Financial literacy for kids franchise. Financial literacy for children. Financial literacy lessons for younger students. Plan your family budget together

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How We Teach in Entrepreneurship Courses

In our entrepreneurship courses, guys develop in two directions. On the one hand, they acquire the necessary knowledge of life: the basics of financial literacy, the basics of law, market research rules, sales tools and negotiation techniques. On the other hand, they master the competencies necessary for the implementation of the project: leadership, creativity, team building, efficiency, willingness to take risks and the ability to make difficult decisions in conditions of uncertainty, the so-called “competencies of the 21st century”. They are developed in the project as a prerequisite for creating a demanded product and bringing the idea to reality.

In addition to the theoretical part, in the classroom, the children themselves implement a real project, which they will then present to their parents and invited participants.

An entrepreneur knows how to make choices and be responsible for them, and this skill must be developed from childhood!


# Lesson topic Duration
1 Business idea. Problem and solution 3 ac. hours
2 Customer Development. Market assessment and segmentation 3 ac. hours
3 Sales channels 3 ac. hours
4 Attracting a client 3 ac. hours
5 Online sales 3 ac. hours
6 Building business models 3 ac. hours
7 Finding a partner in a startup project 3 ac. hours
8 Intellectual property. Trademark 3 ac. hours
9 Intellectual property. Patents 3 ac. hours
10 The basics financial literacy 3 ac. hours
11 Investment strategy 3 ac. hours
12 Financial performance and financial models 3 ac. hours
13 Partner presentation. Construction basics 3 ac. hours
14 Development of a presentation for a partner 3 ac. hours
15 Investor presentation. Construction basics 3 ac. hours
16 Development of a presentation for an investor. Speaking to parents 3 ac. hours

Photos from our Entrepreneurship classes

Several reasons why your children (and you!) Will love the School of Young Entrepreneurs in Moscow:

  • Unique curriculum.(download) During a time when your child will get unforgettable emotions while developing his own product, developing a presentation and learning to work with a team, you will know that he is mastering practical skills of entrepreneurship (Just imagine how these skills will help inspire him for implementation in the future unique projects and businesses!)

  • Creative problem solving. In each lesson in the Entrepreneurship for High School class, your child will develop a project that will also instill a love of science, technology, and engineering.

  • Fascinating hands-on experience. Our classes are filled with interactivity and on the implementation of many projects, children work completely independently, which engages children's minds, and is great for children with different levels of training.

  • Constant contact with parents. We always keep you up to date on your child's progress in classes in the basics of financial literacy and entrepreneurship. You will know how he does his homework, works in the classroom, and whether he succeeds.

Where does the Young Entrepreneur School program take place?

Entrepreneurship and financial literacy programs for schoolchildren are available at our 20 centers throughout Moscow!

Moscow city
Date: 04.11.2017

Dear Colleagues!

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 25, 2017 N 2039-r<Об утверждении Стратегии повышения финансовой грамотности в Russian Federation for 2017 - 2023> it is necessary to improve educational programs in the field of financial literacy and think over specific steps to develop financial literacy of the population and entrepreneurs.
ANO Consulting group "Genius of LIFE" is engaged in the development of financial literacy of the population and entrepreneurs since 2005 and has achieved very serious results. More than 800 workshops in 107 cities of the Russian Federation, France, Germany, Belarus, more 26000 graduates, more 1100 certified teachers from 733 educational institutions 160 settlements. Educational program approved FIRO of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, NFI of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Ministry economic development RF for work in Russia and France. Joint work is carried out with administrations 27 regions of the Russian Federation(Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Vladivostok, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, etc.)

In 2013, the implementation of a franchise on the basics of financial literacy began.

When buying a franchise, you get:

1. I manage my finances: practical guide to the course"Fundamentals of personal finance management" / D.Ya. Oberderfer, K.V. Kirillov, E.Yu. Zakharova and others - M .: VITA-PRESS, 2016 .-- 232 s: ill. (Additional education. "Financial literacy for everyone");

2. I manage my finances: course program (34 + 2 and 68 + 4 hours)"Fundamentals of Personal Finance Management" and guidelines for teacher/ D.Ya. Oberderfer, K.V. Kirillov, E.Yu. Zakharova et al. - M .: VITA-PRESS, 2016. - 80 s: ill.;

3. Presentation slides for conducting classes on the course: "Fundamentals of personal finance management" (140 pages. Power Point);

4. Video seminar "Financial well-being and smart personal wealth management" to train teachers and conduct classes on the program: "Fundamentals of personal finance management" (16 hours);

