Nettle for hair growth: how to cope with baldness and improve your hair. Folk recipe for hair loss. Neprug and burdock to strengthen hair folk remedies for hair net

21.08.2020 Preparations

Nettle fairly occupies an honorable place as a natural hair growth stimulator. In favor of this "busacher" shoots its effectiveness, availability and possibility of applying at home. Consider the most effective methods of applying nettle for hair growth.

Operating principle

Network is a real gift of nature to everyone who cares about the health of their chapels. It is a bush of 50-70 cm high, there is a meter height. Grows everywhere.

Composition and beneficial properties

These green shoots have the richest composition of the necessary elements that allow you to grow and keep the luxurious curls for a long time. The plant has the following composition:

  1. Vitamin K. Returns the shine and gives the brightness of the color even discolored and dim hair.
  2. Vitamin C Contributes to strengthening the blood supply to the follicle, being an activator of the growth of the chapels.
  3. Vitamin A Responsible for the awakening of the "fallen" follicle and healing of the skin on the head. Ensures the secting tips, effectively coping with the treacherous seedy.
  4. Vitamin B. Hoping health, giving them growth rate.
  5. Flavonoids Successfully fighting with baldness.
  6. Organic acids Normalize exchange processesflowing in roots.
  7. Carotenestabilizes work song hardware And moisturizes along the entire length.
  8. Tannins Calm the scalp, providing a "mirror" smoothness of curls.
  9. Chlorophyllstrengthens and saturates them forces.
  10. Microelements (iron, manganese, barium, sulfur, molybdenum, aluminum)important for health and growth.

It is interesting!Lemon is inferior to nettle on the presence of vitamin B 10 times, which makes the plant with excellent antioxidant, for a long time providing youth of the curls. Regular use of this herb, will make hair Pokrov Head healthy, and accordingly accelerate their growth.

What problems can eliminate

Fresh plant juice enhances the activity of the skin cells of the head, speeding up all the processes that occur in it. Blood begins to circulate at a reinforced pace, improving the supply of follicle.

In this way this medicinal grass In just 5-6 applications eliminates:

  • dandruff;
  • eczema;
  • fragility and split tips;
  • seeds.

Using champs or masks with nettles, can:

  • return lost shine;
  • normalize the work of the sebaceous glands on the skin of the head;
  • strengthen the hair cover and improve its structure;
  • get rid of irritation on the skin of the head;
  • return the curls health and power;
  • accelerate hair growth.

Note, You can use the "burning" grass at any time of the year. In the spring it is useful to use it in a fresh form, and after - in the dried. And the other possess the same properties.


Before you begin using this tool, you need to familiarize yourself with possible contraindications. Otherwise, this may entail unwanted complications of existing pathologies. These include:

  • increased blood coagulation;
  • pregnancy;
  • ulcers or ulcers on the head;
  • wounds or injury of the scalp;
  • intolerance of components;
  • renal failure.

If the use of nettle is contraindicated, do not be discouraged. Try other herbs for hair growth.

Photo before and after

Ruina Cooking Rules

The most faithful means to strengthen, shine and hair growth is a networm. In order to achieve the desired effect, it is important to follow the following items:

How to Collect

A considerable amount of useful elements in cluster shoots and its colors. Especially many of them during flowering. It is during this period that the plant should be harvested. Full flowering phase begins in June and lasts until the beginning of August. It is important to have to prepare the shoots during this period.

S cutting is made in dry weather, after complete drying of the dew. It is not recommended to use strap from the rooks of roads, gas stations, etc.It is best to use a field or garden plant. This will be the best guarantee of its ecology.

The grass is dried in the shade, in warm weather on the street or on a well-ventilated veranda.To do this, launch flowers and leaflets with a thin layer on fabric or paper.


This decoction is recommended to rinse the head every time after washing, every other day.Do not dry the hairdryer. Continue within 30 days. Make a break for three weeks and repeat. It is allowed to use in preventive purposes.

Council.To give a glossy shine, you can add to the finished decoction of nets 2 tbsp. lies. 9% vinegar.

Do not get upset if failed to prepare the shoots of nettle. After all, the dried grass bought in the pharmacy is absolutely not inferior to the collected personally and has no less benefit.

Effective means

If the hair became dull, they smash and grow out of the hands, it will be necessary, they will need ambulance. Mask with netting will accelerate hair growth, live hair, returning and amplifying all their life functions.

To achieve 100% of the result from the action of the mask, it is important to adhere to the basic rules for its preparation.Improvement becomes noticeable after the first use of the means.

Masks Cooking Rules

  • do not apply metallic or plastic dishes;
  • acquire raw materials of the best quality;
  • mix ingredients to a homogeneous state;
  • apply on the skin of the head and for the entire length of the hair;
  • polyethylene cap and wrapped with a handkerchief or towel.


Egg mask for growth and shine:

  • 2 domestic eggs beat with 2 pt spoons of honey;
  • 2 st. Supplements of ragger nettle to mix with 1 tbsp of brandy;

If the hair is very dry, you can add 1 station with olive oil, if very fat, you can add 2 st. Composition of blue clay.

All mix and apply on the scalp and hair. Do before bedtime, 2 times in 7 days. After washing the head, you can rinse the speckled decoction.

