From which the face swells in the morning. Causes of facial swelling and the best ways to get rid of them. Edema masks

28.10.2021 Drugs

Puffiness that appears in the morning and that lasts until lunchtime and, unfortunately, does not always go away until the evening. This happens. The trouble.

In this post, there are 10 pretty simple steps that can help you cope with fluid retention and improve the functioning of our lymphatic system. But first, let's understand the causes of morning puffiness.

It is necessary to figure out why, after all, swelling of the face can catch us in the morning. This phenomenon largely depends on the structural features of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the face. More than other areas, the area near the eyes is prone to edema. It is there that loose fatty tissue is located, which is able to actively accumulate water.

The main reasons for the occurrence of edema after sleep:

Incorrect drinking regime

You can't just talk only about excessive consumption of water, since its lack can also lead to edema. It's all about observing the drinking regime: you must drink at least 60 ml of liquid for each kg of body weight. This is the amount that will ensure the stability of the water-salt balance of human blood, which means that the water will remain in the vascular bed.

Excess salt in food

Salt is the product, the excess consumption of which can cause the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space.

Frequent stress

Stress and lack of proper rest are factors that contribute to the production of steroid hormones by the adrenal glands, as a result of which the body does not produce the proper amount of fluid.

Alcoholic drinks

Alcohol dehydrates the body. Part of the salts that are necessary to maintain normal osmotic pressure in the blood come out with the liquid. This promotes the release of fluid from the vessels into the intercellular space with the formation of edema.


An allergic reaction can also act as a cause of edema. The next morning, you can see pronounced swelling on the face, if something with allergenic properties was taken before bedtime. It can be a drug, food, drink. And also allergies can occur to feather pillows.

There may be a more severe allergic edema, it is also called Quincke's edema. It is developing rapidly. Most often, such edema can be provoked by insect bites or a burn resulting from contact with a plant, for example, with the same hogweed. Allergic edema can also be a reaction to certain medications, foods, or cosmetics. As a rule, with Quincke's edema, there is swelling of the upper body, eyelids, ears, nose, lips, eyes, and a rash on the skin, the so-called urticaria, also appears.

The most dangerous with angioedema is laryngeal edema. In this case, the patient suddenly turns pale, his breathing is difficult.

In such cases, you cannot hesitate for a minute, you must urgently call a doctor, because edema may grow or spread to the mucous membrane of the trachea. This, in turn, causes suffocation and can lead to the death of the patient. Taking this opportunity, I want to warn young mothers, so as not to provoke this formidable disease: do not give small children exotic fruits, they often cause very strong food allergies. Genetically, our body is not adapted to the use of overseas delicacies, so you have to be very careful with them.

The wrong place to sleep

The reasons may lie in a low head position, in a pillow that is too soft or too hard.

Kidney disease

Poor kidney function leads to the fact that salt and water are retained in the body, hence the swelling. They usually appear in the morning primarily on the face. It becomes pasty (edematous) and the eyelids look puffy. Renal edema can quickly appear and increase in size and disappear just as quickly; if the kidneys are severely damaged, they spread throughout the body.

to the touch, the swelling is soft, loose, but the skin above them is pale. By the way, with kidney disease, internal organs also swell. It is believed that renal edema manifests itself faster than cardiac edema, which can develop for months. Many of our patients are trying to get rid of edema on their own: they start drinking diuretic teas, taking some kind of medicine. This is wrong, because we can talk not only about a cosmetic defect, but also about a serious disease that must be treated by a specialist.

Heart disease

For cardiac pathology, edema is also characteristic, but it manifests itself on the face in severe cases, if the treatment does not give results. In the early stages of the disease, edema occurs only on the lower extremities and by the end of the day. With the development of heart failure, massive edema may occur. Cardiac edema is characterized by blue lips and hands, as well as swelling of the cervical vein.

Excess fluid can accumulate in the liver, which is enlarged, and in the abdominal cavity. As for edema of the legs, often the cause of their appearance is varicose veins.
What else should you look for if you are prone to swelling? Remember, cardiac edema is dense; when pressed, a fossa remains on them. Often, the person who develops them suffers from shortness of breath and does not tolerate physical activity.

Fashion diets

Many girls are addicted to the so-called protein-free diets. Wanting to have a good figure, they deliberately do not eat meat, eggs, legumes, milk, cottage cheese ... But such restrictions are dangerous, although at first a person will feel good. He will indeed lose weight, but not due to fat, but due to the loss of muscle mass. If you sit on this diet for several weeks, then anemia, heart failure, the development of edema, the appearance of excessive fatigue are possible ... By the way, self-respecting nutritionists do not prescribe protein-free diets to anyone.

1. Eat better

Our intestines and liver directly affect the purity of our lymph and the presence or absence of edema. The more efficiently our digestion works, the less refined, fried foods we consume and the less alcohol is present in our life, the less the load on our lymphatic system, and the less the likelihood of lymph congestion and swelling.

2. Rub your ears

On our ears, feet and in the center of our palms, there are biologically active points associated with the work of the lymphatic system and digestive organs. Eating a burger and then rubbing your ears is unlikely to help, but it's good if it becomes an invisible daily habit while working at the computer, while you are in traffic or as a daily ritual every time after a shower.

3. Dry massageeweaving

Just five minutes of dry brushing massage perfectly stimulates the lymphatic system. Do this before showering, massaging dry body with a dry brush from your toes and hands to your heart. In problem areas, you can massage in a circular motion - this massage perfectly improves blood circulation. The brush or washcloth should be of a pleasant firmness. Do not press too hard - the main thing here is not the pressure force, but long movements in the direction of the lymph flow.

4. Breathe deeply

Lymph flow is associated with our breathing - deep breathing speeds up the process of cleansing the lymph. Therefore, when in yoga class the teacher reminds you of deep breathing over and over again, do not resist. And learn not to hold your breath when you are worried, but rather take a deep breath in and out through your nose. Try to breathe deeply while walking and just take short deep breathing breaks during your workday. This will only benefit your nervous and lymphatic system.

5. More movement - less puffiness

Daily physical activity is the key to a good functioning of the lymphatic system. It can be any exercise you like. An effective remedy for cleansing the lymph and getting rid of the problem of fluid retention in the body is jumping on a mini-trampoline. Mini-trampoline takes no more than 1 sq. meter in the apartment, and already 10-15 minutes of jumping on it has a beneficial effect on our lymph flow and is an excellent cardio load. We also get excellent lymphatic drainage while swimming.

6. More water - less puffiness

Not getting enough water can impair the functioning of the lymphatic system. Although many people are afraid to drink large amounts of water due to the likelihood of edema, as a rule, the opposite principle works: the more we drink clean drinking water, the less we swell.

7. Green juice in the morning

Chlorophyll, which is abundant in fresh herbs, helps cleanse our blood and lymph. From freshly squeezed green juices and smoothies, the body easily assimilates the necessary portion of chlorophyll (and also a portion of useful enzymes, vitamins, minerals and amino acids).

8. Brrr, contrast shower!

A sharp change in water temperature really accelerates lymph flow, narrowing and expanding our blood vessels.

9. Mmm, probiotics!

Probiotics do not directly affect the lymphatic system, but they help our digestion and cleansing the intestines, which ultimately has a beneficial effect on the state of our lymph. Consuming probiotics does not cancel our eating habits, but rather a good support for our digestion during periods of stress, fun feasts and a weakened immune system. It is best to drink a course of probiotics purchased at a pharmacy - there will be no sense from store-bought yoghurts with beneficial bacteria.

10. For dessert - massage and sauna

Both lymphatic drainage and any other body massage promotes the release of toxins and stimulates lymph circulation. Therefore, it is worth adding a massage procedure to the next trip to the cinema on the weekend. Saunas and sweating also accelerate the elimination of toxins and help maintain the health of our lymphatic system.

Why swelling occurs in the morning and how to prevent them, we already understand, but what to do to eliminate them?

There are many ways to do this:

  1. In the event that the causes of morning edema lie in allergies, then you need to take antihistamines (Zodak, Fenkarol);
  2. Masks with a cooling effect should be applied, which constrict the capillaries of the skin, as a result of which the swelling can be quickly relieved. To do this, use a towel moistened with cold water, special silicone masks, which are applied after exposure in the refrigerator;
  3. You can relieve puffiness by rubbing your face with ice cubes in the morning. It can be ordinary ice, but the best effect can be achieved if you use ice from decoctions of medicinal herbs: parsley, dill, chamomile;
  4. Masks of potatoes, cucumber, cut into slices, will also quickly help relieve morning swelling;
  5. A canvas bag with buckwheat crushed and boiled for 2 minutes will help to remove the puffiness. After cooling the cereal, this bag must be applied to the problem area;
  6. Tea bags on the eye area, as well as gauze dipped in cold tea, will quickly relieve puffiness;
  7. If edema occurs periodically, you can apply herbal decoctions inside, thereby improving renal filtration;
  8. Fluid leaves the body faster if you eat citrus fruits, coffee, sour apples;

If the causes of edema lie in diseases of the internal organs, then self-medication is unacceptable! It is necessary to urgently consult your doctor and establish, with the help of clinical tests, why this is happening. Adequate treatment of the underlying pathology will relieve the symptom of puffiness.

Puffiness of the face and its causes. My light, mirror, tell me!

"Oh God, who is this?" - you greet your reflection in the mirror one morning. Yesterday you shone with your dazzling beauty at a party, but now you don't recognize yourself and feel the growing panic and fear. Puffiness of the face, especially in women after 35-40 years, unfortunately, is a frequent phenomenon and it has its own reasons. And they can be associated with both external and internal problems.

By definition, edema is an excess accumulation of fluid by the body in the tissues. Everyone knows that the human body is 80% water. Most of it is inside the cells, and a smaller part is in the intercellular space. As soon as the amount of fluid in the intercellular space increases in volume, edema forms.

