People don't realize it. It seems to me that people are not aware of what they are doing. – When will you ever open up?

29.03.2024 Treatment

Carlos Cesar Salvador Aranha Castaneda (pseudonym - Jose Luis Sanchez Ladron de Guevara) - born December 25, 1925, Cajamarca, Peru. American writer, anthropologist, ethnographer, esoteric thinker, and mystic, author of best-selling books devoted to shamanism and the presentation of a worldview unusual for Western man. Author of books - The Teachings of Don Juan: The Path of Knowledge of the Yaqui Indians, A Separate Reality, Journey to Ixtlan, Tales of Power, The Second Ring of Power, The Gift of the Eagle, Fire from Within, The Wheel of Time, Magical Passes: The Practical Wisdom of the Shamans of Ancient Mexico, etc. Died - 27 April 1998, Los Angeles, USA.

Quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases - Carlos Castaneda

  • Without a path we are nothing.
  • Twilight is a gap between worlds.
  • It is not understanding that is important, but awareness.
  • Pride helps a person learn.
  • The thirst for knowledge is our human lot.
  • We live in a "bankrupt" society.
  • To start everything again, we need to part with the past.
  • To be angry with people is to regard their actions as something important.
  • When we lose our sense of self-importance, we become invulnerable.
  • The world is immeasurable. Like us, like every creature that exists in this world.
  • Fear is the first inevitable enemy that a person must defeat on the path to knowledge.
  • Learning through talking is not only a waste of time, but also a rare stupidity.
  • The everyday world exists only because we know how to hold onto its images.
  • A person is defeated only when he gives up all attempts and abandons himself.
  • Will is what makes you win when your mind tells you that you are defeated.
  • It is useless to spend your whole life on one single path, especially if this path has no heart.
  • The art of the warrior is to maintain a balance between the horror of being human and the wonder of being human.
  • Relax, give up on yourself, don’t be afraid of anything. Only then will the forces leading us open the way for us and help us.
  • Your actions, as well as the actions of your neighbors, matter only insofar as you have learned to think that they matter.
  • Life is a little walk that we take now, life in itself is sufficient, explains itself and fills itself.
  • The more others know who you are and what to expect from you, the more it limits your freedom.
  • Man goes to knowledge the same way he goes to war - fully awakened, full of fear, reverence and absolute determination.
  • Use all the power of your concentration and decide whether or not to join the battle, because any battle is a fight for your own life.
  • A man becomes courageous when he has nothing to lose. We are only cowardly when there is something else we can cling to.
  • All personal history must be erased in order to free ourselves from the restrictions that other people impose on us with their thoughts.
  • People, as a rule, do not realize that at any moment they can throw anything out of their lives. Anytime. Instantly.
  • We only choose once, we choose either to be warriors or to be ordinary people. There is no other choice. Not on this earth.
  • Warriors win their battles not because they bang their heads against walls, but because they take them on. Warriors jump over walls; they don't destroy them.
  • The unshakable desire of a rational person to firmly adhere to the image of himself is a way to reliably insure his dense ignorance.
  • Faced with the unexpected and incomprehensible and not knowing what to do with it, the warrior retreats for a while, allowing his thoughts to wander aimlessly. The warrior is doing something else.
  • The core of our being is the act of perception, and the magical secret of our being is the act of awareness. Perception and awareness is a separate indivisible functional unit.
  • People tell us from the moment we are born that the world is such and such and that everything is this way and that. We have no choice. We are forced to accept that the world is exactly as it is described to us.
  • What determines our path is called personal power. A person’s personality is the total volume of his personal power. And only this total volume determines how he lives and how he dies.
  • We perceive. This is a well established fact. But what exactly we perceive is not one of the facts that is so unambiguously established. For we learn what and how to perceive.
  • The things that people do can under no circumstances be more important than peace. And thus, the warrior treats the world as an endless mystery, and what people do as endless stupidity.
  • A warrior compresses time, even moments count. In the battle for your own life, a second is an eternity that can decide the outcome of the battle. A warrior is focused on success, so he saves time without wasting a moment.
  • One of the most dramatic features of human nature is the terrible connection between stupidity and self-reflection. It is stupidity that makes the average person reject everything that does not agree with his reflective expectations.
  • Human beings like to be told what to do, but they like even more to resist and not do what they are told. That is why they first of all become entangled in hatred towards the one who advises them to do something.

