"Scientific facts" for weight loss. "Scientific facts" for weight loss Interesting and scientific facts to lose weight

27.11.2021 Analyzes

Lack of calcium in the body can lead to weight gain, which is dangerous for the love of low-fat foods and 48 more facts about weight loss.

The amount eaten at dinner depends on the lighting

The brighter the light, the less you eat - the German scientists came to this conclusion. Lack of light distorts the portion size (it seems smaller), and the amount eaten is more difficult to control.

15 minutes of jumping rope equals 60 minutes of running

According to biomechanics, running is a series of jumps with a relaxed phase of flight after a push. When working with a rope, the muscles of the lower leg of both legs contract at the same time and circular movements are made in the shoulder joints. This increases the load by almost 4 times.

You can eat everything

The main rule of a good figure: maintaining the balance of KBZhU (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates). For those who are losing weight, the balance looks like this: 50% proteins, 30% fats, 20% carbohydrates. The number of calories depends on the level of physical activity. Meals should be balanced and varied. Nutrient deficiencies can lead to health problems.

You can get better from low-fat foods

Dairy products contain vitamins A, D, E, K, but they cannot be absorbed without fat. Lipids signal satiety to the brain. If they are not in the dish, we eat much more.

To add flavor, sugar is added to low-fat foods, and these are fast carbohydrates from which you can get better.

Weight depends on the condition of the teeth

It has been proven that people with severe wear and tear on the chewing surface, diseases of the teeth and oral cavity gain weight twice as fast. Reason: Disorder of digestion and metabolism due to insufficient chewing of food.

Short term diets don't work

First of all, the body parts with water and only then - with fat cells. Slow weight loss involves eating comfortably without fasting or stress, making the diet easier to tolerate. Fast weight loss negatively affects the work of the digestive tract and is fraught with food breakdowns and a set of extra pounds.

Overweight people have a normal metabolism

Overweight people spend more energy. Each movement and turn costs them several more calories. Studies have shown that the metabolism of obese people is about the same as that of thin people.

Weight gain is a long process

Weight gain is a lengthy process, as is weight loss. If after a piece of cake the scales showed +300 grams - this is water, not fat. Weight will return to normal in the morning. In order to gain, it is necessary to systematically disrupt the balance of KBZhU and overeat.

Aromatherapy helps you lose weight

There are aromas that send satiety signals to the brain. For example, the smell of peppermint, apples and bananas. Keep a bottle of essential oil on your desktop and periodically bring it to your nose during bouts of severe hunger. When choosing an apple or banana as a snack, try to chew it as slowly as possible to prolong the flavor.

Perfect snack - pine nuts

British scientists have found that pine nuts contribute to the production of cholecystokine, a hormone that sends a signal of satiety. They are superior in nutritional value to vegetables, fruits, bread and meat. An added bonus: pine nuts contain vitamins A, B, C, D, E, tannins, fiber and carbohydrates.

Dog owners gain weight more slowly

Scientists at the University of Michigan estimate that pet owners move 34% more daily! Walking the dog is a great cardio exercise that will triple your energy use.

Sweet is allowed on the diet

For most, sweetness is a reward. For this reason, they "seize" the slightest stress with sweets. Moderate consumption of sweets will not affect the figure. Prefer dark chocolate and fruit. Remember, PP baked goods and natural dried fruit sweets are just as high in calories as traditional desserts. Don't get carried away!

Calcium deficiency increases appetite

Experts from the Laval School of Medicine conducted a study: they divided women prone to overweight into two groups and offered a different diet. The basis of the menu of the first group was made up of foods with a high calcium content, the second - with a low one. Result: a menu enriched with calcium helps to lose weight several times faster.

Late dinner does not affect the figure

The main rule of weight loss: energy expenditure is greater than calorie intake. The time of the last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. If you are an "owl", a late dinner is not only acceptable, but also indicated (people with different circadian rhythms have different metabolic modes).

Prolonged diets are ineffective

Scientists from the University of California have proven that prolonged dietary intake reduces its effectiveness. To continue losing weight, you need to diversify the menu and practice regular physical activity.

There are no negative calorie foods

A common myth: certain foods (celery, for example) require more calories to digest than they provide. Some vegetables and fruits help speed up the metabolism: radishes, broccoli, grapefruit, asparagus, carrots and others. Their calorie content tends to zero. Eating fatty foods with them will not help you lose weight!

"Liquid calories" in the account

Dieters scrupulously count each calorie, forgetting to add tea, coffee, juices. A cup of standard latte 500 ml - 256 kcal, fresh juice - 180! If your goal is to lose weight, drink water with a lemon wedge and a sprig of mint.

Dessert time - 17.00

French nutritionist Alain Delabo is sure that the reason for excess weight is the inability to "listen" to the body. Hormones are produced on a daily “schedule”. The peak synthesis of cortisol, which takes part in digestion, is in the morning. Therefore, Alain advises to eat more fat for breakfast.

Fast carbohydrates are better absorbed in the evening - with them the amino acid tryptophan is delivered to the brain and promotes the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness. This protects against food breakdowns before bed. Delabo says: "The best time for dessert is 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm."

