Cervicalgia (vertebrogenic) - symptoms, reasons, treatment. Defeat of nerve roots and plexuses Treatment: Methods and preparations

14.07.2020 Treatment

Basic symptoms:

Dorsalgia - essentially represents the fact of availability pain sensations various degrees back intensity. It follows from this that this is not a separate pathology, but by syndrome, which is found in any age category and independence from the sexuality.

In almost all cases, the source of such disorder is the flow of one or another illness affecting bone system or vertebral pole. In addition, clinicians also identify the category of predisposing factors.

As for the symptoms, it will dictate to those who served as the source of Dorsalgia. The main clinical manifestation is, against which other symptoms are gradually developing.

To diagnose Dorsalgia Clinician will be able on the basis of the patient's instrumental examinations data, which can also be complemented by physical inspection and laboratory research.

The tactics of therapy is dictated by a etiological factor, but it is often based on conservative techniques.

The international classification of the diseases of the tenth revision allocated a separate value for such syndrome. Code of ICD 10 - M 54. However, it is worth noting that uncomfortable Dorsalgia is Mask 54.9.


Cause the appearance of pain in the back or Dorsalgia, a large number of predisposing factors can be divided into several groups.

  • - this is a disease of an infectious and inflammatory nature, which primarily affects the site bone marrow, after which it applies to bone tissue;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms, as well as cancer metastasis;
  • - at the same time the hernia of the intervertebral disk is formed;
  • - for such pathology, an increased fragility of all bones is characterized;
  • - in such cases there is a shift of one vertebra with respect to the rest;
  • narrowing of the surveillance of the spinal canal;
  • fractures and injuries.

The second group of reasons includes muscle diseases, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • crick;
  • muscle spasms.

Dorsalgia may also be due to:

  • hemorrhages in the field of small pelvis;
  • hematomas located in the retroperitoneal space in which the purulent process proceeds;
  • injuries and ailments of small pelvis organs;
  • pathologies of the busty and kidney bodies;
  • rheumatological disorders.

In addition, there are essential risk factors:

  • extensive injuries;
  • lifting weights by a physically weak person;
  • long stay in an uncomfortable posture;
  • long overcooling of the body.

In addition, representatives of female dorsalgia can cause a period of tooling the child and the flow of menstruation.


Depending on the location of pain, there are the following forms of such syndrome:

  • cervicalgia - has the second name "Dorsalgia of the cervical spine";
  • lambalgia - In this case, pains are localized in the zone of the waist, which is also known as Dorsalgia of the lumbar spine;
  • thoracalgia - It is characterized in that the main symptoms does not go beyond the region of the sternum, and this means that in such cases, Dorsalgia of the thoracic spine will be diagnosed.

By the duration of the expression of unpleasant sensations, the syndrome may flow in several forms:

  • acute dorsalgia - This is such if pain is bothering patients no more than a month and a half. It differs in that it has a more favorable forecast, in comparison with the sluggish species;
  • chronic Dorsalgia - Diagnosed if the soreness in one or another department of the spine is preserved more than twelve weeks. This course is fraught with the loss of human disability or disability.

By origin, such a violation has two types:

  • vertebrogenic Dorsalgia - characterized in that it is directly related to injury or diseases of the spine;
  • never accompanied Dorsalgia - The emergence of such a variety is caused by other etiological factors, for example, somatic ailments or psychogenic causes.


Clinical manifestations of Dorsalgia are in the expression of pain syndrome, which can be worn as a permanent, and an attacking character, to be labeled or sharp. However, in all cases, pain is intensified during physical activity.

Against the background of what such syndrome is developing due to the course various diseasesNaturally, symptoms in each particular case will be different.

When rheumatological pathologies are leaking, clinical manifestations will be as follows:

  • localization of pain in the zone of the waist;
  • irradiasis of unpleasant sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe buttocks and hips;
  • strengthening pain in prolonged peace;
  • bilateral spine damage.

In cases where infectious processes became the source, then among characteristic symptoms There will be:

  • sharp pain across the entire vertebral post;
  • foci of pain in the lower back, buttocks or lower limbs;
  • floor and redness of the skin in the problem zone.