Edema is common and local. General edema is accompanied by a varying degree of swelling of the whole organism. It is typical for diseases of the renal, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Local edema is concentrated around a specific organ or area of ​​the vascular bed. This happens with allergies and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

In any case, edema is a signal that there is some problem in the body, and special attention should be paid to this.

Why does the face swell?

  1. Perhaps you are too fond of drinks that actively remove water from the body: coffee or tea. Frequent tea drinking intensifies the diuretic process - the body loses water, and the brain receives a signal that it is time to accumulate it.
  2. Excess salt in the body. Everyone knows that salt is a powerful store of water in the body. You probably know the sensation when you get thirsty after a very salty meal. Usually, the body does not require as much water.
  3. Lack of clean water in the body. If the body is not saturated with pure water during the day and other drinks enter it, the processes of water accumulation are triggered at every opportunity.

These are external reasons that occur in most cases. We can successfully fight them by revising our diet and lifestyle.

But, unfortunately, there are more serious reasons for which the face swells. They are associated with latent diseases of internal organs, in which edema appears as a symptom.


With kidney disease, the face and lower eyelids swell first, then other parts of the body. In this case, the edema is mild and watery. Pressure rises along with edema.


Facial edema can be caused by allergic reactions. In addition to swelling, itching, rash and shortness of breath appear.


Thrombosis of the superior vena cava from the head to the right atrium can cause edema and, at the same time, give the skin a bluish color.

Inflammatory processes in the face

Local infections of the paranasal sinuses, tonsils, teeth and lymph nodes of the lower jaw can provoke unilateral or complete facial edema.

Endocrine diseases

Myxedema is a disease that occurs when the thyroid gland is dysfunctional, a symptom of which is mucous edema.

Cushing's syndrome is a disorder of the adrenal glands. People who suffer from this disease have a moon-shaped face.


Swelling on the face is typical for all people who abuse alcohol. Drinking alcohol for several months leads to impaired microcirculation in the kidneys, impaired protein metabolism and, as a result, fluid retention. In most cases, such swelling will go away within a couple of weeks after stopping use. But in people with alcoholism of the last stage, such edema remains for life.

If swelling on the face has become regular, urgently consult and see a doctor to find out the cause. Having treated all diseases of the internal organs, you will also get rid of edema.

Remove swelling at home

In parallel with treatment with a doctor, or with rare edema associated with lifestyle, some rules and recommendations will help to remove them. How to remove puffiness of the face?

Lifestyle and nutrition

First, it is necessary to control the amount of salt used in food, which retains fluid in the body.

Secondly, replace foods that promote fluid retention in the body for foods that actively remove it: watermelons, apples, carrots and citrus fruits.

Also, be in control of your dinner time. It should be no later than three hours before bedtime. Indeed, often a slight swelling of the face occurs precisely in connection with a late dinner.

Try not to prescribe diuretics to yourself, as you can unwittingly lead yourself to a state of dehydration, which will stimulate swelling and provoke new more serious diseases.

Cosmetic procedures

They do not take much time, but they effectively relieve morning swelling. Contrasting washes, rubbing the face with ice cubes with sage and marigolds, light massage, infusion of green tea or parsley roots, masks made from raw potatoes, boiled pumpkin with honey - all these products quickly remove facial swelling in the morning and simultaneously take care of the skin.

Cooling gel masks are available commercially. The swelling is removed by applying such a mask to the eyes for a few minutes.

Be especially careful about your health. Leading a healthy lifestyle is not that difficult. Eat right, exercise more, rest. And every morning a charming woman will smile at you in the mirror!

Why the face swells and how to get rid of swelling

By itself, severe facial swelling is not a disease. but only a symptom. which says that. that something is wrong in the body. Fluid retention in facial tissues is not normal. and you shouldn't think. that in the morning everyone's face swells.

Facial edema: causes

To determine. why the face swells in the morning. pay attention. where exactly the excess fluid accumulates. For example. bags under the eyes and puffy eyelids signal possible kidney disease. Swelling in the nose is a sign of inflammation. which can be caused by chronic sinusitis. respiratory diseases or diabetes mellitus. But not always terrible diseases are behind the accumulation of fluid. so do not worry in advance. If your face is swollen. reasons can also be as follows:

  • High blood pressure
  • Pregnancy and toxicosis
  • Menses
  • Immunity problems and vitamin deficiency
  • Improper diet (eg, excessive diet or high salt intake)
  • Excess weight
  • Lack of healthy sleep
  • Allergy
  • Endocrine disorders (eg thyroid gland) and hormonal disorders
  • Sunburn

How to remove swelling from the face

If every morning you see face swelling in the mirror. the reasons need to be determined first. After that, it will be possible to understand. how to remove a puffy face and regain a healthy and blooming look. In most cases, changes in the diet will help to cope with the problem. namely:

  • Less salt. Get rid of the habit of salting food. and also eat salted fish at night. crisps. semi-finished products. mayonnaise and other products. which contain too much excess salt.
  • More water. It's paradoxical. but the fact is that it is the water that helps. when the face swells a lot. Drink 1.5 & 2 liters throughout the day. reducing the volume in the evening.
  • Green tea instead of coffee and carbonated drinks. It is not for nothing that the health benefits of green tea are screamed at almost every corner. He really is the answer to the question. how to get rid of swelling on the face.
  • Allergy test. Quite possible. that you have allergic swelling of your face. Here, the usual proper nutrition will not help - you need to check and understand the cause of the allergy.
  • Masks and compresses. Special decongestant face masks help to quickly clean up your appearance in the morning.
  • Checking the thyroid gland and kidneys. As already mentioned. dysfunction of these organs is very often the cause of bags under the eyes and not only. That's why. to understand. how to remove swelling from the face. make an appointment with an endocrinologist and nephrologist.

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Why does the face swell in the morning, the reasons for this and methods of treating edema on the face

Most people, having noticed a slight swelling of the face in the morning, rarely attach much importance to this phenomenon. And in vain, since edema can be signs of serious diseases. Sometimes they appear due to the large amount of fluid you drink in the evening. However, this symptom should be responded to immediately.

What does swelling on the face say?

Why does the face swell and how to deal with swelling? - common questions, the answers to which many are looking for on the Internet. It is possible to eliminate infrequent puffiness at home, but one should not forget that it can be a symptom of complex inflammatory processes inside the body.

Often the face swells in the morning, not just from the liquid drunk, but from the inability of the kidneys to process it. This is due to the disruption of their work, and even more so, salty, spicy foods consumed at night, which retain fluid in the body, can also provoke it.

A banal can provoke an unpleasant effect. lack of sleep, overwork. Puffiness due to colds, against the background of reduced immunity, is no exception. Lack of vitamins and minerals, unhealthy diet and unhealthy lifestyle... even an illiterate selection and use of cosmetics can appear on the face in the form of edema.

In case of kidney disease, the characteristic signs will be swollen lower eyelids and a slightly blurred oval of the face. In case of serious violations, the complexion becomes bronze-lemon shade. However, the filled bags under the eyes are soft to the touch.

In a very pronounced form hormonal dysfunctions of the female genital organs and the endocrine system cannot be ruled out. Often, facial swelling appears with late toxicosis (histosis). It can talk about diseases of the cardiovascular system, thrombosis of the superior vena cava. With the latter violation, the edema has a slightly bluish tint.

Often, swelling occurs due to allergic reactions an external irritant factor, side effects after taking certain medications. With allergic reactions, the swelling may not subside at all, and itchy rashes appear on the face.

Quincke's edema is a side effect of medication.... in which puffiness is characteristic of the lips and eyes. These are visible signs, accompanied first by cyanosis, and then by pallor of the skin. Hidden signs are marked by swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses and oral cavity.
To the top

What to do if your face swells?

As a result of which the face swells, the reasons, as it turned out, are quite different. Therefore, the choice of a method for treating edema depends on finding out the root cause. You can not be negligent about your health, as there is a high probability of paying a great price for this.

To remove small swelling on your own, you should reduce the amount of salt you eat. It cannot be ruled out altogether. When preparing food, it is necessary to abandon hot spices. Spicy and salty foods cause fluid retention. Moreover, it is necessary to reduce the use of liquid in the late evening. It is advisable to refuse drinking alcoholic beverages at night.

It is recommended that you diversify your diet by including plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. You should not eat "watery" foods, such as watermelon, in the evening. It is advisable to take vitamin complexes after consulting a specialist. Also it will be good if you reduce the consumption of carbonated and sugary drinks, tea and coffee.

Citrus fruits remove excess liquid: lemons, oranges, tangerines. However, they should be alternated with sour apples and carrots. For lovers of canned, smoked products, their use can be postponed to an earlier time. Adopted such products until 4-5 pm will relieve ugly swelling on the face.

Taking diuretics must be approached with extreme caution. In some cases, they can only exacerbate the situation. Therefore, they should only be taken after consulting a doctor. For small and intermittent edema, ginger is an excellent natural remedy, which can be added to drinks and for cooking.

Parsley root decoctions, "dill water" relieve swelling well. Has established itself infusion of dandelions. For cooking, their dry root is used, which is poured with boiling water (1 to 5). The tincture should be taken in the morning after waking up and at night before going to bed.

Potato masks show excellent results. For this, boiled shells are used. It must be chopped and a little sour cream and dill added to the mass. You can quickly remove swelling with the help of cranberry gruel, wiping the diseased areas with ice cubes prepared with herbal decoctions.

If the edema began to appear systematically, increase in size in comparison with the last time, have ceased to disappear altogether, you should immediately consult a doctor. Also, you should come to a specialist if edema provokes shortness of breath, the total body weight began to rise sharply, swelling appeared on other parts of the body or affected the face after appearing on them, the color of the skin changed, pains in the heart and lungs appeared.
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Causes of water retention in the face area

Does your face and eyes swell in the morning? The reason lies in the failure of certain body systems.