Herbal mask for hair growth and prevention of seeds:

  1. 1 st. Summary of daisies pharmaceutical mix with 1 st. Schedule (crushing).
  2. Add 50 grams of warm water and give it to absorb.
  3. Add 1 yolk from home egg.
  4. Gently distribute over the entire length.
  5. Wash off with water in 45 minutes.

Attention! This mask should be done at least 2 times a week. After a couple of weeks, the hair will come to life strength and go to enhanced growth.

Vitamin Mask against Dropulation:

  • 1 st. Nutty juice;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 st. honey;
  • 1 vitamin B1 ampoule.

Mix yolk with vitamin, interfere with juice and honey. Mix. Immediately use the mask. Wash over half an hour with warm water. After the second use of this mask, the hair will become elastic and stronger.

Against loss and to enhance hair growthThe stunning effect will give the following decoction:

  • 2 st. crushed root of burdock;
  • 2 st. chopped nettle;
  • 1.5 liter of water.

Burning and nettle to pour boiling water and keep 15 minutes on low heat. Cover and insist for 20 minutes. Strain and rinse your head after washing. You can use every other day.

Nuts for hair has not been an exception to cosmetology procedures. Special application In this area, she received for the treatment of hair - their strengthening, growth and radiance. Our grandmothers used hair nettle to get a luxurious and shining chapel.

Since ancient times, women treated their hair as true wealth. After all, beautiful and healthy curls were considered a symbol of femininity and elegance. IN modern world Hair is subject to various stresses in the form of staining and curling, but it is possible to preserve their beauty with the help of natural tools. Natural components in the form of berries, fruits and medicinal grasses are able to convert and cure hair. One of the main beneficial plants for the beauty and silkiness of the hair is nettle. It has many useful properties.

This grass "with character" may hurt to burn, or can become a true friend, first of all our chapels. The benefit of nettle is difficult to overestimate. Vitamin plant has the richest composition:

  • vitamin C helps bulbs intensify and speed up the growth of strands;
  • rare vitamin K is responsible for shine;
  • carotine is indispensable to force properly functioning the sebaceous glands;
  • vitamin and quickly heals all the wounds;
  • organic acids will save us from dandruff;
  • useful minerals strengthen strands.

What is useful for hair net and all its positive moments are explained by the content in natural composition:

  • vitamin K, necessary for hair health and strengthening blood circulation in the head area,
  • vitamins group B, E, and C;
  • carotenoids;
  • calcium clusters;
  • phytoncides;
  • chlorophylls that promotes the normalization of the selection of subcutaneous fat and ensure hair volume;
  • organic acids.

The benefits of nettle for hair

Network is a unique widespread plant. Nettle is often used in medicine for treatment various diseases, nettle is used in food, even a rope from it. However, the most frequent consumption of nettle is cosmetology. From this plant make the healing masks and decoctions for the face and hair. Nettle contains many vitamins, acids and useful substances that have favorably affect the health and beauty of the hair.

  • Formic acid, which gives nettle to the unique burning, after heat treatment loses its aggressive properties, but it is still capable of making hair with the help of intensive moistening of the hair structure.
  • Retinol has restorative and regenerating properties, it heals small wounds And abrasions on the scalp.
  • Ascorbic acid, which in large quantities has nettles, is capable of rejuvenating effects and production of additional natural collagen.
  • Masks with nettles improve blood circulation, there are bulbs, which favorably affects hair growth.
  • Also, using nettle, you can achieve a pleasant shade of hair, get rid of falling out and make hair strong and elastic.

Wrestlers of nettle rinsing


  • food soda is a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  • To prepare an effective decoction, you can buy dried nettle leaves in a pharmacy. However, it will be much more useful if the grass is fresh. If the nettle is young and low, you need to rip it under the root, and if quite large, it is best to tear only the tops of the plant. To tear the plant is necessary in gloves, as we remember, it bites and can cause severe burns.
  • Torn leaves rinse under running water, grind and pour boiling water, approximately 1: 5.
  • After that, nettle must be placed on a water bath for about 20 minutes. After that, remove from the fire, close the lid and give it.
  • After the decoction cools, it needs to be strain. Tool is ready for use.

The prepared decoction needs to be diluted with water, add soda to it for softness and rinse them clean hair after washing. Lockers after rinsing do not need to be dried, they should dry naturally. The adoption of such a procedure in the habit will make your hair forever silky and elastic. This decoction should be added to hair masks where other components are used.

The collected nettle can be dried independently. To do this, decompose the leaves on paper near the window and give a few days to the complete dryer. This will allow you to use nettle in winter when so little vitamins are for hair.

Nasture from nettle and burdock


  • nettle fresh or dried - 3 tablespoons;
  • ground burdock root - 2 tablespoons;
  • a glass of vodka or alcohol.

Cooking method:

  • Mashed or grind the leaves of nettle and root of the burdock.
  • Pour the resulting mixture with alcohol and put in a dark cool place.
  • After 10 days, the resulting cosmetics torture.

This tincture must be rubbed into the roots of the hair for at least 10-15 minutes. Then you need to distribute the tincture along the entire length of the hair, wrap and wait for half an hour. After that, the hair rinse with water, and you can leave them as it is. it beautiful tool To strengthen and feed the scalp. Such a tincture can be kept in the refrigerator for more than a month, but it is more common to use it than once a week is not recommended.

Spective fatty mask


  • fresh nettle - 3 tablespoons;
  • flowers, leaves and stalks of fresh daisies - 3 tablespoons;
  • 2 egg squirrels.

