Daily Menu of the Kremlin diet. Uniqueness and stages of the Kremlin diet

02.07.2019 Diet

The stunning popularity of the Kremlin diet is due high efficiency This method of weight loss. Practically without limiting its own diet, anyone can simply and quickly part with extra kilograms. This diet is especially pleasant for celebrities that have the ability to consume ready-made dishes of diverse high costs and complexity. But even if you have to independently respond to each meal, the Kremlin diet will still be tastier and a reference majority of other weight loss techniques.

But it's not just the availability of most loved ones by all delicacies. Kremlin Diet Menu for 1 week every day All options will come to taste and vegetarians, and meatters: The table of the allowed products includes both some animal products and a huge number of vegetables.

Such a scatter allows you to not limit yourself when ordering ready-made dishes in restaurants: in the menu of any institution there will be at least a couple of recipes that meet the standards of the Kremlin diet. It is especially convenient if you do not have time for daily cooking or searching a cafe with a diet menu.


The Kremlin diet is effective due to the change in basic chemical processes in the human body. As you know, we get the main energy reserves from food rich in carbohydrates. But reserves that were not spent during the day, go on the construction of adipose tissue. In order to "include" the consumption of fat cells, it is not enough to place the body into a hunger state. It is necessary to remove the carbohydrate food from the diet. Only in this case the body will be forced to start splitting fat, stored earlier.

The full table of products allowed on the Kremlin diet is used not only for weight loss.

It has been proven that on different people, a similar diet has a different effect:

  1. People with excess fat mass begin to rapidly get rid of excess weight.
  2. People with a lack of fatty mass (dystrophy, etc.) are recovering and gaining a healthy amount of fat.
  3. People with a normal figure increase overall tone and support healthy weight.

For those who want to lose weight, the Kremlin diet is traditionally divided into two phases:

For the convenience of losing weight, there is a special table indicating the content of points in various recipes. As long as the total number of points in one day does not exceed 20, the nutrition is considered dietary. This ensures maximum freedom in choosing products and taste preferences.

How to lose weight on the Kremlin diet?

The easiest way to lose weight on such a power to those who initially did not like carbohydrates, and ate them more by habit.

The information table gives the following list of products with minimal carbohydrate content:

  1. Mushrooms, including delicate.
  2. Seafood.
  3. Meat.
  4. Kefir and other dairy products.
  5. A variety of vegetables.

If you cannot live without taste amplifiers, we freely use spices: they also do not contain harmful carbohydrates. At the same time, try to abandon traditional sweets: candies, ice cream, cakes, etc. Even sweet dairy products can play a joke with you. Therefore, for the time of weight loss, replace all your favorite desserts of a spoonful of honey or handful nuts.

It is also possible to use natural uncommodated fruits, and both in fresh form and in the dried. The main thing is that without artificially added sugar and a sweet powder layer.

In order not to not only lose weight, but also save your result, you need to organize the most smooth output from the diet.

This happens as follows:

  1. In the first seven or fourteen days you eat up to 20 g of carbohydrates per day (information about each product suggests you auxiliary table). During this time, your body regulates its own weight, getting rid of a safe percentage of fat stocks. It is impossible to lose weight longer than two weeks, since the exchange system will begin to adapt to new conditions. It is necessary to return to the same power regime - but it is gradually done.
  2. Now smoothly increase the number of carbohydrates arriving on the day. Let it not exceed 40 g per day - but it is already 2 times more than it was permissible in the first weeks. The duration of this stage depends on the duration of the first: if you sat without carbohydrates a week, then a week is sitting on a double portion, etc. If you still have overweight, he will continue to melt.
  3. Continue to increase portions of carbohydrates up to 60 g per day. Despite changes in the diet, the body will continue to assume that the conditions require an emergency fat consumption. You can eat almost the same way as any of your relatives and friends, and you will continue to lose weight. Gradually, you will achieve the desired result (with an excess weight of more than 20 kg, this process usually takes from two months).

The Kremlin diet is great for constant control of its weight. As soon as your parameters began to change in an unpleasant direction, simply reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, and observe how the body processes fat cells, turning them into net energy. At the same time, the balance of the diet, which can be maintained on a low-carbon diet, does not give the skin to be saved. You will lose weight without ugly stretch marks, and your figure will retain a natural tail.

First stage of the Kremlin diet

The low-carbon-water Kremlin menu diet for the week allows you to make a rather diverse even at the first stage of getting rid of extra kilograms. The key to success will be the selection of beloved dishes with low carbohydrates: they will support your strength in the first weeks when the body still perceives the lack of carbohydrate food as a stressful event. Therefore, the greatest effect will give a menu drawd up "for itself". Following the recommendations of celebrities may not justify themselves if your tastes do not coincide.

