What not to do with pancreatitis of the pancreas: the right diet

15.01.2022 diets

The pancreas is small in size, but its role in the processes of digestion and metabolism is very significant. It is responsible for the production of pancreatic juice and insulin, and is involved in the regulation of metabolism. The defeat of the pancreas - pancreatitis - is its destruction by its own enzymes due to external or autoimmune causes. The disease can be acute or chronic, but in both cases one condition for recovery remains unchanged - a strict special diet for pancreatitis. What can you eat and what should you avoid? The article will answer these questions.

A sparing diet No. 5 is necessary in order to avoid exacerbations of pancreatitis and protect other organs of the digestive system from damage. With its help, the degree of chemical and mechanical damage to the gastric mucosa and intestinal lining is reduced, fatty degeneration of the pancreas and liver is prevented.

What can and cannot be eaten with pancreatitis?

Products and dishes allowed for pancreatitis must meet the following mandatory requirements:

  1. high protein content and low percentage of fat and carbohydrates;
  2. increased content of vitamins;
  3. lack of flavor enhancers, including a large amount of salt, spices, vinegar, hot spices, smoking;
  4. soft texture;
  5. temperature close to body temperature, neither cold nor hot.

The most suitable way to cook food: baking, stewing or steaming. Additionally, you can grind coarse fibrous food with a blender, scroll it through a meat grinder or rub it through a sieve.

Chronic pancreatitis: allowed foods

During the subsidence of pain or in chronic pancreatitis with frequent exacerbations, it is important to have enough protein in the body, and appropriate foods should be consumed for pancreatitis. Its main sources are meat, fish and dairy products. But even among them it is important to choose only those that will benefit. So, what can you eat to replenish your protein reserves and not harm yourself?

Meat and poultry in diseases of the pancreas

Without fear, you can eat boiled lean meat, mashed after cooking. The meat must be impeccably fresh and of high quality. Preferred types of meat:

  • lean beef
  • Veal
  • rabbit meat
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Pheasant

Before cooking, it is necessary to remove not only bones and cartilage from it, but also tendons, skin fragments and fat. It is allowed to cook meatballs and meatballs, meat soufflé and homemade pates from meat.

Fish in the diet

Fish is one of the foods that you can eat with pancreatic pancreatitis to normalize the condition. But not any gifts of rivers and seas will benefit. The table will help you understand a little about their diversity and make the right choice.

All fish consumed in the patient's diet is steamed or boiled.


Vegetables should be the basis of the diet in diet number 5. Stewed and boiled vegetables, chopped after cooking, are what you can eat with inflammation of the pancreas as the main food. In addition to the vegetables themselves, it is worth eating broths based on them daily. Combining boiled vegetables and lean broth, you can prepare mashed soups, which, due to their delicate texture, have a beneficial effect on digestion and do not overload the damaged pancreas.

Most preferred for feeding a patient with pancreatitis:

  • potato;
  • pumpkin;
  • Bell pepper;
  • beet;
  • zucchini;
  • cauliflower;
  • carrot;
  • green pea.

With the onset of remission, you can gradually include thermally processed white cabbage and tomatoes in dishes.

It is worth mentioning especially about the beets. This root crop contains iodine, which is necessary for the restoration of pancreatic functions. Grated boiled beets for two weeks should be taken as a medicine: 150 grams half an hour before lunch or dinner.

Fruits, berries, nuts

Fruits and berries are a pantry of vitamins that are necessary for recovery and well-being. But the coarse fiber that most natural treats are made of is something that you can’t eat with pancreatitis. Therefore, fruits are consumed only baked, stewed or in the form of mousses and baby food from mashed fruits.

Preference should be given to the following fruits:

  • strawberries;
  • apricots;
  • sweet apples;
  • grenades;
  • cherry;
  • red grapes;
  • papaya.

With bananas, everything is less clear. They can be eaten one per day, but not during an exacerbation, and it is advisable to bake before use.


The beneficial properties of dairy products have long been known to mankind. But the diet for diseases of the pancreas makes its own adjustments to the way of eating. What can be eaten from dairy products, and what can not? Unfortunately, here too the choice of the patient is limited. Among dairy products, there are also prohibited products: glazed curds, fatty cottage cheese, cheeses, store-bought yogurts and dairy drinks, whole cow's milk, and ice cream. Among the allowed products:

  • soft low-fat cottage cheese;
  • low-fat sour cream;
  • homemade yogurt;
  • goat milk;
  • yogurt;
  • kefir and yogurt.

Even the products on the list should be used carefully, starting with a small amount during remission.


What foods can be eaten as a dessert? Sweets, rich pastries, chocolate are prohibited. With pancreatitis, you need to switch to more healthy foods: fruit mousses, homemade marmalade or marshmallows. You should not buy store analogues - instead of natural ingredients, they often contain synthetic substitutes, and healthy sweetness can become poison for the pancreas.


What can you drink with pancreatitis? The ideal drink is pure water at room temperature. Special herbal teas are also good. Coffee, cocoa, and even chicory are contraindicated in this disease. And tops the list of prohibited drinks - carbonated water. It can cause severe pain and deterioration of the general condition.

Products prohibited for pancreatitis

An important part of the diet for pancreatitis is pancreatic disease: foods that should not be eaten under any circumstances.

Semi-finished products and sausages

Despite the alluring names, "Children's" sausages and "Tender" sausages are not among the permitted products. Such names are just a marketing ploy for which you can pay with your health.

Even allowed dishes like meatballs and meatballs, bought in the form of semi-finished products, are not what you need. Soy protein and spices are often added to such products, which are contraindicated in acute pancreatitis, and in chronic pancreatitis they can become a “trigger lever” for a new exacerbation.

Alcoholic drinks

The pancreas suffers from alcohol more than other organs. And the damaged pancreas reacts to the toxic effect of alcohol-containing drinks with new attacks of the disease and slow recovery after them.

Alcoholic drinks with pancreatitis are prohibited, both in the acute stage and in stable remission. Doctors tell every patient with this disease that they should not drink at all. A person who drinks alcohol with pancreatitis simply destroys his pancreas.

Moreover, alcohol is contraindicated within a year after complete recovery, if it has occurred. It is known that, unlike the liver, the pancreas is not able to fully recover after an illness or poisoning with ethanol, so its sensitive reaction to even low-alcohol drinks entering the body is quite understandable, and a dose of alcohol immediately gives a painful attack.

The list of foods that you can eat with pancreatitis is not so long. However, by combining them in a variety of dishes, you can support the function of the pancreas and restore lost health, eating tasty and healthy.