Loyalty is a simple definition. What is loyalty - definition, how are loyalty and friendship, love, debt? Individualism, free will and loyalty

13.01.2021 Sport

IN erity: Reliability, correctness, truth.

Alexey Dubrov


At different times, people swore to the loyalty to God, the Motherland, the King, and also kept the loyalty to the Order, the family. Speed, it means that I swear to serve faith and truth, honestly, openly, sincerely! Recently, the concept of loyalty distorted, and in more and more frequently referred to the faith with its "principles", ideals and idols. And which principles, ideals and idols are now known ... They are far from serving God and are far from human.

In a person, loyalty is manifested as a consonant force, which is a support of God for the realization of divine laws in the physical world, reality.

For me, loyalty is the loyalty to the great divine forces, loyalty to teachers, loyalty to the fraternity of the inner circle, loyalty to the chosen way of development and improvement. In my opinion, the moment of loyalty to itself is very important, i.e. The strength that led me to the path of development and improvement.

Store loyalty - it means to be impeccable to serve God and be his envoy in this world, annihilating betrayal.

About my infidelity, you can say a lot, but I will say the main thing. At the moment when infidelity was manifested in me, I was not myself, because he renounced the will of God, renounced those words and decisions that he said and took himself. Therefore, now for me basic is the prayer of God, the prayer of loyalty to the chosen path!
Sailing life!

Andrei Mirzaynce


Choosing a path of serving Divine forces is to fulfill its destination, finding your place during life. The loyalty to this path is the reference quality for a person in the process of being.
Configuring and absorbing the power of loyalty, I felt that this power squeezes internal doubts from me, the unwillingness to develop those creatures, entities and other microorganisms that were present in my body.
All these entities, as well as the quality of "search for benefits", have shines .., as loyalty does not assume better or worse, it is beneficial or not profitable. Loyalty - means honesty, honor, support. Loyalty does not expect rewards.
A prime example for understanding the essence of loyalty for me was the Code of Samurai. Samurai follows his state-podino, performs his will, protects it under any circumstances without compromises. Thus, his life acquires meaning, and disinterested ministry strengthens the spirit.
Without loyalty to his spirit, the idea, the way a man like a leaf in the wind. The key point is loyalty to your spirit. To fill your creature by the power of loyalty, I blur the stereotypical view of myself, for people, I feel my individual force, I'm not afraid to be wrong and mistaken.
In the future work, I saw that in order to enhance loyalty, I need to transform adaptability, primitive idleness and insecurity, since they interfere with the spirit of the spirit into the body. If the insecurity will dominate, how can someone be confident in me in my support?
Loyalty has one root with faith:
Loyalty - Vera - spirituality - Spirit.
Loyalty - confidence - faith - faith in yourself.
Loyalty makes us more people.
The right one is right. Such as God created.

Taisiya Starshinova


What am I storing loyality? The idea of \u200b\u200bstrengthening life on earth, its divine essence, its divine destination.

Loyalty is born in the heart, fills first the physical body, and then, going beyond its borders, manifest themselves in all actions and actions when interacting with the outside world.

What prevents inside me to be correct?

1. The state of purchase and sale, manifests itself when communicating as "what will it be for that?". Exists until you perceive yourself as a performer, worker I.T.P. This is a certain measure of responsibility for himself and the world around. Many helps awareness that life is priceless and better die than trading his life, becoming slaves of things, people, egregors ...

2. The state of the fear that controls each action by building the relationship "master-slave". It manifests itself like waiting for approval for their actions from teachers, friends. It is necessary to learn how to perceive fear as an additional force to do business. The constant assessment and comparing itself with the surrounding people, firstly, depletes itself, secondly, serves as a bad service of these people. When you start to navigate only on others, there is such an energy as envy - they can, and I can't - it means I'm not so correct and in general, it will not work out of me. So it will be, if you begin to bother about this. Realizing how many things need to be done, it is impossible for a long time in this state. There is no time to compare, you just need to live and enjoy life.

And most importantly, all this should not be broken from reality. And then I sit here at home and develop, I make settings and asians, and leaving the house, forget about it ...
It all begins with the smallest things, immaculate in the trifles - the foundation is building!

