Diabetes mellitus type 2 how to lower sugar

21.08.2019 Products

Almost 90% of diabetics suffer from the second type of this disease. The body is unable to properly use the insulin secreted by the pancreas, so blood sugar levels rise.

Type 2 diabetes most often "chooses" people who are overweight or obese, which is why in the fight against the disease in the first place is putting in order the metabolism and getting rid of dangerous extra pounds.

For the prevention of type 2 diabetes, the only effective method screening is at the national level, but it should be organized, carried out regularly and followed by a clear patient record. In Romania, patients reach the doctor in the late stages, when the recommended treatments are very expensive. Recently, new molecules have been added to the list of compensated procedures that will save the lives of many people, says Christian Serafixaniu, Head of Department diabetic diagnosis, Nutrition and Metabolic Disease at the National Institute of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases N.

Where to begin? First of all, you need to realize that foods that lower blood sugar in type 2 diabetes are simply foods that do not increase it. It is impossible to lower glucose levels using lettuce leaves, but even eating a whole bunch of this plant, a diabetic will be sure that sugar will remain normal. This is why such products have gained a reputation for lowering blood sugar.

Paulescu and Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest. Risks to children arise from obesity, a history of heredity in a class 1 relative, or the stigma of insulin stigma. The woman from Botosani had sex before she got hurt! "She said that she adored her husband, that at some point she wanted to try to take on a more difficult position."

Type 2 diabetes can be found in people of all ages and most of the time, the early symptoms are overlooked because they are very subtle. it chronic illness prevents the body from using carbohydrates in food for energy. As a result, blood glucose levels rise. Over time, this excess increases the risk of heart disease, decreases vision, affects internal organs and leads to other diseases.

Glycemic index

The glycemic index for a diabetic is like the multiplication table for a student. You can't live without her. This is an indicator that allows you to calculate how the use of a particular product will affect your sugar level.

There is always a choice

The glycemic index of any ingredient in a diabetic dish should not exceed 50 units. Only in this way, with type 2 diabetes mellitus, a person can lower sugar and significantly increase the duration and improve the quality of his life.

Symptoms - What You Should Be Worried About. Sometimes there is a sudden change in weight. Headache... Highly high level blood glucose can cause severe headaches, blurred vision and general feeling tiredness. Often type 2 diabetes is only found when other conditions are investigated. Infections that make you suspicious.

Cuts or bumps that heal hard. Itching of the skin, especially in the genital area. Sexual dysfunctions. Intimacy issues are quite common in diabetic patients. The disease can affect blood vessels and nerves in the genitals, which reduce pleasure and make orgasm more difficult. Other complications can include vaginal irritability and impotence in men.

What to include in the diet

So, foods that help get rid of excess glucose in the blood, and at the same time from excess weight, include the following.


Doctors put them at the top of the list of foods that lower blood sugar. Their glycemic index breaks records - only 5 units. Sugar will definitely not rise, even if a diabetic allows himself a double portion of shrimp or mussels. It's all about their low carbohydrate content and high protein content. Seafood is the optimal food for those who are monitoring glucose levels but want their food to be nutritious and tasty.

Risk Factors You Can Control. Certain health habits and medical conditions related to your lifestyle can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes. Obesity, especially fat around the waist. A diet rich in red meats, processed meats, fatty dairy products, and sweets.

High cholesterol. Risk factors that you cannot control. If a parent or brother suffers from this disease, the chances are greater for you. After age 45, you are more likely to have type of diabetes. Your doctor will prescribe medications and insulin that are specifically designed for you. But there are a few things you can do to minimize complications.


The most useful are mushrooms, chanterelles and champignons. You can cook them in any way, except for pickling.

Green vegetables

Green is an ally of diabetics that can help lower blood sugar levels. All green vegetables contain minimal amounts of glucose. A patient with diabetes can safely include in your menu:

Fortunately, you can control your blood glucose levels through several changes in your diet. People with type 2 diabetes must control their carbohydrate, fat, and protein intake, and reduce calories. You don't have to put in too much effort, but even a daily walk can lower your blood glucose levels. It also helps burn fat, lowers blood pressure, and protects against heart disease. People with type 2 diabetes should try to do 30 minutes of exercise per day, at least once every two days.