Some people never disappear from our lives. They are not nearby, and may not even make themselves known for a long time, but at some point, they just appear, so suddenly, and you understand that they have remembered you all this time.

The first rule of Quantum Physics is: don’t tell anyone about Quantum Physics.

The second rule of Quantum Physics is to never tell anyone about Quantum Physics.

The third rule of Quantum physics: the cat sits in the box as long as necessary.

The fourth rule of Quantum Physics: do not show the box of kote to anyone. even to myself.

The fifth rule of Quantum Physics: never open a box of kote, under any circumstances, under any circumstances.

The sixth rule of Quantum physics: look at Einstein and TO as shit.

The seventh rule of Quantum physics: when you stand in line for draft beer and it’s about to run out, use it.
superposition principle: stand in 2 queues at once or in 3.

The eighth rule of Quantum physics: you can stay at home and go to work at the same time. see clause 7

The ninth rule of Quantum physics: time is not linear, but discrete. There are many worlds, perhaps our world is constantly being divided
creating other worlds.

Tenth Rule of Quantum Physics: Never tell anyone that you smoked.

“It’s much easier to be a woman than a man, if only because they can see women’s tits at any moment... I would become a woman just for this... it takes so much effort and time for a man to waste just to look at a woman’s tits, but for women only then they lowered their heads and here they are!!! And how does this not interfere with your work???"
TV series "Friends", Season I, 1995...
ZY I love this series...

with, car sales

An ashen girl of model appearance in the back of a TP12, born in 2001, with a chest volume of 2 liters, containing 150 hot burning horses, is looking for an owner for a serious relationship. Has no financial interests (employed in previous relationships). Turned cast legs of 16th diameter, shod in good summer shoes, without cellulite. Quiet and calm at any moment she can give odds to any young plain girl. On the neck is a keychain from famous jewelers Tomahawk 9030 (there is a second one in case the first one gets lost). Starts up any time and anywhere you want. Shopping trips were carried out regularly and lavishly. Has a negative attitude towards smoking. He prefers 92nd drink, but no more than 10-11 liters per 100 km in the city - stress, you know. Outside the city it goes to 7l/100km.

you can buy because of the description)

There are people who are capable of any noble and heroic deed,
but cannot resist the temptation to tell the unfortunate man about his

I can’t stand these snobs, they all don’t realize the reality
situations and consider themselves the standard of the right person, they are all crazy,
and all normal people should be like me...

Here is the report that the server issued.

And this transaction is very vague,
it distorts all our data,

Here is a user without thoughts who types in
All that is thrown on his table during the day,
and thus brings chaos into the German order
The report that the server considers.

And here’s the admin: he’s not playing croak,
Now he is torturing Oracle with telnet,
He wants to check the constraint's (naive!)
The data that the user enters
who later distort the report,
which is considered by the HR server.

This is the programmer: now on abap
He will write fixes and play quack
with an admin who is being tortured by a user,
because the server doesn’t count anything.

Here's a quack moment: they tore it for meat
The unfortunate user is evil admins,
For the fact that they lost a week,
and didn’t really eat, didn’t drink, didn’t sleep,
and they painstakingly verified the data,
and the user’s hands were then corrected,
so that the damn thing starts working faster -
a report that the server considers.

But we downloaded a new fix for the report,
It’s as if the crap is stored in it on purpose,
What will happen again later as a nightmare,
In the data that the user enters,
The report that the server considers.

[... six months passed and we finally installed this fix... ]

But I heard that Eastern women have all their jewelry
always carry...
- This is because they can be kicked out at any moment!
- So what, they can kick us out too!
- But we will definitely come back!

xxx: So why sit at work then?
uuu: Because at any moment this whole idyll can collapse, the Internet will disappear, mail will not work, everything will glitch and slow down. Chaos and mayhem will begin. People in panic will grab their heads and tear out their hair. Vandalism... looting, and can even lead to cannibalism... In despair, helpless people who have lost all hope make a last attempt to escape... They turn on a large spotlight with a picture of the mythical god "Admin" and shine it into the sky, and pray that he will descend and put things in order. And then I get to work, quickly, clearly, with well-honed movements, I put everything in its place, find and bring justice to the guilty villains. And when everything gets better, people calm down and get back to their daily office life. They try not to remember the past, like a bad dream when you wake up sweating. And Admin.. he ascends back to his throne where he majestically watches them from on high, drinks tea and smokes, and so condescendingly nods his head and says - “My children, how stupid and inexperienced you are still, but I love you anyway.” I love"...

