How a person has a presentiment that he will soon die. Premonition of death. What does this feeling mean? Early and “senseless” death

16.03.2024 Sport

No one is given the opportunity to know the exact time and circumstances of their death. But some people inexplicably sense the approach of their own death. Is there some pattern associated with unconsciously predicting tragic events?

Mystical version

Esotericists and parapsychologists are convinced that a person sensitive to subtle vibrations can have a premonition of his death. In this regard, dreams are considered the most informative. As a rule, they have one thing in common - the presence of deceased people with whom there was a strong emotional connection. In a dream, the dead man calls you with him and talks about meeting you soon. If a living person follows a dead person in a dream, it means that he himself will soon find himself in another world.

Another important “indicator” of approaching death is the aura. A person who is about to die soon develops holes and black spots in the energy field. But only people with supernatural abilities can see this. The person himself becomes depressed and lethargic - his subtle bodies have already begun to collapse. He does not make plans for the future, but strives to quickly finish all his affairs and see people dear to him.

In some cases, the matter is not limited to one premonition. Shortly before the tragic events, the person himself predicts his imminent death. Gloomy prophecies can be heard more often from creative people, since they are more sensitive to the signs of Fate. This pattern is illustrated by a story told by Irina Krug. The widow of the Russian chanson legend said in an interview that during a walk together, Mikhail suddenly started talking about death. Passing by his former place of work, he asked his wife to hang a memorial plaque at this place with the prophetic text: “The famous singer Mikhail Krug worked here.” There was a similar story with Igor Talkov. Shortly before his death, he several times in conversations threw out the phrase “I don’t have long left.” The premonition of death can also be traced in Talkov’s work. His fans are sure that the song “I'll be back” became prophetic and, in a sense, fatal for the singer.

Version from the scientific world

American scientists conducted a large-scale study and analyzed the condition of people who died suddenly shortly before death. The vast majority of them began to experience anxiety or fell into depression.

Dr. Morton E. Lieberman went even further: he developed a system of tests to predict the approach of death. 80 respondents aged 65-90 years who did not suffer from serious illnesses took part in the surveys. After completion of the experiment, 50% of the subjects died. The doctor compared the results of those who remained alive with those who died, and identified some patterns:

  • Before their death, some people experienced a decrease in cognitive function and physical activity, and a reluctance to engage in self-analysis. The body seemed to be gradually preparing for death, slowing down mental processes and mental activity.
  • Those who were soon to leave our world had a very low level of aggression. They did not show persistence and determination, as if they had already resigned themselves to the circumstances.
  • 34 patients out of 40 who died stated that they would not live more than one year. Dr. Lieberman believes that the premonition of death is a kind of signal from the body that has received “mental expression.”

From time to time, news appears in the media about the invention of a death prediction program. So far, all developments have been considered unethical and have not become widespread. Perhaps our future descendants will have access to such a service.

Article No. 73

Premonition of death

Reader question:
Before death, can a person feel that he is dying, that he is dying?


Yes, it certainly can. The topic of death and the exodus of the soul from the body was scrupulously studied by the Australian doctor Pyotr Kalinovsky, being not only a professional physician, but also a believer. As an answer, I will give an excerpt from his work “Transition. The last illness, death and after":

Most people die after a more or less prolonged terminal illness. Gradually fading away, a person has time to think, understand and, to some extent, prepare. However, death can also be unexpected - sudden - for example, in a car collision or acute heart failure (what was previously called “heart rupture”).

People who believed in God and the immortality of the soul are afraid of sudden death, or, more precisely, they are afraid not so much of death as of the consequences of the soul leaving the body without repentance, without prayer, without reconciliation with God. In all centuries of Christianity, except for the most recent ones, people have always tried to let the deceased depart with dignity, in a Christian way.

People who believe in God and an afterlife, or have at least seriously thought about it, usually die easily.

A person’s life on earth is needed only for the formation of the spirit, the search for the path along which the soul will go in eternal life. This gives an answer to all our perplexities and explains the early death of the righteous, the long life of bad people (to whom, therefore, the Lord makes it clear and change their ways) and all those deaths that might seem pointless and unnecessary to us.

Death has its own internal causes; external factors - illnesses and accidents - lead to the death of a person when further earthly existence no longer makes sense for the life of the soul.

Some people are perplexed why the Lord did not give foreknowledge of death if the thought of it is so beneficial. The patristic writings explain that this is necessary for your salvation: “For... a person who had long foreseen the time of his death would spend his life in lawlessness and at the very end of this world would come to repentance. But from long-term habit, sin would become second nature in a person, and he would remain completely without correction.”

We are not given the premonition of death, but premonitions of death often occur.