Let's consider the main of the most common edema and what they are associated with.

Incorrect work of internal organs

If the swelling is most common in the eye area, and excessive accumulation of fluid occurs in the morning, this suggests that the problems lie in the kidneys. Most often, the lower eyelid of the eye suffers from this symptomatology.

Swelling in the eye area indicates a kidney problem

In consistency, the swellings become watery and have a bronze tint. Before such edema in people with problem kidneys, there is a rapid increase in kilograms, which indicates an internal accumulation of fluid.

Nose infections can cause swelling in the morning., with the cure of which, unpleasant symptoms will also pass. People with diabetes mellitus are especially susceptible to such accumulations of fluid in the body, they have a reduced resistance to infections of various etiologies.

Swelling around the sinuses is a sign of airway problems. Such swellings are difficult to deal with. Do not apply cold compresses to this area either. The edema can be removed only in the course of comprehensive treatment and further preventive measures.

If the face and eyes swell in the morning, the cause may also be in diseases of the endocrine system. The tissues do not have enough hormonal stimulation, and there is an accumulation of mucous compounds in the fiber under the skin.

Cardiovascular diseases

In the case of the spread of edema on the face and in the lower extremities in the evening, this indicates problems in the area of ​​the cardiovascular system. People often sin on fatigue or a prolonged period of activity, which greatly increases the load on the legs, but edema appears at regular intervals.

Later, an increase in swelling to the femoral part of the lower extremities is characteristic, and it can increase in the abdomen, arms, face. If you follow the weight, you will notice a sharp increase.

It's important to know! Edema in vascular diseases is dense and cold, which is caused by impaired circulation in the place of accumulation of excessive fluid. With the chronic development of the disease, water may accumulate in the organs, often in the liver, which begins to rapidly increase in size, which cannot but affect the appearance of the face.


The cause of facial swelling in the summer is an overabundance of sunbathing. To prevent such accumulation of fluid, it is necessary to hide especially sensitive places under the fabric or use sunscreens.

If the skin is burned, it is urgent to apply a cold compress to avoid the development of edema under the skin.

If the skin is burned, it is urgent to apply a cold compress to avoid the development of edema under the skin. Do not lubricate burned areas with oil.

Excess sunbathing can cause edema.

Water retention in the body

The accumulation of fluid in the body leads to the fact that the face and eyes swell in the morning, the reason for this phenomenon lies in the poor removal of excess fluid from the human body.

This process takes place due to osmotic pressure or chemical compounds. Often the accumulation of water in the human body occurs due to the loss of protein, which is watery, or when physiological solutions in the body cannot penetrate into the cell.

Very often, dehydration can cause excess water to accumulate. In this case, individual cells begin to accumulate fluid, after saturation, blockage occurs with lipid protection, and then moisture simply does not penetrate into the cell, which causes swelling of adipose tissues.

The increased accumulation of water in the body is due to the excessive accumulation of toxic substances. The human body retains watery compounds to further dissolve accumulated poisons. Puffiness of such a plan is observed after alcohol or drug intoxication.


The causes of swelling of the face and eyes in the morning can be varied, ranging from various diseases to prolonged fasting or an unbalanced diet. A special preventive diet can help get rid of excessive excess water in the body.

Diet will help get rid of excess water in the body

The main rules, which will be the use of fresh foods filled with minerals and fortified. Prolonged weight gain can also indicate problems with swelling, while even fasting is not able to lose kilograms.

Lowered immunity

Every day, the body resists a huge number of bacterial and viral pathogens. At the same time, there is a decrease in immunity, which is a prerequisite for the development of various diseases.

In this case, a failure occurs due to the prolonged action of both chronic diseases and an insufficient amount of fortified substances in the diet.

Immunological problems are indicated by the further occurrence of facial edema. which have a slight bluish tinge, as well as water accumulation in the eye area in the morning. The reasons for this effect in the human body are problems in the work of some organs and systems.

Allergic reactions

If there is swelling in the lip area or eyes, and is also accompanied by itching in places of swelling, sometimes swelling of the palms on the hands is visible, then we can say with confidence that this is edema, the main cause of which is the body's reaction to an allergen.

When it is necessary to remove the manifestations of allergies as quickly as possible, you can use antihistamines.

In this case, after half an hour, the body will cope with the load, and the edema will go away on its own. Rarely is specialized help really needed. When it is necessary to remove the manifestations of allergies as quickly as possible, you can use antihistamines.

Other common reasons

If you go to bed, having drunk liquid at night, and your face and eye area have already swollen in the morning, then it is clear that the reason for this phenomenon is associated with the intake of a large amount of fluid, in which the body simply cannot cope with its excretion.

Drinking too much fluid before bed will cause swelling on your face in the morning.

Fans of spicy and salty food often face problems with swelling of the whole body. Lovers of diets also suffer from excess water in the body, this is due to the fact that they wash down hunger. Long work at the computer, eye strain, can also cause swelling.

When carrying a baby, a woman throughout this period is pursued by the accumulation of excess solutions in the body's reserves. Wateriness in the body is a normal protective reaction of the body to the effects of various toxic poisonings. And to reduce puffiness, you just need to adhere to the correct lifestyle.

Why does the area of ​​the face and eyes swell in the morning?

Note! Sleepless nights with a lot of alcohol will definitely lead to swelling in the face area. But often the manifestations of a fun party stabilize after 2 hours. A healthy body will deal with excess water on its own.

Problems with the accumulation of wateriness in the tissues can also pass in a chronic form, then the entire body must be examined. The presence of such problems in the eye area is due to the physiological structure. It is the loose fiber in this area that allows you to retain water in the tissue space.

There are several factors affecting the formation of edema on the face and eyes in the morning:

  • a small amount of subcutaneous fat;
  • the minimum value of collagen and elastin, which explains the critical content of connective tissue in that area;
  • constant eye work during the day;
  • tight junction of the skin of the forehead and nose, which leads to the accumulation of excessive amounts of water.

How to get rid of puffiness in the morning

To prevent the appearance and spread of puffiness, it is necessary to adhere to several preventive methods.

These include:

  • The right pillow. All bedding must be made from natural materials. AND the pillow should be small and flat... This attribute is oversized and leads to problems in the drainage of fluid from the upper body.
  • Right food. Avoiding spicy and salty foods can help cope with water retention.... Evening tea drinking is also prohibited.
  • Decongestant masks. Masks with this effect are quite popular. Thanks to cosmetic procedures, the face will always look young and fresh. Moreover, such methods are not expensive.

The sleeping pillow should be small and flat

Here are some examples of these fast-acting masks:

  1. Mix a teaspoon of finely chopped parsley with 2 teaspoons of sour cream. Then apply the mask to the eyelids and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Chop the parsley root, wrap in cheesecloth, and fit like lotions on the eyes. The duration of the procedure is up to 10 minutes.
  3. Apply the grated potato to the eyelids for 15 minutes.
  4. Brew strong tea, moisten cheesecloth in it and apply to problem areas.

Traditional methods of removing edema

To quickly eliminate fluid retention, you can use alternating washing with cold and hot water.

Important to remember! Cold compresses applied to the eye area help well, rubbing the swelling with cubes of frozen broths, chamomile, mint and green tea are especially effective. You can stimulate the outflow of water with a light massage with your fingertips.

Cosmetical tools

If swelling of the face and eyes in the morning occurs for chronic reasons, you can use a whole range of pharmacy cosmetics. The main thing is to make sure that it is made from natural ingredients and does not cause an individual allergic reaction in the body.

The benefits of facial gymnastics

To reduce the volume of fluid under the eyelids, you can perform simple gymnastic exercises. The main goal will be to accelerate the lymphatic accumulation, leading to edema.

Facial gymnastics will help reduce facial swelling

To reduce the volume of fluid under the eyelids, you can do simple gymnastic exercises.

Opening your eyes, lift the lower eyelid with your fingers, look up. With your ring finger, press the edge of the eye socket in turn, while pressing down the outer corners with your thumbs. This exercise will help remove swelling in the eyelid area quickly and effectively.

If you need to remove the swelling immediately

In order to cope with swelling, it is necessary to determine their cause.... In case of allergic reactions, it is necessary to eliminate the effect of the irritating allergen and take antihistamines. If fluid retention is caused by toxic poisoning, it is best to take steps to cleanse the body of the toxin.

With an increased fluid content due to nighttime tea drinking, you can take diuretics, but do not get carried away with them. Often, in order to quickly overcome swelling, it is necessary to determine the cause of the swelling, which helps to quickly overcome it.

Prevention of swelling of the face and eyes

A proper sports lifestyle will help prevent the appearance of edema. The combination of sleep and work must be distributed according to the requirements of the body.

An athletic lifestyle can help prevent swelling on the face.

Balance your diet, give up alcohol, salty and fried. Choreography, swimming, or jogging. When sleeping, use only low, comfortable pillows that raise your head by 10 cm.

The choice of a method for eliminating swelling of the face and eyes in the morning depends on the reasons for its appearance. The reason for visiting a doctor should be regular and long-term water retention in the body.... Often, treatment of problem organ systems leads to a positive result.

For effective ways to quickly remove swelling from the face, see this video:

How and for a long time to get rid of puffiness under the eyes, as well as the reasons for their appearance, see here:

Dr. Skachko tells what reasons can cause the appearance of edema under the eyes in the morning and how to cure it:

Causes of facial swelling associated with improper lifestyle and sleep

If you still do not know why your face swells after sleep and none of the reasons described above suit you, you should seek the advice of a general practitioner.