Breakfast This is not a main meal in the Kremlin diet. But in order to open eyes in the morning, at least the minimum amount of carbohydrates is necessary. Be sure to include in your first eating or eggs prepared by your favorite way, or carbonistic milk product (for example, a portion of unsweetened cottage cheese with a high fatness percentage). Sometimes you can even combine several carbohydrate products: for example, to fry a pair of eggs with a thinly chosen sausage. But at the same time, your morning coffee (or tea) must certainly leave without cream and sugar.
Dinner You can afford the combination of low-fat meat and the low-fat product with a high carbohydrate content. It may be soup, for example, anterior chicken broth, and vegetable salad. Plan a lunch so as not to feel the urges of hunger to dinner. Some psychologically easier to dine three dishes (soup, salad and hot - low-fat meat), and someone else will calm the major portion of the beloved product.
Afternoon person Since the diet of the Kremlin diet may seem extremely scarce to those who previously abused carbohydrate food, the afternoon person is necessary. But stretching the stomach, catching it to a full-fledged additional meal, it is impossible. Therefore, at the midday room in the first week or two are preferably nuts. 30-40 grams of nuts of any kind is quite enough to quench the hunger and get energy charges until the evening.
Dinner In the Kremlin diet, it is not necessary to occur 3-4 hours before sleep. Even if you are having half an hour before you go to bed, your body will simply not be able to convert low-carb fuel into fats. Therefore, boldly take a piece of any meat (beef, fish, bird, etc.) and add any vegetable salad to it. If vegetables are tired, you can replace them with kefir or a large portion of low-fat curd.

Be sure to find several dietary products, guaranteed your mood. Add them to the menu when you feel ready to break. At minimal carbohydrate content you have to last for a short time, no more than 14 days, but you can get rid of you can already at 10 kg. Do not worry: further the case will go much easier.

Second stage of the Kremlin diet

At the end of the first stage, check not only the number of departed kg, but also well-being. If you have enough energy for everyday affairs, if the condition of your skin has not deteriorated, it means that you are doing everything right, and the diet really suits you. If the condition of the body is questionable, consult a doctor.

The second stage is the most psychologically pleasant, since the diet becomes much more diverse, and kilograms continue to fly. Remember: You will lose weight while the points on carbohydrates per day will be less than 40. This is twice as bigger than in the previous stage, which means that the possibilities in choosing products have become repeatedly increasing.

Your daily menu will change as follows:

Breakfast Now it can be much referring. In the morning meal can be combined with eggs (and in more quantities than before), and meat, and fatty dairy products. The main thing is not to overdo it. Well, the morning drink still should not contain or calories, nor sugar, nor fat.
Dinner Also becomes much more diverse. Most popular options on the third or fourth week have a scheme "Soup plus meat plus a dish of vegetables." Often the score system allows you to add fruit juice or compote.

These drinks may not contain excess sugar, but natural sugar is preserved in them, and in the most easily digestible form. For this reason, the freshly squeezed juices should be introduced into the diet until the evening occurs.

Afternoon person If at lunch you did not seduce with juice or compote, you can do it now - and then give up everything else, because there are a lot of points in these drinks. If the juice you already drank, then snack by seeds, nuts or fruits. Solid cheese varieties are also suitable.
Dinner Despite the fundamental changes in the diet, the last meal must remain light. Do not overload the digestive tract and focus on low-fat fish varieties. It is possible to accompany seafood with vegetables or dairy products of low fatty.

Try to maintain a reasonable balance. According to the table, some dishes and ingredients do not contain points. But this does not mean that they are allowed to use in unlimited quantities.

One of the causes of the weight gain is immensely stretched stomach. Its dimensions can make the stomach stand forward. This spoils even the most slender figure. So that this does not happen, control the size of the portions. It is better to get up because of the table with a feeling of light malnutrition: after a few minutes the food will be learned, and the imaginary hunger will pass.

In addition, you should not add carbohydrates too sharply. Increasing the number of daily scores by twice can provoke a return of kilograms. It is better to add 5 points a few days.

If the scared weight still returned, go back to the first stage, then try again to consolidate the successes, but this time I follow the recommendations.

Final stage

The last stage of the Kremlin diet will help get rid of the last excess centimeters on the waist, if such still remained. But most importantly - it will contribute to the consolidation of the results.

Continue to eat the same way as in previous weeks, gradually increasing the amount of daily carbohydrate scores by 5. When you reach 60, check your weight. If you did everything right, then the kilograms will not only not gain, but also continue to disappear.

