targeted manner in order to attract entire communities of people.


- For what diseases people cannot become blood donors?

- People from the age of 18 to any age can donate blood, if there are no contraindications in the form of serious diseases, somatic diseases, hepatitis, infectious diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia. Temporary contraindications are allergic diseases in an exacerbation stage, pregnancy, menstruation, taking antibiotics.

Sometimes the peculiarity of the structure of the veins can become an obstacle, because donation is the donation of blood in a sufficiently large volume and the veins must be expressed. If these contraindications are not present, then a person can be a donor even at 70 years old. We even have several donors who have crossed the 70-year mark, mostly human plasma donors who have been donating for a very long time. Partly due to their active donor position, they maintain health and vitality.

Photo: AiF / Lyudmila Alekseeva

Avoid stroke

- Tell us about the benefits of donation for a person.

- The benefits of donation are undeniable. In cadre donors, the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, in particular strokes, is significantly reduced, because blood is being actively renewed. Our personnel donors of both blood and plasma, especially men, are better protected from vascular accidents.

In addition, any donation is, albeit mild, stress for the body. And it has been proven that the presence of just such mild stresses increases a person's resistance to the effects of unfavorable environmental factors.

Thanks to donation, blood cells are regularly renewed, because they also tend to age. They usually recover naturally, and in donors this process occurs more frequently. There is a theory that female body more resistant to negative external factors precisely because monthly blood loss occurs.

Donation is very useful in the presence of a genetic disease - hemochromotosis associated with the accumulation of iron, the excretion of which is impaired. In the United States, half of blood donors are people with this hereditary disease. For them, one of the physiological ways of treatment is bloodletting, which makes them physically easier.

Another category is people with increased content cholesterol and plasma fats. Everyone knows that in this case, plasmapheresis is used for treatment and prevention. In commercial clinics, this procedure is quite expensive. But not everyone knows that donor plasmapheresis is practically the same procedure.

People who have crossed the age of 50 and 60 are very active in donating plasma simply because they feel good after that. Donation allows you to prolong youth and lead an active lifestyle.

Do not forget about the psychological factor. Donation is a confirmation of their own worth, people experience tremendous moral satisfaction. These are saved lives.

In addition, donors are a specific club, especially plasma donors who come on the same days, at the same time. Acquaintances are made, which is important given the current lack of direct communication due to the flourishing of social networks.

By the way, if your loved one or just a new pretty friend of the opposite sex is a staff donor, then everything is possible with him, because he is known to be healthy. After all, being a donor with a frequency of 2 weeks, a person receives a check for the most complex and serious diseases.

How do I become a blood donor?

- How to properly prepare for donation and recover from donations?

- First, you need to understand for yourself that being a donor is very important, and that there is never too much donated blood. In my opinion, every healthy person should be a donor. After all, it is not necessary to donate blood monthly, at least 2 times a year.

First you need to choose the time that is convenient for you. Because you need to come to donate blood or its components in a good mood, thanks to this, there are significantly fewer complications. And when the donor constantly looks at his watch and realizes that in 30 minutes he needs to be at the other end of Moscow, then of course the whole procedure will be in a nervous state.

For 2-3 days from the diet, you need to exclude fatty foods, coloring foods, quit smoking and take any kind of alcohol. All these factors during testing can change normal performance biochemical analysis and such blood will simply be discarded.

Sleep well the night before. On the day of donating blood in the morning - a light breakfast, sweet tea and a sandwich with low-fat cheese. It is better to refuse coffee, it leads to increased vascular tone.

You can visit the nearest blood donation point, it can be a blood transfusion station, maybe a department. In Moscow today there are more than 30 points where you can donate blood.

It is also very important to take your passport with you, without which registration of a donor is impossible. If a person is not a resident of Moscow, then it is advisable to have a confirmation of registration, although today this is not necessary. Then just follow all the instructions that will be received.

After donation, you will receive either a food package or food compensation. Already from the second time, that is, when the person is no longer the primary donor, it is possible to take advantage of social support measures.

At least six months after the first blood donation, you must definitely come again for a second examination. Plasma has been in quarantine for 6 months and before it is released into the treatment network, it is necessary to re-examine the donor in order to exclude the possibility of infection if the donor had incubation period such as hepatitis.

I decided to figure it out blood donation useful or harmful, since I am an active donor, donated blood for donation already 5 times, in just over a year. I always thought that it was only good for me. The first donation of blood was very easy, there were no negative consequences, no dizziness, no weakness. I also easily endured donating blood for the next 3 times, and 5 times felt a little weakness the next day after donating and even had to sleep a couple of hours in the afternoon (fortunately, after donating blood, they give two days of rest from work), although immediately after donating, as usual felt great. It bothered me a little, and I decided to look on the Runet about the benefits or harms of blood donation for the body. And what is surprising - I did not find specific and reliable materials, I had to search on foreign sites, and now I can present the results of my research to my readers.