Causes of facial swelling associated with various pathologies

  1. Disorders in the thyroid gland, leading to a decrease in the production of hormones. As a result of this, as a rule, iodine deficiency develops, which means that the self-regulation system of the body as a whole is disrupted.
  2. Almost all diseases of the kidneys and bladder, including pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, kidney stones, renal failure, various inflammatory processes.
  3. People with heart failure or other heart problems also have facial swelling after sleep. This symptom may be accompanied by numbness of the left arm during sleep, shortness of breath, pain in the heart area.
  4. The causes of edema on the face may lie in the body's allergic reactions to facial skin care products, decorative cosmetics, insect bites, and food. Puffiness in this case may be accompanied by redness, rash, itching and fever. Puffiness with allergies is very dangerous, as it can develop into Quincke's edema, which blocks breathing.
  5. Considering the question of why the face swells in the morning, do not forget about possible infectious diseases of the nasopharynx or oral cavity.
  6. Unilateral swelling of the face may indicate sinusitis or dental diseases.

What is swelling?

Edema is the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space of tissues. The moisture is not completely removed and the result is swelling. The eyes, jaw and nasolabial area may swell.

By themselves, facial edema is not a nosological unit, it is rather a sign that something has gone wrong in the body. To understand why the face was swollen in the morning means to get closer to recovery.

In order to remove the swelling, you must first figure out what caused the accumulation of moisture. Why did the edema appear? After all, different situations require individual treatment. Sometimes you can remove the swelling yourself at home, but more often you need to consult an experienced physician.

What causes facial swelling?

To find out the cause of edema in the morning, you should carefully study the external manifestations on the face, and also note the accompanying symptoms. So, the swelling is further aggravated by shortness of breath and pain in the chest area, heart failure is a provoking factor.

The most common factors that trigger swelling in the morning include:

  • physiological prerequisites;
  • heart failure;
  • kidney problems;
  • allergic reactions;
  • violation of lymphatic outflow;
  • chronic diseases of the nose and respiratory tract;
  • disturbances in the work of the endocrine system.

If swelling of the face that occurs in the morning bothers you more and more often, you should think about a medical examination. An experienced physician can understand why fluid accumulates in the intercellular space, while the patient makes only assumptions.

Physiological edema

If the edema, which manifests itself in the morning, is observed infrequently, does not have a periodicity and does not cause much concern, most likely, the reasons for its appearance are physiological. These include:

  • prolonged exposure to heat;
  • excessive salt intake;
  • excess of the norm of the drunk liquid;
  • overwork;
  • bad sleep, etc.

That is, physiological edema of the face occurs spontaneously, against the background of some provoking factor and quickly passes. It is not due to the disease, and you can deal with it yourself at home. To relieve swelling, it is enough to limit the amount of fluid consumed, reduce the intake of fatty, salty and spicy foods and get some rest. If the swelling is found in the morning and you need to go to an important meeting, you need to do a cooling mask and a light facial massage.

Heart failure

It is much more difficult to remove cardiac edema than physiological and a cardiologist should deal with this. If the heart does not work properly, not only the face, but also the legs will swell. And the accompanying symptoms can be noted shortness of breath, pain in the chest region, fatigue.

The swelling on the face is mild, and when pressed, a fingerprint remains for a while. It usually occurs in the morning.

Treating such edema on your own is not only ineffective, but also dangerous. At the slightest suspicion of a heart disorder, it is necessary to visit a medical institution and undergo an examination.

The kidneys do not excrete fluid

If swelling appears under the eyes, the so-called bags, most likely, the kidneys cannot cope with the main task - the removal of fluid from the body. This is a serious reason to think about health. What is there to watch out for? The kidneys are one of the most important organs through which fluid-salt metabolism occurs. On the destruction of this process not only spoils the face with swelling in the morning, but also fraught with serious danger.

Renal edema is most often formed in the morning and does not subside until the evening.

Sometimes the swelling under the eyes turns red, which indicates a possible development of an infection of the genitourinary system. You can remove renal edema by eliminating the causes of its occurrence. But you can reduce the risk of its appearance with a special diet, where the amount of salt and water is limited.


Another reason for swelling of the face is a reaction to an allergen. Anything can provoke swelling: pollen of plants, animal hair, food, household chemicals, dust, insect bites, etc.

Usually, a person suffering from allergies knows what to fear and avoids contact with the irritant, but if the attack is still caught by surprise, you need to take an antihistamine and visit the allergist's office. In case of an acute reaction, urgent hospitalization is indicated.

Lymph drainage disorder

Malfunctions of the lymphatic system also entail swelling of the face. The problem is serious and it is rather difficult to solve it on your own. What you don't need to do is try to eliminate the puffiness yourself. If in the morning it occurs on the face in the area of ​​the paranasal sinuses, most likely this is the result of malfunctioning of the lymphatic system.

It is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor and get tested. Otherwise, severe inflammation may develop and health problems will only increase.

Chronic respiratory diseases

Bronchial asthma or sinusitis also often cause swelling. At the same time, the face swells in the nasolabial region. The otorhinolaryngologist is engaged in the treatment of such edema, but only after a thorough examination and analysis of the complete clinical picture.

A swollen face may be accompanied by nasal congestion, coughing, or narrowing of the larynx. If the condition is critical and the patient suffocates, urgent medical attention is needed.

Lifestyle-related facial swelling in the morning

Facial edema is a violation of water metabolism, in which excess fluid accumulates in the intercellular space of soft tissues. Puffiness can be both pronounced and subtle, evenly distributed or localized in one zone. From these characteristics, as well as from the events that preceded the appearance of the swelling, it is possible to make an assumption about the cause of the swelling of the face in the morning.

Facial edema in itself is not a disease, but it can accompany pathologies of the cardiovascular, endocrine systems, kidneys, and respiratory tract. At the same time, water retention is a completely natural phenomenon in women during PMS, in pickles, and in chronically sleep-deprived people. An examination will help determine whether it is worth worrying about morning swelling.

It's okay if your face is swollen in the morning due to errors in nutrition and lifestyle. It is enough to adjust the diet, adhere to the optimal daily regimen in order to normalize water exchange.

Such cases include:
  1. Excessive intake of salt, fatty foods and smoked meats. Salt retains fluid in the body, hence the swollen face the next morning after a hearty meal.
  2. Drinking alcohol also does not contribute to a fresh look. Alcohol dehydrates tissues, and the body fights against it by provoking thirst and retaining water. If you get on the scales after a night party, they can easily show an increase in weight of 2 - 3 kg solely due to the accumulated liquid. Edema makes the face look swollen and wrinkled.
  3. A lot of water drunk at night leads to the fact that the kidneys do not have time to excrete the excess during sleep. A strong thirst is provoked by the already mentioned salty food, alcohol, as well as heavy food, sweets. The mistake is a sharp increase in the daily volume of fluid. Following the recommendations to drink at least 2 liters of water in liquid, people who are not used to such an amount find a swollen face in the morning. Swelling persists until the body adapts to new conditions. It is really necessary to drink water, but it is better to increase the displacement gradually. With a tendency to edema in the second half of the day, the amount drunk must be reduced, and after 18-00 - 20-00, it should be completely reduced to zero.
  4. A wrinkled look, bags under the eyes are the result of poor sleep, late nights, night work. In the dark, the business should rest and recover from the day's work. If a person does not sleep at night, all metabolic processes slow down, including fluid drainage. According to statistics, people - "larks" are less likely to suffer from edema than "owls".
  5. Pregnancy and menstrual cycles are natural causes of facial swelling in the morning in women. Monthly fluctuations in hormonal levels cause fluid retention in the body on the eve of menstruation. With the onset of bleeding, excess water goes away. During the carrying of a child, the female body needs more fluid, and a little swelling is within the normal range. But if the puffiness of the face persists, the legs swell and the weight grows significantly, we are talking about the fact that the kidneys are not doing their job and anti-edema therapy is needed.

Physiological edema is relatively easily relieved by changing the drinking regimen, a salt-free diet and cosmetics. They do not require treatment, and with a healthy lifestyle they are minimized.

Swelling of the face as a sign of the disease

If puffiness of the face is due to a disease, other symptoms must be present:

Characteristic of edema Additional symptoms Possible reason
Puffy face, swelling of the lower extremities Shortness of breath, cyanosis of the skin, enlarged liver Cardiac pathology, hypertension
Pronounced bags under the eyes, soft and watery; decrease during the day, disappear in the evening; pressing the swelling leaves a "dent" from the finger Yellowing of the skin, rapid weight gain due to internal edema Kidney problems
Swelling in the nose Runny nose, nasal congestion Inflammation of the sinuses, chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Swollen subcutaneous tissue, dense swelling, pressing with a finger does not leave a trace Weight gain, cycle disruptions, deterioration of the skin, hair Hypofunction of the thyroid gland, hormonal disorders in women
Bloated upper eyelids, swollen lips, uneven facial swelling Rash, cough, choking Allergy, Quincke's edema
Local swelling Pronounced borders, asymmetry - only on one side of the face Benign or malignant neoplasm of soft tissues of the face
Swelling of the face and legs during pregnancy, when pressed, a white spot remains Weight gain, pressure, protein in urine Gestosis, preeclampsia

It is useless to try to remove severe swelling of the face in the morning with masks and cold compresses. Moreover, it is sometimes contraindicated, as is the case with allergies. When faced with an allergen, the body can react with angioedema, with redness and itching of the skin. Such an attack can only be removed by taking an antihistamine, but sometimes the swelling goes away on its own after a while.

In case of allergies, do not touch puffy skin, apply cold to it and lubricate with cosmetics. This can provoke an increase in the reaction, up to the deadly Quincke's edema. In an emergency, an injection of Suprastin is required and an immediate call to an ambulance is required.

Until the cause of the edema is eliminated, fluid exchange in the tissues will not be restored by itself. Over time, swelling from the morning can turn into permanent, and irreversible changes begin in the skin and subcutaneous tissue. In addition, some health problems associated with severe swelling are life-threatening. It is necessary to be examined and treated based on the diagnosis.