Cooking method:

  • From chamomile and nettle must be prepared.
  • In the resulting herbal decoction add whipped proteins and mix thoroughly.

The resulting mass must be launched into the scalp and leave for 15 minutes. Then you need to wash your hair with cool water. Such a means is beautifully fighting with fatty hair, eliminates them from fatty and dirty shine. The work of the sebaceous glands comes back to normal after the third application. A full course of treatment - 10 applications, a mask should be made 2 times a week, and for prevention - 1 time in 2 weeks. A pleasant bonus will be the clarification of the color tone and giving the hair of unusual radiance and transfusion.

Infusion of nettle and mother-and-stepmother from dandruff


  • nettle - 3 tablespoons;
  • coltsfoot - 3 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

  • For the preparation of infusion, you need to take an equal amount of nettle and coltsfoot. Herbs can be both fresh and dry. The resulting collection is littered with a liter of boiling water and give to strengthen about an hour.
  • When the infusion cools, it needs to be strain and if necessary to dilute.

The immemor obtained needs to rinse the hair after washing. Locks do not dry the hairdryer, they must dry naturally. Infusion perfectly moisturizes, feeds dry scalp, eliminates dandruff and other peelings.

Vitamin mask from nettle


  • nettle fresh, crushed - 3 tablespoons;
  • rEPIA oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • honey - tablespoon.

Cooking method:

  • Fresh nettle to crushed and scream with boiling water.
  • Add to Cashitz oil and honey, mix thoroughly.

The resulting mass must be well rubbed in the roots of the hair, then distribute the mask along the entire length, cover with a package and wrapped with a towel. it effective tool Suspens the hair with vitamins, oxygen and moisture. Already after the first application, the curls become smoother, obedient, silky.

Hair loss agent


  • nettle;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • a series;
  • burdock root;
  • bulb.

Cooking method:

  • Take herbs on one tablespoon and one root of the burdock. They can be dry or fresh - it does not matter. Everything is thoroughly crowded and pour with two glasses of boiling water. Leave to notify.
  • The bulb is medium in size to grind in a meat grinder or with a blender, squeeze juice. We will need 3 tablespoons.
  • Cooled to strain and mix with onion juice. The resulting liquid is lured in the roots of the hair.

This is a very effective tool stimulates the hair follicles to growth and improves their blood circulation. Keep the mask need 20-30 minutes. If you regularly apply a mask on the bald and bears, then soon they will overcome hair. After several applications, the hair becomes noticeably thick, the fallout stops, their growth is accelerated.

Regenerating mask for weak hair


  • fresh nettle - a glass;
  • a tablespoon of yeast;
  • tablespoon of honey;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Cooking method:

  • Pour the yeast with a small amount of warm water and put in a warm place to "wander". The mixture will be ready when bubbles start out of it.
  • Finely laughing nettle, it can be done in a blender to the state of the Cashitz.
  • To the yeast mixture, add nettle, oil and heated in the water bath. Thoroughly mix all over a homogeneous mass.

This tool must be rubbed into the roots, distribute over the entire length and do not forget about the tips, because most often they most often need recovery. Wash out the agent no earlier than half an hour. Such a mask is suitable for any type of hair. It is relevant for painted, damaged or burnt hair. It can also be used in winter or in spring when the hair is so lacking vitamins. Already after a few uses, the hair of the washcloth will turn into live flowing curls.

Nettle is a valuable treasure of vitamins, which the nature began to for us. Regularly courting his hair with natural ingredientsYou will understand that they are no worse, and sometimes even better dear cosmetics.

How to brew a networker?

My grandmother lives in the village, and she is a real straw fan. Hair nettle applies from young years old, and even now, in a solid age, it can boast a thick and beautiful chapel. To strengthen the grandfather of Granny uses a netual decoction. To cook it at home, it fills 100 grams of grass liter of water and boils it all on a weak light of 20 minutes. The resulting decoction turns out, turns out and uses, rinsing his head after the "head".

If you make a decoction in which the nettle and burdock will be (in equal doses), on the same recipe, then get a composition that helps with hair loss. A tincture of nettle and mother and stepmother helps against dandruff, and chamomile and nettle, boiled together, suitable for rinsing blondes.

How to cook shampoo with nettle and nettle mask?

Network, as the ingredient shampoo creates real miracles - it helps against dandruff, strengthens, gives radiance. But to make a natural nettle shampoo, you will have to face a little. To do this, grind fresh leaves and squeeze juice from them using gauze. For one portion, one spoons of the speckled "Fresh" is sufficient.

Natural mask for oily skin Heads - an indispensable means. To prepare a healing mask from nettle for hair, scroll through one jemy of fresh leaves in Cashitsa, add two spoons to it colorless henna, dilute the mixture with boiling water. Hold this mass on the roots of 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. In the next video, it is described in detail about how you can cook other masks for the lap, there are also many other spectal recipes.

Proper use of nettle net

  1. Neprug and means are made using it, capable of making hair somewhat hard, dried. Consequently, it is contraindicated for girls with a dry hair type. In this case, it can only be used as a mask for the root system and the scalp.
  2. The plant, called nettle, has several colorful properties. For example, blondes, after its use, can notice a slightly greenish tint on her hair. To prevent the possibility of such incidents, nettle must be used together with a small amount of lemon juice (it discolores the shade).
  3. For the application of liquid funds, called the hair rinse the nettle of their own preparation is convenient to use them in the sprayer.
  4. After rinsing hair nettle, so that the skin of the head felt her miraculous result, it is useful to apply a little means with rubbing movements into its area.