His books can be denied factual authenticity, he himself can be reproached for vulgarizing his own ideals, he can be accused of lying, but one cannot take away the fact that the “tales about the Force” he wrote remain a magnificent expression of poetry and the essence of spiritual quest.

Behind all the mystical attributes of Castaneda’s books, they hide a completely simple and clear system of views.

  1. It is useless to spend your whole life on one single path, especially if this path has no heart.
  2. Don't explain too much. Every explanation hides an apology. So when you explain why you can't do this or that, what you're really doing is apologizing for your shortcomings, hoping that those listening to you will be kind and forgive them.
  3. To get the most out of life, a person must be able to change. Unfortunately, a person changes with great difficulty, and these changes occur very slowly. Many people spend years on this. The hardest thing is to truly want to change.
  4. I'm never angry with anyone. There is nothing anyone can do that deserves such a reaction from me. You get angry with people when you feel that their actions are important. I haven't felt anything like this for a long time.
  5. You must always remember that the path is just a path. If you feel that you should not walk on it, then you should not stay on it under any circumstances.
  6. To realize the reality familiar to another, you first need to free yourself from your own reality; but it is not at all easy for a person to get rid of his usual picture of the world; this habit must be broken by force.
  7. Act like it's a dream. Act boldly and don't look for excuses.
  8. The main hindrance of most people is internal dialogue, this is the key to everything. When a person learns to stop it, everything becomes possible. The most incredible projects become feasible.
  9. People, as a rule, do not realize that at any moment they can throw anything out of their lives. Anytime. Instantly.
  10. The only truly wise adviser we have is death. Every time you feel, as often happens to you, that everything is going very badly and you are on the verge of complete collapse, turn to the left and ask your death if this is so. And your death will answer that you are mistaken, and that apart from its touch there is nothing that really matters. Your death will say: “But I haven’t touched you yet!”

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Carlos Castaneda is a writer who knows how to captivate the reader with him, tear him off the ground, from the usual mental constructs and throw him into a completely different world - mysterious, frightening, unpredictable, but fabulously alluring.

His books about shamanism and lucid dreams are reproached for factual unreliability, and he himself is reproached for vulgarizing his own ideals and lies, but one cannot take away the fact that the works he wrote remain a magnificent expression of the essence of spiritual quest. Here are 10 quotes that prove this perfectly:

  1. It is useless to spend your whole life on one single path, especially if this path has no heart.
  2. Don't explain too much. Every explanation hides an apology. So when you explain why you can't do this or that, what you're really doing is apologizing for your shortcomings, hoping that those listening to you will be kind and forgive them.
  3. To get the most out of life, a person must be able to change. Unfortunately, a person changes with great difficulty, and these changes occur very slowly. Many people spend years on this. But the hardest thing is to truly want to change.
  4. I'm never angry with anyone. There is nothing anyone can do that deserves such a reaction from me. You get angry with people when you feel that their actions are important. I haven't felt anything like this for a long time.
  5. You must always remember that the path is just a path. If you feel that you should not walk on it, then you should not stay on it under any circumstances.
  6. To realize the reality familiar to another, you first need to free yourself from your own reality; but it is not at all easy for a person to get rid of his usual picture of the world; this habit must be broken by force.
  7. Act like it's a dream. Act boldly and don't look for excuses.
  8. The main hindrance of most people is internal dialogue, this is the key to everything. When a person learns to stop it, everything becomes possible. The most incredible projects become feasible.
  9. People, as a rule, do not realize that at any moment they can throw anything out of their lives. Anytime. Instantly.
  10. The only truly wise adviser we have is death. Every time you feel that everything is going very badly and you are on the verge of complete collapse, turn to the left and ask your death if this is so. And your death will answer that you are mistaken, and that apart from its touch there is nothing that really matters. Your death will say: “But I haven’t touched you yet!”