  • spinach,
  • cucumbers,
  • celery,
  • any greens (only raw onions),
  • leafy salads,
  • eggplant,
  • zucchini,
  • asparagus,
  • green beans,
  • raw peas
  • Bulgarian pepper,
  • cabbage: white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, seafood,
  • olives,
  • radish,
  • tomatoes.

Fresh vegetables should be eaten daily

Stress can lead to an increase in blood pressure... Blood glucose levels may also rise due to anxiety or because you may start eating uncontrollably on a nervous background. Try some relaxing exercises, take a yoga class, or take a break from work to listen to a beautiful song.

Diabetes diet - The best way prevent, control and stop the progression of the disease. Diabetes is on the rise worldwide, but the scourge can be addressed through lifestyle changes. Preventing and managing diabetes doesn't mean living a life of sadness. Food is important and you don't have to give up all sweets and come to terms with life when you live your entire life after a strict diet of healthy, tasteless food. Enjoy your favorite foods and savor delicious kidneys without feeling hungry.

Doctors also advise to pay special attention to Jerusalem artichoke, the tubers of which contain vitamins, minerals, essential organic acids and a large amount of fiber. This plant may well be the answer to the question of what foods lower blood sugar, since Jerusalem artichoke contains inulin, a natural analogue of insulin.

The first steps to improving diabetes are to start losing weight, but not much. Experts say that you only need to lose 5-10% of your total weight; this change leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels, an evening of cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

It's never too late to make positive changes in your life, even if you have your first symptoms of diabetes. And most importantly, you are in control of your health. A recent study by the Harvard School public health, showed that increasing coffee consumption can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes participants who drank two black coffee daily showed a 2-11% reduction in diabetes risk for those who did not make any changes to one coffee a day. While this is good news for coffee consumers, read this before you drink a cup: some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others, but 400 mg of caffeine per day seems to be the safe portion for adults.


The glycemic index of various fruits ranges from 25 to 40 units, that is, not all of them are equally beneficial for diabetics. Among those that can and should be:

  • citrus,
  • avocado,
  • apples (they must be eaten with the peel),
  • pears,
  • grenades,
  • nectarines,
  • peaches,
  • plums (fresh).

Citrus fruits are a real panacea for diabetes sufferers

More than four cups a day can cause unpleasant side effects and even lower life expectancy. It is important to lose fat in the right places. Being overweight is the largest risk factor for developing diabetes over time. The risk is higher if you have fat on your stomach, and less risk if fat is stored on your hips and thighs. In the first case, fat is dangerous due to its proximity to the internal organs, which are closely related to insulin.

Even tropical fruits like bananas, mangoes, and papaya have a lower glycemic index than classic desserts. Remove sweetened sodas completely. Limits fat in dairy products and meats. Eliminates partially hydrogenated fats found in margarine, junk food, packaged foods.

Of the berries, cranberries are the best option, as they are rich in vitamins and have no carbohydrates. In addition, cranberries are perfectly stored in the freezer, so it's better to stock up on this berry as much as possible.

A fish

But only low-fat varieties. You need to eat fish at least 2 times a week. It is better to cook it in the oven or steamed, since it will not bring the necessary benefits when fried.

Calories from fructose are stored in the stomach, so reducing sugar intake is important in a diabetes diet. The diabetes diet is a simple, healthy, nutrient-dense, low-fat, and moderate-calorie diet. The good news is that you can enjoy sweets as long as you follow a healthy plan combined with exercise. Research shows that when you eat a lot of protein, especially animal protein, it wreaks havoc on the effect of insulin, which is a key factor in diabetes management.

A healthy diet includes protein, carbohydrates, and fats; the key is a balanced diet. Choose fiber and carbide with gradual elimination. Carbohydrates have a big effect on blood sugar levels, more so than proteins and fats, but you shouldn't avoid them. Choose the type of carbohydrates in your diet wisely. It is good to limit your intake of refined carbohydrate sources such as pasta, White rice, candy and a selection of fiber products; carbohydrate with gradual elimination, prevents the body from producing too much insulin and providing more energy.


It is a powerful remedy for high glucose levels. Foods high in fiber will significantly slow down the absorption of sugar and thus lower its blood sugar. Rich in fiber:

  • lentils,
  • chickpea turkish,
  • beans,
  • oats ( oatmeal rich in soluble fiber, the main thing is not to add sugar to it),
  • nuts,
  • seeds,
  • bran.