With muscular pathologies that caused the dorsalgia of the spine, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • distribution of pain on the left or right half of the body;
  • strengthening pain when changing climate or in cases of influence of stressful situations;
  • the emergence of painful points located in different areas torso, which are found in case of accidental pressure on them;
  • muscular weakness.

Under osteochondrosis and spondyloarthritis, clinical signs are presented:

  • poles in the back - the exacerbation is observed at turns or inclons;
  • discomfort that occurs during a long stay in one position of the body;
  • numbness or tingling of hands or legs;
  • reduced muscle tone;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • violation of acute hearing or vision;
  • tonic syndrome;
  • disorders of the motor function.

In cases of damage to other internal organs will be expressed:

  • abdominal pain and urination rapid - with kidney pathologies;
  • a sickening character of pain - for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pain in the chest and under the blades - with light diseases.


In the occurrence of pain in the back or dorsalgia, it is necessary to seek qualified help to a neurologist. It is this specialist who will hold primary diagnosis And appoint additional surveys.

Thus, the first stage of diagnosis includes:

  • collecting life anamnesis and analysis of the patient's disease is help to determine which pathological state provoked the appearance of such syndrome. Symptoms and treatment will differ depending on the detected disease;
  • general physical inspection, directed to the palpation of the spine and estimating the volume of movements in it;
  • detailed patient survey - to establish the nature of pain, presence and degree of expression of additional symptoms.

Laboratory diagnostic events limited to the implementation of generally clinic analysis of blood and urin.

The most valuable during the establishment of the correct diagnosis are the following instrumental examinations of the patient:

  • radiography - to detect pathological changes of the vertebrae;
  • electromyography - will allow to detect muscle pathology;
  • densitometry - determines the density of bone tissue;
  • CT and MRI - to obtain a more detailed picture of the spine. It is precisely due to this that it is possible to distinguish the non-drownogenic dorsalgia from the syndrome of vertebrogenic genesis;
  • radioisotope osteoscintigraphy - while the X-ray inflict is distributed on the bones. The presence of foci of excess accumulation will indicate the localization of pathology, for example, the sacrilatory department of the spine.

In addition, there may be a consultation:

  • vertebrologist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • orthopedic.


In the overwhelming majority of cases to relieve pain in the back sufficiently eliminate the underlying disease.

Nevertheless, the treatment of Dorsalgia provides for the use of a whole complex of conservative techniques, among which:

  • compliance with beddown from two to five days;
  • wearing a special bandage intended for removing the load from the spine;
  • reception of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory means - orally, injection or use as ointments;
  • the use of muscle relaxants is medicines, relaxing muscles;
  • course of therapeutic massage;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • performance of exercise exercises - but only after the sacrament of pain.

The issue of surgical intervention is solved individually with each patient.

Prevention and forecast

To reduce the likelihood of the development of such a syndrome, as Dorsalgia is necessary:

  • on an ongoing basis, monitor the correct posture;
  • engage in timely treatment of those diseases that can lead to the appearance of back pain;
  • rationally equip working and sleeping place;
  • completely eliminate the supercooling of the body;
  • prevent spinal injuries, backs and areas of a small pelvis;
  • eliminate the influence of heavy physical exertion;
  • monitor the weight of the body - if necessary, reset a few kilograms or, on the contrary, to increase the body weight index;
  • several times a year to undergo a complete prophylactic examination in a medical institution.

By itself, Dorsalgia is not hazardous for the patient's life. However, we should not forget that each disease-source of back pains has its complications. The most unfavorable forecast is observed at vertebrogenic dorsalgia, since in such cases it is not excluded that the patient will become disabled.

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Painful sensations in the neck area at a certain point were experienced almost all people.

In medicine, this state is customary called the term "cervicalgy".

As a rule, this pathology is the first and most common feature of the cervical.

Without adequate treatment, this state can cause serious complications and seriously worsen the quality of human life. Therefore, it is so important when discomfort immediately appeal to the doctor.

What is Cervicalgia Syndrome?

This pathology is included in the category of the most common diseases of modern people.

According to statistics, more than 70% of people are experiencing pain in the neck. Under the term "cervicalgia" understand the pain that is localized in the neck area and gives it in the shoulder, heads and hands. According to the ICD-10, the disease has code M54.2 "Cervicalgia: description, symptoms and treatment."