It's easier to lose weight in winter

In winter, many recover. Reason: a decrease in physical activity, and not a slowdown in metabolism (another common myth!). In sub-zero temperatures, the metabolic rate increases (to generate heat) and calories are burned faster.

Men lose weight faster

Scientists have found that men lose weight twice as fast. Reason: hormones that prepare the body for pregnancy are involved in the regulation of female metabolism. When he loses calories, any product that comes in is stored as a reserve, transforming into subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Lack of sleep leads to weight gain

During sleep, the body produces leptin, a hormone that stimulates metabolism and the mechanism of hunger / satiety. Constant lack of sleep leads to a lack of it. Bottom line: metabolic disorders.

10-minute exercise against extra pounds

Daily exercise for 10 minutes reduces the risk of cancer by 11%, normalizes blood pressure and helps burn up to 300 kcal. Exercise can be replaced by walking - oxygen helps break down fat.

Legumes make your diet easier

Legumes can help you avoid food breakdowns. The effect is achieved due to the low rate of digestion. John Sievenpiper (St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto) has proven that those who eat one serving of legumes a day do not experience acute bouts of hunger during the day.

All diets are the same

This statement was made by a group of researchers led by Bradley Johnston (Canada). Scientists analyzed 48 studies in which participants followed different dietary patterns. Regardless of the chosen diet, the average weight loss was 8-9 kilograms in 6 months.

Salt and diet are incompatible

One gram of salt retains 100 g of water. The daily dose is 10 g (corresponds to a quarter of a teaspoon). Sodium chloride (salt) is found in food: meat, vegetables, cottage cheese and cereals. With them, half of the norm enters the body, and no more than 5 g remains for salting dishes.

Mono diets are dangerous

Monidiet - the use of one product (buckwheat, rice, kefir) for a certain period of time. This change in diet is temporary. In a stressful situation, the body blocks all sources of fat removal, and after the end of the diet, the weight will begin to increase. On mono-diets, they lose weight due to the withdrawal of fluid and the burning of muscle mass!

Herbal slimming teas don't work

Most of them act as powerful diuretics. You are losing weight by getting rid of fluids. Constantly consuming herbal teas, you run the risk of dysfunction of the excretory system.

Are Fewer Calories Healthier Food?

In the case of olive, flaxseed and other vegetable oils, this rule does not work. Their energy value exceeds 600 kcal per 100 grams! At the same time, nutritionists recommend not to give up oils during the diet - they improve metabolism and lower cholesterol levels.

Anti-cellulite creams don't help you lose weight

All creams, ointments and gels - fat burners have an effect in combination with a proper diet and regular physical activity. They contain essential oils that improve blood circulation, but do not burn fat.

Fasting days are useless for losing weight

It takes the body at least 72 hours to switch to fat burning mode. Fasting for 24 hours allows you to get rid of excess fluid. After fasting days, the weight returns with the first lunch! Nutritionists say: "It is impossible to maintain a normal weight by fasting one day a week and breaking the rules of the PN for the other 6".

No need to exercise every day

Exercise is a must. But the body needs time to rebuild muscles - take breaks. Optimal schedule: 4 times a week for 30 minutes alternating between intense, moderate, strength, and aerobic exercise. This will help you burn 50 to 100 grams of fat per week.

When exercising regularly, you need to stick to a proper diet.

Constantly visiting the gym, but breaking the diet, you will not lose weight. It takes 60 minutes of physical activity to burn the calories contained in one sandwich with white bread, butter and cheese, and a pork cutlet with mashed potatoes is equal to 20 kilometers of running.

One-time fasting does not "switch" the body to the mode of burning calories

On fasting days, when you limit yourself to a few liters of water a day, the metabolic rate slows down. This does not happen immediately - after 60-70 hours of lack of food. When you start eating again, your metabolism works slower and all excess is deposited in the form of subcutaneous fatty tissue.

It is impossible to determine the fat content of food "by eye"

Vegetable and butter, margarine - "species of fats", which are very high in calories. There are foods that contain "hidden" lipids. For example, in a vegetable salad - 20 kcal, but if you fill it with a teaspoon of olive oil, the energy value will rise to 65 kcal per 100 g. Result: a dish with 70% fat in the composition. Control it!

Weight formula: minus 110 height doesn't work!

The ideal weight formula was invented 100 years ago by the French anthropologist Paul Brock. Modern nutritionists are skeptical about it: it does not take into account the individual characteristics of the body (for example, the presence / absence of muscle mass). Today the BMI formula is more relevant: weight divided by height squared. For women, the optimal figure ranges from 19 to 24.

Cellulite and overweight are not the same thing

Cellulite is a consequence of hormonal imbalance or water-salt metabolism. There are more reasons for being overweight: sedentary work, overeating, not maintaining the balance of KBZhU, and others.

Excess weight is not related to heredity

It has been proven that being overweight is a complex phenomenon. Genetic predisposition is one of the reasons, along with changes in hormonal levels, neurological and psychological factors. In 50% of cases, being overweight is the result of overeating and an unbalanced diet.