The optimal daily portion of any nuts is 50 grams, since they are quite difficult for the body to assimilate and are very high in calories. They can be added to cereals and vegetable salads. The best option for a diabetic, hazelnuts and Brazil nuts will be.

Beware of sweets, which means you don't need to remove sugar from your food. Even if you have diabetes, you can enjoy dessert from time to time. If you are lucky with candy and cakes, and the thought that you should give up all this, scare you, calm down. Experts say that appetites disappear and preferences change. As your eating habits get healthier, the foods you like may seem fatty or too sweet today, and you can get healthier cravings.

How to Include Sweets in Diabetes Diet: Avoid bread, rice, or pasta if you want dessert. Eating sweets at the table means extra carbohydrates, so cut off other foods that contain them. Eat healthy fats in the desert. It may seem strange to choose fatty desserts, but fat slows down the digestion process, which means that sugar does not suddenly disappear into the bloodstream. This does not mean that you should eat donuts. Try healthy fats like peanut butter, ricotta cheese, yogurt, nuts, and seeds.

Sunflower seeds can be eaten up to 150 grams at a time, but pumpkin seeds are best tested, since they are 13.5% carbohydrates.

Spices and condiments

They are an excellent prevention of diabetes and help to normalize the amount of sugar in the blood. Leaders in beneficial effects on the body can be called:

Rather, eating sweets after meals rather than just snacking. Eat cakes, sweet desserts cause a sudden increase in blood sugar. If you eat them with others healthy foods, the sugar level will not rise as quickly. When you eat sweets, enjoy every bite. How many times has it happened to eat an uncovered cookie box or a large piece of cake? Eat slowly, pay attention to taste and taste, enjoy every sip, and are less inclined to eat outside.

Diabetic Diet - How to Reduce Sugar Intake

If you have an appetite for carbohydrate juice, try lime mineral water or freshly squeezed fruit juice. Reduces the amount of milk cream for coffee and sweeteners for tea and coffee. The sugar content will be lower than if you buy fruit yogurt from stores.

  • cinnamon
  • garlic,
  • mustard,
  • ginger,
  • any greens
  • bite.

Best Pancreatic Stimulants

All of these food supplements stimulate the pancreas and the secretion of insulin.


Diet meats do not raise sugar levels and are high in essential protein. Naturally, you only need to choose low-fat varieties:

If she writes a cup of sugar, she uses two thirds. You can sweeten the cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla extract. Difficulty estimating calories and carbohydrates alcoholic beverages; even cocktails with mineral water and juice contain sugar. If you do get used to drinking alcohol, do so in moderation and drink after meals. If you have diabetes, it constantly monitors your blood glucose levels because alcohol can interfere with your medications and insulin.

Choose fatty sources carefully because diabetes means an increased risk of heart disease. Cook with olive oil or canola instead of butter, and avoid sour cream soup. Remove any visible fat from chicken or turkey before cooking. Try nuts or raw seeds instead of chips; add them to morning cereals or as a simple snack between meals; Peanut butter is rich and healthy and is a dietary option for dessert.

  • chicken (breast),
  • Turkey,
  • rabbit,
  • veal,
  • beef.


A low-carb diet allows for the addition of soy foods to the diet, but the amount should be limited.

Tofu cheese can be an analogue of seafood and meat. It has the same glycemic index as mushrooms, but high in digestible protein, calcium and vitamins B and E. Soy milk can be added to drinks (it can curdle when added to a very hot drink).

Dairy products

In coffee, beware of sugar, not natural cream

Natural cream will come to the rescue and dairy products... Cream can lighten coffee or tea and is much tastier than regular milk. For a low-carb diet, cheeses (except Feta), butter, yogurt from whole milk and without sugar, cottage cheese (in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons per meal, it is better for them to season salads).

Healthy salad dressings

Instead of high-calorie sauces and mayonnaise, it is better to use canola, olive, or flaxseed oil.

Flaxseed oil is a special valuable product that helps to lower blood glucose levels. In addition, it is a storehouse of a large number of trace elements (phosphorus, thiamine, magnesium, copper, manganese) and fatty acids omega-3. Flax seeds will also lower sugar quickly enough.

