The topic is whether a noble heart can be unfaithful. A noble heart cannot be wrong. Come up with a conventional sign

13.01.2021 Information

A noble heart cannot be wrong.

Honore de Balzac.

Is there a connection between the concepts of "nobility" and "loyalty"? From the point of view of Honore de Balzac, people who follow the norms of morality cannot betray their beliefs, ideals, friends and loved ones. Is it really true that there can be no real fidelity without generosity, disinterestedness, the ability to be near in the most difficult moments of life, the ability to sacrifice one's own interests of another person? Or can a traitor also have pure thoughts, a noble heart? Is the great writer right when he says that morality presupposes loyalty? It is to this question that I will answer in the discourse essay.

Examples of the fact that loyalty is the criterion of a noble person can be found in the works of Russian and foreign authors. A.S. Pushkin and A. Dumas, F. M. Dostoevsky and V. Scott, L. N. Tolstoy and D. Orwell - in the novels of these and many other writers the theme of the relationship between nobility and devotion is revealed. An example of true feelings is shown in John Boyne's novel The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Reading about how Austrian and Jewish teenagers communicate, you understand that the relationship between Bruno and Shmuel is based on the universal human laws of kindness, honesty, mutual assistance, and responsiveness. Before our eyes, the son of a German officer and a prisoner of a prisoner of war camp are making "expeditions", Bruno seeks to feed a friend, invites him to try together to find Shmuel's missing father. Watching Bruno, you are convinced that he has both material wealth, and a servant ready to fulfill any requirement, and mom, dad, sister, who are always there. In contrast, a Jewish boy lives behind barbed wire, does not even have a home, and the only thing Bruno envies is his “striped pajamas”. Surprisingly, the difference between the boys does not affect their friendship! The author shows relationships that are based on universal laws. One of the final scenes of the novel, in which the heroes find themselves in a gas chamber and, holding hands, walk towards death, shows that, as Balzac argued, noble hearts cannot be unfaithful.

The friendship of the protagonists of the novel "French Lessons" by V. Rasputin helped to make sure that the words of Honore de Balzac were true. The author tells about a fifth-grader who finds himself far from home and experiences all the hardships of the post-war period. You feel compassion reading about how a hungry child earns a mug of milk and a piece of bread by playing chiku. It is difficult to imagine how the teenager's story would have ended if it had not been for Lydia Mikhailovna. Can a French teacher be considered a man with a noble heart? Undoubtedly. It was she who repeatedly tried to feed the main character, sent a parcel with food on behalf of her mother. Playing with the wall is another way to make life easier for a child, to help him survive. It seems to me that this is exactly what a person who lives by the rules of morality should do. Lydia Mikhailovna proved her loyalty to the friendship of the teacher and student when she had to make a difficult decision. Having lost her job, she protected the boy from the wrath of the headmaster. Reading the history of the relationship between the heroes of Rasputin, you understand that his ability to remain faithful depends on the nobility of a person.

In my essay, I turned to the heroes who lived in the 20th century. Is Honore de Balzac's assertion that a noble heart cannot betray is true today? Of course, after all, a person who does not have good feelings and positive qualities is not capable of being faithful. Therefore, it is important for each of us to realize how true devotion depends on the ability to live for the sake of others, to put the interests of society above our own.

Infidelity has always been considered a terrible, treacherous act that only a weak, selfish person is capable of. Nobility was associated with the purity of the heart, sincerity, honesty of actions. But there are exceptions to everything. In the life of people, circumstances have and have happened that cast doubt on the assertion of the unshakable loyalty of a noble heart. Is a person always capable of being faithful? Can noble hearts change? It probably all depends on what can be considered treason.

The main character Tatiana in the novel Eugene Onegin falls in love with Eugene in the poems of Alexander Pushkin, but he, considering her young and innocent, says "no" to these feelings. Tatiana retains her love for him, but soon she is married off, and she is forced to forget about Eugene. And he, having met her by chance in Moscow, realizes that he is in love, and hopes for reciprocity. Tatiana still loves him, but the sanctity of marriage forces her to give up her happiness and live her whole life with an unloved person.

On the one hand, her heart remained faithful to Onegin in her feelings, but, on the other, she betrayed this love, relying on her marital duty. Then you need to decide if cheating is considered an action? Or is the feeling itself already recognized as treason? I believe that betrayal concerns only love and I do not understand who needed this sacrifice made by Tatyana. She loves Eugene, which means this love must be true.