Strength training for weight loss is equivalent to cardio

Common myth: Intense cardio is effective for burning fat. Aerobic exercise should not be more than 20 minutes, so as not to "burn" muscles along with excess calories. Strength training is important! The more muscles in the body, the more intensively calories are burned at rest.

Bath and sauna do not get rid of excess weight

High temperatures stimulate blood circulation, but do not get rid of fat. Lipids are broken down by certain chemical reactions and it is impossible to "evaporate" them. In the steam bath and sauna, weight loss is due to the excretion of fluid. Paired rooms work in conjunction with physical activity and proper nutrition.

"Local" weight loss is a myth

You cannot lose weight only in the buttocks or abdomen! Fatty tissue has nothing to do with the nearby muscles. By doing exercises on one area, you strengthen the muscle corset, and lipids are burned all over the place.

Avoiding carbohydrates will not help you lose weight

Weakness, irritability, lethargy, memory impairment, insomnia are the result of carbohydrate-free diets. Not receiving carbohydrates, the body goes into economy mode, storing fat with each meal. In combination with an excess of protein, this leads to the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Mechanical effect on fat deposits is impossible

Slimming procedures (massage, lymphatic drainage, electrical stimulation, etc.) stimulate blood circulation and metabolism, but do not break down lipids. For maximum effectiveness, all types of massage should be combined with proper nutrition and cardio training.

You can eat at night

If you are an "owl" and are not going to go to bed before 3 am, eat at 12! The body will have time to digest food without consequences. Sleeping on an empty stomach is the cause of insomnia and food disruptions throughout the day.

Eating disorders are acceptable

Fatty cream cake will not affect your weight in any way. Nutritionists recommend pampering your body once a week to control your appetite. Relaxation should be planned — include it in your weekly meal plan.

Weight loss plan may not work

The nutrition plan is developed individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body and physiological indicators. A diet on which a friend has lost weight may not work for you due to different metabolic rates, hormonal levels, and more.

Plant-based foods do not help you lose weight

Myth: A vegan diet helps you lose weight. Weight gain does not depend on the presence or absence of meat and animal products in the diet. Refusing the latter, the body begins to "require" more carbohydrates. Result: excess weight.

Exercise doesn't make you hungry

Feeling mildly hungry after a workout is the norm! This indicates the intensive work of metabolism. After the gym, you need to eat no later than 40 minutes in order to restore the energy reserve. Give preference to protein and fiber if you are going to lose weight, and slow carbs if you are gaining muscle mass.

You don't need to completely eliminate sugar

In Edinburgh, scientists have conducted studies that have proven that a small amount of sugar in the diet contributes to weight loss. The experiment involved 60 women, they were divided into two groups. Sugar was completely eliminated first. The second one was left with an individual “dose”. Two months later, they were weighed: the group that consumed sugar lost more kilograms.

Have breakfast

A hearty breakfast helps control weight - this is the conclusion of a group of scientists in Cambridge. Eating 50% of your daily calorie intake for breakfast gives your body plenty of time to process them. Without "feeding" him after waking up, you run the risk of switching the metabolism to the "fat reserve" mode.

Similar materials from the rubric

These are the best, most proven ways to lose weight that can be found in scientific sources. If you think that “most” of these methods are not enough for you, if you are genetically predisposed to gain weight, then any weak link in your condition and lifestyle can help you. If you are obese, then most likely you are not taking these steps.

For example, if you chronically sleep only 5 hours a day, or you do not have a rigid circadian rhythm, then you will not be able to lose weight, even if you follow all the listed recommendations. Even one weak link leads to weight gain, and if you have obesity, then you definitely have this link.

People in pursuit of thin waists try to eat more whole (non-processed) grains with fiber, but are then exposed to long light cycles with artificial blue light at night. They stay up late, sleep little, and are in a chronically activated stress response in their bodies. And then they wonder why they are obese.

You probably think that you have “tried everything” to lose weight. But if you are not sticking to this entire list of methods, then you are not trying to do anything of value for your weight. You can read this article and write in the comments that you have already tried all this, but still cannot lose weight.

Weight Loss Basics

The information in this article does not disagree with the opinion that if you cut your calories below a certain point, then you will lose weight. Indeed, energy balance issues are very important. Of course, hungry people in Africa are not obese. But the problem is that we live in a more developed country and we always have access to food. We cannot endure hunger for a very long time in order to be at a boring job without food for 12-16 hours. We can’t stand it for so long, we don’t have enough willpower.

In addition, if your metabolism is not working as it should, then you will be forced to cut calories to unhealthy levels in order to lose weight. You will feel weak, tired, anxious and depressed if you just eat less.

In fact, you need to look at what factors affect hunger and metabolism. There are tons of factors that make us hungry and eat more, which make up one part of the energy balance equation. There are also a whole bunch of factors that trigger fat burning and energy expenditure. This is the other side of the equation.

Many overweight or obese people care a lot about weight loss, but their bodies are not functioning as they should. So it's not fair to blame someone who is obese for eating a lot or moving little. You might even add that as soon as a person becomes overweight, it becomes very difficult to lose weight, and sometimes even impossible.