Tatyana Dubrov


Liability is one of the faces of humanity.
Human loyalty is loyalty to his divine destination, its essence. Energy of loyalty, ministry, flawlessness, Calestremity form the inner stem.
Loyalty gives rise to confidence of forces, which means responsibility.
It is truly true in difficult situations. Situations are difficult when unharmonized energies are accumulated in the body. It feels like internal discomfort, to eliminate which is needed to find a way of speedy and efficient harmonization of energiesin yourself and around. But the way output itself is not obvious. Besides of that moments always a number of doubts in their own power, pityhimself, suffering, resentment, negativism. The energy of these states will make everything to capture the attention completely and suck the body from the body to the maximum. The task of loyalty is to prevent this and maintain the power of life and humanity. Loyalty at such a moment is a wand-coronary, for which it is necessary to put on and row in the right direction to the previously set goal (in the direction of the development and improvement and enhancement of humanity), no matter how difficult, as joys and eases at such moments may not be. More precisely, the joy and lightness come at the time of permission, i.e. harmonization situation.But impeccability, reliable satellite of loyalty, always near. By entrusting yourself with love, you understand that there are no hopeless situations. There is only one hopeless situation - this is death (i.e. full loss of life lifetime) ...

Incorrect actions - those actions (including thoughts and emotions), whichlead to loss of vitality.To go off (from the word "betrayal") suffering (I had such moments), pity for yourself, based on egocentrism (when no one except important and not interesting), offended (It seemed that people for me so unfair and no one understands me), allit's the way to cancelless disappearance of non-humanity.Distorting perception, memory becomes short and strangely elective, power is lost

Some time ago I really wanted to the sea and it seemed that everything was going awakened and the trip would take place. It was a very strong desire, painted brightly "I want." When it became clear that the trip would not take place (as documents did not have time), my emotions acquired a strong negative color, which led to extremely life-threatening husband (accident by car) consequences. Negative emotions are just energy, and the accident was quite real with the blow of the physical body ... It was a bright of life and death. I am grateful to God that everyone remained alive. For me it was a lesson. I realized that a monster acted through my "I want". To allow the manifestation of alien non-humanoid will is the infidelity of its essence.

What am I doing at the time of the strength of loyalty:
1. Take the energy of loyalty and sat by them my body.

2. Domestic affairs with tuning for the power of loyalty (consonantly flawlessness).

3. Ipite Runa loyalty in Asanas.

I first felt the work at this stage, and then I saw the image of loyalty. I feel that this image helps me strengthen the female essence.

Vladimir Titov

Male qualities: loyalty

Man. Who is he? What is he? How is he manifested in this reality?
Why is it generally needed? What is its main qualities and features?
Dignity, prowess, honor, courage - by these and many other qualities should have every person who considers himself a man.

Among them there is another quality, the necessary man: loyalty.

Let's try to see the meaning of this word.
According to the old Slavonic alphabet, which is a written message of our ancestors and in which every word with his sacred meaning:

In - I know, I know
E - is
R - Rztsi (Speak, I say)
N - Our
O - it
C - Word
T - firmly.

And even a soft sign at the end does not make this word less hard and insignificant, especially, this sign, in fact, the EP means: the initial energy of the RA or space-time.

So: I know, there is (it means) - I say, our word is firmly and this combines space and time, our being, reality.
Therefore, the Word said by a man has a huge force.

And here, try to say anything, and not do, or do, but not as needed, or to do bad, or not on time. Or appoint a meeting and be late, or cancel it without warning.

Special meaning is beginning to have all promises and oaths.
Previously, in the old days, it was enough to simply give your word.
In this word, he had the honor of his giving. It was almost equivalent to breaking it. Let not even physical, but the death of itself as a person.

Lit in something meant to stop being a man. This was no longer confidence in this. And no one has ever wanted to deal with him.

With the word loyalty - a single word faith.
Here is the meaning of the following: (I know, I say, AZ) i.e., I know what I am talking about.
It turns out that faith is the initial knowledge, knowledge of God.

And this, in turn, means that the person does not believe in God is simply impossible. A person carries divine knowledge. It carries him as a man as a son and the creation of God, as a conductor of divine energies in our reality.

It turns out that loyalty is a follow-up of divine laws, divine knowledge, its divine - human essence.

The concept of loyalty accompanies each person every day throughout his life in any field: love, friendship, work. Loyalty characterizes a person from the point of view of moral, ethical, mental qualities, education, causes a sense of trust, respect for him.

People can be faithful not only towards each other, but also to the Fatherland, the goal, personal principles, the rules of behavior, their dream, this word.

Interpretation of the concept of loyalty

According to the sensible dictionary, the immutability and perseverance of feelings towards something or anyone is loyalty and devotion. The ability to firmly, unshakably fulfill its duty, to restrain the promises. This is the opposite of cunning, deception. This quality is not waiting for anything in return, they do not agree in advance, it follows the person in any undertaky, whether it is a relationship with people or with its inner world, thoughts, judgments, religion.

The faithful person is, before, all honest, respectable, highly powerful citizen and the subject of the Company. People who know how to be faithful, evaluating this quality above all, are never able to betrayal and deception. One of the main qualities characterizing a respectable person is loyalty. What is wearing without genuine devotion, confidence, the opportunity to rely on a hard shoulder, people who have seen betrayal, frustration and lies know well.

