Feng Shui curtains. The color of the curtains in the bedroom: how to match the wallpaper, which is suitable for Feng Shui Color of curtains for Feng Shui

02.11.2021 Information

It is determined for housing, depending on their nature and the stage of the relationship of the married couple (if the owner is not a lonely person). The location of the room on the plan of the apartment is also important. Feng Shui bedroom color reflects the combination of five elements: Metal, Water, Earth, Fire and Wood. Their harmony is transmitted to the owners of the house and contributes to a prosperous emotional mood and success in all endeavors.

The meaning of colors for the bedroom

A relaxation room should have a calm atmosphere conducive to relaxation and harmony. It is important that the energy moves freely in the room. This will create conditions for the successful resolution of all the affairs of the owners of the house and success in endeavors.

Shades are chosen for bedroom walls, interior items, bed linen.

All colors in Feng Shui are divided by energy: female Yin and male Yang. Both are suitable for a bedroom, it is important to choose the right harmonious combinations so as not to upset the balance.

The pale beige color ranges from light milk to dark chocolate.

Yin colors create a soothing atmosphere. These include:

  • White - symbolizes purity, chastity and serenity. Frees from aggression, eliminates conflicts.
  • Blue - creates a sense of meditation - purposefulness and isolation. Channels of wisdom are opening. The color of the sky helps to gain spiritual and physical health.
  • Purple - helps to resolve difficult situations in life, favors healing at the physical level.
  • Black is profitable. Needed for career advancement and increase income. It is advisable to place accessories of this shade in the bedroom.

Yang energy creates conditions for the growth of material well-being, attracts strong flows that contribute to development, self-improvement, and the manifestation of strong character traits.

Colors of masculine streams of power are:

  • Yellow is the warmth and power of the Sun. Charges with optimism, gives strength. The reverse side of this color, with its overabundance, is worry and anxiety.
  • Orange - stimulates the brain, promotes the development of oratory skills. Increases creativity, makes it possible to concentrate on the implementation of certain tasks.
  • Red, burgundy and gold are symbols of romanticism, bring luck in money matters and all undertakings. These are the colors of passion and high aspirations.

Feng Shui teaching is based on the interaction in all things of two energies: Yin and Yang. By giving preference to one of them, it is possible to increase the influence of certain streams of force in a certain area. For example, an overabundance of Yang flowers can make life chaotic, and things unfinished, an abundance of Yin can cause inertia and even depression.

The color of the walls in the bedroom according to Feng Shui

Bedroom in west and northwest directions goes well with white, gray or silver colors - the elements of Metal.

Bright shades of Feng Shui are not acceptable in the bedroom. The color scheme has a good effect on sleep and the mental state of the sleeping person: purple, yellow, white, gray, blue, lilac. Newlyweds should definitely add a little red to the interior. It is not worth decorating the walls and the whole room in this tone, it is enough to "dilute" the furnishings and make accents.

Red on curtains, for example, restores energy after a working day. The blue color will give comfort, create the energy of self-contemplation.

The only combination that is not acceptable for Chinese teaching is the combination of black and white. The elements go well in pairs: Wood and Fire, Earth and Fire, Metal and Earth, Water and Wood.

Feng Shui curtains

By choosing feng shui curtains it is possible to direct the course of life in a new direction, to bring changes for the better, - consider the admirers of the modern interpretation of the ancient Taoist practice of symbolic assimilation of existence. The doctrine of invisible flows of energy (harmonious and disharmonious), brought into the house regardless of a person's desire and regulated by the observance of well-known rules for decorating life, is followed by numerous admirers, even those unfamiliar with the culture and beliefs of China. According to Feng Shui, even a room that is correctly selected according to the purpose of the room will contribute to the harmonious flow of relationships in the family.

Each property of an object (color, size, shape, etc.) can be friendly to the harmonious flow of energies only in a certain place. Therefore, before, with bright butterflies, a wall with a picture or a mirror, you should decide on a useful color in the first case, the subject of the plot and the predominance of shades in the second, and the location relative to the rest of the elements in the room in the third. Pick up the shape and feng shui curtain color follows, taking into account the energy of the room and in accordance with the direction and shape of the windows. For example, the shape of the arch corresponds to the element of water, so it is desirable that they be sewn from fabric of white, blue, greenish shades. Whether to consider when going shopping curtains feng shui as one of the selection criteria? - Consider the basic principles to draw a conclusion.