Therefore, if you cannot reduce your weight without weight loss supplements, then it means that your body is sick. And we know that changing something is more difficult than preventing it - a penny of health prevention is worth a ruble of treatment. Therefore, you should probably practice the entire list of ways in this article to reduce your excess weight. And immediately you need to understand that weight loss supplements and medications can be used after you have tried everything else and have been doing it for a long time.

Recover your circadian rhythm

Research over the past several decades has recognized the importance of circadian rhythms in the biology of obesity. The biology of circadian rhythms is of great importance in influencing energy balance and metabolism.

Mice that eat at the wrong time (when it is dark for humans) gained more weight, despite no significant difference in caloric intake compared to other mice. And the increase in body weight did not depend on their physical activity, it is obvious that their metabolism was disrupted. ()

Very often, the circadian rhythm is disturbed in people working the night shift, or working on a rotational basis in a different time zone. ()

If the mice showed a deficiency in the gene for the circadian clock of the body, then such mice developed obesity. These mice have reduced levels and a flat peak magnification. orexin, a neurotransmitter that increases energy metabolism. ().

If you want to break your circadian rhythm and reset its countdown, turn on the lights in your apartment, especially the blue and green spectrum, after 11 pm. But just remember that repairing is much more difficult than maintaining health.

Eat within a 12 hour interval

The window starts when you wake up, so do not eat after 12 hours from the moment you wake up. You can't even eat a little, not even a small cookie. But best of all, if there is at least 13-14 hours between your breakfast and dinner of the previous day. This means that for dinner at 19.00 (or 12 hours later, as you woke up at 7 in the morning), your breakfast should not start earlier than 8.00 - 9.00 the next morning.

This diet is part of your body’s circadian rhythm, but it’s important to emphasize something else. There may be special circumstances where you can eat some honey before bed - if you have been lowering your glucose levels throughout the day. It's safe to say that calorie intake after 8 p.m. increases the risk of obesity, regardless of the time of the onset of sleep and its duration. ()

In addition, eating in the evening or before bedtime predisposes people to gain weight by increasing the total calorie intake. Most of your daily calorie intake should be eaten at breakfast and lunch, and dinner should not exceed 20% of your daily calorie intake. ()

Get as much sun as possible during the day

The sun increases α-MSG(Alpha Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone) that helps you sunbathe and reduces appetite. () Radiation from the sun reduces the degree of obesity in animals, which is dependent on blood levels (). Scientists suspect that vitamin D deficiency may be the cause of obesity. ()

In addition, the sun increases production Bdnf(a neurotrophic factor in the brain) that helps reduce appetite. After sunburn in the sun, in the evening on the same day, nitric oxide increases in the body, which through several mechanisms stimulates weight loss.

Nitric oxide (NO) as a signaling molecule stimulates the absorption of glucose as well as the breakdown of glucose and fatty acids in muscles, heart, liver and adipose tissue; inhibits the synthesis of glucose, glycogen and fats in target tissues (for example, liver and adipose tissue); and also enhances the breakdown of fats in fat cells. ()

The sun reduces inflammation (but in the short term, immediately after tanning, inflammation builds up, which you repeatedly felt as weak after returning from the beach), reduces oxidative stress and psychological anxiety. To get a good dose of sunshine, it is best to sunbathe for a short period of time between 12.00 - 13.00 noon. The duration of exposure to the sun with an open body should vary between 10 and 30 minutes, depending on your skin type. It is at this time that our skin can receive a maximum of beneficial rays without exceeding the exposure to a more dangerous spectrum of radiation. But if you've been exposed to more than 30 minutes of sun exposure, or even sunburned, take at least 12 mg of Astaxanthin, which will help reduce inflammation and reduce your risk of skin cancer.

If you are afraid of skin cancer, adjusting and maintaining your circadian rhythm will help protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation. () Additionally, avoiding the sun may slightly lower your risk of melanoma, but increase your risk of developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, squamous cell lung cancer, pleural cancer, prostate cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, and other cancers. Without the sun, the risk of cancer goes up. ()

Make the lighting as bright as possible when you wake up

In addition to the amount of sunlight, it is also important when the sun's rays hit the retina of your eyes. Intense sun exposure, especially in the morning, is strongly associated with a lower body mass index, regardless of sleep onset and duration. ()

In particular, at an average daily illumination of more than 500 lux, the body mass index showed lower results. In practical terms, it can be considered that every hour spent under an illumination of 500 lux, gives a decrease in body mass index by 1.28 units. () But this is subject to regular (daily) coverage.

Specifically, the red and green spectrum of light that hits your retina within 2 hours of waking up and limiting this spectrum of light during your sleep alters the levels of the satiety hormones - leptin and ghrelin... The hormone leptin increases, while the hormone ghrelin decreases. () A similar change in these hormones leads to a decrease in hunger after sleep.