Recipes for the preparation of spectal infusions

  1. You need to fervent 3 tablespoons of crushed nettle in a dry form in several glasses of boiling water. In order for the infusion of a good thoughts, it is necessary to leave it covered for half an hour. After, you can add a bit of honey or vinegar into the graceland. Use as rinsing hair and rubbing in the root.
  2. Nettle in the complex with burdock has a beneficial effect on the hair and scalp's skin even more than in independent video. To do this, it is necessary to take the smooth parts of the crushed dry nettle and the dried root of the burdock, soaring with boiling water in the amount of floor liters. This decoction must be wrapped in a towel so that it is well fill in half an hour. Use for rinsing hair and rubbing in the head.
  3. In order to strengthen hair Lukovitsa Need to know how to use hair nettle? To do this, you need to take a smooth amount of green tea, nettle, rosemary and burdock root. Blood 2 The resulting spoons of the mixture 1 liter of boiling water, it is insisted for about 20-30 minutes. Nasty need to rinse clean hair.

Recipes for cooking

  1. Fresh nettle. Approximately 50 grams of fresh nettle with stems thoroughly wash. Put on the fire in the amount of floor liter water, cooks on slow heat about 25-30 minutes. Wash hair with a cooled decoction.
  2. Dry nettle with roots. The recipe for hair for hair says that in the pan you need to place several spoons of dry leaflets of nettle together with roots, pour the glass of water and bring to a boil, peel on slow heat for about 30 minutes. Cool decoction must be rubbed in the roots of the hair. If you use this broth for washing the hair, then it must be slightly diluted with cooking water.
  3. For dry hair. Take an equal amount of dry nettle and grass mother-and-stepmother, namely 3 tablespoons, pour boiling water and cook around 25-30 minutes. The decoction needs to wash the hair.
  4. How to rinse the hair nettle to get rid of dandruff. Bring 400 ml of water to a boil, add several spoons of dry seven of the chamomile, heather, nettle, chips of hops crushed, burdock root. Peel the decoction within 10 minutes. Then he focuses, it is cooled and they rinse their hair.

Nettle masks in fresh form

Naturally, fresh nettle has a richer amount of useful trace elements rather than dried. Therefore, it is very helpful to make masks based on it since May month and until the end of the summer.

To do this, it remains to know how to wash the hair nettle?

  • Mask based on cluster juice. To do this, it is necessary with the help of a blender and meat grinder to crush the fresh beam of nettle, then squeeze juice from it through the gauze. The resulting juice must be spripped in the roots of the hair and in the skin of the head, after which wrap the head for 1-2 hours with cellophan and wrapped with a towel.
  • Mask for fatty hair type. Bunch of fresh nettle to grind a blender or meat grinder. Apply the resulting cleaner on the head, after adding 1 teaspoon of salt in it (sea or dining room). Linged hair roots for 30 minutes, then rinse the hair with warm water.
  • Mask for nutrition. Cashitz from crushed nettles shift with a small amount of honey, floor with a spoon repeated oil. Apply a mass for 20-30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly hair.
  • Mask to strengthen hair. In different quantities, take fresh nettle and mint to grind a blender. For one mask, the fourth part of the glass of the mixture, into which the same amount of natural yogurt or kefira is added. The mask is applied for 20 minutes and washed with water hair.
  • To create the effect of laminated hair, you need to know how to rinse your nettle. A small amount of fresh crushed nettles to shift with 1 tablespoon of hair balm and 1 tablespoon of gelatin. Cashitz put on the hair for 1 hour, rotating polyethylene and towel. After, rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Nettle masks dried

  • Strengthening mask. The floor of a glass of dried leaves of nettle to be confused to powder states, add several spoons of henna (without color), pour boiling water in such a quantity to make a thoroughly mixed monotonous Cashier. In the cooled mixture you need to drive the yolk and apply for 2 hours. Read more:
  • To get rid of dandruff rinsing nettle. Out of black bread pulp into small crumbs, pour 2 tablespoons of nettles and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Carefully apply a homogeneous mixture on the hair, wrapped with polyethylene with a towel for 1 hour. You need to prepare such a mask every other day.
  • Mask for dry hair type. Take a small amount of sea buckthorn fruits, grind them to puree, add 1 teaspoon of honey and 3 tablespoons of nettle tincture. Apply a mixture for 1 hour on the hair and scalp, then rinse thoroughly.

Video: nettle for hair: benefits, masks, decoctions

Healthy hair, pledge good external view. Beautiful, shiny and strong hair Attract attention. Of course, not everyone boasts thick hair, but every girl can improve their condition. Nature gave a man a lot of means for beauty and health, besides for free. One of the effective and simple ways Make hair healthy is nettle.

We treat hair netting preventing their loss

Bad hair is often used in cosmetology for making masks, brazers and infusions. It is also useful for use inside. However, truly miraculous it was for hair.

What is helpful of nettle? Network creates miracles with tired and weakened hair. This rather common plant contains ascorbic acid, vitamin A, K, E, V. It is also saturated with microelements that strengthen and restore hair.