Can suspect the presence of this pathology when a person is experiencing difficulties when moving heads - they are limited, often cause painful feelings Or accompanied by muscle spasms.

Classification of pathology

Currently, it is customary to allocate two main types of cervicalgia. :

  1. Vertebrogenic. It is associated with violations in the cervical spine and is a consequence of spondyleze, intervertebral hernia, rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory processes.
  2. Vertebrian. This form of the disease develops due to the stretching of muscles or ligaments, myositis, neuralgia of the occipital nerve. Sometimes this pathology has a psychogenic origin. It can be a consequence of epidural abscess, meningitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Vertebrogenic cervicalgia

Such therapy should not last for a very long time, since it can lead to problems with digestive organs. In particularly severe cases, the use of Miorolaksantes - Baclofen, Tolperizona, Cyclobrenina.

If there is a pronounced tension of the muscles, local anesthetics can be assigned - novocaine or procaine.

In some cases, it should be used - it should be worn 1-3 weeks. To reduce pain, can be prescribed tracting treatment, which is to stretch the spine.

An important value for successful treatment Cervicalgia has physiotherapy. Also, many patients prescribe physiotherapy procedures - massage, compresses, mud baths.


In some cases, there is a need for surgical treatment of pathology. The testimony to carry out the operation is the following:

  • acute and subacute lesions of the cervical spinal cordwhich are accompanied by a sensitivity violation, pelvic pathologies, central paresis;
  • the increase in the passage in the innervation area of \u200b\u200bthe spinal roaster in the presence of the danger of its necrosis.

The main methods of surgical treatment in this case include the following:

  • laminectomy;
  • socialist;
  • foraminotomy.

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Preventive measures

To prevent the appearance of the disease, it should be very careful about the state of its spine. To keep it healthy, it is necessary to perform the following regulations:

  1. With sedentary work, it is necessary to take breaks. It is very important to properly equip your workplace.
  2. You can not lift heavy leather items.
  3. The bed must be quite tough, it is also desirable to choose an orthopedic pillow.
  4. It is very important correctly and balanced. If there is extra weight, it needs to get rid of it.
  5. To strengthen the muscular corset, you should play sports. It is especially important to train the muscles of the back and neck.

Cervicalgia is quite a serious pathology, which is accompanied by severe painful sensations in the neck area and significantly worsens the quality of human life.

To prevent its development, you need to play sports, balanced to eat, properly organize the mode of work and recreation. If the signs of the disease still appeared, you need to immediately consult a doctor.

Thanks to adequate and timely treatment, you can quickly get rid of the disease.

It has been established that in different life periods of pain in the back arise from 80% of the population. Among adults, more than half suffer from long-term chronic symptoms. Such prevalence includes a disease in a group of social problems.

Most susceptible and prone to clinical manifestations are:

  • people without sufficient physical activity;
  • engaged in enhanced training or severe physical labor;
  • fondant alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking.

Dorsalgia is not called any pain. To identify it requires accurate diagnosis.

What applies to Dorsalgia by international classification?

Dorsalgia is determined in the ICD-10 as a group of diseases that are manifested by such common clinical symptomlike pain in the back. M54 is encoded, enters the "Dorsopathy" block, the subgroup "Other Dorsopathy", the class of "diseases of the bone-muscular system".

At the same time, it is important that it does not apply to Dorsalgias:

  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • spondylosis;
  • any lesions of the intervertebral disk;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Interestingly, in the ICD there are no diagnoses such as "spondyltrosis" or "facetical syndrome". According to many scientists, they most fully reflect the nature of pathological changes. However, they are forced to "cover" the term "other spondylosis" with the code M47.8.

What is hiding under the term "others"?

With this diagnosis, the patient can undergo a survey and treatment until the cause of the cause and type of changes in the muscles, the spine or to the detection of reflected pain in the back for diseases of the internal organs (most often a 12-rosen ulcer, duodenitis, pancreatitis).

For a thinking doctor, such "diagnoses" are impossible.