Exposure to at least 45 minutes of morning light (between 6 and 9 a.m.) with 1300 lux for 3 weeks in obese women was found to reduce body fat and appetite. ()

Block out the blue in the evening and night

An increase in the duration of light irradiation during the day is associated with the development of obesity in humans and mice. () Blue light that hits the retina of our eyes at night (after 22.00) contributes to an increase in body weight. () Even dim light at night disrupts the circadian clock and adds weight. ()

Scientists have determined that approximately 35% of the excess weight is based on impaired light exposure and relies on the length of daylight hours and the illumination of the eyes at night. () Such a daily increase in the duration of light irradiation does not increase the energy expenditure of the body and does not stimulate food consumption. This increase in body weight is associated with a period of decreased noradrenergic activation of brown adipose tissue, which helps to increase energy expenditure through the conversion of fatty acids and glucose into heat. ()

Scientists recommend wearing glasses with a red filter for 4 hours before bed to extinguish the green and blue spectrum of light, especially from TV, computer and smartphone screens. In addition, it would be very useful to cover all luminous electronics that emit blue and green light at night with a dark tape. It is worth removing various alarms with luminous dials from the bedroom, and when waking up at night, do not turn on the lights in the kitchen or in the toilet.

Regulate your sleep with a duration of 7-8 hours

Short sleep is independently associated with weight gain in many studies. () This reduction in sleep increases the risk of obesity by 89% in children and 55% in adults. () Poor sleep can increase hunger and disrupt the production of appetite hormones ghrelin and leptin. () If your sleep is not regulated and you wake up in the middle of the night, then this is a bad sign and then other steps to lose weight may simply be useless.

Take cold treatments

This means taking a cold shower, wearing thinner clothing, ventilating the room, etc. It is very helpful if you can make yourself shiver every day or even several times a day. You should get goosebumps. If not, then your cold procedures are clearly insufficient. Cold increases the production of thyrotropin-releasing hormone and thyroid T3 hormone, which stimulates the production and burning of brown fat. And if your health allows, or you want to speed up fat burning, then take ice baths, but, of course, first determine the ability of your body to endure such a stressful procedure.

Reduce your stress

As you know, stress stimulates weight gain. Stress raises levels of cortisol and dynorphins (opioid peptides), which can lead to weight gain. () Stress increases glutamate, which increases appetite, often referred to as “stress eating”. () Stress stimulates our brain's resistance to serotonin (), and serotonin is known to reduce appetite. ()

Stress also triggers resistance to dopamine, which forces us to eat more food in order to enjoy food satisfaction. () Oftentimes, appetizing food will reduce stress, but you have to eat more junk food to get that feeling.

Sometimes people, in order to reduce stress in their lives, increase their portions at ease or carry more food into the evening. But this weight loss only exacerbates stress through an increase in body fat and a corresponding increase in the overall inflammation caused by obesity. The best ways to combat “stress seizure” are to mentally analyze your condition, practice meditation or autogenic training, and lead your life to a simpler, stress-free version of existence.

Include these foods in your meals

  1. Eat more protein(best of all in the form of seafood) - instead of meat products from beef and pork. Studies of high protein diets show increased fat burning and weight loss. () Fish stimulates the growth of the hormone leptin (), which at elevated levels is associated with obesity.
  2. Increase your diet soluble and insoluble fiber and from vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Eat these foods not as a supplement, but as a main course. Fiber-rich vegetables have been shown in various studies to lead to weight loss. () Plant fiber is used by gut bacteria for their vital functions and at the same time, butyrate is produced, which helps to reduce weight. ()
  3. Animal foods, such as fatty fish, saturate the body fats, which increases the level of the gut hormone cholecystokenin (CCK), which reduces appetite. Legumes (beans, beans, peas, lentils ...) also contribute to the production of the CCK hormone, but if you are prone to inflammatory or autoimmune diseases, it is worth cutting down on legumes. Eating them will increase overall inflammation in your body and may disrupt your circadian rhythm, leading to weight gain again.
  4. Products with low glycemic index help prevent the development of hypoglycemia and insulin resistance. Remove sugar, flour, pasta, and other foods that can spike blood glucose after a meal from your diet.
  5. Reduce your intake gluten free from cereals. It is known that some people respond to gluten with increased appetite.
  6. Include various soups... Studies have shown that the same calorie content in soup, compared to other solid foods, helped people feel fuller longer and consume fewer calories. (a source)
  7. Include in your breakfast protein foods such as eggs. In one study, 30 overweight women ate one egg for breakfast instead of carbohydrate foods, which increased satiety, and these women ate less for 36 hours. ()
  8. Be careful with a lot lectins in food. For some people, lectins can lead to leptin (leptin - a hormone) resistance (), in which the feeling of satiety is impaired and people eat more food. The largest amount of lectins is found in legumes (up to 2% by weight), as well as in certain seafood (eel, shellfish, flounder).
  9. Reduce consumption carbohydrates... Most people gain weight from carbohydrate-rich foods. On the one hand, carbohydrates increase serotonin levels, which reduces appetite and, therefore, people feel more relaxed and satiated after the cake. On the other hand, carbohydrates increase the amount of insulin in the blood, which causes weight gain, as does satiety in the short term.
  10. Cut back on food intake harmful oils(saturated fat), and increase your intake of fats from fish, or healthy vegetable oils such as olive. In addition, most nuts are high in healthy fats. There is a known study in which olive oil brought more weight loss than a low-fat diet in an 8-week comparison. () Oleic acid, the essential fatty acid of olive oil, is known to energize neurons, leading to a decrease in body weight. () And linoleic acid, found in other vegetable oils, and sugar work together to increase the expression of genes that help create fat cells. () It's worth knowing that coconut oil is the main source of lauric acid, which can cause inflammation and insulin resistance, leading to weight gain again.
  11. Consume food with lower energy density per unit of their weight. Studies have shown that these types of foods are associated with weight loss compared to those with higher energy levels. In one of these studies, women who ate soup (a low energy density food) lost 50% more weight than women who ate the same calories but in higher energy density foods. ()