Regular use of nettle significantly strengthens hair, prevents falling, improves their structures. And those who want to grow long hair, especially worth paying attention to nettle, as it can stimulate their growth. Rinsing the hair with Nasty nettle Reduces the fatty skin of the head, as well as eliminates itching and dandruff. It is worth noting what has a nettle of contraindications. Girls with light hair should be careful with the use of this plant, since the tanning substances that can be given a dark shade in it. However, it can be easily cope with this problem, adding clay in infusion or decoction, it will take all the coloring substances.

Treatment of hair nettle can be carried out at any time of the year. In summer, you can use the fresh plant, and for the winter, the leaves of nettle can be prepared, since this plant has the same beneficial properties, both in the dried form and in the fresh.

It is not difficult to prepare the nettle, for this it is necessary to collect a plant in May or June. It is best to collect in dry weather after lunch.

The collected leaves need to be decomposed with a thin layer on paper, in a dark place, it is important that in the room it was not wet. Drying is about 9-10 days. Ready dried plant Store in a rag bag.

Application of nettle for the treatment and rehabilitation of hair

Rinsing hair nettle, it is one of the simple and effective ways Hair care. To do this, cook infusion or decoction. It is preparing: a tablespoon of crushed leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water. Let us last for about an hour. Then they filter the infusion and press the juice from the leaves. By the way, nettle after contact with hot water is no longer ourselves. Nanish nettles need to be used after each head washing, on wet hair. Gently rub the infusion into the skin of the head, and the tips of the hair will hold a couple of minutes in the infusion so that the hair is appropriate healing properties nettle.

You can also cook a decoction for hair growth. 3 tbsp. Spoons of leaves put in a container and pour 0.5 l apple vinegar. The decoction put on a slow fire and cook for 30 minutes. The finished decoction is filtering and rinse the hair after each washing.

Neptelo juice is very effective for enhancing hair growth and strengthening them. Fresh leaves need to be well flushed and blown into a towel. Skip leaves through a meat grinder or juicer. Then skip the resulting juice through the gauze, and rub into the scalp, as well as along the entire length. Get head with a cap and leave for a couple of hours.

But the seeds of nettle helps to get rid of unwanted hair. For this you need 40 grams of seeds, destroy and pour 100 grams of oil. The mixture should be laid within two weeks. After that, strain the obtained tool and apply to the skin on which you need to remove hair. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

Note: Use a nettle shampoo to care hair. However, it is still better to give the preference to natural and organic shampoos.

Over the ages of nettle nets, there was the basis of all caring procedures. The burning sensation of young shoots did not prevent the girls to collect huge baskets of therapeutic grass. And today, using homework with nettle, you can become the owner of thick, shiny curls.

The benefits of nettle for hair

    1. Recovering epidermis head;
    2. Imparting cracks of glossy shine;
    3. Moisturizing and feeding each unit;
    4. Strengthening and awakening the follicle;
    5. Improvement of blood flow and oxygen respiration, stimulating enhanced growth.

As part of the leaves, shoots and rhizome are contained:

    • flavonoids;
    • vitamins K, A, C,
    • organic acids;
    • tannins.

Contraindications are individual intolerance. Allergies avoid harm from herbal procedures will help pre-test composition.

Result: Restores thin colored curls, prevents falling, makes curls shiny, elastic.


    • 18 gr. nettle;
    • 200 ml of water.

Preparation and method of applying: Fresh-woven leaves or dry grass Pour liquid, cook on low heat, for twelve minutes. After cooking, strain and pour into a cosmetic bottle. Store in the refrigerator no more than a week.

Use after washing shampoo, rinse the hair with decoction nettle and apply air conditioning. When falling out the spray to distribute evenly on the sample on the root zone. The procedure is repeated 3-5 times a day. The use of hair beam is shown for all locked types. This grass does not cause changes in color and structure.

Result: The netic recipes reduce the increased secretion of the head of the head of the head, eliminate the fragility and the hair section along the entire length.


    • 14 gr. nettle;
    • 120 ml brandy / alcohol.

Preparation and method of application: Place leaves or grass in a dark vessel made of glass, add alcohol. Insist five days, periodically shaking. Store for six months. We advise you to add to the masks, the rinsing rins of 15-20 drops on 10 gr. The main composition.

Rinsing hair nettle

Caring for haired nets allows you to get rid of dandruff and fungal lesions of the scalp, improve the state of the curls, prevents the content of dry plots. When rinsed, you can use the cooled fluid decoction in pure form or diluted with water infusion (10 ml of infusion per 300 ml of liquid). Repeat the procedure is necessary after each wash, for fat hair Add lemon juice, for dry - 15 drops of herbal oil. Rinse with nettle accelerates growth, satures curls with vitamins, prevents breakdoms and dryness of curls.

It is rich in vitamins and acids in the pure form and composition of masks from falling out and excessive fatty. The composition rubs into the scalp, is distributed over the entire length, after half an hour, the curls are thoroughly cleansed with natural shampoo. Hair after nettle is very soft and shiny. Using after staining, the created pigment is sealed in strands.

Important Council from the editorial

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, it is worthwhile to pay shampoos that you use. A frightening digit - in 97% of the shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all troubles on the labels are designated as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Coco Sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose their elasticity and strength, the color dull.

But the worst thing is that this nasty falls into the liver, the heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to abandon the use of funds in which these substances are located. Recently, the experts of our edition conducted an analysis of the resiluphous shampoo, where the first place was taken by means of the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Best Home Recipes Hair Mask Recipes

Mask with nettle from hair loss

Result: This rapid hair recipe contributes to strengthening hair follicles, Restores the curl along the entire length.