When choosing any of the oils, preference should be given to glass and preferably opaque packaging. Plastic or even more so metal containers for storing oil are not allowed.

Fruit salads are ideally matched with natural sugar-free yoghurt dressing.

In most cases, people with type 2 diabetes and who find out which foods lower the risk of sugar surges, realize that they have eaten completely wrong before and have actually brought their bodies to a state of inability to absorb sugar normally.

As early as 3 days after switching to a low-carb diet, the diabetic feels that his health has improved. The meter will confirm this.

The first thing to remember is that all foods eaten in unlimited quantities increase sugar.... That is, overeating even permitted foods is unacceptable, since it does not allow you to control the level of glucose in the blood. Therefore, it is vital to learn how to cope with food addiction. The diabetic will have to limit portions and adhere to a diet. After a certain time, this lifestyle will become a habit and bring noticeable positive results.

With diabetes, you can eat a lot. The main thing is not to be lazy to cook and check the glycemic index of the foods you eat according to a special table. It should not exceed 50 units.

Porridge should only be prepared with whole grains.

It is important to eat fruits raw - only in this way will fiber slow down the absorption of sugar into the blood. The same goes for vegetables.

Starchy foods are best paired with foods high in fiber.

All food consumed must be chewed thoroughly.

The amount of calories consumed should be monitored. For women, the optimal figure is 1200 Kcal per day, for men - 1500 Kcal. A decrease in these norms can negatively affect well-being, since the body will experience a deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

The use of foods that lower blood sugar in type 2 diabetes, or rather, do not increase it, is a prerequisite for the well-being of a person suffering from this disease and being overweight. The right food can work miracles, which is confirmed by millions of people around the world. The sooner a diabetic person understands this, the more chances he has to live a long life. Therefore, you need to start eating right now.

Blood glucose in absolutely healthy people is contained in a certain concentration, but it is absent in urine. Diabetes- This is a pathology that is associated with a violation of the ability of the pancreas to produce insulin or with a violation of the demand for internal organs to use insulin as directed. Diabetes mellitus is of the first or second type. The first type is insulin-dependent, that is, with it, insulin is not produced by the pancreas, and the second is non-insulin-dependent, insulin is produced, but the internal organs do not perceive it. Treatment of the disease is aimed at lowering blood sugar, and includes a set of measures for adhering to a diet, adjusting lifestyle and taking hypoglycemic drugs and, if necessary, insulin. Alternatively, non-traditional home treatments can be used to lower blood sugar.

Folk remedies for blood sugar include several dozen methods that you can apply yourself at home.

Blueberries and beans

Take these components in equal amounts - 0.2 g each. Add to them the dried stalk of field horsetail and chamomile flowers - 0.1 g each. At the end add 0.15 g of dry and finely chopped roots of zamaniha. Pour the collection with 2 glasses of hot water, put on the stove and turn on low heat, cook for 15 minutes. Refrigerate, filter and take in a day.


Mix in equal proportions Walnut and elecampane high. Pour them with a glass of hot water, filter and take in one gulp, without waiting for the broth to become completely cold.


Prepare 1 kg of peeled oats, place in a coffee grinder and grind. For 4 tablespoons of ground product, take 2 glasses of hot water. Boil for 5 minutes. Drink tea before meals every other day.

Lilac buds

Raw materials should be harvested in the spring, when the lilac buds swell. They need to be ripped off and placed in a dark place so that they dry well. Take 30 g of the finished product and add 200 ml of hot water. Reception should be taken by a glass once a day until an improvement occurs, both in glucose indicators and in general condition.

Currant leaves

Effective folk remedies for lowering blood sugar include currant leaf infusion. To obtain it, you need to take 30 g of the main component and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Wait 30 minutes, filter. Consume 2 glasses throughout the day in 4 divided doses.


Take 20 g of finely chopped fresh raw materials and pour in 1 glass of milk. Leave for about 8 hours in the refrigerator. Reception is 20 ml before meals. The course of therapy is unlimited until the sugar concentration values ​​return to normal.

Lemon juice and egg

Take the fruit, wash and squeeze out the juice. Add a raw egg, beat with a whisk. The result is a cocktail that can be used by people diagnosed with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes. Drink the prepared amount of the product at a time in the morning. The course of treatment is 3 days.