5. Album of interactive lessons "Planning a personal (family) budget".;

6. Video material and additional materials for conducting classes on the course: "Fundamentals of personal finance management";

7. Certificate of ANO Consulting Group "Genius of Life" giving the right to conduct training for the population and entrepreneurs, including pupils and students in educational institutions of the Russian Federation;

8.Possibility of holding joint events for children and adults;

9. Full methodological support in the implementation of this course and the organization of events.

Applications for the purchase of a franchise must be sent to:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For all questions, please call: 8-985-922-1091

A modern elementary school teaches children everything: read, write, count, but does not prepare them for real life, for difficulties on the way of growing up and becoming a person in all spheres of life, especially in matters of financial education. The world today cannot be imagined without money. Money surrounds a person from birth and becomes one of the main conditions of life. Therefore, lessons in financial literacy are essential today.

What do we know about money? They are earned and spent. How do they make money? How do they spend? About this for teachers primary grades and it is important for parents to talk to the younger children school age... Consider the basics of financial literacy, the principles of the correct attitude to money, which primary school students must know.

What is money and what is it for?

Money is a good that can be exchanged for another good or service. Tell brief history the emergence of monetary units to the child, if it interested him, or show the video.

Galileo. History of inventions. Money - video

How is money made?

Extracurricular activities in primary school should include, among other things, topics about professions, their characteristics, as well as monetary relations in modern world... You can teach your children four ways to make money. Try to honestly and reliably provide all information without distorting it or redoing it. There are such methods, they are described in detail in the book “The Cash Flow Quadrant”: hired labor, own small business, large systemic business and investment. You can dwell on the first method in more detail, since it is the most common. The rest of the methods can be shown in the elementary school presentation.


It is very important to instill in junior schoolchildren respect for people, parents for what they earn hard work means for buying food, clothing, gifts and other things. Teach children to be careful and respectful of other people's work and their belongings.

Plan your family budget together

Talk to your children about monthly cash receipts and expenditures. Try to list the important points in the expense item together. You may be able to find ways to save money. Explain to the child what, in case of a lack of funds, the family can refuse, and what not. Teach your child to properly allocate their budget.

How can a child earn their own money?

There are two ways.

  1. First- it is for a weekend or vacation to find a temporary job outside the home. It can be walking the neighbour's dogs, working as a nanny, peddling newspapers, washing cars, or others. Very interesting advice on how a student can make money, and about other important concepts, is described in the book "Money, or the alphabet of money." This alphabet of financial literacy will certainly help a child navigate the world of monetary transactions.
  2. Second way- this is earning at home. Get an A4 sheet of paper with the child's name. And for each useful, independent, in your opinion, action, reward your baby with a small sticker. For example, I woke up and made the bed, learned my homework, helped my mother wash the dishes, etc. One sticker is equal to one ruble. At the end of the month, count the number of stickers and exchange them for money that, with your help, your child will spend or save. Just make sure that such training in financial literacy does not lead the child to the idea that there is no point in doing useful and kind deeds for free.

Useful economic games and activities

Play different Monopoly games with your children, in addition, there is a very good Internet game "CASHFLOW". Study bios of famous successful entrepreneurs together. Find helpful quotes about money. Read business news.

Financial Literacy Day at School

September 8 - Financier Day, many educational institutions hold Financial Literacy Day for schoolchildren. In addition, the All-Russian Week of Financial Literacy for Children and Youth is held throughout Russia in March. Teachers and visiting professionals run a variety of activities as part of school financial literacy week. Obviously, lessons about money conducted on such a scale will certainly bear fruit, and our children will grow up as financially literate citizens of the Russian Federation.

Financial Literacy Week for Children and Youth - video

The publication was prepared within the framework of a joint project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and The World Bank"Assistance in raising the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation."

From alumni educational institutions successful and fairly quick entry into society is expected, which implies their acceptance of the values ​​and culture of society, requires the ability to make lawful decisions to ensure their life, predict possible consequences their actions, as well as the willingness and ability to implement the decisions made.

It is expected that, entering into economic relations, a young person should be a carrier of economic culture. The foundations of this culture are economic awareness and responsible economic behavior. The degree of familiarity with economic knowledge, ways of implementing economic relations, norms and ethics accompanying them, testifies to the degree of socialization and the individual's own level of mastery of the economic cultural content and its forms.