A distinctive feature of the third stage - problems with the functioning of the intestine. In the first weeks of the Kremlin diet, the digestive system rests from carbohydrate food, but in the last stages begins to obviously miss bread, croups and other fibrous products. It should be used extremely carefully, gradually adding bran in the diet. Otherwise, the body will not have time to restructure, and you again get the weight.

Another important difference of the third stage is the need to track water consumption. Since your daily carbohydrate rate has increased, now you can use more varied drinks per day. But to keep the weight achieved with so hard, the body needs more fluid. Sweet juices and fatty dairy products will not fit: clean water is needed, about two liters per day.

Despite the relaxation, artificial sweeteners are still prohibited. Refrain from them at least for two months, and you will notice that on the third they will lose their original attractiveness for you. We do not need so much sugar as they try to impose the producers of sweets and fast food. By changing the permanent fraction of the sweet in the diet, you can save your natural weight not only in the first months after the end of the diet. Slender and beautiful figure earned in these few weeks will remain with you forever, while your nutrition will be diverse and balanced.

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Among low-carb diets for weight loss, the Kremlin diet has great popularity. The table is complete, the menu for a week of finished dishes is the most popular request in the Internet. This weight loss program intrigues with its name, although in essence it is a domestic analogue of Atkins diet popular in the west. It makes it possible that it was originally developed for the Kremlin celestials even in Soviet times, because this diet allows sausages and other smoked smoking, drink alcohol and at the same time lose weight. However, most likely, such a name was invented by the developers of a diet to popularize it in the people. Indeed, this approach to weight loss impresses many and does not cause radically change its usual daytime diet. But is it just just how it may seem at first glance?

General principles of diet

As mentioned above, the Kremlin diet assumes almost a complete refusal of products that contain carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the main sources of energy in food, the body easily splits them and in a matter of minutes after candy or the macaron plates we are full of energy and strength. However, also quickly in time the unsighted energy turns into fat and settles on the sides and waist. On the principle of almost complete absence of carbohydrates on the table of thin, the Kremlin diet was founded, as well as the digestion of protein food requires high energy costs from the body than from it can be obtained. According to this principle, you can have permitted diet products in almost unlimited quantities, while avoiding products rich in carbohydrates. Rather, they can still eat, only in a very small amount.

How to find out how much you can eat this or that product? Everything is very simple. Each dish is assigned a certain coefficient, which is equal to the content of carbohydrates in 100g of the product. This information can be found on the packaging of almost every product or a special table. The Kremlin Diet Table Detailed contains information on the number of "carbohydrate points" in most popular dishes. At certain stages of the diet you can not exceed a certain daily rate of carbohydrates. At first, this rate will be minimal, then gradually increase as the number of lost kilograms increases. However, not everything is so tragic, because you can eat a lot of other products - meat, eggs, sausages, ham, mayonnaise, vegetable oil, margarine, broths, cheeses, fish and even drink all this dry wine.

Then, as a complete prohibition, the following products are:

  • porridge: Rice, Manka, Perlovka;
  • confectionery, pastries, ice cream;
  • bread;
  • chocolate;
  • potatoes.

You can, but little:

  • vegetables and fruits that contain carbohydrates in small quantities: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, apples;
  • milk products.

The diet does not impose restrictions on adding salts to the food and other seasonings, sugar, of course, cannot be added. Caution must be observed in relation to sauces, because most of them contain a large amount of carbohydrates, so it is better to do without them.

In unlimited quantities, you can drink tea, coffee, mineral water, but from sweet lemonads will have to give up weight loss. Dieting developers are recommended for accelerating the process of weight loss and reduction of the burdens load, which increases with abundant protein food, drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water daily.

Although it is believed that representatives of the beautiful sex are mostly concerned with the questions of the figure and extra weight, but men are also not alien to the experience about their own appearance. And the Kremlin diet in this case suits the strong floor in the best way. After all, it is known that many men do not pose their lives without a juicy steak or scrambled eggs with bacon. While most other weight loss programs offer to eat buckwheat, kefir and other dietary products. The Kremlin diet is perfectly combined with active classes in the gym, because proteins make up most of the diet on this diet, and this is a building material for muscle tissue. It is important to note that the Kremlin diet to observing nutritionists is effective in combating a large number of extra kilograms, whereas if you need to get rid of a pair of centimeters on the waist and thighs better resort to other ways.

Stages of slimming on the Kremlin diet

There are four main stages of this weight loss program. And during the first three, you actively drop the weight and adapt to a new power system, then the final stage is designed to secure the result, and can last as long as you plan to remain in this weight category.