You need to take 30 g of raw materials and pour 200 ml of water into it. Put on the stove and simmer for 40 minutes. Drink a decoction of 30 ml 3 times during the day.

You can find out more about alternative therapies for type 1 and 2 diabetes from the following video:

Tincture kupena

To lower blood sugar folk remedies, you can use kupena-based potions, which can be prepared in different ways:

  1. To obtain the tincture, you need to use 70% alcohol. Pour 100 g of the root of the buy 1 liter of alcohol. Keep the tincture for 20 days in a dark place. Reception is 10 drops of the drug 2 times a day, the duration of therapy is 14 days. The tincture should be consumed with water, rosehip decoction or green tea.
  2. A decoction from the roots of the plant should be drunk for type 1 diabetes, as well as for the prevention of diabetic angiopathy of the legs. To prepare the broth, you need to take 60 g of finely chopped root and pour 1 liter of water over it. Keep on the stove, setting a low heat, for 20 minutes, then cover the saucepan with the infusion with a lid and leave for an hour. Reception lead 100 g 4 times a day.
  3. To obtain a broth bought in milk, you need to take 50 g of finely chopped root, place it in a container and pour 3 liters of fresh milk. Put on low heat, simmer until the mass reaches a volume of 1 liter. In this case, you need to constantly monitor so that the milk does not run away and does not burn. After removing the container from the heat, filter. Consume in equal portions throughout the day.


Blueberries are a popular remedy for lowering blood sugar levels in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Reviews of people who have taken blueberry-based drugs suggest that you can lower blood sugar using the use of both leaves and berries. To prepare the product, you need to take 30 g of berries and pour a glass of boiling water. After boiling, leave for 2 hours and filter. Consume 1 glass 3 times a day. The course of therapy is six months.

Oak acorns

Chop dried acorns and take 10 g 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is a month, after which you need to take the same monthly break.

Red ginseng

This product has a positive effect on the body in the treatment of diabetes, cancer, liver disease, heart disease, bronchial asthma... Use crushed ginseng roots 0.25 g 3 times a day. In this case, drink a little water. The course of therapy is 3 weeks, then a break and repeat again. The general course of therapy is 4 months.


A product such as beans normalizes the concentration of sugar in the blood. It is an old proven remedy for diabetes. For cooking, you need to take ordinary beans, pour a glass of water and cook until half cooked. Drain the water, pour the beans with a fresh portion of water and put them on the fire again until the beans are completely cooked. Eat the beans and drink the broth. Do this manipulation every day for 7 days. At the same time, you need to constantly cook a new, fresh portion of beans.


It turns out that you can use regular onions to lower your blood glucose levels. There are several recipes with this product. Here are a few of them:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the onion and consume 20 ml every day before meals 2 times a day.
  2. You can chop the onion, pour the resulting gruel with 1 glass of water. Wait 2 hours. Consume in 3 divided doses in the amount of 1/3 of the fabric.
  3. You can bake the onion in the oven and then eat it 30 minutes before meals. Do this manipulation once a day.
  4. Onions are also often used to make tinctures. For 200 ml of water, take 20 g of tincture. Consume 2 times a day.

Jerusalem artichoke root vegetable

This product can be used to normalize blood sugar in patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. For preparation, you need to take the juice of the plant and consume it daily, 50 ml 3 times a day. In addition to juice, you can eat the root vegetable itself, both boiled and dried, raw.


There are the following cinnamon-based home remedies recipes:

  1. Honey and cinnamon. Take spice and bee product, combine in a 1: 2 ratio. Pour a glass of boiling water over them. Stir everything and leave for 10-12 hours. Store the medicinal broth in a dark and cold place. Use the resulting amount of funds in 2 times.
  2. Kefir and cinnamon. Take ½ a dessert spoon of spice and combine with a glass of low-fat kefir. Mix everything thoroughly, wait 20 minutes, and then drink in one gulp. Taking such a medicine should be carried out in the morning - on an empty stomach and in the evening - shortly before going to bed at night. The duration of therapy will be 1.5 weeks.


You can reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood using a product such as buckwheat. Send it to the grinder and grind it. Take raw materials in the amount of 30 g and pour a glass of water. Drink the infusion daily in the morning. With regular intake, you can not only optimize the level of glucose in the blood, but also make the blood vessels strong, and the amount of cholesterol will decrease.

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