I did a serious search on medical research available on PABMED, as well as other open sources about and found out how useful it is to donate blood or is it harmful to the body, I am glad to present my findings to the readers further.

Is blood donation good for preventing heart disease?

It is known that one of the complex risk factors for cardiovascular disease is blood viscosity. When thick and viscous, excessive friction is created against the blood vessels, blood circulation worsens and the so-called blood hemodynamics decreases. This, in turn, increases the risk of blood clots in blood vessels, and clots, blocking blood vessels, can lead to various pathologies and even to sudden cardiac arrest and sudden death. Blood viscosity can be reduced by regularly donating blood. When donating blood, you reduce the level of iron in your blood, which causes oxidative stress, which is also detrimental to the cardiovascular system. Blood donation reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. In research, published v Journal of the American Medical Association Scientists found that people aged 43 to 61 who donated blood twice a year had fewer heart attacks and strokes. In research, published in the American Journal of Epidemeology, scientists described that out of 2682 men in Finland, host Participation in the study, the risk of heart attacks was reduced by 88 percent in those who donated blood at least once a year.

Is blood donation beneficial for lowering the risk of cancer?

Reducing iron in blood when donating blood can reduce the risk of cancer, as evidenced by a 4.5-year study in which 1200 people took part, the results of the study are published in the journal of the US National Cancer Institute. The people taking part in the study were divided into 2 groups: in the first, the subjects donated blood 2 times a year, thereby reducing the level of iron, in the second, no changes were applied to the lifestyle.

The study found that in the first group, the people studied had a lower risk of cancer and mortality (including the risk of cancer: liver, lung, colon, and throat cancer) by reducing oxidative stress. caused by an increased content of iron in the blood.

Weight loss is donation useful?

People burn approximately 650 calories from a single blood donation (450 ml), according to the University of California, San Diego. A donor who donates blood regularly can lose a lot of weight. The benefits of this can only be for overweight people, and for donors with normal weight, you need to be very careful about this, since in order to donate blood, you need to keep your weight unchanged and prevent excessive weight loss.

Types of blood donation by purpose of donation

When donating blood, one of the goals is most often pursued:

  • Allogeneic- with this type of donation, blood is donated for storage in a blood bank, i.e. a person donates blood for an unknown donor for who will ever need blood.
  • Targeted donation- it is used when blood is needed urgently, for example, for a relative, if an accident has occurred or during an operation with large blood loss (this usually requires a match of blood groups, so such donation is possible only between relatives).
  • Substitute- The blood is donated to replace the dose taken in the blood bank, while the donor's relative receives a dose from the blood bank of absolutely any necessary group.
  • Autologous- with this type, blood is taken before the operation and returned back to the donor himself, after its completion.

Types of blood donation according to the received DONOR material

There are several types of blood donation, different according to the material received, for further transfusion to those in need, they can all be carried out at a blood donation center, but you may have contraindications to some of them, so it is always best to consult a doctor. I will list their types, and briefly tell about each of them:

  • Whole blood collection- the main and most common type of donation, in which blood is simply taken from a vein, without the use of additional devices, the procedure usually takes no more than 10-15 minutes.
  • Taking blood plasma - plasmeresis: a blood collection machine is used, after which it separates the whole blood components from the plasma, the plasma is stored, and the blood components are pumped back to the donor through a special filter. The procedure takes about an hour.
  • Getting blood platelets - aparesis: a special apparatus is used, which first takes whole blood from the donor. Then the blood is divided into components using a special one, at this moment platelets are separated from the blood, after which plasma and other blood components are transfused back to the donor, this whole procedure is quite long and can take from 1.5 to 2 hours.
  • Receiving red blood cells: special devices are used that take blood from a donor, after which they separate red blood cells from the blood and immediately rush the blood back, this procedure is much faster than taking blood for platelets - about half an hour.

Harm of blood donation

If a person is in normal health, usually, harm and negative consequences of donating blood are usually not observed, it was determined that negative consequences occur in no more than 2% of all people who donated blood. The most common of all the negative effects is fainting due to a sharp drop blood pressure and the occurrence of a bruise at the puncture site of the vein (for example, I never even had a bruise). The study shows that out of 194,000 people, handing over blood serious long-term negative complications were observed in only one person.

How to prepare for blood donation?