    • 35 ml of nettle;
    • 7 ml of olive oil;
    • 8 drops of Mandarin ether.

Preparation and method of application: prepare from nettle concentrated with infusion (10 gr. Pour 40 ml of water), after cooling and introducing yolks, nutrient oil and citrus ether. Apply rubbing movements in the roots, wear a polyethylene cap, cover with a towel. After two hours, wash off the organic line shampoo, use nettle nettle at least twice a day.

Mask with nettle for hair growth

Result: Young nettle for hair growth is an indispensable means for those who want to quickly grow long healthy curls.


    • 17 nettle leaves;
    • 14 gr. beer yeast;
    • 8 ml of the oil of the Zverkoy.

Preparation and method of application: Collecting the leaves from the upper shoots, to quit boiling water, after on the meat grinder to prepare Cashitz. Tableted yeast crowed into powder, introduce therapeutic oil And the nettle mass. Distribute on the entire roast zone, to withstand the mask for about thirty. Wash hair with shampoo without fragrances and dyes.

Mask with nettle to strengthen hair

Result: Hair treatment nettle strengthens curls along the entire length, preventing fragility and cross-section of tips.


    • 7 gr. nettle;
    • 6 ml of brandy;
    • egg;
    • 22 drops of mango oil.

Preparation and method of application: to prepare nettle - dry raw materials pour 50 ml of boiling water, insist for three hours. After adding cognac, egg, fruit oil, mix everything well. Apply over the entire length (for thick curls, all components will be required twice as much), wrap the film. After the expiration of forty minutes, wash off cool water with the addition of apple vinegar. Strengthening the hair nettle is not less than once a week.

Mask with nettle and burdock

Result: This recipe for masks contributes to the restoration of strength and brilliance of painted curls.


    • 12 gr. nettle;
    • 7 gr. burdock;
    • 15-20 gr. honey;
    • 7 drops of Bergamot oil.

Preparation and method of application: dry herbal raw materials pour hot (90 ◦) with water, covering with a lid, strain after half an hour. Add sugar honey and aromamaslo. Distribute the mass along the entire length, wear a protective hat and towel. In minutes twenty flush with warm green tea.

Mask with nettle and chamomile

Result: Restore the natural strength of the curls of folk recipes cooked at home.


    • 8 gr. dry nettle;
    • 5 gr. Chamomile flowers;
    • 17 drops of jojoba oil;
    • 6 drops of rose ether.

Preparation and method of applying: Herbs pour liquid (35 ml of water), cook no more than fifteen minutes on weak heat. After polling, enter oil, mix well. Apply to clean wet curls with a tassel for staining, along the entire length, retreating three cm from the roots. Not flushing, dry hair with a natural way.

Mask with nettle and tomboy oil

Result: impede the fallout and depletion of curls for hair mask from nettle.


    • 18 gr. Fresh nettle;
    • 7 ml of friction oil;
    • 15 drops of grape oil;
    • 3 drops of Sage Ether.

Preparation and method of application: Prepared (covered with boiling water) Fresh leaves turn into a homogeneous cleaner on the kitchen machine to enter healing oils and ether. Apply at the beginning to the root area, after distributing the growth line. After half an hour, rinse with ayurvedic shampoo.

Mask with nettle and olive oil

Result: Delicious from dandruff, peeling, clean the scalp, activating sleeping bulbs of nature recipes.


    • 17 gr. nettle root;
    • 12 ml of olive oil;
    • 9 gr. sea salt (fine grinding).

Preparation and method of application: rinse and dry the root, grind on a blender, add salt and unrefined oil. Throw for minutes six in the scalp, after thoroughly wash the soft action shampoo.

Mask with nettle and honey

Result: Fresh nettle stripping strengthens curls, improves the blood flow of the scalp.


    • 6-9 nettle leaves;
    • 15 gr. honey;
    • yolk.

Preparation and method of application: brew grass in 60 ml of boiling water, to learn to introduce honey and yolk. Pre-wash the hair to apply the composition along the entire length, dressing the protective hat to warm the hairdryer (warm air). Twenty minutes later, rinse the decoction from the lemon zest.

Mask with nettle and henna

Result: It is effective against hair loss of nettle juice in combination with natural colorless henna.


    • 8 ml of nettle juice;
    • 25 gr. henna;
    • 6 ml of garnet seed oil.

Preparation and method of application: to dissolve hot liquid vegetable powder, add squeezed from fresh leaves juice, moisturizing oil. Apply the composition starting with the roots and along the entire length, except for the tips. After twenty minutes, wash off the shampoo, be sure to put balm so as not to overcover the curls.

Mask with nettles and vinegar

Result: Home masks give curls shine and elasticity, saving curl flakes.


    • 12 gr. nettle;
    • 10 ml of apple / wine vinegar;
    • 18 drops of peach oil.

Preparation and method of application: scraped leaves to chop into a homogeneous cleaner on a kitchen combine / meat grinder, add vinegar, fruit oil and 30 ml of water. Distribute the mass by retreating 3-5 cm from the roots, wait twenty minutes. After washing with warm water.

Mask with nettle and Air

The result: prevents the fallout and destruction of hair units, eliminates the pearl mask, created by their own hands.


    • 12 gr. nettle;
    • 10 gr. Kornevy Aira;
    • 4 ml of friction oil;
    • 17 gr. Rye bran.