Localization differences

Depending on the localization of the lesion, Dorsalgia distinguish:

  • total spine, starting from the cervical department;
  • cervicalgia - defeat only in the neck;
  • pain in the chest department;
  • damage to the lumbar part in the form of Ishias;
  • lumbar-sacral radiculitis (like lumbago + Ishias);
  • pain at the bottom of the back;
  • radiculopathy - when clinically prevails root syndrome;
  • uncomfortable other varieties.

Clinical forms

Neurologists distinguish 2 forms of Dorsalgia:

  • ostly - arises suddenly and lasts up to three months, 1/5 patients turn into chronic;
  • chronic - lasts more than three months.

One-sided "long" pain speaks in favor of the root cause

One of the founders of the domestic neurology of the spine Ya.Yu. Popelian secreted a more accurate characteristic of pain:

  • episodic;
  • chronic recurrent with rare exacerbations;
  • chronic recurrent with frequent or long exacerbations;
  • gradual or continuous (permanent type of flow).

Studies using diagnostic blockade made it possible to establish that the main cause of chronic pain is spondyltroprosis (faceted syndrome):

  • with cervical location - up to 60% of cases;
  • in the breast level of the lesion - up to 48%;
  • with reaches in the lower back - from 30 to 60%.

Most patients are older people.

Transition B. chronic form Inheritance predisposition, stress, mental illness with disturbed perception, with pathological sensitivity are promoted.

The reasons

For clinical characteristics Diseases allocate 4 etiological varieties of back pains:

  • nonspecific pains are associated with the damage to the intervertebral joints, the sacratling and ileum (facets);
  • muscle - from overvoltage or injury to muscles, ligaments, fascia;
  • radicular - squeezing the nerve roots leaving the spinal channel;
  • specific - so-called pain caused by the disintegration of tumors, vertebral fractures, tuberculosis, infectious pathogens, systemic lesions with rheumatoid polyarthritis, psoriasis, and red lcanque.

Depending on the reason, Dorsalgia is divided into 2 types:

  1. vertebrogenic Dorsalgia - includes all ties with the pathology of the spine, changes in the spinal column are more often associated with degenerative-dystrophic processes or adverse static and dynamic loads;
  2. never smoked - Includes muscle, psychogenic, depending on different diseases.

Clinical manifestations

Dorsalgia symptoms depend on the prevailing mechanism in pathology.

For radiculopathy characteristic:

  • one-sided pain in the leg when changes in the lumbar department, or in hand, shoulder - in the thoracic part of the back, intensity is stronger than in the back;
  • the irradiation is regarded as "long" - from the waist to the tips of the fingers;
  • numbness in certain zones;
  • the weakness of the muscles that are innervated by the affected roots;
  • pronounced symptoms of tension (Lassega);
  • strengthening pain when coughing, sneezing;
  • in the lying position of pain decrease, scoliosis caused by a spastic reduction of muscles is aligned.

Most susceptible to trauma of intervertebral joints is lumbar department, especially with sharp twistings to the side

An additional negative factor is the weakness of the muscles of the abdominal wall, which allows to change the shape of the spinal column at the bottom.

For the facet syndrome typical:

  • each exacerbation changes the character of pain;
  • pain in the lower back, compressive or graceful character;
  • strengthening when extending, turning to the side, getting up;
  • stiffness in the mornings and evenings with the maximum severity of pain;
  • localization in the oil-star zone, one- or bilateral;
  • with lumbar sacral damage, he irradiates to the buttock area, along the rear surface of the hip to the tailbone, in the groin, does not "descend" below the knee;
  • from the upper departments of the waist pain, pain irradiates on both sides of the abdomen, in chest;
  • from the cervical vertebrae - spreads in the adapter, the blades, rarely below;
  • in contrast to radiculopathy, not accompanied by impaired sensitivity.


The diagnosis of vertebrogenic dorsalgia is based on the experience of a neurologist's doctor. During the inspection, soreness is detected in certain innervation zones. Checking reflexes, sensitivity, symptoms for stretching makes it possible to suspect the nature of the lesion.

To eliminate the osteochondrosis of the spine, the loss of the intervertebral disk is carried out:

  • radiographs in different projections;
  • magnetic resonance tomography;
  • cT scan.