Many surgeons will be able to recall a patient who, before a non-hazardous operation, suddenly says: “I will not endure the operation.” This is not fear. They say this naturally and calmly, as if it were an inevitable, expected event. The patient was examined before the operation - the heart, lungs, blood and everything else were in order - and yet a careful surgeon would not operate, especially if he had encountered a similar case in the past.

A Russian peasant of the last century, usually an old man, but without any dangerous illness, decides that his time has come and tells his family about it. He puts on a white shirt, is laid on a bench under the icons, given a burning candle in his hands, and he soon dies.

Premonition is not the fear of death; to a certain extent, they are even opposite to each other. The fear of death most often occurs in unrepentant people who live a bad life and reject God. For them, death means the loss of everything they know and love. They are afraid of it and do not want it; they very rarely have a premonition of death. There may be a premonition and fear of something bad after death, but they do not feel its closeness. On the contrary, until the very end they may not see obvious signs of its approach, as in Solzhenitsyn’s “Cancer Ward”: “It’s already sucking on the oxygen pillow... but with its tongue it proves “I won’t die”.”

A person of righteous life often has a presentiment of his imminent death. He is not afraid, he just calmly waits, and sometimes even wants her to come. After a natural and undistorted life, he accepts death as something natural and normal. This is probably similar to how a person who is tired from the day's work wants to fall asleep. His death will be peaceful and easy, like falling asleep, like falling asleep.

Everyone knows the Latin catchphrase memento mori, which the heroes of an old Soviet film mistakenly translated as “instantly - into the sea.” In fact, this statement has nothing to do with maritime topics, and its literal translation means “remember death.” Some fear of eternal darkness is present to some extent in each of us. There is hardly anyone in the world who, at least once in their life, has not thought about death, how, when and why it comes, what a person feels before death, etc. Unfortunately, nothing on earth is eternal, and man is no exception.

Fear of death is not a pathology or a sign of cowardice if it does not go beyond reasonable boundaries. It is common for all of us to worry about our lives, and this is normal. It’s worse when a healthy fear, intended only to be careful and avoid dangerous situations, turns into a phobia. There are many reasons for such feelings to arise. First of all, it is the unknown and the reluctance to be forgotten by one’s descendants. Another common reason is fear of death itself. No one can know in advance when she will appear and what method she will choose. “Will it be quick or painful? How does a person feel before death? Is it easy to give up on life? What words does a dying person manage to say before dying? - such chilling questions visit everyone living in the world, and more than once. It is impossible to get unambiguous answers to them, since each person has their own life and death.

As a rule, a panicky fear of non-existence is more characteristic of people who live a boring, dull and joyless life than of those whose existence is filled with all sorts of interesting events. The first ones are afraid that they won’t manage to do anything during their stay on earth, while the second ones sometimes simply don’t have time to ask such questions - their life is, as they say, in full swing. Often, the fear of leaving this world is suddenly observed in those who have undergone a complex operation under deep and prolonged anesthesia, or in people who have been in a state of clinical death. The stories they tell when they regain consciousness are sometimes terrifying. Of course, it is not easy to return to normal life, having “been on the edge of worlds” and experiencing what a person feels before death, while remaining actually alive. Such people are often afraid to fall asleep in the evenings, because they have a strong fear of not waking up in the morning. It is possible and even necessary to fight such phobias. To begin with, you should try to do this yourself, for example, stop making long-term plans, and live “today and now,” trying to fill every day with interesting events. If such therapy does not help, it makes sense to seek professional help from a specialist.

Of particular note is the fear for the lives of family and friends. Indeed, it’s hard to even imagine that the person you love will suddenly pass away. It is even more difficult to watch the gradual decline of a close friend or relative (for example, during a long illness), without being able to help him or her in any way, to somehow alleviate the suffering. In order to calm yourself a little and bring your nervous system to your senses, you need to remember that death is not only the natural end of the earthly body, but also the beginning of a new journey of the soul. Perhaps in another world and in another form she will be much better off than on our earth.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the fear of death should not destroy a person during life. Every day we put ourselves in danger - we cross the road where a reckless driver can run into us, we fly on planes that constantly fall, we meet people who do not always have good intentions. Even in our own home, we are not insured against a fire, an earthquake, or a chandelier falling on our head, which could well result. We just shouldn’t think about it all the time, imagine vividly what a person feels before death, what he thinks about in the last moment of his life etc. It has long been proven that thoughts have the property of materialization, so you should not tempt fate by attracting unwanted situations with irreversible consequences.