Devotion to friendship

People begin to be friends since early childhood. They are completely even crumbs in kindergarten, they are already drawn to friendship, choosing toddles suitable in the spirit. In a school bench, more durable consisting in sharing, mutual assistance, the ability to stand up to each other. Sometimes these relationships pass throughout life, through many tests, becoming stronger. This is a real devotee friendship, without a caustic and betrayal.

The ability to rejoice along with the friend when it goes to the mountain, to assist, pull out from any straight, stand behind him, go behind him, wherever he asked, to be with him, even if everything is against him, is loyalty . without devotion? It's not quite a friendship, but a relationship based on mutual benefit, which can end up at any time.

Men's loyalty to a woman

Not every man is able to be a faithful only choices. Most are looking for new love adventures, even if they are married for a long time. Some men do not consider fleeting hobbies by Ajulter, and some wives are silently closed on the advent of her husband's husband, so as not to destroy the marriage and not injure the psyche of children.

A real man should be responsible for his actions. By choosing the only time, to carry it to the very end, without changing the trifles. The faithful and devotee understands the entire burden of responsibility, after the conclusion of a union based on full and mutual confidence. All his love for the spouse manifests itself in taking care of her, respect and sincerity, which is an inseparable part of the concept of loyalty.

Devotion to parents

Not all the children matured and to acquire their family, they can preserve loyalty to their old parents in relation to their old parents. What is one long-awaited call per month for the most relatives on earth of people who have given all the forces who have invested the whole soul in the education of the Son or daughter? Devotion to parents is an opportunity, despite employment, pay for them due attention and care.

The person faithful to its parents is obliged to repay them with a kindness, a warm attitude for love. It is a care guard over their parents to the very last day, providing them with proper care and support both moral and financial.

Loyalty to the Motherland

A special feeling for your native land, willingness to serve on its benefit, to protect against the invaders is also loyalty. What is a devotion in relation to the dedication, knows every soldier who protects his house, a swing turn, mercilessly killing enemies. Every mother knows about it, wiped tears, giving a sole son on the war.

About the loyalty to people of their country, obligations to them, the debt can tell every military, who lost his comrade on the battlefield. This knows the surviving soldier, wounded, but who preserved courage and courage to pull a friend from the fire.

Loyalty is the quality of a real hero, able to go through a lot by keeping the purity of thoughts and kindness towards the whole living. This is the ability for the sake of the highest goal, sacrificing the sake of others, go ahead and not surrender.

Loyalty and devotion is the basis of all sincere and real human relations, the main moral quality of a spiritually developed, decent, sincere person who is incapable of deception and betrayal.

Each man in the depths of the soul dreams of disinterested love accompanied by sincere loyalty. Many are interested in what a secret meaning carries the Word itself. It is worth considering the manifestation of devotion to the Motherland, loved ones, close, friends, beliefs, principles, ways to achieve this nature of character and the possibility of permission to doubt with a suspect of betrayal.

What it is?

Loyalty is a moral category, reflecting the vital values \u200b\u200bof the individual. It is one of the most important qualities on Earth, characterized by unshakable, immutability and hardness. The opposites of this ethical concept are betrayal, deposit, debauchery.

Treason is the most pious manifestation of human nature. The betrayal affects the personality.Estimation of the ages of traitors deserve contempt.

There is no loyalty half. The concept itself comes from the word "faith". It is impossible to believe a person if he is not always honest. With violation of loyalty, insidiousness and treachery appears.

The right path or answer means the correct action. The right thing convinces in its fundamental and reliability. Based on these ideas, we conclude that the faithful person is the right, reliable and devoted comrade. The faithful person does not retreat from his principles. This is a mature decent person, which has a strong inner rod. A permanent person is resistant to any temptation and difficulties. He is able to adequately overcome all obstacles. Devotion to the Motherland, a beloved person, family, friends, work does not allow him to switch to another object.

The loyalty is the key to pure, trusting relationships, in which there is no place of suspicion, rage, jealousy and anger. Truly close and harmonious relationships are possible only under the condition of preserving loyalty and confidence in the partner. Not only people have this amazing quality. There are a lot of cases of amazing devotion of dogs to their masters.

Animals cannot think humanly, therefore, they are inherent in polygamy, thanks to which there is a population of species. But even among zoological representatives, constant couples are created, which keeps loyalty to each other in any circumstances. The attachment and dedication are inherent in lisam, wolves, bots, penguins, orlans, albatrosam, swans that remain with their partner to the last breath. They have the ability to care for the sick individual, feed, drink and treat your companion. Swan loyalty symbolizes the tearing tenderness of a loved one throughout life and failure from flights after the death of the second half.