This interview with Vladimir Pozner took place at the end of 2013. Then a photo monograph “” by photographer Igor Ganzhi about journalist Vladimir Pozner was published, this book became the basis for our interview. But recent events have not given us the air to publish it. And so we decided not to delay any longer.

– Why do you think people are afraid and embarrassed of close-ups?

– It seems to me that they are not shy, but just don’t really like them when all the details are visible - wrinkles, imperfections. At the beginning, in the Posner program, we did very close-ups, but after some time we realized that we couldn’t get a single woman into the program, because close-ups were painful. But I think that this is more some kind of vanity than embarrassment. For me, an example is Hilary Clinton. She came to the program without any hesitation, although it is clear that she is an elderly woman with all the details characteristic of her age. But this is just a different way of looking at things. It seems to me that with us this is not embarrassment, but still false vanity. An old face can be absolutely beautiful. By the way, this was the face of Antonova, who came to me when she was ninety years old. True, when I asked her, “Irina Aleksandrovna, can I tell you how old you are?”, she answered, “Vladimir Vladimirovich, as you wish...”. And I didn't talk. You just need to be more mature. We go on screen not to show how wonderful and beautiful we are, but for some other reasons.

– You say women are more afraid of details. Probably, in order to stop being afraid of them, you need to kill the little girl inside you that lives in women, no matter how old they are - fifty or sixty?

“I don’t like the word “kill.” You need to be able to control this girl. It's wonderful when she lives. And the little boy lives in grown men. This is a desire to play, maybe do some stupid things. But at the same time, you need to be able to persuade this little girl at some moments to calm down, well, maybe get a little sleep.

– Is there a little boy living inside you? What is he like?

– It’s hard for me to describe. But what lives is certain. I love to play. On New Year's Day we play charades until five in the morning. In general, I love all kinds of games, I’m very excited. When I play tennis, I don't behave exactly the way a grown man should behave. I don’t like to lose, and this is more typical for children. So there is a little boy inside me, of course.

– In the book “Big Portrait” there is a series dedicated to tennis. I carefully looked at your photographs taken while playing tennis. They scared me. It seemed to me that you were evil there.

– You see, the goal of the game is to win. Yes, the goal is also to play. But still, the main goal of any game is to win. It doesn't matter if you play cards, tennis or anything else. I always play to win, unless it's playing with a child. But if this is a real game, then yes, I play to the death. Well, yes, that’s how I’m built... It’s true that... As a journalist, I don’t gamble at all and don’t consider what I do as a win or a loss. Although it was not possible to talk, it was not possible to find contact, it was not possible to reveal the person - this is probably a loss.

– How do you understand that a person has been identified?

– This is probably not conveyed in words. I just know for sure that this was successful, this worked out, but this didn’t work out. I have several striking examples of simply failed programs, when I knew that I had failed at all, although according to the message these programs should have become the best.

– When you look at a hero while interviewing him, and the hero at that moment tells a lie, it seems to me that you are showing him with your eyes that...

- I have doubts?

- Yes, and you know that the person is not telling the truth. You can't always control the expression in your eyes? And how to distinguish truth from untruth, because people often speak rather fluently?

– It depends on different things. First of all, if I talk about things that I understand, I understand that he is not telling the truth. Secondly, there is intuition that a journalist should have. I think this is important especially for a journalist who is interviewing. He must feel. And there are various details that make it clear - these are darting eyes, very active fingers. And there are those who know how to lie so that you won’t even understand. But still, I have a lot of work experience - many, many years. That's why it's quite difficult to deceive me.

– When a hero comes to you and begins to ingratiate himself in such a way that it is obvious to the viewer, does he lose in your eyes?

- Yes, sure.

- Why? He wants to win over you.

– Putting yourself at ease and ingratiating yourself are two different things. I also want to win you over. I want a person to feel relaxed with me and understand that I am interested in him. There is nothing wrong. But ingratiation is a bad thing, there is something humiliating about it.

- For you or for him?

- For him. And this is unpleasant for me.

– Returning to the “Big Portrait”. Moving on to the section where you do fitness, I realized that you are not evil. Perhaps I confused anger with resistance, with overcoming? What are you resisting?