On the eve of the day before donating blood, you need to follow certain rules, eat only certain foods and not be zealous with physical activity and do not deny yourself full sleep.

It is forbidden to eat:

  • Sausages, any smoked products
  • Chocolate
  • Nuts
  • Dates
  • Milk, cottage cheese
  • Any butter and butter and vegetable

What can you eat before donating blood?

No need to donate blood on an empty stomach! You must eat. Can be eaten before donating blood any carbohydrates: oatmeal without butter, pasta, all this can be eaten with sugar (yes, even in spite of its harm, it is recommended before donating blood). Sweet Tea Allowed - Usually in blood centers, employees always provide the opportunity to drink tea and eat sweet biscuits before donating blood.

Restrictions after donating blood

After donating blood for donation, the staff of the center recommend sitting for 10-15 minutes without getting up, so that the pressure is level, and there is no dizziness. On the day of delivery, it is better not to engage in heavy physical work and sports. After the procedure, you must drink plenty of water to restore the volume of fluid in the body, as well as eat well. It is not recommended to engage in hard physical labor or physical work after donating blood; it is also better to avoid visiting the bathhouse after donating blood.

How to quickly recover blood and its components after donation?

During the blood donation procedure, the volume of blood taken is very small; for one donor donation, no more than 450 ml of whole blood is taken.

According to the researchers, blood volume is restored within 48 hours, and all red blood cells and platelets contained in blood during 4–8 weeks (therefore it is allowed to donate whole blood no more often than after 8 weeks).

From myself, I can add that, personally, I am additionally encouraged to go donate blood for donation every 2–3 months, this is that with such a simple action I can save someone's life. The American Red Cross has calculated that if you start donating blood at the age of 17 every 56 days, then upon reaching the age of 76, 48 liters of blood will be donated - which can save up to 1,000 human lives!

Summing up, I want to say: medical research unequivocally suggests that blood donation is beneficial, negative consequences and harm are negligible, and the benefits both for society and for the donor himself very noticeable, therefore, any person simply needs to donate blood regularly - if there are no medical contraindications, about which you need to consult your therapist.

Why donating blood is useful, says Evgeny Zhiburt - Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Transfusiologist of the Federal State Institution "National Medical and Surgical Center named after NI Pirogov of Roszdrav", Chairman of the Council of the Russian Association of Transfusiologists.

It turns out that regular surrender blood goes for the good, moreover, in many countries it is practically an attribute healthy way life, along with proper nutrition and playing sports. What is the situation with this in our country, and what is needed to become a “blood” friend to someone in trouble? The transfusion doctor will tell you about the secrets of blood.

Evgeny Borisovich, why is it useful to donate blood?

Thus, the prevention of diseases is carried out. immune system... Or the so-called "cumulative diseases" caused by metabolic problems. This is gout, atherosclerosis, as well as disruption of the stomach, pancreas, and liver. Studies by Finnish and American scientists have shown that regular donation reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. An excess of blood and its components is a big load on the heart and blood vessels, and with the help of donation, unnecessary ballast is removed. After that, the body receives a signal: it is necessary to renew itself and compensate for the loss, for which hematopoiesis is stimulated.

And yet, oddly enough, donation is an excellent prevention of blood loss. An organism accustomed to actively producing blood will recover faster in a critical situation. For the same reason, women live longer than men, because they have regular blood loss in their lives.

How often can you donate blood?

Men - no more 5 times per year, women - no more 4 times in year.

Doing good to people is very pleasant and, as it turns out, useful ...

Yes, and from an everyday point of view, this is an emotional uplift after doing a good deed and a great opportunity to undergo a medical examination several times a year, and absolutely free of charge. Somatic health is closely related to mental health - our donors are cheerful people who take care of themselves.

We figured it out with benefit. Is the donor really risking nothing?

With modern equipment, nothing. Blood collection devices are disposable and are designed so that they cannot be reused.

How to behave after the procedure?

It is best to rest. By the way, donors have two days off. At this moment, a person really needs energy for hematopoiesis, therefore, high-quality, nutritious food is important. The body will need no more than two weeks to restore normal blood volume and composition.

Who can become a donor

  • Anyone older 18 years and younger 60 .
  • Weight should not be less than 50 kg.
  • Body temperature - not higher than 37 0 С.
  • Permissible systolic pressure - from 90 to 160 mmHg st . , diastolic - from 60 to 100 mmHg Art.
  • Pulse - no more than 100 and no less than 50 beats per minute.
  • Blood donation is allowed only after consultations of a therapist-transfusiologist.

You mentioned donor screening. Is the received blood further processed?