Loyalty serves as a lifeful moisture for love. Only with confidence in each other appears rest, feeling of peace and full harmony. Difference is pushing inner unity. Trust is a fundamental factor in personal and business relationships.

How does it manifest?

The faithful person retains the devotion to the object even in his thoughts.

In family relationship

He is not able to admit any ambiguity, does not remove the wedding ring in new companies, does not start friendship in social networks with representatives of the opposite sex. He shows openness and honesty towards the partner with whom he decided to connect his fate. The unshakable belief opens to people a clean and bright way to the future.

The basis of love is loyalty. Married devotion does not allow the treason of a partner, which destructively acts on marriage.When the believing heart is broken, there is no happy future. Without loyalty, there can be no love ever. Family happiness is possible only as a result of pure, honest, trusting relationships. Often, men adhere to double standards. They require constancy and resistance from his wife, but for their part they admit infidelity. Both spouses are obliged to keep any spouse.

If you even think about treason, a black clutch of evil forces is introduced into the family hearth. The energy relationship between her husband and wife is instantly lost. Fear, jealousy, anger, anger appear. Happiness gradually leaves the marriage bed.

Devotion of people loving each other - there is the greatest value. The advantages of honest relationship are:

  • trust, warmth and love in the family;
  • stability and durability of marriage;
  • lack of jealousy, unnecessary quarrels and offense;
  • constant feeling of elbow feelings;
  • lack of concern to give birth to children, fear to stay lonely mother.

If the loyalty is perceived by someone from the spouses as a burden, this indicates the futility of relations. Without loyalty, never get a friendly and durable family. Treasies contribute to the appearance of a chill in relations, suspicion, depravity and distrust.

Mutual sacrificial work is needed, which ultimately leads to mutual understanding, attachment, joyful ministry to the family hearth. The seventh of God's commandment says: "Do not commit adultery." Nowadays, there are married couples that initially agreed not to keep each other devotion. Such a marriage union is doomed.

Divorces are most often accomplished after the treason of one of the spouses. Treasies are inextricably linked with deception, meanness and betrayal. They destroy the psyche of the second half.

Even the most imperfect family carries holiness. It is no coincidence that there is an expression: marriages are performed in heaven. So, the family is a divine device. It is necessary to store it in the same way as the fatherland, loved ones, faith in God.

In friendship

True friendship requires great self-dedication. A disinterested friend does not ask anything in return for his devotion to a close person. The attachment of people arises on the basis of common interests, hobbies and confidence in each other. The manifestation of great patience to the disadvantages of a comrade and bringing a personal time to the gift of personal time.

Mutual and mutual assistance - evidence of friendly devotion. Friends help to solve problems arising, overcome obstacles, periodically appearing on the life path. Despite the shortage of time, they come to the rescue. Friendship has greater moral value.

It is very important in the most bitter moments of life to rely on the shoulder of a reliable friend, feel his sincere joy for your successes, good luck and happiness. A real friend will never betray. He will be near even then when comrade turns out to be a feature of poverty or seriously ill. Friendship does not tolerate infidelity. Friends are not sifted in difficult times.

In principles

Sometimes people change habits, betray their ideals, change the word to this. The man always opposed smoking, but somehow unexpectedly succumbed to this harmful habit. He cooled to the church, threw a woman who was once loved. Public opinion, remorse will never be able to overshadow treason yourself.

Prediting his beliefs and principles, a person loses respect for people, acclaims her shame. The forgetfulness of the previous ideals of a windy person is an alarming ringing of the unpromising of being and grows its own nonsense.

Under all circumstances, it is necessary to show resistance and maintain devotion to ideals, homeland, close to people. It is no coincidence that the heads of state give the oath to the loyalty to the people and the country. Patriotic feeling and devotion to the debris inspires warriors on the feats. Some at the cost of our own life remains correct to the debt before the fatherland. In history, a lot of heroic actions committed by fighters, who, who were faithful to the Russian flag, gymnus and not broken in the most terrible circumstances were recorded.

How to achieve?

Most often loyalty depends on the upbringing. It is in the family that such basic values \u200b\u200bare beginning to be formed, as responsibility, constancy, honesty. In early childhood, the primitives may grow into an extraordinary devotion to parents, friends, satellites of life, their own children, work, Fatherland. The child delicately feels the value present in the family. It is gradually fixed by a certain image of a matrimonial union.

It is important to teach children to constant from the small years. They should clearly know: late is the wrongness of the word, equivalent lies. From hiding and small deception begins treason. The child is obliged to understand that, it would seem, a minor incorrect develops into a big lie. It is necessary to teach sons and daughters to restrain your word, always tell the truth. People who grew up in a large family are getting used to care from childhood about parents, brothers and sisters. There is a high probability of education of a dedicated person, since the interests of the family prevail in children from the smallest years. The aggravated sense of duty and sincere faith in God helps people to preserve their honor, avoid lust, depravation, distrust and betrayal.