Window curtains second light

According to Feng Shui, the use of heavy curtain fabrics that collect dust in bulky draperies is very undesirable: the dust in the folds of the curtains attracts resentment, envy, and illness into the house. It is important to provide for the mobility of the curtain set - windows that open without obstacles symbolize new perspectives and opportunities. Let's outline the main points of the selection of color combinations in the context of the harmony of the purpose of the room, the direction and shape of the window. The rectangular shape of the windows, which brings constancy, corresponds to the earth element. Round windows have the energy of metal, it brings prosperity to the family. Sources of the second light are welcomed as complementary with auspicious energies. Curtains for second light windows are supposed to be made of natural materials (bamboo curtains containing jute, linen, silk). Curtains should not interfere with proper lighting of the room during the day and should definitely serve as protection from moonlight at night. The choice of the color palette for the curtain set should take into account the direction of the windows. The symbolism of fire corresponds to the southern side, rich shades of red and orange will fill with efficiency. North-facing windows should match the symbolism of water: shades of blue and black are best suited.

Curtains second light photo

It is better to decorate a window from the west and northwest sides (metal corresponds to these cardinal points) with fabrics in shades of white. For the eastern and southeastern sides, green materials should be selected, because this direction is consonant with the energy of the tree. The south-west and north-east direction of the windows corresponds to the earth symbol, all shades of yellow, brown and gray will be harmonious and appropriate, provided that the energy of the selected color matches the purpose of the room. For rooms where high activity is required (gym, study, kitchen), red is the best possible color. Shades of blue symbolize creativity and serenity, they are appropriate in the bathroom, pool. Green represents rebirth and health, profit. Green shades should be chosen for the textile decoration of the nursery and bedroom.

To yellow feng shui curtain color a place in the living room, a warm sunny color disposes to communication, it is yellow that intuition, success and hospitality correspond. White symbolizes sincerity and purity. Excess white in the design curtains feng shui interprets it as bringing insecurity, increasing the anxiety of households. White should be used in a duet with the color of positive energy, this rule applies to design bedspread and curtains, but snow-white bedding is welcome. Curtains on arched windows it is desirable to be in a color that repeats the symbolism of water. The symbolism of shades of blue has already been discussed above, black embodies the concentration of internal forces, foresight, and dangerous knowledge. An excess of black, like white, is undesirable. If you can't think of how to decorate the curtain a laconic shape or a very simple tulle pattern, consider the recommended Feng Shui method of filling the home with positive energy: a brightly lit window should be supplemented with accessories containing crystals and faceted beads, then the reflection of the sun's rays will bless the house with life-giving qi energy. To find accessories for feng shui curtains not necessarily a visit to a souvenir shop or specialty store. You can find an interesting decor in our salon: crystals can be used to decorate a fringe that adorns a lambrequin or hooks, while a cornice bar can be completed with crystals.


Based on feng shui, every object in our home affects us and our lives. If we apply some of the basic principles of feng shui, we can activate such objects and can invite positive energy. Read on to find out how we can energize the windows and curtains of our home using the energies of feng shui.

The word feng shui actually translates to "wind and water". In accordance with the basic elements of Feng Shui, talks about how to invite positive energy into our home and get rid of negativity. This means that all the objects around us significantly affect our life. Feng Shui also indicates that every object around us means this or that. This can be a decorative item, cutlery or furniture. Feng Shui sets the rules for each and every object that we use in our home. In Feng Shui, factors such as color, fabric, curtain material and window arrangement affect our homes.

We spend most of our time in our homes. Therefore, you should not ignore any aspects of it. How we maintain and manage our home is reflected in us, and vice versa, we influence the home. The paintings on the walls, the choice of the color of the curtains are all important. According to feng shui, keeping the curtains in good condition allows the flow of qi to maintain positive energy in the home. Here are some simple tips for windows and curtains in your home.

Part the curtains and do not cover them during the day, as this allows access to sunlight, which brings positive energy

Close the curtains at night ... Prevent negative energy from entering your home. She destroys the world and the "Qi" in the house.

Do not use plastic curtain rings or rods. Such rods and rings should be made of natural metal or wood. The best material is wood.

Use curtains that can completely cover the window and are long enough to touch the floor.

Use wide curtains with a lot of folds.