Stage First

This is a period of active loss of body weight, which is achieved due to the most rigid power mode. The amount of carbohydrates per day should not be more than 20 points. Foods containing sugar and starch are completely excluded from the food - pasta, cereal, confectionery and flour, sweet fruit. The first stage lasts an average of about 14 days. During these two weeks, many are losing up to 10-12kg, others are only 1-2. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body. If for the first stage of the diet you did not drop the desired number of kilograms, it can be extended.

Stage two

During this period, carbohydrates gradually (slowly and carefully) are returned to your diet, each week add no more than 5 points to your diet. It is necessary to be weighed daily if the body's mass increases, instead of decreasing, it is necessary to return to the first stage and reduce the daily rate of carbohydrates.

Stage Third

At this time, the main part of the excess weight is usually already dropped, only a couple of extra kilograms remain, from which you need to get rid of. However, the main task of this stage is not in this, you must consolidate the result, choosing the daily portion of carbohydrates, which you can eat without damage to the figure, for this you need to weigh daily by analyzing your diet. For most it is 60 points. This period can last 2-3 months.

Stage fourth

The longest and responsible plot. He can continue almost all his life, that is, so long as you want to stay in the form. Diet developers make focus on the fact that you do not need to forget about sweets, desserts and other goodies, they can be eaten, but only sometimes, in rare cases.

The main advantages of the Kremlin diet

There are many people on this diet, and all, because it has a number of indisputable advantages:

  1. The Kremlin diet does not force his lifestyle, you can, sitting on it to engage in familiar business, work. After all, the proposed list of products is quite diverse and will provide you with energy and forces for everyday occupations.
  2. You can only adjust your usual diet, and not change it radically. The menu of this weight loss program contains familiar, affordable and delicious products.
  3. The Kremlin diet does not limit the number of food meals and their time, you can have permitted products, how much and when you want. Slimming program, during which you will not suffer from hunger - this is a Kremlin diet. The full points table contains information about carbohydrate content in the most popular products.
  4. This program eliminates breakdown, because you eat the expensive, you do not exhaust yourself with hunger, and therefore, you will not at the end of the diet to throw on favorite delicacies.
  5. The diet gives a long effect, which can be explained not to a decrease in calorieness of the diet, as it occurs in most other programs for weight loss, but by setting the metabolism on fat burning. However, such an effect can be achieved only if we refer to this program of weight loss as a lifestyle that needs to be changed for the sake of harmony and beauty once and for all.
  6. Kremlin diet presupposes pretty diverse nutritionFrom the allowed products you can cook dishes and enjoy meals, unlike many other programs for weight loss that offer is, for example, one carrot or cabbage.

Lose weight and not harm health

Kremlin diet and the whole truth about it is far from being so unequivocal, as it may seem at first glance. This weight loss program, like any other, has its own testimony and contraindications. Before starting weight loss, it is desirable to consult a nutritionist, as well as pass the tests. Here is a list of recommended surveys:

These analyzes need to be held before the start of weight loss, as well as after its active phase, in order to find out the effect of diet on health. If the indicators are normal, you can safely continue the diet, if not, it is not worth experimenting.

To reduce potential health risks, you should not perceive the Kremlin diet as a "slimming on sausages and sausages", preference is better to give healthy food. If you choose between sausage products of industrial production and meat, it is better to cook the last to your table. Then analyzes, and well-being will be in order.

If you during weight loss began to feel bad from the diet it is worth abandoning and seeking medical care.

The diet can not be repeated more often than once a year.

One of the most common losing weight errors is a complete refusal of carbohydrates. This approach begins a threat to health. Carbohydrates need to be consumed necessarily, even in limited quantities, but not less than the norm prescribed in the diet.

To compensate for missing vitamins and minerals in food thinning on the Kremlin diet, it is mandatory to be taken by polyvitamins.

Kremlin diets such as avocado, green leafy vegetables, sauer cabbage, flax seeds, tomatoes, various berries, citrus frills are very helpful and allowed.


Although the Kremlin diet is very attractive, it is easy to withstand, yet it has a number of contraindications, they include:

Before you lose weight on the Kremlin diet, you need to consult with the doctor.

The most common delusions relative to the Kremlin diet

From people who tried to ever adhere to the Kremlin diet quite often you can hear complaints regarding:

  • her inefficiency;
  • unbalanced nutrition and harsh requirements that hard to withstand.