Anyone is available to raise an abstinence from lust. Several volitional efforts are required to eliminate the impermanence of feelings. Current pleasure on the side can bring a lot of trouble.

To avoid temptation, it is necessary to remove all contacts of the former lovers or mistresses. You should not register on the dating sites, to give in to communicate with representatives of the opposite sex in social networks. A non-free person does not need to meet with other girls or guys.

Although in fact loyalty does not limit freedom. Most likely, on the contrary, devotion is closely frees from many vicious ties. Internal freedom is purchased. Most people noted that loyalty gives them strength, confidence in tomorrow, joy and peace of mind.

There is a possibility to acquire hardness, unshakable, confidence in the constancy of a partner and affection for a satellite of life. This requires the following actions:

  • manifestation of wisdom and restraint;
  • daily expression of love, care, tenderness, delicacy, bringing romance to relationships;
  • delivering joy and happiness to a beloved person;
  • accommodation of apologies when inflicting a random resentment;
  • manifestation of deep respect and confidence in the partner;
  • ban on provocative messages and unpleasant phrases;
  • regular communication with its second half, correspondence in any of the messengers, periodic calls;
  • sacrifice, abstinence and storage of loyalty to its partner.

Happen in family life moments of extrusion passion. Spouses are confident that love has passed, it's time for parting. You can not refuse fading love, the heart can ignite again. To this should be applied forces, if only there was a desire. A deep feeling of respect and love for a satellite of life will be made to replace the former dustiness, it is formed for several years.

How to check?

In verification to loyalty you need to show insight. In disruption of devotion to the chosen one, the behavior of the second half changes significantly. If overcomes painful doubts in the constancy of the partner, you need to pay attention to such details:

  • whether there is still a place for periodic pleasant surprises from the beloved person;
  • does the chill run during kisses and intimate proximity;
  • whether the content of the text of the message of the second half is colder;
  • whether the number of calls is reduced;
  • do nervousness appears when trying to ask, with whom the person is on an ongoing connection on social networks;
  • it is observed by the extinction of tenderness and joy in relations, the disappearance of unanimity.

Best of all at the very beginning of relationships, find out the following moments from your second half.

-You pay too much health care, "said Karl, insurance agent. - If you choose our company, you can save 15 euros per month, and this is a considerable amount.

"Maybe this is," replied Jens, "but I have been using the services of this company for several years now." She reversed me more than once, and I want to stay faithful to her.

- loyalty is, of course, good quality, but you lose money! - objected Karl.

Karl was right. Those who show loyalty, or devotion, often carry losses. In addition, loyalty takes time, forces and emotional returns. So is it worth showing this quality?

More praise than manifest

As the survey was shown, conducted by the Allensbakh Institute for the Study of Public Opinion, 96 percent of respondents consider loyalty to valuable quality.

According to another survey, which was conducted by the same institution, but already among young people aged 18 to 24 years old, two thirds of respondents believe that loyalty can be useful in life.

Although loyalty often praise, the attitude towards it quickly changes when it is necessary to show this quality.

For example, in some European countries, spouses and relatives often do not store loyalty to each other.

It happens that loyalty lacks friends. And the times, when the owner and employee, as well as business partners tied the word of honor, have long been rushed into the past. Why is this happening?

Often, a stressful pace of life leaves people too little time and effort to fulfill their obligations.

Those who have disappointed in people and "kicked" once, are afraid to trust someone again.

Others live according to the principle of "today there are no tomorrow", so there is no place for loyalty in their life.

Be that as it may, loyalty is the quality that is more often praised than exhibit.

Let's therefore discuss: Is it worth showing loyalty? If so, in relation to who need to be correct and how to show this quality? What blessings are waiting for those who exhibit loyalty?

Why should be loyal

In some countries, children love to rush to ruins from the ruin. The barbs cling to clothes and hold on it, whatever the child did: I went, run, jumped or tried to shake them. You can get rid of the barns only if you disable them alone. Children really like this fun.

Of course, to see on my clothes the burdock is not very nice. And yet we admire the amazing ability of this plant to cling to a durable surface.

A person who exists loyalty can be compared with such a plant. It develops with other close, strong relationships.

It holds hard principles firmly, correctly fulfills its obligations and keeps the word, even if the circumstances interfere with this.

The word "loyalty" is closely due to such words as devotion, reliability and invariance.

As a rule, we all appreciate when others store us loyalty. But for our part, do we have the strength to remain true? If so, in relation to whom we should show this quality?