The only standard way to prove the pathology facetic joints - observation of the disappearance of pain after the blockade of the spinal nerve under the control of computed tomography. The technique is used only in specialized clinics.

It should be borne in mind that the patient may have manifestations of both vertebrates and muscle symptoms. It is impossible to distinguish them.


In the treatment of Dorsalgia, doctors enjoy standards European recommendations On therapy of nonspecific pains in the back. They are universal in nature, do not depend on the source, are calculated taking into account the maximum level of evidence.

  • nonteroid drugs anti-inflammatory action with short courses or up to three months;
  • a group of Miorolaksantes to combat muscle spasm;
  • analgesics (preparations based on paracetamol).

With persistent pains, paravertebral blocks with hormonal agents and anesthetics are used.

Before taking 1 package is dissolved in half a glass of water, the dosage is convenient for adolescents and the elderly

The use of chondroprotectors for treatment is substantiated by the damage to the cartilage tissue. But serious studies of their effectiveness during dorsalgia have not yet been held.

It is strongly proposed not to lay a patient in bed, but to maintain a motor activity, engage medical physical education. It is even considered as an additional risk factor for painting pain.

Negative action nonteroidal products There are exacerbations of diseases of the stomach and intestines. The most efficient and safe is currently considered nimesulide (s) in combination with Ketorol.

Most doctors approve the use of physiotherapy:

  • phonophoresis with hydrocortisone;
  • magnetic therapy.

Surgical treatment methods are applied with stubborn pains. They are associated with the blockade of the transmission of pain pulses through the nerve roots. This is achieved by radio frequency ablation. The method can be carried out outpatient under local anesthesia.

Prevention of exacerbations

The information component of the treatment plan lies in clarification of the patient nature of the disease, in the fight against stress. It is proved that the treatment prediction is significantly better if the patient himself participates in rehabilitation.

  • exercises that strengthen the muscular skeleton of the spine;
  • swimming;
  • repeated massage courses;
  • the use of orthopedic pillows, mattress, cervical collar;
  • reception of vitamins.

In the case of long-term pain in the back there are ways to help, so do not tolerate and suffer. Self-treatment with different compresses and heating can lead to a response.

Conduct physiotherapy, massage, leaf. If the pain cannot be eliminated for several months, then surgical intervention is shown to the patient.

What is Dorsalgia

Dorsalgia is not a disease. This is a characteristic syndrome of many pathologies, the leading symptom of which is pain. Dorsalgia accompanies the flow of sharp, subacute, chronic diseases:

  • inflammatory - ,;
  • degenerative dystrophic -, intervertebral hernia.

The reasons of the soreness of the back are preceding the injuries of the spine - compression fractures or vertebral models. Dorsalgia always accompanies intercostal neuralgia, kyphosis. It can signal the formation of tumors, the development of pancreatitis, pyelonephritis, many gynecological pathologies.

Classification of disease

Dorsalgia is separated by intensity, duration, cause and frequency of occurrence. The back pain is classified by their localization. At the reception, the doctor always asks to accurately indicate the plot where discomfort is most often felt. Often this allows you to immediately set the primary diagnosis.


Dorsalgia of the cervical spine is called. It arises both by pathological and for natural reasons. The latter include excessive tension of the neck muscles due to a long time behind the computer or desk. Dorsalgia is divided into medicine into two large groups:

  • discogenous. The pain appears as a result of disk offset or on the background, hernia;
  • spondylogenic. Dorsalgia provoke damage to the muscles of the neck, ligaments or soft tissues.

Breast Dorsalgia

Dorsalgia in the thoracic spine arises rarely. Its discs and vertebrae are not subjected to loads when driving, securely protected by ribs from damage. Pain in the chest department usually indicate osteochondrosis of 2-3 severity. Dorsalgia is a typical sign of pathology, but far from the most specific.

Funds of traditional medicine

Using the cause of Dorsalgia cannot be eliminated. Their use before the diagnosis is not only inappropriate, but also is dangerous. The weak anesthetic effect of compresses and rubbing becomes the cause of the late appeal to the doctor with an irreversible complications already arisen.