However, in most cases, these problems are associated with the lack of information in people regarding the rules of the diet. Here are the most common mistakes that are allowed by losing weight:

  1. Significant reduction in the diet for more efficient weight loss. This is the root incorrect approach, as the hunger leads to frequent breakdowns, and also causes the body in the future with a double stream of reserves in the form of fat. Fit, as you used to - breakfast, lunch, dinner, you can make small snacks between them.
  2. Complete exception from the diet of vegetables and fruits. These products are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, so it is impossible to completely exclude their diet. Running to less calorie varieties of fruits and vegetables - Kiwi, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, avoid bananas, cherries, sweet grape varieties.
  3. Exception of fats. Fats - a vital element of the diet, because thanks to them, many vitamins are absorbed. The Kremlin diet does not forbid bodies in the food, even on the contrary, greasy marine fish, olive and linen oils are especially useful.
  4. Replacing natural sugar sweeteners. The Kremlin diet allows the use of artificial sweeteners, but it's still not worth it to carry on them, because it is not the most useful products for health.
  5. Nutrition exclusively proteins. Excessive protein consumption leads to an increase in the burdering load, which can affect your health, so it is worth the most diversion of your diet, including permitted vegetables and fruits.
  6. Excessive physical exercise. Sports should be moderate, at least at the stage of active weight loss.

Menu Kremlin diet for a week



  • Boiled chicken eggs - 2pcs;
  • Chicken sausage - 2pcs;
  • Tea or coffee without sugar.


  • Broccoli vegetable soup;
  • Cutlet steam;
  • Salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, filled with mayonnaise;
  • Suggage with a sugar substitute.


  • Cottage cheese;
  • Chop pork.



  • Adygei cheese - 200g;
  • Swine sausage - 2pcs;
  • Tea or coffee without sugar.


  • Green borsch without potatoes;
  • Pork cutlet;
  • Greek salad.


  • Baked chicken;
  • Orange;
  • Cucumber salad.



  • Bold cottage cheese with sour cream;
  • Chicken eggs boiled - 2 pcs;


  • Vegetable soup without potatoes;
  • Fried pork with mushrooms;
  • Bulgarian pepper salad with tomatoes.


  • Sea cabbage salad with egg and mayonnaise;
  • Chicken chicken with tomatoes.



  • Swine sausages - 2pcs;
  • Tea or coffee without sugar;
  • Squash caviar.


  • Steam omelet with mushrooms and green onions of three eggs;
  • Tea or coffee without sugar.
  • Mushroom soup;
  • Rabbit baked with sour cream;
  • Leaf salad.


  • Scraper with sausage;
  • Cabbage salad with cucumber.



  • Cauliflower boiled, roasted with egg;
  • Chicken sausage - 2 pcs;
  • Tea or coffee without sugar.


  • Celery soup;
  • Baked in the oven or boiled court;
  • Cabbage salad with cucumber, seasoned with olive or sunflower oil.


  • Salad of cucumbers, Bulgarian pepper and tomatoes;
  • Baked duck baked.



  • Omelet or scrambled eggs and a small tomato;
  • Tea or coffee without sugar.


  • Meat Salonka;
  • Fish boiled or cooked pair;
  • Kefir.


  • Boiled liver;
  • Salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, filled olive oil;
  • Solid cheese - 50g.



  • Boiled sausages - 3pcs;
  • Solid cheese - 50g;
  • Tea or coffee without sugar.


  • Fish soup;
  • Cabbage salad with cucumber;
  • Chop pork.


  • Steam omelet with sausage of three eggs;
  • Grilled chicken;
  • Grapefruit - 1pc.

As you can understand from the above menu, the diet of the Kremlin diet is very diverse and this is just a complete list of those dishes that you can include in your diet. Between the main meals, you can make snacks, at the request of the dishes can be changed in places. The amount on the points per day in the specified menu is no more than 40.

His diet, sitting on the Kremlin diet, oddly enough, can be diversified by desserts. True, the sweet component in them is not sugar and not a sugar substitute, but fruits that are allowed by a diet, for example, pineapples or strawberries.

You can diversify your diet on the Kremlin diet, actively using seasonings and spices during cooking. You can also prepare various varieties of fish and meat, including ripe mature cheeses, green leafy vegetables and much more, which, for sure, you have not even tried earlier.