Make sure the curtains open and close easily.

Keep windows and curtains neat and clean so that qi can flow freely into your home.

Change your curtains depending on the season, as it changes the mood of "Qi". Use warm colors in winter and different colors in spring and summer. The choice of shades of green for spring, shades of red, orange and pink for summer, white, gray and metallic colors for autumn, shades of blue for winter will create a favorable energetic environment.

Curtain colors also play an important role in activating a particular room in your home. Each feng shui color has a different meaning and you can choose the color of the curtains depending on the energy that is required in that room. Pink and green invite love. These curtains will add a touch of ambiance to your bedroom. You can hang red curtains in the dining room, which can keep you and your guests a little excited. Orange and yellow will bring a refreshing effect to playrooms and kitchens. Use green curtains in your living room for their calming effects.

If the curtains are poorly fitted, they show bad feng shui, so you need to make sure they are correct. Octagonal and arched windows are considered the best in feng shui. Thus, if you apply the basic principles of Feng Shui, you need windows and curtains to provide an influx of a lot of positive energy. However, be sure to add your personal choice along with your feng shui tools. Get ready to have a beautiful combination of your taste and feng shui in your home!

Windows are extremely important in feng shui at home, because are the main sources of sunlight and the life energy it carries. It is through windows and doors that both positive and negative energy come and leave our house. It is not for nothing that Feng Shui calls windows "the eyes of the house." And the eyes, as you know, are the mirror of the soul, the mirror of the soul of our home. With these eyes we look at the world and through these same eyes the world looks at us. Correctly selected materials, shapes, arrangement and decoration of windows with curtains, plants, accessories can have a radical impact on our lives. And feng shui, as the doctrine of the harmonious existence of a person in the world around him, will help to make the right choice. Let's go through the main parameters that you should pay attention to in the design and decoration of windows.

Options for decorating window openings with curtains

According to the ancient Chinese teachings of feng shui, a person is constantly under the influence of all kinds of visible and invisible energies. Everything that surrounds us is boundless energy. Visible energies are represented by all the objects around us that we can see, touch, touch. Invisible energies are both cosmic energy and the whole gamut of our feelings, emotions and experiences. Every thing, every thought, every sensation carries a certain charge of energy - positive or negative. Even we ourselves are boundless energy, changing under the influence of the energies around us and changing the world around us. Changing ourselves - we change the world, changing the world - we change ourselves.

We spend most of our time at home. It is our immediate habitat that has the greatest impact on us. Here we cook and eat, work and relax, communicate with family and friends. By changing the environment in the house in any way, we, consciously or unconsciously, redirect the flow of energy and accordingly, according to universal laws, affect our health, well-being and even relationships between family members.

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Form, materials and arrangement of windows in the house

  • Window shape

The shape of the window is identified with a certain element and has all its inherent characteristics. Square and wide rectangular windows symbolize the Earth, bringing stability and reliability to the house - “my home is my castle”. Round windows carry the energy of metal, bringing abundance and prosperity to the house. They also fuel purposefulness and empowerment to achieve goals. Tall, narrow windows carry the energy of wood, stimulating our creativity in every possible way. Triangular windows bring the energy of fire into our home, filling us with extraordinary activity and efficiency. Arched windows are associated with the element of water. They fill our home with tranquility and tranquility, making it an ideal place to relax and recuperate after hard working days. Feng Shui is especially positive about octagonal windows, because they, by balancing and harmonizing different polar energy flows, have a beneficial effect on all aspects of life. It is better not to dwell on any one window shape, but to choose the appropriate option depending on the functional purpose of a particular room taken.

  • Materials for the manufacture of windows

Recently, a significant number of publications have appeared in which supposedly Feng Shui masters sing odes to metal-plastic windows. In fact, Feng Shui, as a teaching based on natural natural energies, prefers exclusively natural materials. For windows, these are glass and wood. The fact is that only natural materials carry the living energy of the five fundamental elements - water, wood, fire, earth and metal. Artificial materials carry dead energy.

  • Location of windows in the house

In no case should you place windows in the corner of the room, because this leads to a rapid loss of qi. If this could not be avoided by placing a plant on the windowsill or near the window, you can at least slow down the outflow of energy. In feng shui, outward-opening windows are preferred. Windows that open inward, making a person too susceptible to all external influences, negatively affect health, finances and career growth. In this case, you can block negative energy by placing a mirror so that the window is reflected in it, but not directly opposite the window, or by placing a plant with round leaves on the windowsill.