How to reduce morning facial swelling

Anyone can face morning swelling, not caused by a disease: just overdo it with salty, drink a glass of beer with chips, sit at the computer at night - and now, from the mirror, a noticeably enlarged face looks at you with narrow eyes.

If you occasionally have swelling of the face and eyes in the morning, remember these simple tips on how to urgently get yourself in shape:

  • take a contrast shower;
  • moisten a towel with cold water, apply a compress for at least 10 minutes;
  • turn on the cold tap in the bathroom and put your face under the stream;
  • wrap ice cubes or a freezer bag in a cloth, apply to bumps, but avoid the eye area;
  • put squeezed tea bags or cotton pads dipped in the tea leaves on your eyelids;
  • in the evening, prepare an herbal infusion of chamomile, mint, lingonberry leaves or St. John's wort and put in the refrigerator, in the morning make a cool compress with the product;
  • drink a cup of warm green tea with milk - it has a diuretic effect and will help get rid of excess fluid;
  • for breakfast, give up hot food and drinks, do not add salt to dishes, so as not to provoke further water retention;
  • massage your face along the lines of lymph flow, trying to "disperse" the swelling.

These measures will help bring back a fresh look after a sleepless night or a festive feast. But if in general you ignore a healthy lifestyle, do not deny yourself excesses and bad habits, it will not be easy to put a swollen face in order. And with age, getting rid of edema on the face becomes more and more difficult.

How to get rid of facial swelling

What if your face swells in the morning? Analyze your diet, physical activity level, and daily routine. Try to stick to the following rules:

  • reduce the amount of salt to 3 g per day, if possible, temporarily switch to a salt-free diet;
  • if you drink less than 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day, increase your intake to this norm, but not abruptly, but gradually;
  • take into account only clean non-carbonated water in volume, liquid from soups, drinks, fruits is not considered a drink;
  • give up smoked meats, canned food, industrial sauces, carbonated drinks, coffee, strong tea, alcohol;
  • do not eat or drink at night at least 3 hours before bedtime;
  • include in the menu vegetables and fruits rich in insoluble fiber;
  • regularly check the condition of the kidneys, cleanse;
  • start the morning with a contrast shower;
  • wipe your skin with ice cubes, make cool compresses;
  • wash your face with decoctions of mint, chamomile, linden, lingonberry;
  • sleep on a high pillow to keep fluid away from your face;
  • apply decongestant masks.

If external remedies do not help, try to relieve swelling of the face from the inside with the help of medicines and herbs:

  • take a diuretic pill or an infusion of bear ears - the method works if the swelling is not associated with allergies or trauma;
  • drink an antihistamine (Tavegil, Suprastin);
  • apply anti-edema gel - Lyoton, Dolobene, Troxevasin;
  • drink laurel broth: 3 tbsp. l. crushed leaf for 250 ml of boiling water, course - a week for 1 tbsp. three times a day.

If swelling of the face occurs too often or is generally persistent, it cannot be ignored. Normally, this should not be the case. Be sure to see a doctor, even if you manage to cope with a swollen face during the day, to rule out serious illness.

Decongestant face masks

Masks with decongestant components help to normalize blood circulation, lymph flow of the soft tissues of the face and stimulate the elimination of excess fluid. Try one of the recipes for folk cosmetics:

  1. Potato mask. Boil the tubers in the peel, mash with a fork. Cool the resulting puree slightly and apply to your face, after 15 minutes remove the mass and wash with cool water.
  2. Raw potato mask. If you don't have time to make boiled potatoes, try the raw option. Cut the tuber into slices and hold over the bumps until the circle is heated by the warmth of the skin. A more effective remedy is gruel from grated and squeezed raw potatoes.
  3. Sour cream and dill mask. Chop fresh dill, take 1 tsp. greens and mix with 2 tbsp. l. sour cream from the refrigerator. Apply the mixture to your face, leave for a quarter of an hour, then rinse off with cold water.
  4. Parsley mask. The product does not require greens, but the root of the plant. Scroll the spine through a meat grinder and grease problem areas with gruel. Rinse off after 20 minutes, blot gently. The cream after such a mask can not be used.
  5. Cucumber mask. Grate fresh cucumber lying in the refrigerator, squeeze the mass slightly and apply on your face. Rinse off after half an hour and enjoy a fresh look.
  6. Tea mask. Brew loose leaf tea, your choice of black or green. With the cooled infusion, wet a cloth napkin, apply on the skin until the compress heats up. Repeat several times.
  7. Herbal compress. Use an infusion of sage, chamomile, birch buds, cooked in a water bath. Strain and cool the liquid, dampen a towel and apply to your face several times in a row.
  8. Oil mask. Take any base oil - olive, soybean, sunflower, add 2 drops of essential oils of rosemary, geranium, juniper. Lubricate the skin, leave it on for a few minutes, then massage into your face. Remove oil residues with a napkin.
  9. Buckwheat mask. Grind the groats in a coffee grinder, pour the powder into a linen bag and put it in a bowl with boiling water for a couple of minutes. Wait for the bag to cool and apply to the bumps for a quarter of an hour.
  10. Brandy mask. The recipe includes: cognac - 1 tsp, 1 egg yolk, ½ tsp each. lemon juice and green tea, vegetable oil - 5 drops, gel for varicose veins - 1 tsp. Stir the ingredients, apply on face for 15 minutes, then wash and rub the cube with a cube of frozen green tea.

Using folk methods and cosmetics for facial edema, you must understand that this is a temporary solution to the problem. Sooner or later, you will have to deal with the reasons in detail in order to eliminate violations in the work of internal organs. After the normalization of the functions of the whole body, you do not have to fight with a swollen face every morning.

One of the problems that causes discomfort is facial swelling in women. There are various reasons for this phenomenon: from the use of drinks or food that retain fluid in the tissues, to serious health problems. Quite often, puffiness occurs in the morning.

Maintaining water metabolism is an important factor for the normal functioning of a person, its violation can lead to a number of diseases: such as heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension. With a normal water-salt balance, the amount of incoming fluid is approximately equal to the amount released.

The human body consists of about 45-70% water, this figure can be different for men and women.

Water in the body is free (when it easily flows from the cell into the intercellular space) and bound (when it is contained in cells and tissues in protein-bound states). If a certain balance between water and salts is observed in a bound and free form, a person is healthy; when he is displaced, a disease appears.

Dangerous is both fluid retention in the body and too much fluid secretion.

Swelling of the face during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there are a number of situations when a woman's face swells.

There are the following reasons:

  1. With severe gestosis in the last stages... The reason lies in hormonal changes and poor venous outflow. In this case, the legs and arms first suffer, then the stomach and face swell. The state of gestosis requires close observation by the gynecologist, since in this case not only the woman suffers, but also the child who does not receive enough oxygen.
  2. Women with kidney disease diabetes mellitus and diseases of the thyroid gland can swell during gestation, with the face swelling in the first place. Pregnant women with similar diseases are registered with a gynecologist, are carefully examined and, if they feel unwell or are tested, are hospitalized.
  3. Girls in position, not watching their diet are also at risk for edema. Subject to the diet, excluding salty, smoked, fatty and sweet, i.e. food that can retain fluid can avoid facial swelling.

Swelling due to allergies

In the modern world, a large number of factors can contribute to allergic reactions: food containing harmful unnatural substances, polluted air, creams with unsafe chemical compounds. Facial edema is not common, but there are people with similar allergies.

Stress leads to a weakened immune system and allergies.

When a foreign protein enters the body, antibodies are produced, cells release histamine and redness and swelling appear. It happens that the swelling goes away on its own after a while. If the signs of allergy persist, it is necessary to start taking antihistamines, sorbents and topically smear with hormonal ointments.

Swelling on the face with hormonal imbalance

In women of childbearing age, more often from 20 years, hormonal disruptions are possible, in which there is swelling of the face. Often, swelling with hormonal disruptions is accompanied by shortness of breath, weakness, drowsiness. To restore the hormonal background, you need to normalize your regimen: go to bed before 23.00, exclude junk food, and not be stressed.

Swelling of the face can occur in women during menopause. The causes of edema can be various diseases of the cardiovascular system, endocrine diseases, as well as a lack of trace elements (potassium and magnesium) with a high sodium content. Medicines that help get rid of edema should be selected by the attending gynecologist.

Puffiness with age-related changes

With age, the female body is more difficult to cope with the ongoing changes, in some cases, swelling appears.

Swelling of the face can be caused by:

  • Frequent stress, lack of physical activity, lack of sleep.
  • Alcohol consumed the day before.
  • Large consumption of coffee, carbonated and sugar-containing drinks.
  • Wrong food: salty, smoked, fatty, fried.
  • Chronic diseases: thyroid gland, heart and blood vessels, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases: sinusitis, conjunctivitis, allergies and others.

A correct lifestyle and nutrition, healthy sleep, and a positive attitude will help to cope with the problem.

Improper nutrition

Swelling in the morning occurs due to improper nutrition. In this case, the withdrawal of fluid from the body is disrupted, and the metabolism slows down. The presence in the diet of an excessive amount of sweet and salty, fried and fatty, smoked and fast food leads to fluid retention. The use of soda and sugary drinks also leads to a violation of the water-salt balance.

They do not quench thirst, but only increase it. Replenishing the diet with protein foods, vegetables, herbs and fruits, drinking enough clean water, you can get rid of edema.

Swelling after hyaluronic acid injections

Women in an effort to maintain their beauty are ready for much. In recent years, beauty injections are very common - injections of hyaluronic acid. When deciding on such a procedure, you need to be aware of some side effects. One of these is puffiness. Slight swelling is normal.

