Uro of speech development "a story from an animal's point of view". Story on behalf of a pet Story on behalf of a dog

10.07.2020 Recipes
idea for your story

Desired characteristics

Characters: Hosian or mistress, his pet.

Directions: Jen - Sexual relationships are not described or mentioned or are not critical. "> Jen, Get - a romantic and / or sexual relationship between a man and a woman. "> Get, Slash is a romantic and / or sexual relationship between men. "> Slash, Femslash is a romantic and / or sexual relationship between women. "> Femslash, Article - Publicistic text about fandom or the art of writing, built in the form of "thesis, arguments in its favor, conclusion" "> Article

Rating: G is a fanfiction that can be read by any audience. "> G or PG-13 is fanfiction that may include kissing-level romance and / or may contain hints of violence and other difficult moments. "> PG-13

Description of the idea

I want a job where the storytelling will be on behalf of a pet. It can be your favorite, or it can come up with an original story. I want humor. Not necessarily a wildly hilarious piece, but desirable. It should be something fun that reflects the character of the animal. I want to see his thoughts, experiences.
Any animal. Cat, dog, parrot, hamster, Guinea pig, turtle, etc.

You need to log in to add fanfiction on request or subscribe to fanfiction written by others.


Fandom: Originals Pairing and characters: rottweiler, hosts Rating: G- fanfiction that can be read by any audience. "> G Size: Mini- little fanfic. Size from one typewritten page to 20. "> Mini, 4 pages, 4 parts Status: frozen Tags:

I am a puppy. I have no name, but they call me a Rottweiler. But I still don't have a name, I know that. I am a puppy. I each go out to meet the warm sun, and, according to the old labradorites, one of my days can become fateful. I am a puppy. I don't know when I will meet the happy eyes of my new owners. I am a dog. And I have the best owners in the world.

Jealousy 34

Fandom: Originals of Pairing and characters: Cat, cat owner, mistress boyfriend. Rating: PG-13- fanfiction that may describe romantic relationships at the level of kissing and / or may contain hints of violence and other difficult moments. "> PG-13 Size: Drabble- an excerpt that may or may not become a real fanfiction. Often just a scene, a sketch, a character description. "> Drabble, 3 pages, 1 part Status: completed

Yovkov Petko.

I am a predatory animal of the feline family, I live in the mountains and steppes, in forests and deserts. I'm a tiger.

It is not easy to see me, a wild cat, in nature, because we, like all cats, hunt after sunset and rest during the day. At night, our eyes glow - they are designed to see better in the dark. And this is why my long elastic mustache bristles: in the impenetrable darkness, I feel the air with my mustache, so as not to run into thorns.

I am of great use because I am the chief orderly of the taiga. When I go hunting, my prey scatters in horror, the strongest and healthiest run ahead, and the weak and sick are my lunch. From the weak there will no longer be healthy offspring, and the sick will not be able to infect other healthy animals.

I appeal to you, all-powerful people! Don't kill us! After all, there are very few of us left. Think: today you will boast of my skin, which will lie by your fireplace, and tomorrow you or your children may suffer from some taiga fever.

And what a joy it is to look at us half-starved, sick and embittered in a circus or a zoo ?!

Elikov Pavel

Hello! I am the baby of a predatory animal. We love people, but some of you hurt us. We have an original yellow-black striped color - we have a very beautiful coat, which is why you are killing us. You probably already guessed that I am a tiger cub.

Dad told me a lot about you, about your life, about the fact that you should be feared. Why are you killing us, we haven't done anything bad to you, but on the contrary, are we helping you? We destroy the weak, sick animals, thereby preventing epidemics of terrible diseases, which you can become infected with.

We tigers are very friendly animals, but if we need to eat or are attacked, we are forced to attack.

I ask you from all our family: do not kill us! Don't let us disappear from the face of the earth! Please!

Best regards, tiger cub and all tigers.

Gorelov Evgeniy

My dear friend! I really want to ask you for help. I am a tiger, I live in Asia, where there are many secluded places, I eat everything that I can catch, I attack from an ambush. My hind legs are longer than the front ones, which allows me to jump far, and the long claws on my front legs help to catch and hold the escaping prey.

I regularly patrol the boundaries of my site and know where there are chances of finding prey.

Most of my victims are large animals: wild boars, deer, which are already old, sick. They are carriers of terrible diseases.

People! Save me and my tigresses with cubs before we disappear from our planet! We are grateful to you for organizing tiger reserves and for understanding all the benefits that we bring you.