Cut back on the calories in your diet

It is better if your calorie content is always in the negative position when calculating the necessary calories for your lifestyle. Enough if you stay on 10-15% less calories, and practice a weekly dry fast for 24-48 hours. Reducing the calorie content of your diet more can lead to poor health and depression.

Exercise regularly

The best weight loss exercises are those done at high intensity. The resulting adrenaline increases the release of fatty acids from adipose tissue. () And the hormone noadrenaline suppresses the desire to eat. () In addition, physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins, which activate opioid receptors and suppress appetite. (a source)

Although a variety of physical activities are beneficial, aerobic exercise such as walking, run, swimming, skiing lead to a significant reduction in belly fat. () The essence of any exercise for weight loss is to burn calories and increase the neurotrophic factor that makes us eat less. ()

Practice yoga

As it turns out, yoga increases the production of nerve growth factor, which makes us eat less. () Male semen also contains nerve growth factor, so frequent sex can help reduce appetite and weight loss.

Implement healthy eating habits

Control your portion sizes and choose foods that satisfy your hunger, but no more than your hunger demands. Serving and plate sizes affect how much we eat. () It is worth starting to eat when you are hungry, but you should not overeat.

Be careful when everyone around you is eating mindlessly, during various holidays or for pleasure. But you should not limit yourself too much in food, because there are many examples when people disrupt adherence to the diet and go into a "binge" for food. You just have to change your lifestyle so that food matches your calorie needs, satisfies hunger, but nothing more.

Love and keep in a good mood

The hypothalamic hormone oxytocin is released during positive interactions between people and will reduce your hunger. () Emotions in love stimulate the production of nerve growth factor (), which reduces appetite and increases the amount of endorphins that activate opioid receptors.

Be a passionate person

Passion for your life or work reduces food cravings, and when you are bored, you will overeat. When you are passionate or very busy, eating will be less enjoyable and people will often forget to eat.

Practice meditation

If you plan your diet, you will eat less and enjoy more food. But for this you need to manage your emotions. Meditation or autogenic training will make you less impulsive and more mindful of your actions.

Drink water

If you drink a lot of water, then the molecular hydrogen from the liquid increases the FGF21, which leads to the burning of brown fat and increases energy consumption and leads to weight loss. () Scientists have calculated that 2 liters of water per day will burn an additional 96 calories. () In addition, water stimulates the activation of metabolism, for example, 500 ml of water increases metabolism by 24-30% within 1-1.5 hours after drinking this volume of liquid (see the graph below).

Eat slower

If you chew well, you will eat less, enjoy more food, and be able to release more satiety hormones. In one study, healthy women tried to eat more slowly, which ultimately led to a 67 calorie reduction in each meal.

Don't lower your blood glucose too much

Eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables (from fiber), protein, and sufficient fat can help prevent severe decreases in glucose (hypoglycemia). In hypoglycemia, glutamate is released, which increases appetite. () The most powerful causes of an increase in glutamate in the blood are hypoglycemia and mental stress. Therefore, it is very important when losing weight not to do very long intervals between meals and to reduce stress load.

Reduce Carbohydrates in Your Diet

Insulin is one of the most powerful hormones to stimulate weight gain. A high glycemic index of carbohydrates causes a spike in insulin production and can lead to cell resistance to this hormone. If you find it difficult to reduce your weight, then you should first reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. An option may be to reduce the intake of carbohydrates from food to 150 grams per day.

In addition, it is worth consuming carbohydrates during physical training, or in the afternoon, when your cells are more sensitive to insulin. But it is worth sticking to the 12-hour meal window... If your insulin levels are high, then lowering carbohydrates in your diet is a very important factor in maintaining your health.