It arises as a result of the fact that:

  • Hyaluronic acid has the effect of retaining fluid in the tissues;
  • The injection itself causes microtrauma, which causes edema.

This swelling should go away quickly. If after 2-3 days the swelling persists, we can talk about the mistake of the cosmetologist, who incorrectly calculated the dose or incorrectly administered the drug. In such a situation, it is necessary to contact a beautician to resolve the issue of removing edema.

Alcohol intake

Drinking alcohol contributes to dehydration and metabolic toxicity. During alcoholic feasts, the kidneys and liver are very stressed. Those in whose diet alcohol is rarely present, the pasty face quickly disappears. Those who drink alcoholic beverages in large quantities and often, puffiness on the face is pronounced.

This indicates a poisoning of the body with decay products. When alcohol enters the body, the pressure on the vessels also increases. Those who drink a lot and for a long time, small vessels burst and bruises appear. You can get rid of puffiness with the help of diuretics.

Stress and sleep disturbances

Prolonged stress can lead to facial swelling in women. The cause of stress can be conflict, dissatisfaction with oneself, dissatisfaction with life, and disturbed sleep patterns. During stress, hormones change, the hormones produced affect the kidneys and the excretion of water slows down.

Proper sleep (sleep at least 8 hours, go to bed until 23.00), a positive attitude to what is happening will help to restore a healthy look to the face.

Taking certain medications

When starting taking medications, you should be aware of the side effects.

Drugs that cause facial swelling:

  1. Hormones (corticosteroids, androgens, etc.);
  2. Lowering blood pressure (beta-blockers, clonidine, etc.);
  3. Antidepressants;
  4. Cytokines;
  5. Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal (ibuprofen);
  6. Chemotherapy (cyclosporine);
  7. Antiviral (acyclovir).

Drinking plenty of fluids before bed

The reason for the swelling of the face in women may be an excess of water drunk at night. In this situation, the kidneys cannot handle too much fluid and cannot excrete excess water during the night. With an increase in the volume of drinking water up to 2 liters per day or more, it is necessary to evenly distribute its use throughout the day. Do not drink a lot during the hours close to sleep.

Prolonged crying before bed

Morning facial swelling in women can be the result of crying before bedtime. The reason for the swelling is that during tearing, the capillaries are irritated, which interferes with normal blood flow, and edema appears. In addition, salty tears block the flow of fluid.

Tea lotions, contrasting washing, applying ice will help to cope with such edema. An eye mask can also help treat swelling.

Infectious diseases

Some infectious diseases can cause swelling on the face.

These include:

  1. Erysipelas... It manifests itself with redness and swelling of the cheeks, fever, pain. The disease is caused by streptococcus.
  2. Diseases of the teeth... The inflammatory process in the oral cavity can cause severe swelling of the face.
  3. Sinusitis, sinusitis... With inflammation of the sinuses, swelling occurs in the sinus region, which is accompanied by pain on palpation.
  4. Ear inflammation, mumps... The swelling increases with food intake due to the work of the salivary gland and decreases after a while.

Treatment of the underlying disease will lead to the disappearance of the swelling.

Diseases of the liver and kidneys

With an exacerbation of chronic kidney disease, such as pyelonephritis, glomerolonephritis and other symptoms, among other symptoms, the face, arms, legs and abdomen swell. Puffiness occurs due to the fact that it is difficult for the kidneys to cope with the removal of fluids and salts. In the case of normal kidney function, protein retains water in the blood, not allowing it to pass into the tissue.

When protein is lost by the kidneys, water enters the tissues, and edema occurs. Kidneys should be checked if swelling occurs frequently, as swelling may be the only symptom of a serious illness. Edema in liver diseases occurs in the acute period with cirrhosis. In such cases, the liver does not synthesize the required amount of protein, water cannot be retained in the blood and enters the tissues, leading to edema.

The face in such situations does not swell, the legs and abdomen suffer.

Diseases of the thyroid gland

Puffiness of the face can accompany thyroid diseases such as hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, goiter. With these diseases, there is a violation of the hormonal background and, as a result, metabolic processes.

Swelling of the face in women, the causes of which lie in the pathologies of the thyroid gland, require a mandatory medical examination.

The body faces the following problems:

  • Slow metabolism occurring at the cellular level;
  • Accumulation of cholesterol in blood vessels;
  • Capillaries become permeable;
  • The outflow of fluid is delayed.

Cells suffer, less protein is synthesized, decay products accumulate in the intercellular space and edema occurs. If severe swelling occurs, you should consult a doctor to adjust the treatment. At the onset of the disease, there may be no visible puffiness, but the rapid weight gain will indicate the accumulated fluid inside the tissues.

Edema of internal organs is alarming, which can lead to complications. Women with thyroid problems should follow a diet, water regimen, and exercise.

Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiac edema is different from those associated with thyroid or kidney disease. Their localization occurs first in the lower legs and then rises higher. The swelling is painless, when pressed, a fossa remains for a while, the color may be slightly purple, the temperature at the site of the edema is lowered, the swelling occurs in the evening and passes by morning.

Puffiness can be associated with a number of heart diseases, including cardiomyopathy, defects, cardiosclerosis, arrhythmias, and others.

With heart disease, the contractility of the myocardium decreases, arterial blood is pumped in a smaller volume, vasoconstriction and fluid retention occur. To eliminate puffiness, it is necessary to improve the work of the heart. A cardiologist can prescribe the correct treatment.

For medications prescribed by a doctor, you should limit food intake that causes fluid retention:

  • smoked meats,
  • salty,
  • sweet.

Alcohol and tobacco products are excluded from the diet. Sleep should be observed, stress should be avoided.

Disruption of metabolic processes

Metabolic processes occur in the human body every second. The metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, energy and water can be distinguished. Puffiness can occur as a result of protein metabolism disorders. Proteins perform many functions: transport, immune, protective, creative, decongestant, release energy, stop bleeding, and others.

An excess of protein can be indicated by: poor appetite, changes in stool (diarrhea or diarrhea), kidney and bone disease.

The following symptoms also indicate a violation of protein metabolism:

  • Weakness;
  • Dramatic weight loss;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Decreased immunity.

If puffiness and concomitant manifestations of a violation of protein metabolism appear, it is necessary to pass a biochemical analysis and consult a doctor.


Swelling of the face can occur as a result of cardiovascular pathologies, including hypertension. Hypertension is characterized by increased blood pressure. There is a narrowing of the arteries and an increase in pressure. Initially, spasms can lead to hypertension, and then there is a thickening of the walls of blood vessels, the heart works more intensely, throws more blood into the vessels - hypertension develops.

Overweight, smoking, alcohol consumption, stress and other negative factors can lead to the occurrence of hypertension. Hypertension can be a concomitant disease to the main one: diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys and others. Swelling is accompanied by shortness of breath, headaches and pain in the heart. You can relieve the condition with a diet and a correct lifestyle.

Inflammation in the face

With various inflammations, swelling of the face in women is possible.

The reasons for this manifestation lie in the following diseases:

  • Boils and carbuncles in different parts of the face. Pus accumulations can be accompanied by a high fever. Treatment is with antibiotics and sometimes mini-surgeries.
  • Osteomyelitis associated with dental inflammation. Rise in temperature, problems with appetite and sleep are characteristic. For treatment, the removal of the tooth and abscess is required.
  • Acute mumps or inflammation of a gland near the ear. The parotid gland swells, it is difficult to open the mouth, a high temperature rises. The condition is life-threatening and requires antibiotics and medical supervision.
  • Erysipelas- inflammation of the mucous membranes and skin. More often it occurs on the lower extremities, but it may appear on the face. Treatment is done with droppers, antihistamines and antibiotics.


Facial swelling can occur as a result of facial thrombosis. Popping pimples or damaging your teeth can lead to inflammation of the venous wall. Localization on the nose, upper lip, chin and eyelids is considered the most dangerous. In this case, the infection can be transferred to the cerebral veins.

The disease spreads quickly. It begins with an increase in temperature, fever, inflammation and edema appear under the skin. A competent doctor will diagnose the symptomatology, however, in order to understand which area is involved in the inflammatory process, CT and MRI are prescribed.

For the treatment of such conditions, surgical intervention is possible in order to remove foci of infection.... Additionally, antibacterial therapy is connected for a long period (about 2 months). To prevent thrombosis, hygiene should be observed.

Decreased immunity

A decrease in immunity can cause many serious diseases: inflammatory processes, diseases of the kidneys and liver, heart and others, one of the manifestations of which is swelling of the face.

To maintain strong immunity, it is important to follow several rules:

  1. Lead an active lifestyle, play sports, walk a lot;
  2. Go to bed no later than 23.00, the duration of sleep should be at least 8 hours. But it is also important not to overspill;
  3. Positive attitude, no stress;
  4. Correct fractional nutrition: at least 3 times, medium portions. The diet should contain vegetables, fruits and herbs.
  5. Contrast shower or hardening and dousing with cold water.

Compliance with simple rules will help maintain health and youth for a long time.

Postoperative period

Swelling of the face can appear in the postoperative period for a number of reasons:

  1. Lymph accumulated at the site of tissue damaged by the operation. During surgery, a decrease in immunity occurs, in an effort to restore the immune system, a large amount of lymph is formed, which accumulates in the place of the operated tissue.
  2. Inflammatory process. It can appear with an exacerbation of a chronic disease and cause an increase in body temperature.

Recovery after surgery for each person proceeds differently depending on the state of the immune system, the presence of chronic diseases, lifestyle and other factors. Under normal circumstances, the swelling quickly disappears. If the swelling does not disappear after a week, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

"First aid" for swelling on the face

Systematically edema is a reason to think about examination and treatment by a doctor. If edema appears due to an excess of fluid at night, drinking alcohol, improper food, you can help in the following ways:

Swelling of the face in women is associated with various reasons. In order not to aggravate the situation, you need to monitor your health and take timely measures.