- For myself. This is overcoming oneself. Why am I doing this? I want to be in good physical shape. I am many years old, and I don’t want to find myself in a situation where I can’t take care of myself. I want to die healthy, fitness for me is this. I don’t always want to go to fitness, sometimes I’m lazy and generally reluctant. But I tell myself that nothing comes for nothing and I have to do it. This is, first of all, overcoming oneself, and not weight or something else. I would like, maybe, at this time to lie down with a book, drinking beer, which I also like to do.

– Have there been such moments of shock in your life when you went to the mirror and looked into your own eyes, because you didn’t want to see anyone else’s eyes but your own?

– Quite often... Quite often...

-Did you recognize yourself?

- Yes, sure.

– Why are people drawn to the mirror at such moments?

– How else will you see yourself? …You know, I had a mentor, but that’s probably an overstatement... A friend of my father, he became a second father to me. Many years ago, I was probably not even thirty, he told me: “God forbid, one morning you go into the bathroom to shave and brush your teeth, but when you see your reflection in the mirror, you want to spit in it.” " This was said very accurately, because, in the end, every person knows what actions he has committed. When he lied, when he was dishonest... A person knows this, of course. Then only people pretend that they didn’t know about it. Therefore, a mirror for me is always subconsciously, probably some kind of test. Fortunately, I have never had such a feeling as that man spoke about. But there are always concerns, and maybe even they help.

– Don’t people build a strong fence of excuses around themselves and their actions?

- Certainly.

- And you?

- No, I’m not lining it up. It's not like people come to the mirror on purpose. It's a random thing, and the power is that you suddenly saw yourself. There may be a moment when you accidentally saw your face and thought, “Is it really me?”... Of course, people build protective walls around themselves, with the possible exception of some saints. Because all people, one way or another, admit some things that one cannot be proud of. I know exactly what I built, well, in the form of arguments that seemed quite acceptable, which justified my activities. But, fortunately, I managed, firstly, to admit this to myself - which is the most difficult thing - and therefore get rid of the need to justify myself. In general, there are people who look inside themselves all the time, and there are people who don’t look.

- And you?

- I look. I'm watching.

– You recently made a film about... the Germans. Among the heroes were people who took part in the Second World War on the other side. Having committed certain crimes, they lived to old age. How should we treat them now? How did you feel about them when you interviewed them?

– The people who ran the concentration camps are no longer alive. I met people who worked for the Stasi, were in the army, in the police. Who shot at their own citizens when they wanted to escape to the west. They have one excuse - I am a soldier, I received a task, I am fulfilling it. This is a universal justification. Any person in uniform and in uniform who has committed terrible things finds an excuse in this - I was ordered. And they don't suffer. But there are people who understand what it is. I knew one person who committed suicide.

– And there were people next to whom, while talking, everything bubbled inside you?

- Yes, sure. But I'm interviewing. This is not a debate, this is an interview. I need to ask a question so people can hear the answer. Sometimes I just give an extreme example, I ask, “Do you really think that all Jews should be hanged?” If he says yes, I move on. But I don't argue with him. I once said that there are a couple of people whom I would never invite to my program. Only because I consider them fascists. And I'm wrong journalistically, because these people are of public interest. Well, let's say Edik Limonov. In theory, you should invite. But here I say - I can’t overcome myself, because I won’t be able to conduct a normal interview. But I understand that I am wrong, that I must overcome myself. But if I’m doing an interview, I have to be restrained in expressing my feelings.

– Over the course of life, a person’s face changes...

- Yes. It's getting old. And it’s different - sometimes it’s surprisingly even similar to what it was like in youth, and sometimes it’s not similar.

– Probably, in life there are two or three cardinal changes of face.

– It seems to me, two.

– And when a person realizes this... How did you feel when you realized that your face had changed?

– I didn’t realize this suddenly. It's such a gradual process. It is a fact that some people get better with age and some get worse. For example, Alain Delon, who in his youth was, well, simply incredibly handsome, has aged poorly. And, let's say, Hemingway has aged well. I was very handsome in my youth, but now I can say this quite calmly...

- Why?

- Because it was once. I was very handsome and the photographs confirm this. Of course, I understand that I am not the same as I once was. But I can’t say that this upsets me. Although my appearance is not indifferent to me. I would like to think that I remain somehow more or less attractive, like a man. And I’m telling you this quite frankly, although I probably shouldn’t.