  • Ceiling windows

In general, feng shui is quite positive about the use of skylights in the interior of the house. As a source of additional light, they bring additional qi into the home. The only caveat is the correct location. The skylight can be used in the kitchen, but not over the stove, because this results in a loss of energy through food. Also, a skylight can be used in the bedroom, but not directly above the bed. But the presence of a skylight in the interior of a children's room is highly undesirable. The child may develop nervousness, irritability, and the feeling that he is under constant supervision.

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Feng Shui window decoration

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What curtains to choose

Be it blinds, curtains or roller blinds, preference should be given to natural materials: natural fabrics, wood (bamboo, jute). During the day, the curtains should be open as much as possible, allowing as much sunlight as possible into the room, and with it positive qi. At night, open curtains attract misfortunes and setbacks, so even if you live on the top floor of the world's tallest skyscraper, it is better to curtain the windows at night. In winter, it is better to give preference to denser and warmer materials, and in summer - light and airy. It is advisable to abandon overly heavy and bulky matters - collecting dust and burdening the atmosphere, they bring the energy of resentment, evil and disease into the house. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that all curtains and windows can be opened easily, without unnecessary effort. This will certainly open up new perspectives in other areas of life.

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How to choose the color of the curtains

The choice of colors for windows and curtains should be taken very seriously. Color is an unusually powerful tool for influencing both the physical and mental state of a person, capable of arousing, calming, inspiring, giving impetus to action or inaction. When choosing a color palette for window frames and curtains, you can rely on the following parameters:

  • The side of the light that the window faces: all shades of red (south - fire), black and all shades of blue (north - water), all shades of white (west, northwest - metal), all shades of green (east, southeast - wood), all shades of yellow (southwest, northeast - earth).
  • Season: all shades of white, gray, metallic - autumn, all shades of blue - winter, all shades of green - spring, all shades of red - summer.
  • Color energy - those energies that, according to feng shui, carry this or that color.

Red is the color of life, joy, energy, happiness. It is a powerful stimulant to physical and mental performance. In excess, it can lead to overexcitation, nervous exhaustion and aggression. Perfect for any premises associated with active physical or mental activity (gyms, playrooms, kitchens, canteens).

Blue is the color of sky and water, personifying creative energy and spirituality, self-knowledge and self-improvement. Calms, pacifies, cools, harmonizes body and soul. Suitable for areas intended for rest, relaxation and meditation (bedrooms, meditation rooms). It is also desirable to use all shades of blue in rooms associated with water and water procedures (baths, toilets, swimming pools).

Green is the color of nature, rebirth, growth, health. It brings calmness, renews physical and mental strength, brings profit and prosperity, harmonizes relations between people. Suitable for rooms related to recreation, health improvement and family communication (bedrooms, recreational areas, children's rooms).

Yellow is the color of the Sun and warmth, embodying cheerfulness, smile, laughter, luck, fun. Brings joy and light, nourishes mental activity. Well suited for spaces designed for socializing (the living room is the warm, joyful heart of your home).

White is the color of purity, sincerity, innocence. Too much can lead to feelings of insecurity and anxiety. It should be used only in certain details of decor and pieces of furniture.

Black is the color of riddles, secrets, personifying inner strength, secret knowledge, foresight. In excess, it leads to a feeling of fear, danger, hopelessness. Like white, black is best used only in certain elements of the interior and furniture.

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We decorate windows with plants and accessories

On the windowsill, it is advisable to place various flowers and plants in beautiful clay pots (in no case in plastic ones!), But there should not be too many of them so that the energy can circulate freely and unhindered.

It is very good when there is a beautiful flowering plant on the window overlooking the street. It will bring joy not only to your household, but also to passers-by. Seeing this miracle in your window, they will subconsciously send the energy of beauty and goodness into your home.

Pendants with crystals and bells or, as they are also called, "wind chime" will serve as a wonderful decoration and amulet for the house. Crystal pendants are best placed on the sunny side. Reflecting the sun's rays, they will shine with all the colors of the rainbow, blessing your home with the entire spectrum of qi energy. Bells are best placed on windows that are used for ventilation and are often opened. The currents of air will make them ring, filling your home with a cheerful chime, driving away everything unkind and unclean. Air bells should be selected taking into account the cardinal direction: a ceramic bell of 2 tubes - southwest, a wooden bell of 3 tubes - east, a wooden bell of 4 tubes - southeast, a metal bell of 6 tubes - north - west, metal bell from 7 pipes - west, ceramic bell from 8 pipes - northeast.