Katerina in the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm" becomes a victim of patriarchal foundations. She, too, is given in marriage. It seems to the heroine that she is obliged to love her husband, but this is not so. Unfortunately, the society she lived in made her believe it. Applying in 2019? Our team will help you save your time and nerves: we will select directions and universities (according to your preferences and expert recommendations); we will issue applications (you just have to sign); we will submit applications to Russian universities (online, by e-mail, by courier); monitor competition lists ( we will automate the tracking and analysis of your positions); we will tell you when and where to submit the original (we will estimate the chances and determine the best option). Trust the routine to professionals - in more detail.

Her feelings for Boris become real love. Despite the fact that she is unfaithful to her husband and considers it a terrible sin, does not see love in this, her heart tells her that feelings for Boris are real and different from marriage with Tikhon. And I do not consider her act to be treason, because it is impossible to change someone whom I have never really loved.

So, I understand betrayal as a betrayal of real feelings. The heroes from my examples had noble hearts, but society recognized their actions as right or wrong only on the basis of the outer shell. Therefore, I could call Katerina's love betrayal, and Tatyana's loyalty something due. A noble heart is truly incapable of treason. But it is important to remember that love never becomes infidelity and does not succumb to the stigma of betrayal.

Useful material

Very beautiful quotes about loyalty and love, aphorisms about constancy in the family

Without constancy can be neither love, nor friendship, nor virtue.

D. Addison

In all in human affairs, constancy is the highest manifestation of strength.

O. Balzac

Constancy- the basis of virtue.

O. Balzac

Noble the heart cannot be wrong.

O. Balzac

Constancy is the everlasting dream of love.

L. Vovenargue

For great deeds need indefatigable constancy,

F. Voltaire

There, where there is love, there must be trust.

F. E. Dzerzhinsky

Constancy in love - this is eternal impermanence, prompting the herd to be carried away in turn by all the qualities of a loved one, giving preference to one of them, then another; thus, constancy turns out to be impermanence, but limited, that is, focused on one subject.

F. La Rochefoucauld

Self-control self-discipline is not slavery; they are also necessary in love.

V. I. Lenin

To permanence even v delusion we have a kind of reverence.

T. Pape

Who he never swore fidelity, he would never break it.

A. Platsn

Weapon will protect, but the best protection is loyalty.

Seneca Mladish

How the stronger a person's character, the less prone he is to inconstancy in love.


Without purity of intimate feelings is inconceivable purity of civil feelings.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Loyalty- the commandment of friendship, the most precious thing that can be given to a person

E. Thelma

Constancy inspires more confidence than talents and achievements.

E. Whipple

Keep loyalty is a virtue, to know loyalty is an honor.

M. Ebner-Eschenbach

Works used in argumentation: E.M. Remarque "Three comrades", L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Introduction: What is nobility? What is loyalty? In fact, these two words are inextricably linked and are an integral complement to each other. Two completely different qualities are in many ways similar, and over the millennia of human history, they have determined the beginning, course and outcome of both global events and individual destinies. Nobility paves the way for loyalty.

A noble person is generous and will never give up on his principles. He will remain faithful to his work, will not deviate from the chosen path, will not change his decision. The moral elevation of these qualities gives rise to a detachment from one's own, selflessness, which manifests itself in relations to the world and people. People possessing nobility and loyalty have performed many feats of war and labor, saved many lives. An honest victory is never complete without nobility and loyalty. Only cowardice can give rise to betrayal and treason.

Unfortunately, today nobility and loyalty are so unique that they become rare qualities. Loyalty and nobility are involuntarily associated with reliability and nobility of spirit. Fidelity to the word, fidelity to the cause, fidelity to the Motherland, fidelity to man and fidelity to oneself became the reason for writing thousands of the best books, scripts of the best films. Nobility is chivalry and the absence of selfishness in any form, which makes a person unique.

Argument: Nobility and loyalty are the theme of all the works of Erich Maria Remarque. A vivid example of a noble heart is Robert, the hero of the novel Three Comrades. The representative of the tragic generation who passed the First world war, is well acquainted with loyalty and nobility not by hearsay. His dedication and courage at the front and his post-war love for a seriously ill girl, with whom he remains until the end of her days, perfectly reveal all shades of nobility and loyalty at the same time.