The main disadvantages of the Kremlin diet

  1. The diet has a number of serious contraindications. For this reason, before starting to lose weight on this system, you need to seek advice from the doctor and pass a medical examination.
  2. Additional reception of polyvitamins are needed. It says far from this weight loss program, because even the highest quality drugs are much worse than the organism than the vitamins that are in food.
  3. Complete exception from the diet of porridge. Cereals are one of the most valuable batteries that contains a lot of vitamins and trace elements, they need to completely exclude them from the diet, which can adversely affect health.
  4. Sausages and sausages are not the most useful products, but the Kremlin diet recommends their use, in order to diversify the diet. If we exclude them from the power supply and replace with boiled or baked meat, it does not affect the number of dropped kilograms. However, you will have to spend more time in the kitchen for the preparation of food.
  5. The diet uses expensive products. Cheeses, meat and fish, fresh vegetables - The basis of the diet on the Kremlin diet, it is very expensive.
  6. During the Kremlin diet, the burden on the kidney increase significantly due to the increase in the number of protein food in the diet, and this may affect general conditionEven if you are absolutely healthy.
  7. After the Kremlin diet increases the risk of rocking stones and sand in the kidneys and the gallbladder.
  8. The diet is difficult to withstand sweet tools and those who are used to eat vegetable food.
  9. Such a diet can negatively affect appearance Human, the abundance of fatty foods on the table leads to a deterioration of the condition of hair and skin.
  10. The diet requires a gradual "exit" of it, since the rapid return to the original diet will be guaranteed to increase extra kilograms.

The Kremlin diet is very popular and has long gained the fame of the effective system for weight loss, many celebrities used it to remove excess weight. Surely, any of your loved ones and acquaintances also sat on it. However, this is not yet a reason for applying this diet for weight loss without consultation with the doctor. After all, weight loss programs are a lot and one of them is suitable for you. And to understand this will help a specialist, taking into account your individual characteristics.


Every day the number of people suffering from excess weight does not decrease. And the number of diverse diets is only added. Everyone can choose the most suitable option for it. But one of the most popular and most effective today is the Kremlin diet. For a long time, her principle was held secretly, according to rumors, it used only the party authorities and the elite of the country.

Now the diet is available almost to everyone. Her success is that it gives quick and excellent results and, more importantly, your excess weight will not return for a long time after leaving it.

General information about the Kremlin diet

  • Duration: from 2 to 8 weeks.
  • Features: classic protein diet with low carbohydrate concentration.
  • Price: Since this diet does not require any special products, it is quite accessible and compatible with your regular budget.
  • Result: Over 5 kg per week, over 8 kg for 8 weeks.
  • Recommended frequency: 1 time per year.
  • Additional effect: useful in sports. Protein consumption supports muscle mass and helps to get rid of excessive fat accumulation.
  • Contraindications: Diet is not recommended to persons with diseases of the digestive system, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Before sitting on this diet, consult your doctor.

Power principles

The Kremlin diet attracts many of their simplicity. You do not have to radically change the daily diet. The essence is to reduce the amount of carbohydrate consumed. Preference is given to protein food.

Carbohydrates are necessary for the body to maintain physical and mental activity. At the same time they have high glycemic index, cause a feeling of hunger and accumulate in the body in the form of fat. When there is no sufficient amount of carbohydrates in the body, it begins to use its own resources from the accumulated fat. That is why the results of the Kremlin diet can be seen from the first week.

In order to provide convenience in calculating the diet, each dish is considered in points (glasses) or conditional units (u. E.). They correspond to the amount of carbohydrates in the product for 100 g.

The Kremlin diet differs from the rest of the fact that it does not regulate the number of food meals. Most advice eat 3-4 times a day. It is unlikely that you want to eat more often, because the protein provides a feeling of satiety for a long time. In addition, if there is not too often, it will be easier for you to count the glasses.

The main stages of the diet

  1. Stage: from 7 to 14 days, during which you are allowed to use up to 20 y. e. per day.
  1. The main stage: up to 6 weeks, during which you can eat up to 40 y. e. per day.
  1. Final stage: Starting from 7 weeks, you can afford to 60 y. e. per day.

Food: What is impossible?

The list of products that are included in the prohibited list looks like this:

  • bread,
  • sugar, sweets,
  • carbonated drinks, fruit juices,
  • bananas, figs, grapes,
  • cereals
  • pasta,
  • beans, including peanuts,
  • vegetables containing starch.

Approximate menu for 1 week


  • Breakfast: cheese (75 g), 2 boiled eggs, a slice of ham, tea without sugar (coffee).
  • Lunch: vegetable salad, soup with mushrooms and spinach, turkey fillet, tea.
  • Dinner: 2 tomatoes, kefir half a cup.

100 grams of nuts are allowed as a snack.


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese (100 g), 2 eggs, mushrooms, tea without sugar (coffee).
  • Lunch: vegetable salad, pork chop, tea without sugar.
  • Dinner: Broccoli (100 g), fried turkey breast, tea without sugar.