Donated blood is now safer than ever. But, as with any method of treatment, absolutely exclude the possibility side effects it is forbidden. Unfortunately, no one is immune from accidents. In general, blood goes through several stages of processing before reaching the patient, not to mention that donors are carefully selected. First of all, this is a high-quality laboratory examination to identify signs of infections (HIV, hepatitis, syphilis). But someone else's blood inevitably carries foreign components. These could be viruses that we don't even know about. Along with laboratory screening of infections, we have recently been using the so-called methods of inactivation of pathogens in donor plasma and platelet concentrates. All harmful elements at the blood transfusion station are destroyed, the blood is purified as much as possible.

Is there modern equipment that allows you to do this quickly and efficiently everywhere?

Thanks to the national project "Health", high-quality imported equipment has been installed at almost all major blood transfusion stations. And there are doctors who know how to do all this. Although in small towns there may be difficulties.

Japan can be cited as an example of effective organization of donor surveys. Blood transfusion stations operate around the clock there. Several dozen employees work in three shifts. And these are not doctors, but technicians. This almost completely automated approach is promoted by the World Health Organization. Incidentally, it is estimated that this reduces the risk of error by 98%. We have something to strive for.

How is blood stored? It can be replaced with someartificial composition ?

Blood is usually divided into three components and stored separately. This is the most sensible method. After all, blood consists of plasma and various particle-cells, which have different densities. With the help of a centrifuge, we can separate it into its components. As a result, we get red blood cells (red blood cells that carry oxygen), plasma (the liquid part containing proteins and blood clotting factors), platelets (platelets responsible for clotting). They are all obtained from one portion of blood, so the donor saves three people at once.

The best situation is with the replacement of plasma. There are more and more preparations of plasma proteins, including recombinant ones, the DNA of which is created artificially. These drugs are transfused, for example, mainly for hemophilia (a blood clotting disorder). And, by the way, they get good results. The situation is a little more complicated with erythrocytes, although there are several domestic and foreign substitute drugs, including an American drug that is made from the blood of bulls. But to find an adequate replacement for platelets, alas, is not yet possible.

Is the method of transfusing one's own blood still in demand?

Aldeady no. The indications for transfusion of one's own (autogenous) blood are exactly the same as for allogeneic (donor) blood, therefore, the world has an increasingly restrained attitude towards the preoperative reservation of the patient's blood. If earlier, when information about HIV infection had just appeared, up to 10% of operations were performed on autogenous blood, now only 1.5%, since this can worsen the patient's condition, and requires an expensive examination. At our clinic, we harvest autologous blood only for those who find it difficult to find it.

In addition, surgery is becoming more gentle, and donated blood prepared for surgery is often not fully consumed. However, it can still be used for another person. While the remaining autologous blood is discarded. In the US, this happens 50% of the time. Now, in a number of complex operations, another type of autohemotransfusion is used - reinfusion, that is, the patient's blood is washed on a special apparatus and again returns to the vascular bed.

Is the treatment with your own blood, the so-called autohemotherapy, effective? Or is it just another pumping out of money from the population? Many are sure that this stimulates the immune system and rejuvenates the body.

The essence of this procedure is that autologous blood is injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Blood cells are destroyed, special molecules - cytokines - enter the circulation, changing the immune response. It is believed that in this way it is possible to stimulate the processes of recovery and resistance to infections. This is all very individual. But there is still no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of autohemotherapy.

What do you think about plasmolifting, which is so fashionable nowadays? Injections of blood plasma offer to smooth wrinkles, heal teeth, strengthen hair ...

There is no evidence of the effectiveness of this technology.

Do the temperament, character of a person, his innate abilities and abilities depend on the blood type? I know that at one time in Japan they might not even be hired to work with “inappropriate” blood.

We live in the age of evidence-based medicine. The ABO blood group system is the most famous, but it is only one of 32 existing ones. On the surface of erythrocytes, more than 320 special antigen molecules have been identified, which are genetic markers of a particular person's cells. Of course, they are involved in metabolism and determine the characteristics of the body - for example, its resistance to infections. But there is again no scientific data on the determining influence of the phenotype (that is, the structure and functioning) of erythrocytes on the temperament and character of a person.

Diet by blood type

The blood type diet is very popular these days. Its essence is that food products are divided into useful, neutral and harmful for human body depending on his blood type. With the exclusion of those foods that are poorly absorbed from the diet, we help the body cleanse itself of toxins that accumulate mainly in fatty tissues. As a result, the process of losing weight starts. There are many skeptics who believe this method insufficiently effective, naming the main reason for weight loss - the very fact of dietary regulation.