Lesson objectives: to give basic knowledge about cats, their habits, character; to develop the ability to compose a story from imagination, to teach to observe the composition of the narrative, to work out the ability to develop a plot, to use the pictorial and expressive means of the language.

During the classes

Organizing time(Write down the number, topic in notebooks).

The topic of the lesson is projected onto the screen ( Presentation. Slide 1.)

Teacher of Russian language.

Do you guys have any pets? Which? Today we will talk about those pets that are in almost every home - cats. We will learn a lot about them in this lesson. There are always cute creatures next to us - our four-legged friends, affectionate and playful, kind and loyal, in a word, very different. (Slides 2-6.)

This lesson will help you take a fresh look at our pets, put yourself in their place, imagine yourself in the role of an animal, understand their thoughts and experiences.

The result of our work with you will be creative work - a story from the perspective of an animal. So, let's begin.

Biology teacher:

Oh you domestic cats
Fluffy extraordinarily -
I am interested in your secret.
Meowhat - you don’t recognize ...

One famous zoologist said about cats this way: “They behave exactly like us: they love, envy, rejoice, fall into anger and sadness. Everything is like people! Only they don't know how to speak ... "

Many furry pet owners are ready to agree with this statement. But still, not everyone is able to capture the mood of a pet, “decipher” her whims. So let's try to solve this problem together. Let's start with history.

Today, scientists believe that the distant ancestor of the domestic cat is the Libyan one. or spotted, the cat is an African relative of the European wild forest cat (Slide 7)... And the very word "cat" came to us from North Africa. Both the German “katze” and the English “cat” are derived from the word “cadiz”, as this fluffy mouse-catcher was called in North Africa.

The man has attracted the attention of the cat since he started farming. The fact is, barns filled with grain invariably attracted flocks of mice to them, to the great pleasure of cats. However, it was not immediately that cats and people began to live in harmony. In ancient times, people hunted cats in order to get meat for food and skins for clothing. When people noticed how dexterously mice deal with harmful rodents, they appreciated this wonderful animal. Perhaps at that time people thought that since cats can cope with hordes of rats and mice, then they are a heavenly gift sent from heaven. And the man began to tame the cat, took her to his home. So gradually, from a wild beast, the cat turned into a pet. This happened about 5 thousand years ago. The first to tame the cat were the Egyptians.

In ancient Egyptian mythology, the cat played an important role. According to one of the legends, the sun god Ra turned into a cat in order to fight the snake Apop, the lord of the dark forces. But above all, the cat personified the goddess Bastet, who was considered the patroness of fertility and motherhood, as well as the goddess of joy and fun. She was usually depicted with the body of a woman and the head of a cat. (Slides 8, 9.)

The homeland of the goddess Bastet was the city of Bubastis, which was located east of the Nile Delta.

Around 950 BC. Pharaoh Sheshonk I founded the capital in this city, and from there the cult of the goddess spread throughout the country. There was built a 300m long temple dedicated to Bastet. It was inhabited by thousands of cats, which were looked after by a special priest respected by all. A meter-high statue of the goddess towered in the hall. Celebrations dedicated to the cat goddess were held here. Almost every Egyptian had a cat at home, she was looked after as the most expensive creature. If a fire broke out in the house, the cat was taken out earlier than the children. When the cat died, the whole family put on mourning clothes, sang funeral songs, and people plucked their eyebrows as a sign of grief. The dead animal was rubbed with fragrant oils and embalmed, the cat's mummy was wrapped in a colorful funeral dress (Slide 10), laid in a coffin made of wood or bronze (Slide 11) and buried in a special cemetery. To make the cat “feel good” in the afterlife, toys and even mummies of mice were placed in its grave.

The cats were under special protection. If a person accidentally, and even more so intentionally, killed a cat, he was punished with death. The Persian king Cambyses took advantage of this during the war: he ordered his soldiers to catch as many cats as possible and tie them to their shields. The military ruse succeeded: the Egyptians surrendered.

For more than 2 thousand years, people who lived in the Nile Valley worshiped the goddess Bastet. She did not get to other countries of the Mediterranean immediately: high fines were imposed for the export of a cat. But, as archaeological excavations show, already in the IV century, cats lived throughout the territory of the Roman Empire, and a little later they penetrated into northern Europe.

The ancient Germans also deified the cat. In their mythology, she personified the goddess of love and motherhood, Freya.

But by the end of the Middle Ages, everything became different: man ceased to be friends with a cat. She personified the pagan deities that many people worshiped. And the Christian church did not recognize pagan beliefs. They began to think that the cat is found with evil spirits, so she fell out of favor. For cats, and there were already quite a few of them in Europe, hard times have come. Unfortunately, this belief has survived even now: as if black cats bring misfortune.