100 g of cheese is allowed as a snack.


  • Breakfast: 1 sausage, stewed eggplants (200 g), mushrooms, tea without sugar (coffee).
  • Lunch: sea algae (150 g), soup with green peas and brussels cabbage, 3 piece of kebab, tea without sugar.
  • Dinner: Boiled fish fillet (250 g), 2 tomatoes, a glass of kefir.

For snacks allowed to eat 10-15 olives.


  • Breakfast: Fresh cabbage salad, 3 sausages, tea without sugar (coffee).
  • Lunch: vegetable salad with mushrooms, broth with green onion and dill feathers, 2-3 meatballs, tea.
  • Dinner: baked or boiled fish (250 g), green salad, tea without sugar.

For snacks allowed to eat 200 g of cheese.


  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs (omelet) with cheese, tea without sugar (coffee).
  • Lunch: carrot salad (100 g), soup, tea without sugar.
  • Dinner: boiled fish fillet (250 g), 150 g of cheese, green salad (250 g).

For snacks are allowed to eat nuts (30 g).


  • Breakfast: cheese (100 g), omelet with sausage, tea without sugar (coffee).
  • Lunch: fish soup, vinaigrette, 250 g fried chicken, tea without sugar.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese (200 g), green salad (150 g), a glass of kefir.


  • Breakfast: 3 boiled sausages, 100 g of eggplant caviar or zucchini, tea without sugar (coffee).
  • Lunch: vegetable salad (cucumbers, tomatoes), soup, tea without sugar.
  • Dinner: Boiled meat (200 g), cucumber, cup of kefir.

For snacks - nuts (50 g).

The prerequisite of the Kremlin diet is consumption of sufficient water. The process of loss of unnecessary kilograms will go slower if you do not drink about 2 liters of water per day. Please note that tea, coffee and other drinks do not go into account - it's about clean drinking water.

First you will be not easy to drink. But after about 2 weeks, the drinking mode will enter the habit, and this will not be problematic for you. Do not neglect this advice. During the compliance with the Kremlin diet increases the burden on the kidneys. Water helps them cope with their work.

In addition, due to a decrease in the consumption of vegetables and fruits, a vitamin deficiency may occur in the body. Therefore, during a diet, it is advisable to take a complex of vitamins and minerals.

The Kremlin diet is good because. In addition, such a tandem will contribute fast slimming. And the results achieved with this diet are held for a very long time.

You, favorite readers, our greeting! Want to look beautiful? Want to be slim? Then you opened our site correctly.

Here you will learn a lot of interesting and useful, including how the Kremlin diet works. Menu for a week you can also see here.

Concept of diet

What, in general, is such a diet? From the Greek language is a power and lifestyle. Today many different diets.

The oldest one is protein, or as it is also called protein, fermented. On her "sat" athletes in ancient Greece, so that their body does not lose form.

Just on the principle there is no carbohydrates, but the Kremlin diet is built by proteins. It received such a name after it was invented. Initially, it was designed for American astronauts. Developed her Eugene Black. For a long time she kept in the strictest mystery.

When the astronauts from her refused, she moved to the use of our country's politicians, stars, elite. For ordinary people, she remained still not disclosed.

But some time passes, the curtain opens, and people finally get acquainted with this star diet. What is so unusual in it? Let's deal with together.

What do you imagine with the word "diet"? That's right, a constant feeling of hunger. The desire to eat some delicious.

In a dream, a big piece of meat. Resetting extra kilograms with the help of a Kremlin diet, you will not pursue hungry fainting, and the refrigerator will not need to lock on the lock.

And its results can be noticed in the first weeks. What's the secret? Everything is very simple. It is necessary to abandon carbohydrates, and only protein food.

Thus, carbohydrates will not only cease to make fat stocks, but will begin to spend them. Each product has a specific score.

It indicates the maintenance of carbohydrates per 100 g. In the first week it is important to gain no more than 20 points.

In the second week, the amount can be increased to 40 points. It is very important to correctly count. And will help you in this carbohydrate table.

It is not necessarily to wear it everywhere. All information about food value Can be found on any package.

Stages of diet

The whole process of weight loss is divided into three stages. The first is the entrance. At this stage, you get acquainted with a diet. It lasts from one to two weeks.

For people with poor health, duration is reduced to 10 days. These days you can only gain 20 points.

You need to follow your condition as much as possible. Because the body will dramatically stop getting carbohydrates.

At first you can feel fatigue and weakness. The second stage passes for 6 weeks. This is considered the basis of the diet.

At this time you can recruit up to 40 points. And finally, the final - day off. At this stage, up to 60 points can be absorbed. But the duration of it from the week and above.