Loyalty - the basis of marriage

Marriage is a device in which loyalty plays a crucial role, however, the spouses most often lacking this quality.

To be a faithful married oath - stay together and do everything for the good of the other - an important step towards happiness and satisfaction. Why?

People were created with the need to show loyalty and have devotees.

When the marriage between Adam and Eve was concluded in the Garden, God commanded: "Leaves the man's father's man and his mother will go to his wife; And there will be one flesh. "

The same principle also applied to his wife: she also had to stick to her husband. Husband and wife should be loyal and supported each other (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19: 3-9).

Of course, it was a few thousand years ago. Is it considered a loyalty today in marriage with something obsolete?

Most does not think so. For example, 80 percent of the survey participants spent in Germany are confident that loyalty is very important in marriage.

During another survey, researchers wanted to find out which men's and female qualities are considered the most valuable. A group of men asked to call five qualities that most admire them in women.

A similar question was asked a group of women. The most valuable quality of both groups called loyalty.

Truly, loyalty is the basis of a happy marriage. However, as we have already learned, loyalty is more often praised than they show.

A huge number of divorces indicates that betrayal and treachery are common in the world. How to resist the spouses and keep loyal to each other?

Loyalty bonded marriage

The loyalty of the spouses will manifest itself in the fact that they will assure each other in their devotion.

For example, instead of saying "mine", it is better to say "our": our friends, our children, our home and so on.

Building plans and making decisions regarding housing, work, raising children, entertainment, vacation or religious life, spouses should consider the opinion and feelings of each other (Proverbs 11:14; 15:22).

Husband and wife also show loyalty if they help each other feel the right and desired.

If one of the spouses behaves too friendly with the persons of the opposite sex, it can cause another feeling of anxiety and uncertainty.

The Bible advises the husbands to rush to the "wife of youth" with his. Husband should not allow his heart to make attention from another woman. And of course, he must avoid married treason.

The Bible says: "Who adulteries with a woman, in that there is no mind; That ruins his soul, who does it. " In the same high norms, the wife must be fit (Proverbs 5:18; 6:32).

Is it worth loyalty in the marriage of the effort? Undoubtedly.

Loyalty makes marriage more durable and durable and brings blessings to both spouses.

So, if the husband exists loyalty and takes care of the well-being of his wife, it will give her peace of mind and confidence, and she will be able to reveal the best sides of his personality.

The same can be said about the husband. In addition, if he comes up to keep loyalty to his wife, it will be easier for him to adhere to the righteous principles in all spheres of life.

When spouses face difficulties, mutual devotion gives both a sense of confidence.

If marriage lacks loyalty, the spouses are most often deciding to break out or subjugate. However, this does not solve problems, but only creates new ones.

In the 1980s, one famous Kuturier left his wife and children. Did he bring happiness bachelor life?

Twenty years later, he admitted that, leaving a family, found only loneliness and emptiness. "How many times I could not fall asleep, thinking about my children and dreaming to wish them a good night," he said.

Loyalty to parents and children

If the spouses keep loyal to each other, their children will most likely be able to develop this quality. Those who grew up in a happy, loving family will be easier to respond to marriage, as well as take care of their elderly parents (1 Timothy 5: 4, 8).

But, of course, it happens that the children themselves can get sick and need constant care.

This is what happened in the family of Herbert and Gertruda, who are witnesses of Jehovah. Spouses are already in 40. Their son of Ditmar has suffered from the very birth of muscle dystrophy. He died in November 2002. For the past seven years, the boy needed to leave the clock, and his parents with love took care of him. They even installed medical equipment in their home and passed special training. What a great example of loyalty!

Loyalty in friendship

"A person can be happy without marriage, but without a friend of happiness not to find," said Birgit.

Perhaps you will agree with that too. Whether you are married or not, loyalty to the reliable friend will warm your heart and enrich your life.

Of course, if you are married or married, your companion of life should be the best friend for you.

Friend is not just familiar. I can have a lot of friends: neighbors, colleagues, people we meet from time to time. But real friendship requires time, forces and emotional returns.

Being a friend is a great honor. Friendship brings many blessings, but also imposes certain responsibilities.

Friendship is impossible without good communication. After all, friends need support and help.

"We call up with a girlfriend once or twice a week and share their experiences. How wonderful to know that she is always near and is ready to listen, "says Birgit.

Distances of friendship is not a hindrance. Gerda and Helga live apart thousands of kilometers from each other, but they are friends for more than 35 years. "We are constantly rewritten," Gerd says, "we inform the news and share your joys and sophors. I always look forward to letters from Helga. We are very similar, and we have a lot. "

Loyalty is an important condition for friendship. The betrayal can destroy even those relationships that were overlapped for years.