The main function of windows is to let in as much light as possible into the room, and with it the vital energy of qi. Any dirt, stains, scratches, cracks not only prevent this, but also distort energy, turning positive into negative. In addition, all windows must be easily accessible and easy to open. Any obstacles, breakdowns, dirt personify and introduce obstacles and difficulties in various areas of life, be it health, finances or heart affairs. That is why all windows in the house must be kept in perfect cleanliness and integrity. It is important to remember that “like attracts like”: dirt to dirt, cleanliness to cleanliness, etc. The primary impetus is set by ourselves.

Psychologists are well aware that the atmosphere in the house can tell a lot about the people living in it, so it is not surprising that by changing our house we can change ourselves. Feng Shui, as an ancient and time-tested teaching, will help channel these changes in a positive direction. But no matter what system we try to live, it is important to learn the main thing - to listen to your heart, it knows the answers to all questions and will always show you the right path.

Living Room Feng Shui: Everything You Need To Know About The Heart Of Home

Feng shui living room

Often, flawlessly decorating such priority areas for all of us as the bedroom, workplace, nursery, we forget about the "heart of the house" - the living room, which is second in importance after the bedroom. It is in this part of the apartment that all family members gather for a joint pastime, here they meet guests, arrange gatherings, and just relax. Therefore, it is not surprising that, in feng shui theory, the living room has the status of the “face of the house” and the most open part facing the outside world. This room is characterized by the predominance of the active principle of Yang.

Feng Shui living room arrangement: interior and furniture

Living room furniture

Furniture placed in the living room should be ...

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The living room is the center of the house. Here we receive guests and here we allow ourselves to relax and unwind with our family. This is the "public face" of our private home. Multifunctional in nature, the living room is usually the largest room in the home and plays an important role in family life. Here we relax, have fun, receive guests, demonstrate our property and show our taste in interior design. Sometimes the living room can be combined with the dining room, and sometimes part of its area is used as a study.

Given the diverse functions of the living room, it is especially important that there is good feng shui here, as this affects the well-being of all residents. Ideally, the living room should be located at the front of the house, close to the front door, in order to take advantage of the powerful flow of qi into the house. It is also the best room for activating the Eight Aspirations because it is used by all family members.

The living room should be ...

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The living room is the central room in our house. In the living room we receive guests, spend the evening with family, watch TV, read, sitting in a comfortable armchair. All family members equally share this room with each other, and that is why everything needs to be arranged in it in such a way as to try to achieve the maximum energy balance.

To do this, you need to know the rules of the feng shui living room, on the arrangement of which the feng shui of the apartment as a whole largely depends.

Living room shape and qi flow

For feng shui living room, it is important that all sectors of the room are balanced. This is easier to achieve if the living room has a regular rectangular shape. If your living room has a complex shape, then you need to take care to compensate for the missing harmony with the help of various interior solutions.

In order for the qi energy to flow evenly, you need to try to avoid the device of niches, recesses, alcoves, in ...

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The living room is not only the place where you invite your guests, your family while away evenings, spends weekends and celebrates the holidays there. Therefore, it is important to furnish it so that this room has the right energy.

First of all, you should carefully choose the color scheme for your living room. The main thing is not to overdo it with the choice of color scheme for the living room. The dominance of red in the living room will lead to tensions between family members.

A lot of blue and black color spots in the northern part of the house can lead to a decline in vitality and loss of activity. Proportions also play an important role here. In a spacious large room with high ceilings, it is better to arrange furniture in small groups. Don't try to create a single space! In a small living room, arrange low furniture, otherwise the room will make a depressing impression. It is especially important to fence off the part of the living room that you decide to use as an office, otherwise you cannot ...

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Choosing feng shui curtains

Our eyes are the mirror of the soul, the mirror of the soul of the house is the windows. The strongest streams of energy, both positive and negative, pass through the windows. This article will help you understand which curtains are best to hang on the windows, so that happiness, prosperity and peace always reign in the house.