Practice intermittent fasting

This type of fasting is very beneficial for weight loss, reducing general inflammation, and even prolonging life. One large study found that fasting every other day for 12 weeks resulted in 5.5 kg more weight loss than people who followed daily calorie restrictions. ()

Get more oxygen

A recently published scientific article provided some evidence that increased levels of CO2 (carbon dioxide) is one of the causes of obesity. () There is evidence that simultaneously with the increase in obesity, there is an increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere by 40%. () Our modern society spends more time in rooms where the level of carbon dioxide reaches even higher values. ()

CO2 in the inhaled air lowers the pH of the blood, which in turn causes an increase in acidity and affects the acidity of the cerebrospinal fluid. Nerve cells in the hypothalamus that regulate appetite and wakefulness have been shown to be extremely sensitive to changes in acidity, doubling their activity as the pH drops by 0.1 units. () Scientists hypothesize that an increase in acid load leads to an increase in appetite and a decrease in energy expenditure, thereby contributing to the development of obesity. ()

Optimize Your Hormone Levels

It is worth making sure that levels of hormones such as free and total T3, growth hormone, testosterone and estrogen are in a healthy range. Testosterone is essential for weight loss in men (), and most men today are deficient in testosterone. If you are a woman with low estrogen levels (usually after menopause), hormonal support may help. ()

Growth hormone and its precursor increase muscle mass and reduce body fat. The best drug replacement option may be somatostatin acetate, which can also improve your sleep. Treatment with low doses of growth hormone while limiting caloric intake is known to accelerate fat loss and increase muscle mass. ()

The hormone oxytocin and alpha melanocyte-stimulating hormone can help you reduce hunger. By getting enough sunlight and practicing cold treatments, you can optimize the production of these hormones. Maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm is very important in balancing all of your hormones.

Go to the sauna

Saunas can help reduce body weight, but it works mostly with obese people. () Saunas have been essential in almost every culture over the past several thousand years.

Include Weight-Loss Foods in Your Diet

  • Apple vinegar(suppresses appetite) ()
  • Capsaicin from hot peppers promotes weight loss. () This is in part by increasing the body's energy production, but also by blocking the vagus nerve and activating the vanilloid-1 transistor receptor channel (TRPV1) ()
  • Dark chocolate- not less than 80% content of cocoa beans ()
  • Persistent starch, which has many mechanisms leading to weight loss. ( Berberine- when taking this substance, people with increased weight lost about 5 kg in 3 months. () Berberine promotes the development of brown fat and increases the activity of various genes that contribute to the transformation of white fat into brown fat. It also inhibits AMPK activity in the hypothalamus.
  • Hydroxymethyl butyrate or HMB promotes muscle gain and fat loss. ()
  • EGCG from green tea, which, when taken only with supplements, helps to reduce weight by 0.2 to 3.5 kg. () Green tea helps burn fat even when you are at rest. But the results may depend on the individual characteristics of the organism.
  • Glucomannan- promotes weight loss up to 5.5 kg in 8 weeks without changing physical activity and calorie intake.
  • Forskolin- Reduces body fat in men, but may slightly increase weight in women. () Not considered an effective drug.
  • Calcium- with an increase in its consumption, it contributes to a good decrease in body weight. () It is worth keeping track of the amount of calcium that you get from food and, if necessary, include sesame seeds or poppy seeds in your diet. And in order to prevent calcium from being deposited in the arteries, it is necessary to use supplements of vitamins K2 and D3.
  • Hop- the extract of this plant reduces body fat in healthy people. ()
  • Green coffee and bean extract- A meta-analysis showed that green coffee extract can help reduce weight by up to 2.5 kg, and bean extract blocks the absorption of carbohydrates, which can help to lose some weight. (a source)
  • Carvacrol- reduces body fat by inhibiting bone morphogenic protein, fibroblast growth factor, and also inhibits the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in visceral adipose tissue by inhibiting the toll-like receptor. (a source)
  • Indole-3-carbinol- reduces weight on a diet rich in fats, through a decrease in visceral fat and a decrease in blood plasma lipids. In addition, it reduces the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in adipose tissue. ()
  • L-arginine and L-Citrulline- through an increase in the content of nitric oxide. ()

The information on this site has not been evaluated by any medical organization. We do not seek to diagnose and treat any disease. The information on this site is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult your doctor before acting on the information received from this site, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have any medical condition.

Losing weight, exercising, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle seem to be an even more daunting task lately than ever before. There is so much information that it is almost impossible to understand where the truth is and where the myth is.

Let's see what popular ideas are completely wrong. If you are preparing to lose weight and change your life, you should know this!

To lose weight, you need to eat less

Calorie counting is an idea that has been around for a very long time. However, a drastic reduction in calorie intake seems reasonable only in theory and almost never helps in practice, especially in the long run. A low calorie diet robs you of energy, spoils your mood, and puts your body under stress. The body begins to store fat. As a result, you feel unwell and do not lose weight. Fasting gives results in the shortest possible time, but in the future you risk undermining your health. Plus, your weight target won't be met.

All calories are the same

The widespread idea that you need to spend more calories than you get is quite logical. If you burn more than you eat, you are losing weight. However, you should also consider what source you are getting your calories from. Many factors play a role in the health of the person using a particular product. Eating only five hundred calories a day is sure to lose weight, but it's not a nutritious, healthy diet. Not all calories are created equal. If you eat empty carbs, you cannot gain muscle, your metabolism slows down, and you feel tired. Quality protein and healthy fats will help you gain muscle mass, burn more calories, and keep you energized.