Friends are usually advised to each other by the most intimate issues. They are sincere and are not afraid that they will misunderstand or deceive their confidence.

The Bible says: "A friend loves at any time and, as a brother, will appear during the misfortune" (Proverbs 17:17).

As friends affect our thinking, feelings and actions, it is very important to be friends with those whose way of life is close to us.

For example, it is very important that we have the coincidence of religious views, moral principles and norms of good and evil. Such friends will help achieve intended goals.

Indeed, why bring it closer to those who do not share your moral principles?

Regarding how important it is to choose friends correctly, the Bible says: "Communicative with wise will be wise, and who is friends with stupas, will corrupt" (Proverbs 13:20).

Lightness can be learned

Having learned to trailet tricks on clothes, a child, most likely wants to do it again and again. The same can be said about a person who has developed loyalty. Why?

The more often we remain faithful, the easier it is for us to show this quality.

If a child in the family learns to be faithful from early childhood, it will later be easier for him to become a devoted friend. And strong friendship, in turn, will help him be a faithful companion of life.

Jesus said that the most important thing in life is to love Jehovah God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength (brand 12:30).

So, we need to be selflessly loyal to God. The loyalty to Jehovah God brings many blessings.

After becoming his friends, we will never be disappointed, because in the Bible it is said that "God is faithful" (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Undoubtedly, if we are true to God, eternal blessings are expecting us (1 John 2:17).

Life is the clever gift

In the "Divine Comedy" Dante Hero travels for nine Circles of hell. It leads to the Roman poet Virginia, and together they pass through nine concentric circles, at each level meeting more and more sinful souls. Dante passes through the Lamb, where the souls of virtuous Christians and unrestained babies are located, through the circles of desepass, worstles, miserly, angry and lazy, heretics, violent, and scammers, before descending to the center of the Earth, to the very last circle of hell. Here the greatest sinners gathered in history, guilty of treasures and betrayals. These souls are doomed to hold an eternity to the ice, among them Brut, Cassia and Judas, who torments Lucifer in their three pastes.

So many different sinners - why Dante placed traitors to the very last circle of hell? What's the matter why they are worse than the rest? Why betray someone's confidence - is it unforgivable?

Communication bonding society, in the modern world weakened, but devotion so far in price. Devotion on which the world stands. We could not make business transactions and build personal relationships without loyalty. Loyalty is the idea that we meet our words and implement promises. This is unconditional trust in another person.

Devotion unites people. We live your life, taking certain norms that allow us to function in society. We need to know who you can rely on. We all understand that, ideally, friends will cover their back, loved people will be true, and the partners do not deceive you. When someone turns out to be unreliable, he does not justify our expectations, and we lose confidence in it.

In modern society, there are few reliability. Each character trait can manifest itself true and false. Employ can apply to stubbornness, determination to become stubbornness, humility - to grow into passivity. Also, loyalty can be blind obedience. Those who criticize loyalty love to bring Germany in an example of Hitler's era and ask: "Does these devilish things have been made not from a sense of loyalty to the state?"

However, the loyalty to which the conquerors and oppressors require - this is an unrelative of loyalty. It is impossible to demand loyalty at all, you can only choose it, and we will talk about it. Loyalty can be used in the name of evil, but this does not deny the fact that it is a wonderful and decent quality if it is used in the name of good.

What is faithful?

Like courage, and integrity, and sense of responsibility, loyalty is very important quality. It often happens that it is much easier to describe on the example than to choose the right words. We see loyalty in a soldier who does not throw a wounded comrade and takes it out of enemy fire. We see the incarnation of loyalty in the famous person on whom women hang, but who never change their wife. In general, loyalty consists of several aspects.

Free will. Loyalty should be born from your own choice and desire. It is impossible to make a person be faithful to someone or something. Loyalty need to choose.

Practical and decisive actions. Loyalty is not an abstract idea. It must be combined with actions. Feelings and emotions are only part of loyalty, it is the kernel from which the actions grow.

Cause. We often imagine loyalty as a connection between yourself and other people: friends, wife, family. Therefore, when the essence of this person changes, he ceases to interest us: we feel that it is entitled to break this connection.

True belief refers to something more than just a person: it should relate to the principles, and not with people. Be sure to be faithful, but the idea of \u200b\u200bfraternity and friendship. To be faithful not to his wife, but the idea of \u200b\u200blove and marital loyalty. To be faithful to the sister, but family uzam.

Such unchanged principles should serve as the foundation of loyalty. Therefore, when people change, your loyalty associated with eternal values \u200b\u200bremains with you.

What should be faithful?

While we often perceive loyalty to the debt, you need to be correct for the reasons that you inspire you that can change you and breathe enthusiasm in you.