Curtain material

Whichever material you choose, it should be natural, linen and cotton are perfect for this role. In the summer, fabrics should be light, airy. In winter - on the contrary, warm and dense. If you decide to hang the blinds, then the material from which they are made, it is also better to choose natural, for example, bamboo or straw.

Curtain color

Light shades of curtains will visually enlarge the room and tune in to peace and harmony.
White is the color of sincerity and purity. It should not be used in excess for the entire interior, but it is perfect for bedroom curtains.
Yellow is the color of the Sun, cheerfulness and good luck. The curtains are that color ...

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Based on feng shui, every object in our home affects us and our lives. If we apply some of the basic principles of feng shui, we can activate such objects and can invite positive energy. Read on to find out how we can energize the windows and curtains of our home using the energies of feng shui.

The word feng shui actually translates to "wind and water". In accordance with the basic elements of Feng Shui, talks about how to invite positive energy into our home and get rid of negativity. This means that all the objects around us significantly affect our life. Feng Shui also indicates that every object around us means this or that. This can be a decorative item, cutlery or furniture. Feng Shui sets the rules for each and every object that we use in our home. In Feng Shui, factors such as color, fabric, curtain material and window arrangement affect our homes.

We spend most of our time in our ...

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It is believed that the living room is the face of the house, with which it faces the outside world. This room is especially frequented by friends, family and strangers, so it is the most open part of the house. The living room must be spacious and well lit for good Qi transfer. Be sure to hang a large crystal chandelier in the living room with many lenses playing in the light - such a chandelier will enhance the favorable flows into your living room. Fortunately, even if your living room is modern in style, nowadays crystal chandeliers are very fashionable to combine with simple functional furniture.

First of all, the furniture in the living room should be large, comfortable and beautiful. Cozy sofas and armchairs with comfortable headrests and backs are the perfect feng shui solution. The living room, first and foremost, should be decorated with feng shui symbols.

The most favorable symbols for the living room are images of immortals, cranes, flying ...

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feng shui living room

The living room is usually the central room of the house. All family members gather here after a hard day in order to relax and communicate. Reception of guests in the same way, in most cases, takes place here. Since the living room is the “heart of the house” and has many functions for the inhabitants of the house, it should be spacious, light and comfortable. Thanks to such her qualities, it will not only be pleasant to be in it, but also, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, it will attract good luck and prosperity to the house. To "tune" your living room to attract positive energies according to Feng Shui, arrange furniture correctly, observe the principle of five elements, and also do not forget about lighting.

For the unhindered penetration of good qi, the living room should be located near the front door, but not be conspicuous when entering the house.

Feng Shui furniture in the living room

The best option is simple, modern and most importantly new furniture. Antique furniture can ...

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The main thing to be guided by in the design of the living room is the cardinal points. When choosing curtains for the living room, this factor plays a decisive role. Especially in texture and shades ...

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Feng Shui window decoration

In Feng Shui, many energy flows constantly pass through our home. You can protect yourself from too many of them with the help of various curtains on the windows.

The largest amount of energy enters the house through the windows, which means that it is worth starting with them. This can be done by hanging blackout curtains, but you should not get too carried away and create twilight to the detriment of sunlight. Feng Shui sunlight is also important for our well-being. Blackout curtains are suitable for a bedroom, since in this room the balance of energies should not be the same. The energy of "sha" must reign in the bedroom, and for this it is necessary to create twilight, such an atmosphere according to the teachings of Feng Shui slows down the passage of time, therefore it is most suitable for a room where a person is recovering in a dream, resting.

In the living room and office, lighter curtains should be hung, in this case, airy fabrics are suitable for curtains, they ...

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Feng shui curtains for living room

The living room is a room in which energy continuously circulates. In order for the energy to work for you, contributing to your prosperity, achievement of goals, good luck in love and in business, it is necessary to direct it correctly. The direction and correct circulation of Chi energy depends on the environment you create in your living room. Do not forget that the living room is a place where the whole family and guests gather. It is in this room that different types of energies interact. That is why it is so important to create an open environment here. If you are open, then the world will open to you.

So, let's get down to furnishing the living room. Everything is important here: the arrangement of furniture, the ratio of colors, accessories. And, of course, one of the most important elements is the curtains in the living room. After all, it is the curtains that finally determine the comfort of any room.

The main thing to be guided by in the design of the living room is the cardinal points. When choosing curtains for the living room, this factor ...

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