In Russia, the peasants have always loved and cherished cats. They were allowed into barns where wheat, rye, barley were stored, because one cat saves up to 10 tons of grain a year. When they moved into a new hut, the cat was the first to cross the threshold. Kiska carefully examined and sniffed everything, and where she lay down to take a nap, a baby cradle was hung over that place.

This is the story of the cat.

Guys, you probably paid attention to how the cat suddenly bends its body, begins to slap its tail on the floor. Let's now try to understand this behavior of our pet, to understand what she wants to tell us.

Highly great importance for a cat has hearing. Her ears are mobile, controlled by more than 20 muscles. The cat is able to pick up subtle sounds, such as the squeak of a mouse. She learns about the arrival of the owner, hearing his steps from afar.

But the ears of a cat not only pick up sounds inaudible to us, but also show the mood of the animal.

It can be:

a) even, calm (Slide 12);
b) threatening (Slide 13);
c) the cat is defensive, angry (Slide 14).

The poses a cat takes can also tell us about her mood.

If the back is hunched over and the fur is on end - the cat is going to fight, seeks to scare the enemy ( Slide 15“Don't come near!”).

The frightened cat falls on bent paws and runs back carefully, now and then looking around (Slide 16“Scary, scary!”).

The calm and contented cat stretches and begins to lick the fur ( Slide 17“I’m completely calm”).

When greeting a family member he loves, the cat rubs against his legs ( Slide 18“It's so good that you came!”).

The top of confidence is shown by the darling, turning over on her back and substituting her stomach ( Slide 19“Scratch me!”). But the belly is the most vulnerable spot in a feline body. Therefore, you should not get too carried away.

When a cat wants to draw attention to itself, it rises on its hind legs and touches the owner with its front leg ( Slide 20“Pay attention to me!”).

3) Release of claws.

While playing, the cat does not release its claws until she is tired of the game. If you are tired of the game, your pet warns you once you have bared its claws. Whoever does not understand will be scratched.

Sometimes the cat, sitting on the owner's lap, begins to wiggle either its left or right paw, as if crumpling something. The answer is simple: the kitten used to make similar movements when it was feeding on its mother's milk. For adult cats, the memories of mother's milk are very pleasant.

As you've seen for yourself, there are many ways for a cat to show what it wants. But the tail is the best, most accurate "device" for assessing the mood of an animal.

The tail, raised up like a battle banner, shows a kind and cheerful disposition ( Slide 21"Tail with a pipe").

Tail-tip twitching is a nervous, anxious condition of the cat.

A tail wrapped in a pretzel around a lying or sitting pet indicates its deep rest ( Slide 22).

Feline sadness is evident from the erratic twitching of the tail from side to side.

A tail following the owner parallel to the floor indicates a neutral mood.

5) "Meow!" ( Slide 23).

A student reads an excerpt from Charles Baudelaire's poem "The Cat".

Walks in my brain is important
Beautiful, meek, strong cat
And, triumphant at his arrival,
Purrs gently and lingeringly.

And this song is barely audible
In the quiet overflows of bass,
Impatient and grumpy
It is almost mysterious.

Humbles my anger first
And the feeling revives at once.
To say any phrase
The cat needs no words.

The most understandable way for humans to communicate in felines is sound. “Meow” can also be different. Depending on the tone, strength and duration of the meow, you can catch notes of melancholy, anxiety, anger or benevolence in it. Sometimes - a simple request to feed.

(Slide 24.)

Guys, did you know that you can judge the weather by the behavior of a cat? What signs do you know?

Assignment: From the proposed signs related to the behavior of cats, find those that tell about the weather. Students work with biology flashcards. ( Application.)

Teacher of Russian language:

Indeed, many signs are associated with the habits of cats. And cats have also “enriched” our speech. Explain the following phraseological units:

- pipe tail;
- live like a cat and a dog;
- the cat cried;
- buy a pig in a poke.

Comic task: guess the riddles.

1) A cat sits on the window, a head like a cat's, a tail like a cat's, but still not a cat.

What is this beast? (Cat.)

2) When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open.)

There are many proverbs and sayings about cats. Which ones do you know? Explain the following proverbs and sayings.

Cats squabble - freedom for mice.
Know, cat, your basket.
At night all cats are gray.
The cat knows whose meat it has eaten.
A blind cat does not catch mice.

This “cat's” wisdom can help you accomplish homework... But the main assistant for you will be the RAFT reception ( Slide 25).