Menu for a week

All losing weights have a question: "How do I get on 20 points?" Yes, everything is very simple. let's consider sample menu For the first week.


  • Egg 2 pcs (1 b.)
  • Cheese 100 g (1 b.)
  • Failure tea (0 b.).
  • Vegetable salad 100 g (4 b.)
  • Green soup 250 g (6 b.)
  • Beef steak (0 b.)
  • Waste tea (0 b.)
  • Cheek chicken (0 b.)
  • Tomato (6-8 b)
  • Tea without sugar (0 b).

TOTAL: 18-20 points


  • Low-fat cottage cheese (1.8 b.)
  • Coffee without sugar (0 b.)
  • Soup Cheese 250 g (6 b.)
  • Fresh carrot salad (7 b)
  • Lulle-kebab (0 b.)
  • Safety tea (0 b)
  • Fish boiled 200 g (0 b)
  • Kefir (3.2 b)

TOTAL: 18 points


  • Omelet from 2 eggs with sausage (2.5 b.)
  • Salad from Chinese radish with oil 200 g (2 b.)
  • Sugar free coffee
  • Chicken broth 250 g (0 b.)
  • Vegetable salad with champignons 150g. (6 b.)
  • Beefstex (0 b.)
  • Mineral water (0 b.)
  • Pork fried with eggplant caviar (5 b.)
  • Sheet salad (0 b.)
  • Juice freshly squeezed their tomatoes (3.5 b.)

Total: 19 points.


  • Boiled sausages 3 pcs. (0 b.)
  • Fried eggplants 100g. (5 B.)
  • Mineral water (0 b.)
  • Pea soup 250 g (10 b.)
  • Fried chicken (0 b.)
  • Spinach (2 b.)
  • Bolar meat (0 b.)
  • Fresh cucumber (3 b.)
  • Tea without sugar (0 b.)

TOTAL: 20 points.


  • Glazing of two eggs and sausages (1 b.)
  • Cheese 100 g (1 b.)
  • Coffee without sugar (0 b.)
  • Salad canned from sea cabbage 100 g (4 b.)
  • Chicken liver 150 g (2.5 b)
  • Meat Solyanka 250 g. (5 b.)
  • Tea without sugar
  • Tomato juice (3.5 b.)
  • Fried eggs from 2 eggs with sausage (2.5 b)
  • Total: 19.5 points.


  • Low-fat cottage cheese 200 g (3.6 b.)
  • Failure coffee (0 b.)
  • Ear 250 g (5 b.)
  • Fried Ryzhikov 200 g. (1 b.)
  • Sour cream 100 g. (3 b.)
  • Salad leaf 100 g. (2 b.)
  • Tea (0 b.)
  • Cucumber salad (3 b.)
  • Chicken - Grill (0 b.)
  • Mineral water (0 b.)

Total 19.6 points.


  • Yoghurt unsweetened 200 g. (7 b.)
  • Coffee without sugar (0 b.)
  • Stuffed pepper with vegetables (11 b.)
  • Bouillon meat 250 g. (0 b.)
  • Waste tea (0 b.)
  • Boiled fish (0 b.)
  • Spinach (2 b.)
  • Mineral water (0 b.)

Total 20 points.

In the example of this simple menu, each of the slides will be able to make a list of desired dishes. Is it really a rich table?

But the main thing all this does not require much costs. All these products you buy every time you go to the store. And you don't need half a day to stand at the slab.

All recipes for making dishes for weight loss are quite simple. You need to get a bit of patience, collect all the power of will in the fist, and you will definitely succeed.


Do you know that this diet has their own minuses? What kind? The answer is obvious - contraindications. First of all, if you have problems with the stomach, then definitely find an alternative way of weight loss.

Before you lose weight with a protein diet - check the kidneys. Because the Kremlin diet can aggravate the state of the kidneys.

And of course, nursing and pregnant women will also be forced to give up weight loss.

Features diet

If you have everything in order with health, and you start losing weight with this diet, then you need to know several features of the diet table.

Those products that do not contain carbohydrates can be used in unlimited quantities. Can't live without flour?

Replace ordinary flour on bran, and bake pancakes and pancakes. Allowed in moderate amount of alcohol.

For example, a glass of red wine (0 points) perfectly sends the taste of fish. It is very important to use a large amount of water.

The main products are meat products. Do not do without vegetables. But the fruit will have to exclude.

Do not forget, loses, you must maintain the form. How? Even the same method is a diet without carbohydrates. To maintain the tone, you just need to reduce the use of carbohydrates to 60 cu. in a day.

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