- Why?

– Because it probably sounds presumptuous. Or it’s petty - well, whatever you think... But one way or another it’s true.

– Probably, in our society there is simply such a distribution of roles. If a seventy-year-old woman said that she wanted to appear attractive, for many it would sound pathetic. But when a man talks about it, it sounds normal.

– Probably because women age worse. And, probably, because for a woman, appearance - no matter whether it is right or wrong - is more important than for a man. And, moreover, it is much more difficult for a woman with an unpleasant appearance to succeed. There are many men who have achieved phenomenal heights despite the fact that they are completely unattractive. It is more difficult for a woman in a man's world to achieve this. This is bad. It really is a man's world here. And men most often look at a woman... how to put it... from a male point of view - attractive or unattractive. This is true.

- So you won’t say that every woman is beautiful in her own way?

- Of course not. And the man is not. But I always say that what I value most in a woman is intelligence, and this is true. The mind in general always captivates me. I adore smart women. This has a special charm. And that every person is beautiful in their own way... No, I don’t think so.

– At what minute or at what stage of communication can you see the mind in a person?

- It's very fast. Once upon a time, Academician Likhachev was asked at an evening of open questions: “Why don’t we like the intelligentsia so much?” He answered funny, but very truthfully - “You see, you can pretend to be rich. You can pretend to be an aristocrat. There are many people you can pretend to be. But you can’t pretend to be an intellectual—you just have to open your mouth, talk for three minutes, and everything will be clear whether you’re an intellectual or not.” It's the same with the mind. This can be seen very quickly. By the eyes, by the way a person speaks.

– Do you see your face in your dreams?

– I dream about myself, but without a face. Usually I see a situation in a dream - some people, something happening. But I don’t remember a single dream in which my face was remembered or played a role.

-Have you ever seen dead people?

– Yes, I am a biologist by training, I worked in an anatomy and saw the dead not only whole, but also in pieces.

– How did you perceive these people?

– A murdered person or... This is important. There is a difference. Because the murdered person bears traces of violence, and this is very difficult. You have to get used to this. It's always hard at the beginning. But a dead dog is also difficult. For someone. Maybe there are people for whom this is completely indifferent. But I always worried, and in childhood, even a dead bird... it affected me. Then, as a journalist, I worked for probably four months with the city duty officer - I traveled with him. And there were corpses there. This always made a hard impression... Moreover, when the murder is simply connected with passion - he was jealous, got drunk, hacked with an ax, or hanged himself to spite his wife.

– Is it heavy in energy or in appearance?

- It's hard for me to say. It just... works and it's emotionally difficult. You're just always worried about him.

– What is the most important thing about a face?

- It's not the same for everybody. Of course, it would be trite to say eyes. Many things are important to me. These hands are extremely important. Fingers. Well, and, of course, the eyes.

– Do your hands look like your face?

- I think yes. But if you ask why...

- I won't ask.

- And I can’t explain it. A strange thing about the hands... I even thought that I could ask such a question in “What? Where? When?" - “What do we touch every day, but cannot describe the feeling of touching?” This means a handshake. We don't know what kind of handshake we have. We know our own hands, of course, but at the same time, I look at my hand not the way I would look at someone else’s, but in a completely different way. I was once very interested in palmistry, and for me the shape of the hand, the length of the fingers, the width of the joints, the presence of holes - here where the nail ends - or their absence, large nails or very tiny ones - all this matters to me.

– Why do people want to impress you?

- Do they want to?

– I was just at your meeting with readers. It seemed to me that people were asking questions, wanting to get an answer, but also to make an impression.

– I don’t understand... Many people sincerely thank me, and I am absolutely embarrassed and grateful myself when this happens. Because if you do something, at least if I do something, then it is very important for me to get a reaction. And when young people come up and say, “You know, you played a role in my life,” it warms me very much, I take it very seriously. When I come to the market, and I go to the market because I like to buy food, the sellers want to give me something for free - “We are watching your programs.” And, it seems, these programs are not for those who stand behind the counter at the market... And this is very important to me. Do they want to make an impression by asking some questions... I don’t think so. What? Why are you laughing? I am an absolutely natural person, just the way I am, I am on the screen and now with you. I really appreciate this naturalness in people. I'm not trying to impress.