Video: swelling of the face in women. Causes

How to deal with facial puffiness, find out in the video clip:

Swelling of the face due to improper nutrition:

Have you ever woken up in the morning the way the heroines of soap operas do: with a slight blush, shining eyes, and, preferably, with spectacular styling? Alas, this only happens in the movies. In fact, not everyone is satisfied with their own reflection in the mirror in the first minutes after waking up.

Most often we are worried about dark circles under the eyes and puffiness on the face. And if decorative cosmetics copes with the "panda effect" quite effectively, then in order to get rid of edema, you will have to try. It is necessary to act on all fronts: to remove not only and not so much the swelling themselves, but the cause of their appearance.

Facial swelling in the morning: what is happening inside us

The human body is 60%, and, according to some sources, 80% water. Puffiness is nothing more than stagnant fluid. For various reasons, the outflow of blood and lymph is disrupted, and fluid begins to accumulate in tissues, intercellular space.

Why does the face swell in the morning? Because at night, while we sleep, there is a natural slowdown in microcirculation.

When a person is young and healthy, the appearance of morning puffiness is unlikely for him. The formation of edema in this case speaks either of health problems or bad habits. These, by the way, include not only smoking and taking intoxicating drinks, but also, for example, the habit of sleeping with your nose buried in a pillow.

What diseases cause swelling on the face

There are many reasons that can lead to morning swelling on the face. When the swelling is pronounced, and there are other signs of ill health, you should see a doctor. First of all, it is necessary to exclude problems with the kidneys (exacerbation of urolithiasis and inflammatory diseases) and the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).

Pass at least a basic examination: visit a therapist, take a general urine test (if the doctor deems it necessary, then some other tests), do an ultrasound. You may need to consult a nephrologist or urologist.

Make sure you don't have hypothyroidism. This condition is also characterized by the appearance of edema. Minimum program: control of the TSH level, a more detailed examination can be prescribed by an endocrinologist.

Another cause of morning swelling can be diabetes mellitus or gastrointestinal problems, which lead to deficiencies in protein and certain vitamins and minerals. It will not be superfluous to pass a biochemical blood test and, if there are complaints, check the stomach and intestines. Some drugs can also contribute to fluid retention in tissues.

If severe swelling appears suddenly, it is possible that an allergic reaction or an inflammatory process, for example, sinusitis, is to blame. These reasons, of course, must be indicated by other symptoms.

After making sure that the swelling is not caused by a malfunction inside the body, we proceed to look for other reasons.

Other causes of morning puffiness

Perhaps you are just sleeping wrong. So that the liquid does not accumulate in the tissues, nothing should interfere with its outflow. The banally incorrect posture during sleep can complicate this process.

From the point of view of preventing edema, it is best to sleep on your back, ideally on an anatomical pillow and with a slightly raised head of the bed, as well as in a relatively cool room. Needless to say, the "rumpled" look can also be caused by banal oversleeping or lack of sleep.

Excessive tension of the neck muscles is also a factor predisposing to the appearance of edema. This condition interferes with the normal outflow of fluid.

To minimize the problem and as a preventive measure, osteopaths advise every morning to perform exercises that relieve tension in the neck: alternately stretch its front, back and side surfaces, and of course, move more during the day and do mini-physical exercises when you sit at the computer for a long time.

Check if you are drinking enough water. During the day, a person needs 1.5-2 liters of liquid, and its main volume should be in the morning, and by the evening, especially with a tendency to edema, it should be reduced.

Limit the use of salt, as well as smoked meats, fatty and sweets, everything that will make you drink more than you need, and will provoke fluid retention inside the body. Avoid alcohol, especially in the evening.

Analyze your diet. Perhaps you are on a diet and your body simply lacks vitamins (especially D and B group) or protein.

The opposite may be true: you are consuming too many fast carbs. Those that are not "burned" in the gym and during any other activity are transformed into glycogen, which in turn attracts water molecules.

If your face looks puffy for several days at a regular rate of once a month, it is likely that the cause lies in premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Another, rather harmless, reason for morning puffiness is the improper use of cosmetics in the evening. Moisturizers and nourishing creams, especially those with dense texture, are best applied a couple of hours before bed.

And of course, genetics should not be disregarded: for example, the deformation-edematous type of aging characteristic of the Slavic type of face or the weakness of the facial muscles inherited from the parents. You cannot argue with genetics, but it is possible to minimize its effect by mastering lymphatic drainage self-massage and face-building - a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the face.

How to quickly get rid of swelling on the face

Now you know the main causes of edema and can correct them. But, of course, the effect will not appear overnight.

When “emergency” measures are required, start the day with a cool water wash, a contrast shower, a light lymph massage, a little exercise that includes neck muscle relaxation exercises, and a cup of green tea. You can also rub ice cubes over your face or use a cool compress.

The accumulation of excess moisture in the human body leads to edema of various etiologies. And every time such a pathological condition indicates health problems.

For example, if, in addition to edema, a bluish tint appears on the face, this indicates problems in the general circulation of the body. Shortness of breath appeared - this indicates diseases in the cardiovascular system.

If the swelling is located in the eye area, this indicates kidney problems. Often, swelling appears in the morning and is localized on the face. From where they are placed, one can judge health problems.

Causes of water retention in the face area

Does your face and eyes swell in the morning? The reason lies in the failure of certain body systems.

Let's consider the main of the most common edema and what they are associated with.

Incorrect work of internal organs

If the swelling is most common in the eye area, and excessive accumulation of fluid occurs in the morning, this suggests that the problems lie in the kidneys. Most often, the lower eyelid of the eye suffers from this symptomatology.

Swelling in the eye area indicates a kidney problem

In consistency, the swellings become watery and have a bronze tint. Before such edema in people with problem kidneys, there is a rapid increase in kilograms, which indicates an internal accumulation of fluid.

Nose infections can cause swelling in the morning., with the cure of which, unpleasant symptoms will also pass. People with diabetes mellitus are especially susceptible to such accumulations of fluid in the body, they have a reduced resistance to infections of various etiologies.

Swelling around the sinuses is a sign of airway problems. Such swellings are difficult to deal with. Do not apply cold compresses to this area either. The edema can be removed only in the course of comprehensive treatment and further preventive measures.

If the face and eyes swell in the morning, the cause may also be in diseases of the endocrine system. The tissues do not have enough hormonal stimulation, and there is an accumulation of mucous compounds in the fiber under the skin.

Cardiovascular diseases

In the case of the spread of edema on the face and in the lower extremities in the evening, this indicates problems in the area of ​​the cardiovascular system. People often sin on fatigue or a prolonged period of activity, which greatly increases the load on the legs, but edema appears at regular intervals.

Later, an increase in swelling to the femoral part of the lower extremities is characteristic, and it can increase in the abdomen, arms, face. If you follow the weight, you will notice a sharp increase.

It's important to know! Edema in vascular diseases is dense and cold, which is caused by impaired circulation in the place of accumulation of excessive fluid. With the chronic development of the disease, water may accumulate in the organs, often in the liver, which begins to rapidly increase in size, which cannot but affect the appearance of the face.


The cause of facial swelling in the summer is an overabundance of sunbathing. To prevent such accumulation of fluid, it is necessary to hide especially sensitive places under the fabric or use sunscreens.

If the skin is burned, it is urgent to apply a cold compress to avoid the development of edema under the skin.

If the skin is burned, it is urgent to apply a cold compress to avoid the development of edema under the skin. Do not lubricate burned areas with oil.

Excess sunbathing can cause edema.

Water retention in the body

The accumulation of fluid in the body leads to the fact that the face and eyes swell in the morning, the reason for this phenomenon lies in the poor removal of excess fluid from the human body.

This process takes place due to osmotic pressure or chemical compounds. Often the accumulation of water in the human body occurs due to the loss of protein, which is watery, or when physiological solutions in the body cannot penetrate into the cell.

Very often, dehydration can cause excess water to accumulate. In this case, individual cells begin to accumulate fluid, after saturation, blockage occurs with lipid protection, and then moisture simply does not penetrate into the cell, which causes swelling of adipose tissues.

The increased accumulation of water in the body is due to the excessive accumulation of toxic substances. The human body retains watery compounds to further dissolve accumulated poisons. Puffiness of such a plan is observed after alcohol or drug intoxication.


The causes of swelling of the face and eyes in the morning can be varied, ranging from various diseases to prolonged fasting or an unbalanced diet. A special preventive diet can help get rid of excessive excess water in the body.

Diet will help get rid of excess water in the body

The main rules, which will be the use of fresh foods filled with minerals and fortified. Prolonged weight gain can also indicate problems with swelling, while even fasting is not able to lose kilograms.

Lowered immunity

Every day, the body resists a huge number of bacterial and viral pathogens. At the same time, there is a decrease in immunity, which is a prerequisite for the development of various diseases.

In this case, a failure occurs due to the prolonged action of both chronic diseases and an insufficient amount of fortified substances in the diet.

Immunological problems are indicated by the further occurrence of facial edema. which have a slight bluish tinge, as well as water accumulation in the eye area in the morning. The reasons for this effect in the human body are problems in the work of some organs and systems.

Allergic reactions

If there is swelling in the lip area or eyes, and is also accompanied by itching in places of swelling, sometimes swelling of the palms on the hands is visible, then we can say with confidence that this is edema, the main cause of which is the body's reaction to an allergen.

When it is necessary to remove the manifestations of allergies as quickly as possible, you can use antihistamines.

In this case, after half an hour, the body will cope with the load, and the edema will go away on its own. Rarely is specialized help really needed. When it is necessary to remove the manifestations of allergies as quickly as possible, you can use antihistamines.