Alas, it often comes quite suddenly. If a seriously ill person knows about his diagnosis and when his death will come, then an ordinary person does not always foresee this, although there are some signs that he will soon die. Does a person feel his death approaching, even if he does not have a dangerous disease? In some situations - yes. And, although these signs are not absolute, even the presence of one of them can show that a person is in danger of death.

First of all, a person may have a premonition that his days are numbered. This can be expressed by great anxiety, fear, sometimes a strange and incomprehensible feeling of anxiety and melancholy just like that, for no apparent reason. This is one of the signs of death, but also not absolute. Depression and similar conditions can precede changes and the fact that a person goes crazy or simply becomes very mentally ill. Each of us may have periods of wakefulness and depression when everything falls out of hand and nothing works out. Therefore, even if someone, a particularly suspicious and anxious person, tells you that he does not have long to live, you should not always believe it. Most likely, it will simply be the result of panic and anxiety.

Does a person feel his death approaching? In fact, this does not always happen. It all depends on his spiritual state and outlook on life. Very often, before his death, a person performs some kind of karmic task, often fearing not having time to do or fulfill something. Some are accompanied by great luck, luck in everything, or something fatal that can cause horror in others. For example, an obedient and kind girl can change before her eyes, get involved with bad company, or behave in such a way that even her close ones will not recognize her. At the same time, her behavior can become not just defiant, but too bold and provocative, and her parents begin to seriously fear for her life. And this is not due to what others will think about her, but to some kind of unconscious anxiety and fear. Quite often they have strange dreams, often repeating scenes of death with the same pictures. At the same time, the person himself does not always feel the approach of his death. Most often, his behavior changes radically. The cheeky reveler suddenly becomes thoughtful and calm, and may even ask to go to church for a service so that the priest can confess and give him communion. A calm and quiet person, on the contrary, can become very cheeky and behave in such a way that he gets into trouble.

Very often, it is not the person himself who sees the signs of approaching death, but his loved ones. Here's what might precede his death:

Sudden change in behavior. A person becomes either very calm and even philosophically inclined, or, on the contrary, dashingly cheeky, which was completely out of character for him before;

He often asks to suddenly distribute his estate, writes wills, or asks to go to church to confess and take communion, although previously he did this extremely rarely or not at all;

Before death, a person’s aura disappears, but only a psychic can see this;

Loved ones begin to see symbolic dreams, which can be strange. For example, a person begins to walk through a mine or electric field, fly, and to those who are going to follow him he answers that “you can’t come here,” leaves by train, flies away on a plane, gets into a rusty elevator, and the doors close behind him. Sometimes a girl begins to get married in a dream and leaves her parents forever. Moreover, if death is really close, then you can see a coffin in a dream, hear the name of a deceased person, or see his loved ones cry.

There are other signs that death is approaching. These are the dreams of the dreamer himself, in which a dead person calls him. And, although such a dream does not cause physical death for everyone, some people simply feel it approaching, which is why they are sure of it. And often such premonitions are justified.

Does everyone have this feeling?

No, not everyone. Some can even name the date of their death, others do not suspect anything even until the very moment of death. Therefore, it is impossible to definitively answer whether a person feels his death approaching or not. Usually this can be determined not by the person himself, but by his relatives, and even then not always. A hint will be certain kinds of dreams and signs that were described above.

Due to the nature of my non-scientific activity, I have to deal with various matters that current science arrogantly does not notice. This is even good: they don’t get underfoot. Below are a number of facts that may provide food for thought. They may not give it.

Each of us is born. Everyone will die. Does a person have a presentiment of death? Does he strive for it? Running her? Despises? Trying to understand?

Each person feels his death in his own way. And only those who died know how this happens. But at that moment when a person is about to die, surprisingly, he feels great

People become more attentive and kind and try in every unimaginable way to complete all unfinished business.

I saw people before they died and knew that they would die, I told some of them because they had to confess... They understood... and that’s good.. Everyone behaves differently... Some don’t really believe, some believed and were calm.. .(I’m talking about my relatives) because I try not to talk about it to strangers....They won’t understand....

My grandfather even knew what day it was, he was wrong by 6 hours.

Maybe. My aunt knew that she was going to die and called everyone to say goodbye.

Subtle bodies are destroyed. Some feel it, some don't.

My mother may bless her, she made a fool of herself before she died, I couldn’t stand it and in the morning I told her you live with dignity or die calmly and at one o’clock in the afternoon she died calmly without any of her quirks and lay peaceful in the coffin, I thought and said everything that I had suffered and she was there It’s better not to suffer physical pain; she had cancer.