“It’s good when a person, no matter who he is, tries to keep himself on an equal footing with others, but... no matter what questions they ask you, you have a limit beyond which you will not go.” And you, it seems to me, will do everything to prevent anyone from penetrating deeper. Especially a journalist.

- Certainly. Certainly. Of course, of course... Because I don’t think it’s necessary to open up like this so that every person can see it, read it, look at it. It seems to me that I am a private person.

“But when you interview yourself, you want to reveal, and it’s lucky when you manage to penetrate deeply into the character.

- Luck. Luck, and this is my profession.

- But you don’t let me in.

“I don’t force anyone to sit there.” There are people who don't come to me.

- But how can I not come to you? This is fame.

– For some it is fame, yes. But this fame is not always good. Yes, that's my job. It happens that a person opens up in such a way that people say, wow, but we never thought that he could do that. And the other one - everyone thought he was cute, but didn’t open up.

– When will you ever open?

- No, of course... It's not true! What I said was not true! If at a certain moment, when I am in a certain mood, I am interviewed by a person asking precise questions, then maybe. I remember many years ago in America they filmed the film “Who is Vladimir Pozner”, and the woman who interviewed me found a photograph of me at school, in which I was seven years old. And I was already then... consider ninety-one or ninety-two... that is, I was well over fifty. She gave me this photograph - “What do you think when you look at it?” And, you know, I saw this boy... it’s me... and at the same time, this is the same boy, he’s seven years old, he’s just starting to live, and he has absolutely no idea what awaits him. But I know what awaits him. I know... And it had such an effect on me... I burst into tears, in short. And, of course, a lot has already gone on. Well, that was the move.

– As if, in order to feel sorry for a person, you need to know what will happen to him later?

- Yes, that's probably true. And I had a very difficult life.

– Did you feel sorry for yourself at that moment?

- I felt sorry for him. Because... well, thank God we never know what will happen to us later, but I had a very difficult life, I was torn from one place, from another, and I was a stranger there. And so on, so on, so on. I have no regrets at all, I have an amazing life, amazing. I consider myself incredibly lucky, but at the same time I felt terribly sorry for him. It's true, yes. And, of course, I was completely disarmed.

-Your eyes are tired.

- Well? ...And the question?

- Why? But my other question is that eyes are, perhaps, something that cannot be changed. If you are a woman, you can use modern cosmetology products to make your skin look young, but your eyes will still give away your age.

– Eyes – in different ways. They can be tired; on the contrary, they can be very young and sparkling. I don't feel tired. The days were just tense, there was a lot to do. There is a lot to do. But maybe there is some other answer... in the sense that I... Most likely, my perception of life has become tragic. It seems to me that people are not aware of what they are doing. The experience of the past does not matter to them; we continue to step on the same rake. But the rake has become different - more dangerous. I don't believe that humanity will taxi. And with this global warming, and with many other things. It seems to me that we are ruining ourselves, ruining our world. And then, no matter how pompous it may seem to you, I really suffer from misfortunes. I suffer from the fact that children in Africa are swelling from hunger. I'm really suffering.

- Why should this seem pompous to me?

– Well, because it actually sounds... well, I don’t know, that’s what it seems to me. But I care about all this. I can't see poverty. I was in India, in Mumbai, they told me: “Look, they are happy, they are positive, they are joyful.” But somehow I can’t... In general, I suffer from such things. As you can imagine, I don’t think about this all the time, but I do. When you realize that no matter how hard you try, you can't do anything about it... My favorite movie is One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. There is a scene where the hero tries to snatch the washbasin because he had an argument with others in this mental hospital. And he doesn’t pull it out, he lost the argument, and everyone giggles and laughs... And he leaves this room, turns to them and says, “At least I tried.” When I saw that, it just became a catchphrase for me. And, you know, in the end, the big Indian still snatches this washbasin, knocks out the bars with it and still runs away. It is clear that if he had not tried, this one would not have done it. This is the only thing that consoles me - that I always try. They tell me, “Why? What do you need more than anyone?” And I always say, “No. But I'm trying." Sometimes it succeeds, most often it fails. But I guess someone is looking at it and someone will try it. I hope so. But since this activity is tiring, perhaps all this is reflected in my eyes.