However, some of the graduates are not quite ready for an independent life arrangement, both in everyday life and in the socio-economic aspect. To a large extent, this applies to orphan graduates who were brought up in specialized institutions: orphanages, boarding schools, social centers, etc. This category of young people generally has low social competence.

This curriculum is designed for children studying in orphanages, which requires taking into account a number of important features when teaching this course.

The proposed course of improving financial literacy for pupils of orphanages presupposes the formation of the pupils' concepts: where does the money come from; what is the financial well-being of a person; how to make money and what needs to be done for this; how to plan expenses correctly and what is personal financial planning; how to organize the budget of the future family.

The course covers topics such as commercial banks, investment funds, the securities market, pension funds, etc. Pupils should learn the basics of interacting with banks, pension funds, master the skills of maintaining a personal budget and the budget of a future family, forming savings, obtaining loans, etc. NS.

The list of topics proposed for study is a set of basic financial knowledge for a successful young person in modern society.

Financial literacy: a curriculum. Orphanages, boarding schools

The program indicates the goals and objectives of the course, the planned educational results and the system of their assessment, describes the forms and methods of organizing the educational process, and also provides a list of educational and methodological resources.

Curriculum (PDF, 1.98 Mb)

Financial literacy: materials for children in orphanages and boarding school students

Inmates of orphanages and boarding schools, due to the current circumstances, lack knowledge of the basics of financial economics in general and family economics in particular. This course is intended to fill this gap. These materials will allow them to find out what constitutes a person's financial well-being, where the money comes from, how to earn it and spend it rationally; master the skills of maintaining a personal budget and the budget of a future family, forming savings, obtaining loans; learn the basics of interaction with financial institutions: banks, pension funds, etc.

Materials for pupils and students (PDF, 120.94 Mb)

Financial literacy: materials for inmates of orphanages and boarding school students. Tips for every day

The manual contains material for graduates of orphanages and boarding schools on the financial organization of their future Everyday life... The rules for the reasonable handling of money are set out in an accessible form: the formation of a personal (family) budget, a simple trip to the store, payment for utilities, the use of bank financial products, etc. Particular attention is paid to the issues of registration for work, the correct registration of loans and protection from financial fraud.

Tips for Every Day (PDF, 83.72 Mb)

Financial literacy: guidelines for teachers. Orphanages, boarding schools

The manual is intended to help teachers in planning and conducting classes. It describes the general methodology for organizing the educational process and proposes criteria for assessing the educational achievements of pupils and students. For each module, examples of tasks (with answers) are given: mini-tasks, cases, tests, topics for writing essays.

Methodological recommendations for teachers (PDF, 582 Kb)

Financial literacy: didactic materials. Orphanages, boarding schools

The presented materials contain an informational and educational component aimed at systematizing knowledge and forming students' skills in the field of financial literacy, increasing the motivation of children in discussing the formation and spending of the future budget. The materials include information about the principles of operation of modern financial institutions, characteristics of financial products and instruments, dictionaries of terms for each module of the course.

Didactic materials (PDF, 848 Kb)

Financial literacy: control measurement materials. Orphanages, boarding schools

Control measuring materials are a collection of additional exercises and tasks for all modules of materials for pupils of orphanages and students of boarding schools, including tasks for the current, intermediate and final control for the course being studied.

Financial literacy as a subject is still absent in the school curriculum, although money, albeit in small amounts, is already present in the life of schoolchildren. This means that children have questions about money: where it comes from and how to use it correctly. These are very important in the present and future adult life the guys will find the answers in the course.

Lessons at the School of Financial Literacy are not boring lectures, but exciting activities with games, quizzes, tasks that introduce children to the rules of a reasonable attitude to money.


Children's age:

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How is the TRAINING

Classes are conducted in an interactive form according to the author's methodology. The first stage of training includes a cycle of 5 lessons on the topics:

The history of the origin of money and its evolution from ancient times to the present

Functions of money

Where does money come from and where does it "live"

What money can tell about its owners

Safety and money

What is a budget and why don't parents buy everything they ask for?

How to draw up a budget correctly and why control it?

The concepts of "reserve" and "insurance"

Types of insurance and what are their benefits

How loans can be useful and dangerous

Practical exercises


Classes are held remotely via Skype.

Classes are held in mini-groups of up to 5 people.

The cost of a subscription for 5 lessons is 5,000 rubles per person.

School of Financial Literacy. Stage 1 of education is an interesting activity for children with a guarantee of high quality service. Only on the Inlearno website you can order the School of Financial Literacy. 1 stage of education, etc. Also pay attention to the suggested