The reasons why you choose loyalty should not be dictated to you by traditions or your public situation: you have to make this choice myself. Find the reasons that reflect your will and are consistent with your values \u200b\u200band ideals. Causes that attract your heart, and your mind, for which you are capable of much and even go for victims. Then you will be true.

Sunset of loyalty

In times, when individualism and personal freedom in trend, loyalty is much less common. The consumption society made us buyers not only of fashionable commercial goods, but also other aspects of our life. With the myriad elections available to us: from shampoos to professions - we learn that happiness is the result of the most realized opportunity to choose. We are always looking for something better, moreon. Therefore, modern loyalty is only a pale shadow of loyalty to the past. Of course, we are true ... until we turn out something better. We are true ... until we give some pretext to not be faithful. Of course, this is not true loyalty. A faithful person understands that he has connected himself with an idea for an unlimited time term.

Loyalty weakens in our time and by the fault of cynicism. As we have already mentioned, loyalty requires reasons that are close to both our mind and our heart. Therefore, idealize something for loyalty is even useful. When we decide to be true, we are true to something good, something outstanding.

In our cynical age, it is easier for us and more pleasant to notice only flaws and write to the naivety of high feelings (allegiance including). Cynicism is condensed to loyalty before it appears a chance to manifest. When you talk about marriage, the divorces are in a hurry to recall that this public institution has outlived itself. When you talk about the country, the last political scandal is immediately remembered. It is impossible to mention in a conversation of an excellent person without any emphasis on its shortcomings. It seems that today there is simply no place left for those who look at things with hope once to see them as they should be ideally called naive or stupid. However, loyalty deserves a place even in a modern complex era, it opens up a lot of opportunities in a person and society.

What is good loyalty

We admire the faithful people, because they are confident, purposeful, they know what they want and why do the actions do. We know what you can expect from them. We know about their views.

Loyalty brings happiness and satisfaction. Studies have shown that the ability to adhere to the decisions made makes us happier than constant oscillations. Students allowed to pick up the paintings home. One group of paintings was given forever, and the other was told that they could be exchanged or simply to give back if they change their mind. Almost no one did it, but students from the second group were less satisfied than from the first. Why? Because the ability to change the decision was constantly sitting in their head, they overestimated the decision made, being in a state of permanent mental work, failing to enjoy the decision.

For this reason, it is right good, although freedom of choice seems pleasant. Today, many are changing quality by quantity, and it is easy to understand that true pleasure comes only when you deepen into something, going deeper.

Loyalty reduces the level of uncertainty. Too a large number of options paralyzes us and does not allow us to be happy, leads us to inaction. One way to limit the choice is to be true. There are such elections that we do in our lives only once and can no longer make them again. As soon as you decided on something, it is not necessary to re-invent the wheel every time you have to choose.

Loyalty gives rise to loyalty. Of course, living among loyalty is definitely an advantage. Loyalty can generally change society for the better. Loyalty is infectious. When we are true, it inspires others to be loyal.

Individualism, free will and loyalty

Perhaps the biggest obstacle to loyalty is the fear of losing freedom. In the end, if you make sure of something, you will behave in accordance with your decision. However, loyalty and individuality are not opposite concepts. Loyalty - in some sense, even the path to self-development.

The most impressive and complex philosophical question in the world is an understanding and knowledge of our will. We look at yourself, however, and there it is hard for us to find the answer to this question. We decide to obey the majority. However, we still need to designate their inaccuracies, our excellence from others, and in the end we end up the next desire of the Bunt against social norms. And we return to ourselves, ask yourself questions, and the circle closes.

Loyalty can resolve this conflict between individualism and conformism, between the external and inner world. Loyalty gives a man lying in the external world causes, goals and directions of action. However, the decision to serve these goals is due to its own internal considerations.

When can we be incorrect?

Perhaps this is the most difficult question regarding loyalty. When can I change your solution to be correct?

Many men misunderstand loyality as a relationship "service for the service." They see the relationship as a ping pong: while both sides retain balance, they remain true. However, as soon as the relationships begin to roll in one direction, when one donates more than it gets in return, they consider themselves to have the right to stop being loyal. However, true loyalty is not derived from reciprocity.

We must try to be faithful to the very end until you exhaust all your resources - perhaps even until the end of life. Of course, between these moments, your motivation may change, but remember: you chose this path. You made an offer, you agreed to this work, you decided to help this person. When you did this choice, you agreed on any difficulties associated with him. You knew that you go to risk, and nevertheless agreed.

On the other hand, motivation should not submit your conscience. What makes a man when something comes against his conscience, values, rules? When is someone for the first time bets him? And then in the seventh and seventy time? And what if his expectations never justify? Is it possible to allow to abuse your trust?