Showing nobility and endless devotion to the Motherland, the heroes of Leo Tolstoy's great novel War and Peace are fighting the enemy. Neither General Kutuzov, nor Pierre Bezukhov, nor Prince Andrei Bolkonsky intend to leave the battlefield alive. The young and noble Petya Rostov is faithful to his Fatherland, who perishes in the battle, defending the Motherland. His death looks stupid and ridiculous. But he died, being loyal to the Motherland, and realizing his purpose on the battlefield. The judgment that representatives of the "noble family" can have nobility is controversial. In the battle scenes of the novel, ordinary participants in the battles show a degree of nobility no less than the famous generals of noble families.

Conclusion: In conclusion, we can say that these ethical categories do not exist separately from each other. And there is no choice between nobility and loyalty. You cannot be a noble person and at the same time betray your faith, the Fatherland and any living soul. Equally, one cannot be infinitely faithful and devoted to the end of one's days without showing signs of nobility.

Honore de Balzac (fr. Honoré de Balzac; 05/20/1799 - 08/18/1850) - French writer. The author of the epic "The Human Comedy", which includes 90 novels and short stories, is grandiose in terms of the breadth of coverage of the realistic picture of French society. Rilke wrote about Balzac: “The parent of entire generations, the waster of destinies ... a man whose eyes did not seem to need objects. If the world were empty, his eyes would give birth to the universe in it. "

  • Love for a highly moral nature - the same as the Sun for the Earth.
  • Two people can save each other where one dies.
  • Everything human skill nothing more than a mixture of patience and time.
  • Grief- the most persistent of all our senses.
  • Constant work there is a law of both art and life.
  • Doubt- means to lose force.
  • Everything comes in due time to those who know how wait.
  • Their beliefs do not hang on the wall.
  • Circumstances changeable principles never.
  • Slander indifferent to nonentities.
  • Have mind, like a country road, has its own beaten track.
  • With fur correct morals.
  • Scoffer always a superficial being.
  • Near fool there is always a crook.
  • There are people like zeros: they always need to have numbers in front of them.
  • The key in every science is a question mark.
  • Idea above fact.
  • We know nothing so badly as what everyone should know: law.
  • Morals Are people the laws- the mind of the country. Morals are often more cruel than laws. Morals, often unreasonable, prevail over laws.
  • Civil courage and military courage stems from one beginning.
  • Truth- like a bitter drink, unpleasant to the taste, but restorative health.
  • Doubt in God- means to believe in him.
  • Our consciencejudge infallible until we killed her.
  • Noble the heart cannot be wrong.
  • How sweet critical remarks coming from friendly lips; you believe in them; they make you sad, for there is no doubt that they are correct, but they will not hurt.
  • We we recognize as a human only the one whose soul in love, dreams of spiritual pleasure as much as of bodily pleasure.
  • Love so bad home squabbles that for lasting happiness you need to find each other outstanding qualities.
  • Future the nation- in hand mothers.
  • Will can and should be a subject of pride much more than talent... If talent is the development of natural inclinations, then firm will is an every minute obsessed victory over instincts, over drives, which the will curbs and suppresses, over obstacles and obstacles that it overcomes, over all kinds of difficulties that it heroically overcomes.
  • Misfortune is a touchstone of characters.
  • Strong life shocks heal from petty fears.
  • Social depravity takes on the color of the social environment in which it develops.
  • Virtues can be harmful if not illuminated by the light of reason.
  • Nothing binds us like ours vices.
  • If you do not believe in yourself, you cannot be genius.
  • If all the time you will speak alone- you will always be right.
  • Appreciation proved by deed.
  • Never render services not asked for.
  • People are afraid of cholera, but wine much more dangerous than her.
  • Envy Is one of the most powerful elements of hatred.
  • Back out of cowardice and fears is still considered a skillful maneuver.
  • Where is involved ambition, there is no place for sincerity.
  • People rarely flaunt limitations- most try to cover them with an attractive shell.
  • People have nothing inside, forever exposing everything.
  • It humiliates a person exactly Lying.
  • Arrogant hypocrisy inspires respect for people who are used to serving.
  • Cruelty and fear shake hands with each other.
  • Drinking the cup pleasure to the bottom, we find more gravel there than pearls.
  • There is only one giant pygmy-driven machine, and that is bureaucracy.