Complications and forecast of recovery

Dorsalgia itself does not threaten the health or life of the patient, in contrast to provoking its pathology. In the absence of treatment, diseases are progressing, healthy discs, vertebrae, ligaments, muscles, tendons are affected. A few years later there is a complete or partial immobility of the spine.

If the patient immediately after the appearance of pain in the back, then they manage to get rid of them conservative methods. The forecast is not so favorable with the already developed complications. Even surgery It does not always help to return the previous mobility of the spinal segments.

Prevention measures

The best prevention of Dorsalgia is a complete medical examination 1-2 times a year. Periodic examinations help timely detect developing pathology and immediately proceed to its treatment. Also orthopedists, neurologists, vertebrologists recommend abandoning smoking, eliminate increased load on the spine, to take balanced complexes of vitamins and microelements - Vitrum, Selmevit, complivit, Multitabs, Supradin.

(from lat. cervical. - Neck; algos.pain) - This is one of Dorsalgia syndromes, manifested in the neck.

MKB-10: M 54,2 - Cervicalgia (Cervicalgia)

The cause of pain is most often associated with the spine, cervical osteochondrosis . According to statistics, about 60% of the population experience pain in the neck. In 50% of the pain in the pain continues more than six months, the processes chronis occurs in 10%. The prefix "vertebrogenic", "vertebral" or "discogen" indicates the origin of the problem due to problems in the spine.

The vertebrologists of Dr. Ignatiev's clinic conduct diagnostics and treatment of vertebrogenic cervicalgia in Kiev. Reception is made by appointment.

With osteochondrosis, the height of the intervertebral disks, the sclerosis of the closure plates, the growth of osteophytes, the narrowing of the spine channel, are formed intervertebral hernia, which leads to high risk clamping nerve fibers descending from the spinal cord.

Current causes

Pain can come from any of the structure in the neck area, including vessels, nerves, respiratory tract, digestive system and muscles, or be reflected from other diseases.

Frequent causes of Cervicalgia:

  • Pinching nerve;
  • Stress - physical and emotional stress;
  • A long inconvenient position - many people fall asleep on sofas and chairs and wake up with pain in the neck;
  • Light injuries and falls - traffic accidents, sporting events;
  • Reflected pain - mainly due to problems with the back, shoulder belt;
  • Muscular tension is one of the most common causes;
  • The hernia of the intervertebral disk.

Causes of pain in the neck:

  • Damage to the carotid artery;
  • Pain from acute coronary syndrome;
  • Oncology of the head and neck;
  • Infections: plug abscess, epiglotte, etc.;
  • Disk hernia - disk digging or protrusion;
  • Spondylosis - degenerative arthritis with osteofitosis;
  • Stenosis - narrowing of the spinal channel.

Although there are many reasons, with most of them you can easily cope, contacting the doctor in a timely manner.

Rare causes are: Krivoshoye, cranial and brain injury, rheumatoid arthritis, congenital anomalies of ribs, mononucleosis, rubella, behterev's disease, fracture of cervical vertebrae, esophageal injury, subarachnoid hemorrhage, lymphadenitis, injury thyroid gland, trachea trauma.

Symptoms of vertebrogenic cervicalgia

Under cervicalgia arises pain in the neck, feeling of numbness, "vatability", crawling goosebumps, tinglingother.
During the survey, the nearest muscles tensions are noted, the movement in the cervical department is limited, may be accompanied by clicks, crunch, sometimes the head leans towards pain.

Provocate cervicalgia: temperature drops ("striking"), a long inconvenient position ("Pressing"), injuries, blows, sharp physical exercise and other.

It is worth remembering if the pain arose in the cervical department, it means that there are problems with the spine. And if you do not deal with treatment, the attacks of cervicalgia will manifest itself more and more vertebrate hernia, aggravate osteochondrosis.

There are sharp, subacute and chronic cervicalgia.

In the subacute and chronic period it is recommended to emphasize on medical gymnastics, medical manipulation, peace.

Purpose of manipulation correction
- release a squeezed root, increase the mobility in the cervical department, stop the progression of the neck osteochondrosis, remove pain. The purpose of therapeutic gymnastics - Strengthen the muscles, fix the result achieved. Comprehensive treatment There will always be a positive effect.