The most fashionable diet suits everyone

Sometimes it seems that every week a new diet appears on the market that promises fast weight loss and long lasting results. You just need to give up your favorite foods! All of these fad diets complicate matters, especially when they rely on pseudo-scientific facts. Don't be tempted into a fancy new diet just because it feels like it's based on science. All these advisers contradict each other. Most of this kind of scientific research is invented for advertising purposes. It is simply impossible to adhere to such plans, many work, but only in the short term. A healthy lifestyle is much better!

What we know about losing weight: 12 interesting facts about dieting © Depositphotos

Every girl sat on at least once in her life. Admit that you probably googled "How to lose weight in three days" or "". It's so feminine to think of extra pounds and try to achieve perfection, eat nothing all day except an apple and a piece of cheese, and at two o'clock in the morning run to the refrigerator and make three sandwiches with borscht. However, nutritionists believe that express diets before some important event is not rational: after all, no matter how much you throw off, during the holidays you will surely "eat" the excess, and later the extra pounds will return in double volume.

Below you can read 12 interesting facts about dieting and weight loss.

  1. It doesn't matter what time of day you eat. Much more important is what foods your diet consists of and how active you are during the day. However, you should not eat right before bed - it is better to have dinner no later than three hours before bedtime.
  2. Eating celery helps burn calories. This beneficial herb keeps calories from being absorbed. Thus, the systematic consumption of celery contributes to weight loss.

  1. Half of US women are on diets. According to statistics, American women most of all want to maintain their bodies in proper condition, because the abuse of fast food has led to the fact that an incredible number of fat men have appeared in this country.
  2. Judging by numerous polls, girls under 25 years of age are more afraid of extra pounds than cancer, nuclear war and the death of their parents.
  3. Almost 90% of the developed diets are useless and do not help to lose excess weight.
  4. In overweight pregnant women who love sugary and fatty foods, the fetus receives more glucose and free fatty acids than women of normal weight. This surplus negatively affects the metabolism and hormonal system of the unborn child.

What we know about losing weight: 12 interesting facts about dieting © Depositphotos

  1. There are only 5% of women whose figures can match magazine samples without compromising their health.
  2. Women are 10 times more likely than men to be dissatisfied with their bodies. This discontent affects 90% of women; 89% would like to lose weight; 80% are already on a diet by the age of 18.
  3. When following the same diet, a man loses weight twice as fast as a woman. By the way, representatives of the stronger sex are gaining weight more slowly.
  4. According to statistics, women aged 30 to 45 years mostly turn to a nutritionist for help. The reason is simple: the body is already fully formed, and the calorie intake has not decreased.
  5. One of the lowest calorie foods is the squash diet. According to nutritionists, with the correct use of such a dietary food, you can lose up to 2 kg of excess weight per week.
  6. The fear of getting fat also has an official name - anophobia.

Let's start with apples. The apple has a peel that contains a natural fat burner. According to the experiment carried out on rodents, it became clear that as a result of the use, they not only lost excess weight, but also recovered from improper metabolism in-in. At the same time, the rodents were fed high-calorie food. Subjects lost weight and recovered from fatty liver disease. Plos One subsequently published a study by US scientists.

Another mind-boggling news about fast food. At first glance, it has nothing to do with healthy eating and an attractive figure. Leatherhead Food Research researchers concluded that fast cooking should be used beneficially, thereby using foods that are not harmful. Berry cocktails, salads dressed with olive oil, yoghurt pudding and chicken with lentils are useful.

In turn, scientists from Tel Aviv surprised by the research no less. They proved that people who ate dessert had a 45% decrease in hunger hormone levels. As a result, sweet lovers consumed fewer calories. They saved the results of the diet for a longer time - the additional mass returned to them 29% slower.

Swiss scientists have refuted the attacks of nutritionists regarding milk. Milk speeds up the metabolism and contains a component called nicotinamide ribrzide. It increases the body's endurance and prevents obesity.

News # 1 - solar energy for the body. In a study, experts found that a lack of vitamin D can lead to excess weight gain. Experts have proven that vitamin D causes fat cells to dry out and can reduce excess weight. Scientists advise spending more time in the sun and adding cheeses, fish and dairy products to the diet to maintain the body with trace elements at the right level.

The Impact of Breakfast British experts have unraveled the secret of the evening gluttony. It turns out that if a person skips lunch or breakfast during the day, he, despite his efforts, will strive to catch up. This is due to the fact that the needs of the body are not fully met.

Affects morning sleepiness or diet, when the bangs are trying to limit themselves from overeating in the morning. And then he begins to reach for heavy food from about 20-00. Scientists have researched and found that appetite grows every hour by 1.6%. After which we all come closer to overeating.

Is there a way to avoid night hunger? Experts are confident that anything is possible. To do this, you must follow a couple of simple rules of food intake. First: categorically do not miss lunches and breakfasts. Second: the dish should contain proteins and carbons. Only thanks to these simple rules is it possible to get rid of gluttony at night.

Spring and summer are not far off, when many people want to look attractive. Try our simple tips and be great!