Preparation and method of application: Dry herbs pour 75 ml of hot liquid (90-110 °), to insist half an hour. Perftion, add bran and medicinal oil. Apply on dry curls, rubbing the resulting mass. Dressing cap and wrapped with a towel to warm the hot air. After half an hour, wash the curls of the children's shampoo.

Mask with nettle for oily hair

Result: Hair care with herbal tinctures will reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands, slightly dry the roasting zone, giving the missing volume.


    • 18 drops of nettle tincture;
    • 22 ml of kefir;
    • 15 gr. Blue / black clay.

Preparation and method of application: kefir combining with clay and alcohol tincture, for more liquid consistency dilute with green tea. The mask is applied to clean wet curls, the root area is 5-7 cm. Dress on a hat and wrap a warm towel, wait for a minute eighteen, after washing.

Mask with nettle for dry hair

Result: After applying a recipe that is saturated with nutrients, the curls will become soft and more obedient.


    • 12 ml of nettle extract;
    • 2 yolks;

Preparation and method of applying: liquid extract dilute in 60 ml of water. Complete with yolks and melted African oil. Distribute the composition across the area for half an hour before the hair washing. Use indian organic shampoo.

One of therapeutic herbs, which is a saving means in many illnesses, is considered the nettle. This plant is every familiar since childhood, but not everyone knows about the list of positive influences that has networked on the body when proper use (cm. ). A key feature of this grass is the ability to redeem hair.

What is helpful for hair for hair?

In pharmacies and shops you can find many options for shampoos, balms, masks designed to restore curls. And in the compositions of many of them there are natural components, including nettle. It is this grass in its pure form or, being part of a cosmetic agent, is responsible for strengthening the hair, the saturation of follicles with vitamins, which in its composition a huge amount.

What is rich in the netwoman?
  1. Chlorophyll, which stops hair loss, prevents the development of senile baldness.
  2. A huge number of vitamins (, k, c, b2 and other vitamins of this group, E and others).
  3. As part of the plant there are numerous trace elements, which positively affect the state of hair and scalp: iron, silicon, copper, potassium, calcium, chrome, iodine, magnesium and others.
  4. In addition, netting is enriched with tannin, carotine, tanning substances, secretein, phytoncides and numerous acids.
Such a composition makes this grass "Natural Lekarem", suitable not only for hair restoration and enhancing their growth, but also for the treatment of various diseases. Additional useful feature Nuts performing her "burning". When applying decoctions and informations of unpleasant sensations, it will not even be able to strengthen the bloodstream, "saturate" the skin of the head of oxygen, provoking the activity of hair lucco glasses and awakening the "sleeping" follicles.

The main benefit of nettle for the hair is as follows:

  • delivery of dandruff;
  • getting rid of excessive fatty;
  • enhancing hair growth, prevent falling, fragility;
  • locons after applying the burst become thick, disappears dullness, giving way to the brilliance;
  • getting rid of split hairs, adding smoothness and elasticity;
  • enrichment by vitamins and other useful substances;
  • elimination of inflammation skin itch and yasers on the skin;
  • in general, strengthening curls.


Like other medical grass, nettle is capable of calling allergic reaction. Especially in the case when it is applied regularly, long time and not only for rinsing hair, but also as tea, ragger inside. And this is not the only nuance.

Why do you need to use nettle strap with caution?

Firstly, This therapeutic grass copes with fatty, but the hair is very dry. Therefore, people who have a dry curls from nature should be used carefully.

Secondly, It has a staining effect. On dark hair, this will not be noticeably noticeable, but on the blond and light curls, an unwanted greenish tint may appear over time. To avoid such a result, it is necessary to use the nettle nettle in combination with other ingredients, for example, lemon juice or decoction of ordinary chamomile.

Keep a cooked dwarm nettle should not be too long. A brewed grass can "bloom." Keep brazers, infancy and other versions based on nettle should be in dark rooms or in the refrigerator.

In what form use nettle for hair recovery?

Options, which can be applicable to this burning grass, there is a lot. For example, on the basis of nettle, it is absolutely difficult to prepare at home, the effect of which will be noticeable through 3-5 applications.

In addition, nettle is used in the following sections:

  • as an infusion or tincture, including alcohol cooked;
  • in the form of a special bravery, brewing which can be from dry, and fresh herbs;
  • in the form of juice from fresh nettle;
  • applicable in therapeutic cosmetology, spectal oil;
  • you can also use kashitz from leaves, roots.

Decorations or tinctures are able to replace the chemically created tools (balms and air conditioners), bringing great benefits. You can add them, as well as oil, juice, in shampoo or purchased masks. Use in this form of nettle never reduces its therapeutic properties.

Rinsing hair nettle

The therapeutic effect of rinse the hair net will be noticeable at almost immediately, however this procedure Must get into the habit. Apply home remedies based on this burning grass should be regularly and at least 2-4 weeks.

You can use to rinse curls:

  • infusion of fresh nettle leaves;
  • decorations and infancy made of dry raw materials, including the addition of plant roots or with other ingredients.

Fast recipe infusion from fresh grass: More than half of the liter banks fill the plants with leaves, pour boiling water to the edges, close the lid and brew no more than 10 minutes.

How to rinse your hair nettle?

Option first. Homemade healing agent is thoroughly washed with wet, clean hair. In this embodiment, an infusion or decoction after shampoo is used and instead of additional caring cosmetics. You do not need to flush.