There was a lot of mysticism in the life of Mikhail Krug. Many of the people who knew him noted that about two months before his death, Mikhail Krug changed a lot.
If earlier he could easily say to people who were disturbing him in some way: “Get up and get out of here! You are interfering with my work!”, then shortly before his death he simply stopped noticing them.
Another interesting detail. At the studio, Krug often worked six to eight hours a day. He was always dressed simply, most often in a tracksuit, so that he could lie quietly on the sofa during breaks between recordings and generally feel comfortable. But for the last recording of his life, Krug arrived in a formal suit. From the church. The singer seemed to be saying goodbye to the studio people with whom he had worked together for so long.
And here is another piece of evidence that is simply shocking. Irina, the wife of Mikhail Krug, had a prophetic dream a few days before his death. Here's how she talks about it herself:
A week before my death, on Tuesday, I woke up in the morning and told him: “Can you imagine, Mikhail Vladimirovich, I dreamed that you died.” He looked at me like that, and I told him: “That means you will live a long time. After all, there is such a belief that if you dreamed that a person died, it means that he will live a long time.” Misha only smiled in response.
And two days later, not in a dream, but in reality, something strange happened. Irina and Mikhail Krug went to the city center to buy curtains for the windows. When we drove past the car depot where he once worked, Krug suddenly said:
Irina Viktorovna, this is where I worked. And at the entrance, when I die, they will hang a sign “The famous singer Mikhail Krug worked here.”
Irina had never heard anything like this from her husband before.
“That was the first time he said that,” she recalls. - I was simply stunned. I turned to him: “What are you saying?! Stop it, it’s not funny!”

I often dream about strangers. At the same time, in a dream, I clearly feel the approach of trouble and want to warn an unknown person about the threat. But when he turns to face me, it turns out that his eye sockets are missing. At this moment, I understand that this person will soon die, while I see a fragment of his death through his own eyes. I want to warn him, but I can’t, I’m in a stupor. At the same time, with each dream I see faces and details of clothing more and more clearly, each time more and more realistic. What can such dreams mean??? Has anyone dreamed of something similar?

I wanted to write that I have similar nightmares. But not in terms of images, but in terms of what I know - who will die and when.
And these are familiar people...
First I start dreaming about calls. And it’s so real, as if I’m actually sleeping and hear the doorbell or phone ringing. But I turn off the sound on my phones at night... And if I dream of a doorbell ringing, so real that I wake up from it, then no one else heard it... That is. I dream about these calls. But it’s so real that I can’t sleep... Then they become more and more frequent - I hear them, as soon as I close my eyes!
Then, if my grandparents knew this person during their lifetime, they come to me in a dream and take this person away or tell me the date when they will take him away. If they didn’t know him, then they show me this person during the call. Within a week or a month, news comes of the death of this person. The calls stop...
This time - from the start of the calls until they show who will be taken away - is a real nightmare, because... you don’t know where to expect trouble from..

Literally on the eve of departure, already in the evening, finishing her work day, this girl A. did a strange thing for me. She asked me to take care of her clients. She literally said the following words: “I don’t even know who I can give them (the clients) to... Everyone is on vacation, no one is there. I’m flying to Israel tomorrow. I beg you - take care of them, please! I will be immensely grateful to you! "
She asked me about this three times in just 15 minutes, although I immediately promised her that of course I would take care of her clients without any problems, no need to worry.
The strangeness of her request was that in our country, transferring affairs to another employee during departure is a generally accepted norm; you don’t have to ask for this, you don’t have to thank him for it, and especially you don’t have to beg her to take care of clients. And she was the one who begged!

A week before his death, my son left me on the phone: “Dear mom, don’t cry - everything will be fine. I believe it’s hard for you now, dear mother - forgive me for everything. How I would like to be with you again, mom, but the wings I have... We will always be together everywhere - it’s a pity not to hug you!” I just got scared and left. And a day later he made me listen to it again.

My Slavurka wrote Ksyu (wife) on his phone about two weeks before his death; before it was just Ksyu. I asked why you marked that it was your wife, and he replied: “So that they know where to go if something suddenly happens.” And a few months before his death, I had several strange, frightening dreams. I was missing half of my face (and in the full sense), then I dreamed about myself naked, as if I was running along the road. And the day before Slava passed away, I dreamed of a huge spider, as if it was running, and many ants were attacking and eating it. The dream was terrible. During the day I shared it with my husband, when the day was over he said: “So we survived your spider,” and the next day he was gone. So don’t believe in premonitions after this.

And a week before my husband’s death (he was still feeling well - they were preparing for surgery), I had a dream that my husband was getting a new apartment. And my daughter comes and says: “Let’s immediately install good doors, real wooden ones.” And when he died, my daughter says to me: “Let’s buy him a good wooden coffin.” I didn’t tell her anything about this dream then.