Other common reasons

If you go to bed, having drunk liquid at night, and your face and eye area have already swollen in the morning, then it is clear that the reason for this phenomenon is associated with the intake of a large amount of fluid, in which the body simply cannot cope with its excretion.

Drinking too much fluid before bed will cause swelling on your face in the morning.

Fans of spicy and salty food often face problems with swelling of the whole body. Lovers of diets also suffer from excess water in the body, this is due to the fact that they wash down hunger. Long work at the computer, eye strain, can also cause swelling.

When carrying a baby, a woman throughout this period is pursued by the accumulation of excess solutions in the body's reserves. Wateriness in the body is a normal protective reaction of the body to the effects of various toxic poisonings. And to reduce puffiness, you just need to adhere to the correct lifestyle.

Why does the area of ​​the face and eyes swell in the morning?

Note! Sleepless nights with a lot of alcohol will definitely lead to swelling in the face area. But often the manifestations of a fun party stabilize after 2 hours. A healthy body will deal with excess water on its own.

Problems with the accumulation of wateriness in the tissues can also pass in a chronic form, then the entire body must be examined. The presence of such problems in the eye area is due to the physiological structure. It is the loose fiber in this area that allows you to retain water in the tissue space.

There are several factors affecting the formation of edema on the face and eyes in the morning:

  • a small amount of subcutaneous fat;
  • the minimum value of collagen and elastin, which explains the critical content of connective tissue in that area;
  • constant eye work during the day;
  • tight junction of the skin of the forehead and nose, which leads to the accumulation of excessive amounts of water.

How to get rid of puffiness in the morning

To prevent the appearance and spread of puffiness, it is necessary to adhere to several preventive methods.

These include:

  • The right pillow. All bedding must be made from natural materials. AND the pillow should be small and flat... This attribute is oversized and leads to problems in the drainage of fluid from the upper body.
  • Right food. Avoiding spicy and salty foods can help cope with water retention.... Evening tea drinking is also prohibited.
  • Decongestant masks. Masks with this effect are quite popular. Thanks to cosmetic procedures, the face will always look young and fresh. Moreover, such methods are not expensive.

The sleeping pillow should be small and flat

Here are some examples of these fast-acting masks:

  1. Mix a teaspoon of finely chopped parsley with 2 teaspoons of sour cream. Then apply the mask to the eyelids and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Chop the parsley root, wrap in cheesecloth, and fit like lotions on the eyes. The duration of the procedure is up to 10 minutes.
  3. Apply the grated potato to the eyelids for 15 minutes.
  4. Brew strong tea, moisten cheesecloth in it and apply to problem areas.

Traditional methods of removing edema

To quickly eliminate fluid retention, you can use alternating washing with cold and hot water.

Important to remember! Cold compresses applied to the eye area help well, rubbing the swelling with cubes of frozen broths, chamomile, mint and green tea are especially effective. You can stimulate the outflow of water with a light massage with your fingertips.

Cosmetical tools

If swelling of the face and eyes in the morning occurs for chronic reasons, you can use a whole range of pharmacy cosmetics. The main thing is to make sure that it is made from natural ingredients and does not cause an individual allergic reaction in the body.

The benefits of facial gymnastics

To reduce the volume of fluid under the eyelids, you can perform simple gymnastic exercises. The main goal will be to accelerate the lymphatic accumulation, leading to edema.

Facial gymnastics will help reduce facial swelling

To reduce the volume of fluid under the eyelids, you can do simple gymnastic exercises.

Opening your eyes, lift the lower eyelid with your fingers, look up. With your ring finger, press the edge of the eye socket in turn, while pressing down the outer corners with your thumbs. This exercise will help remove swelling in the eyelid area quickly and effectively.

If you need to remove the swelling immediately

In order to cope with swelling, it is necessary to determine their cause.... In case of allergic reactions, it is necessary to eliminate the effect of the irritating allergen and take antihistamines. If fluid retention is caused by toxic poisoning, it is best to take steps to cleanse the body of the toxin.

With an increased fluid content due to nighttime tea drinking, you can take diuretics, but do not get carried away with them. Often, in order to quickly overcome swelling, it is necessary to determine the cause of the swelling, which helps to quickly overcome it.

Prevention of swelling of the face and eyes

A proper sports lifestyle will help prevent the appearance of edema. The combination of sleep and work must be distributed according to the requirements of the body.

An athletic lifestyle can help prevent swelling on the face.

Balance your diet, give up alcohol, salty and fried. Choreography, swimming, or jogging. When sleeping, use only low, comfortable pillows that raise your head by 10 cm.

The choice of a method for eliminating swelling of the face and eyes in the morning depends on the reasons for its appearance. The reason for visiting a doctor should be regular and long-term water retention in the body.... Often, treatment of problem organ systems leads to a positive result.

For effective ways to quickly remove swelling from the face, see this video:

How and for a long time to get rid of puffiness under the eyes, as well as the reasons for their appearance, see here:

Dr. Skachko tells what reasons can cause the appearance of edema under the eyes in the morning and how to cure it:

Edema is not a disease, it is a peculiar reaction of the body to a change in the composition of salts or proteins in blood vessels, intercellular space and inside cells. Puffiness in the area of ​​the face and body also occurs in healthy people, as a result of exposure to the body of unfavorable external factors or changes in the constancy of the internal environment. But frequent, persistent edema is a sign of serious pathologies and a reason to see a doctor. Morning swelling on the face is also a psychological discomfort from defects in appearance, and it must be quickly and effectively eliminated.

Usually, swelling in the face and upper body occurs due to the fact that fluid is retained in the intercellular space. This is due to a disorder of salt and water metabolism (if a lot of salty foods were consumed), a lot of liquids were drunk (especially sugary carbonated drinks), or alcohol was taken. In addition, a person may react with puffiness to the use of new cosmetics or drugs, food products, lack of sleep or an uncomfortable position during sleep, as well as some other factors.

Mild puffiness is usually found around the eyes, with the formation of bags or swelling in the eyelid area, but if the swelling is more pronounced, the cheeks, nose, cheekbones and lips may become puffy and deformed. If you can cope with mild swelling and swelling of the face on your own using available means, then it is important for the doctor to deal with severe and pronounced edema. Sometimes such edema threatens with serious health problems if it is not eliminated, especially in the presence of allergies, kidney or heart pathologies.

Causes of edema on the face of systemic origin

More often women suffer from edema, due to the peculiarities of hormonal metabolism and the structure of the skin, the more active use of cosmetics on the face and some other influences. Men, on the other hand, may find edema in themselves after violent alcoholic libations, severe fatigue or a sleepless night.

The causes of edema can be divided into two large groups - associated with the physiological processes of the body and dependent on external negative factors that are easily eliminated, as well as edema, which are caused by diseases, metabolic disorders and severe pathologies.

The most common painful cause of facial edema that occurs in the morning is various kidney pathologies. In this case, the area around the eyes suffers most, bags under the eyes are formed, sometimes with the difficulty of opening the eyelids in the morning. Severe edema leads to the formation of a lunate and severely edematous face, which changes its features. Puffiness in renal pathologies is soft, the tissues are watery, and when pressed, they form dimples. Also, due to renal edema, the skin color becomes yellowish or brownish. Usually, people suffering from kidney pathologies also note sharp fluctuations in weight against the background of swelling of the face, this indicates fluid retention in the tissues of the body and internal edema.

Other causes of edema can be problems with the heart and vascular tone. However, swelling in the morning is not so typical for them, they usually occur in already advanced cases. Usually, edema is accompanied by interruptions in the work of the heart, pressure fluctuations, shortness of breath and discoloration of the skin on the face and limbs - it becomes pale in color with a slight bluish tinge.

Edema in the face is also characteristic of endocrine disorders. Usually the skin and subcutaneous tissue suffer, they become pasty, puffy. This is often caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormones.

Often, the causes of edema lie in local pathological processes in the head area. So, there may be swelling in the face in the inflammatory process of the nasal sinuses. At the same time, the circulation of lymph and blood suffers, which leads to fluid retention in the facial tissues. As the inflammation goes away, so does the swelling. People suffering from chronic diseases of the nose and respiratory system, including those with impaired breathing at night (snoring), can also experience edema. Tissue hypoxia during sleep can lead to facial puffiness and circles under the eyes.

Often, edema is caused by the development of inflammatory skin lesions (acne, herpes, sunburn). In this case, they are caused by increased blood flow to damaged tissues. Usually, such edema is accompanied by redness, painful sensations and disappears as the inflammatory process resolves.

What other factors can affect facial swelling?

There are other causes of facial edema that are less common, but worth remembering. This is the formation of tumors in the face or jaw area, a reaction to toothache and inflammation in the upper or lower jaw. Usually such edema is unilateral, local, it deforms facial features.

In women, swelling all over the face can be observed during the menstrual cycle (before or during menstruation), during pregnancy, especially in its later stages. Edema can manifest itself as an improper diet or starvation (dysproteinemic edema), an excess of salt in food, a deficiency of vitamin and mineral components. Edema also appears with chronic lack of sleep, overwork and stress, can occur in women after crying, due to fluid retention in the tissues due to blood flow.

Usually, swelling in the morning is observed immediately after sleep, and within a short period of time, they disappear without a trace. Washing your face with cold water, a contrast shower and the use of familiar cosmetics help to quickly eliminate swelling. If you reduce the amount of salty foods consumed in the evening and consumed (especially sweet and soda) liquids, swelling can completely disappear.

It is also worth giving up the habit of eating at night or in the evening to lean on smoked, spicy and spicy foods, fatty meats and heavy foods. It is worth using only clean water, the volume of which should be about 2 liters, evenly distributed throughout the day.

If you are a "night owl", gradually teach yourself to go to bed early: if at a young age the traces of fatigue in the form of swelling of the face are not particularly noticeable, then gradually they will become more and more obvious, if you do not change the habit of going to bed long after midnight.