Option second. Using the pulverizer, the roots are generously splashed, and then all hair, this method is used for dried, but clean curls. After using nettle to resort to a hairdryer or towel, as well as flush "spray" is not required.

In both cases, it is desirable that herbal medical agent It was not completely cold.

"Currency" rinsing curls will allow:

  1. strengthen not only hair, but also hair lows;
  2. accelerate hair growth ,;
  3. make naughty and more compatible, shiny, smooth;
  4. reliable from problems with the scalp;
  5. protect hair from the negative effects of the sun, frost;
  6. subscribe curls from the inside, completely improving them;
  7. eliminate hair loss problem.

Ripple from nettle - Assistant in the struggle for hair health

The most common option for applying nettle to improve curls, giving them more power, as well as for accelerated height Hair is herbal decoction. It is easy to cook at home. Also, such a decoction will allow dry skin and hair, from itching.

Prepare a decoction using only the leaves of the plant can be one of the following ways:

  1. Up to 10 spoons of dry or fresh crushed herbs are poured into a liter pan and poured with water to the entire volume of the container. A decoction of nettle for hair after boiling is boiled for another 60 minutes on a weak heat under the closed lid. It should be thoroughly strain, so that there are no small herbal particles left, and can be used for rinsing;
  2. More useful components will be saved in the home facility, if brewing nettle with a water bath. 0.5 liters of water will take 200 ml of crushed greenery or dry grass. A decoction is preparing for half an hour, after farting, it is cool and still added to it 0.5 liters of warm water. It is then applied to rinsing hair.

For a healing bravery, you can use phytopakers with nettle dwarfish, which simplify the cooking process. The grass is brewed in this form in accordance with the instruction specified on the package.

Nutric decoction with additional ingredients may be the following types:
  • with sea buckthorn juice: Leaves of nettle in a dry form in the amount of three tablespoons are mixed with 200 ml of juice and 400 ml of boiling water; The mixture is then prepared on a low heat for 30 minutes, while it should be regularly stirred; The lesion and cold decoction is ready for use; It is a lining agent for hair roots;
  • with the mother and pasta and the root of Aira: in equal proportions, depending on the desired amount of decoction, all components are taken in a dry and crushed form, mixed thoroughly; The collection is filled with hot water (1 l) and boiled on medium heat not more than 10-12 minutes; eliminate this decoction from excessive fragility and fatness of curls, and also help with dandruff;
  • with marigolds: at 400 g of fresh nettle nets it is necessary to take 100 g of marigolds, after pouring 2.5 glasses of steep boiling water; Capacity with a decoction to put on the stove and on a small fire to cook for 10-12 minutes; Such a lesion and distinted decoction of massage movements must be rubbed into the roots and the skin on the head before and after washing the hair, it is designed for 14 applications;
  • with vinegar: insisted in advance for half times of 5 spoons of nettle, boiling water, filled with half-liters, are filtered and added to the glass of vinegar, after the mixture is boiled on a small heat for about 15 minutes; The resulting acetic and herbic decoction must be diluted with water: 200 ml of beam on 2 liters of warm water; Hair rinsing will help get rid of dandruff and add elasticity curls, shine;
  • with burdock and hop: Buffer, hop bumps and fresh nettle leaves are crushed; Three spoons of the mixture must be pouring hot water (1 l); Cooking the decoction should be on a small fire of 60 minutes or in a water bath of 10 minutes, but after it will be necessary, so that the broth stood another hour until complete readiness; Predetermined well, you can use it.

Nandelays from nettle

Herbal infusion is the second most popular tool that is preparing at home. His main difference from the beam is that it takes some time for its final readiness.

Methods of cooking herbal infusions

  1. One spoonful of dry spectal leaves add to a glass of 200 ml and pour hot water. A glass close the lid and put in a dark place for an hour. The constraint, the resulting herbal infusion is carefully wetting the roots of the hair, the wash is not required.
  2. 5 large spoors of dried herbal leaves need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Capacity with infusion close the lid and insist in the dark about 30 minutes.
  3. Dry mint, mother-and-stepmother, nettle is taken in the amount of 4 spoons of each plant. Mixing the collection, it is poured with a liter of boiling water and brewed under a tightly closed lid for about an hour. Acts infusion as a means of strengthening, applicable for regular hair rinsing for 2 months.
  4. The burdock root and nettle are taken in the ratio of 1: 1, the total number of 200 g. The mixture is poured with 2.5 glasses of steep boiling water. The container is required to close the lid, brew nettle nettle. This remedy will have a positive effect on the growth and lifting of the curls.
  5. 20 grams of dry chamomile mix with nettle leaves and roots (40 g). After the mixture, pour boiling water (1 l) and hold in a tightly closed container in the dark for an hour.

Additional means

Nutric juice or extract at home. It turns out when the leaflets of the plants are crushed into the cracked, which must be squeezed. The juice neatly rubs into the skin and hair roots, the head is covered with a food film or a plastic bag, as well as a warm scarf or a towel. The procedure lasts an hour, after the hair should be rinsed with clean water room temperature.

Herbal oil. The plant in a dry form in the amount of 100 g is poured by olive oil (300 g). Capacity is closed and removed into the dark, cool room, where it is maintained for 14-20 days. It can then be used as an additional ingredient to masks or as an independent means against hair loss, itching, peeling.