R - role (on behalf of whom this text)

A - audience (to whom this text is addressed)

F - form (story, letter, diary, note, telegram, interview, etc.)

T - topic (about what)

Here are some forms of animal storytelling.

1) Telegram.

Watching the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino". (Fragment “Matroskin writes a telegram to Sharik”).

2) Interview with an animal show. (Drama of pre-trained students.)

- Good afternoon, to all regular listeners of the radio "Cat's House". We are at a prestigious cat show. Now we will try to interview one of the participants. Good afternoon, may I ask you a few questions?

- Hello. Oh sure.

- Please tell me what breed do you represent?

- Neva Masquerade.

- Have you participated in such a competition before?

- No, this is my first time at such an exhibition, so I am very worried. I'm trembling all over, take a look at my ponytail.

- Is anyone rooting for you?

- My friend Seryozha supports me.

- Please, a word about your friend.

- My friend is wonderful! He takes care of me: he feeds me with sausage and cheese, plays with me, gave me his chair. He has no shortcomings, except for one: in the morning he sleeps for a long time, so I have to wake him up. Oh, it seems my number was announced.

- Thanks for the interview. Good luck.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said: "A stranger's soul is darkness, but a cat's - even more so." And now let's see how attentive you are to four-legged friends, whether you can read the thoughts of animals. Your task is to choose a suitable replica from the card for the slide shown. ( Application.)

(Slides 26-31.)

Today in the lesson we learned a lot about cats, tried to understand their desires and habits, tried to look into their thoughts. I think the work done will help you write a story from the perspective of an animal that lives next to you. Now, I'm sure you will look at your four-legged favorites with completely different eyes, because now you know that you are responsible for those you have tamed!

And finally, listen to another story from the perspective of an animal: the song of the cat Leopold.

(Slide 32.)

Homework: Write a story from an animal's perspective in any form.


  1. Your pet four-legged friends / Comp. N.P. Batsanov.- SPb .: Lenizdat, 1993 - 510 p.
  2. Kete R. Cats. Publishing house "Slovo", 1996.
  3. Kuljutkin Yu.N., Mushtavinskaya I.V. Educational technologies and pedagogical reflection. SPb, 2003.
  4. Listopad O. All about cats / O. Listopad. - Book House, 2005. - 256 p., Ill.
  5. Polat E.S. New pedagogical technologies. M., 2001.
  6. Sergienko Yu.V. Your cat. / Yu.V. Sergienko. - M .: Veche, 2005 .-- 160 p.
  7. Chaplina V.V. We have a cat at home. From-in "Malysh", Moscow, 1990, ill.
  8. Encyclopedia for Children (Volume 24). Pets / ed. collegium: M. Aksenova, E. Ananyeva, D. Volodikhin and others - M .: World of encyclopedias Avanta +, Astrel, 2008.
  9. http://cat.mau.ru
  10. http://zooklubb.narod.ru
  11. http: //amama.beon. ru
  12. http://www.mobilmusic.ru
  13. http://planeta.rambler.ru
  14. mp.minsk.edu.by

Dear Readers! I didn’t know which section to refer to this story. Therefore, I took it to the "Humor" section. I think this story is pretty funny.

One fine day I was thinking about what to write a fairy tale about. And the thought came to my mind: "What if I write what the cat thinks about? And if I imagine a typical day for a cat and write about it?" Well, I decided to write.

"In the morning I usually wake up on my rug, which lies near the bed of the owners. Often they stepped on me, but then they got used to, they began to step over. In the early morning, when I was still sleeping, the owners go to the camp. But they call it work. I call it because my owners come from it very tired. Well, I wake up for dinner. When I get up, I immediately go to the kitchen, have breakfast. After breakfast I rush to the adventure. Although, who am I kidding? I just go outside, And then I jump on the fence and find myself on the next site, where there is an eternal construction. There are a lot of interesting things at the construction site. For example, a lot of mice. I think catching mice is my hobby. This is a great activity when there is nothing to do. I sit at a construction site until the evening. When I see the setting sun, I run along the neighbor's fence to my gate and wait for the owners. When they come, I rush home and sit by the bowl. I almost never have dinner. I don’t like lunch at all! It’s kind of disgusting. red fish and milk. All mine friends like red fish and milk, but I don't. They say I'm a strange cat. Are they not strange ?! One friend of mine has no idea what mouse catching is! Oh, I'm off topic. Well, the owners come and give me dumplings with sour cream. And I go to bed ... To the quiet whisper of the TV, I fall asleep ... Well, the next day everything starts all over again. "


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