Quotes: fortitude, self-confidence, overcoming difficulties. Aphorisms and quotes about strength

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=Fortitude, self-confidence, overcoming difficulties.=

Strength of spirit, self-confidence, overcoming difficulties. The best quotes, aphorisms, statuses, poems.
The greatest test of a man's courage is to be defeated and not lose heart. Ralph Ingersoll Only when a person's spiritual strength leaps up is he truly alive for himself and for others; only when his soul is red-hot and blazing does it become a visible image. Stefan ZweigThe strength of the human spirit lies in the ability to look with interest and optimism into an unpredictable future. This is the belief that there is a way out of any difficult situation, and that all disagreements can be resolved. Beckett Bernard

If you give up, don’t despair, there will definitely be something wonderful under your feet, don’t be afraid to raise it. If it becomes difficult and scary, it is important to feel how it becomes easy and clear for you what to do now. Serge Goodman

There is a force of aspiration in the human will that turns the fog within us into the sun. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

A person is like a brick; when burned, it becomes hard. George Bernard Shaw

Happy, thrice happy is the man who is strengthened by the adversities of life. Genre Fabre

A person only achieves something when he believes in his own strength. Andreas Feuerbach

The highest characteristic of a person is perseverance in overcoming the most severe obstacles. Ludwig van Beethoven

Avoid those who try to undermine your self-confidence. A great person, on the contrary, instills the feeling that you can become great. Mark Twain

The greatest test of a man's courage is to be defeated and not lose heart. Ralph Ingersoll

Only when a person’s spiritual strength leaps up is he truly alive for himself and for others; only when his soul is red-hot and blazing does it become a visible image. Stefan Zweig

I often tell myself when things are bad,
And there are obstacles along the way.
The road is not always smooth,
There are both stones and potholes on it.
That I can survive any troubles,
I am strong, and tears suit me.
I'm not afraid of the vicissitudes of the weather,
I can overcome anything in the world.

Allow yourself to breathe deeply and don’t force yourself into limits. Strength belongs to those who believe in their own strength. Elchin Safarli

Fell face down in the mud? Stand up and convince everyone that it is healing.

I became strong because I was weak
I'm fearless because I was afraid
I am wise because I was a fool.

By admitting his weakness, a person becomes strong. Honore de Balzac

All our muscles are not a guarantee of strength, someday a day will come that will simply bring a person to his knees and the one who rises and continues to live and becomes even better - that’s the strong one!

I have me. We'll manage somehow.
Don't be afraid to face the truth - let it be afraid of you.
Don’t be afraid to not be perfect—have you met many ideal ones yourself?
Don't be afraid of criticism - this means NOT indifference,
Don't be afraid of the future - it has already arrived.

Even if it rains, tomorrow there will be sun. I will move forward as long as my heart beats. Max Lawrence

A person is what he believes in. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

If you feel like you're broken,
You are truly broken.
If you think you don't dare,
So you won't dare.
If you want to win, but you think
That you can't
You will almost certainly lose.
You don't always win the battles of life
The strongest and the fastest
But sooner or later the one who wins
It turns out that those who considered themselves capable of it!

Are you concerned about the future? Build today. You can change everything. Grow a cedar forest on a barren plain. But it is important that you do not construct cedars, but plant seeds. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Desire expresses the essence of a person. Benedict Spinoza

A person is driven primarily by motivations that cannot be seen with the eyes. A person is guided by the spirit. Apuleius

What is in a person is undoubtedly more important than what a person has. Arthur Schopenhauer

More than ten years ago
I decided to choose this path.
At first at random
But over the years, seeing the essence more deeply.
Who always goes forward
Even though sometimes the road is not easy,
Fortunately for him he will come,
Even if the chance is one in a hundred.

Without a shadow of a doubt
Without hiding my face,
Go towards your goal
Dear fighter.
Go till the end!
To end!

To move forward, a person must constantly have before him at the heights of glorious examples of courage... The future has several names. For a weak person, the name of the future is impossibility. For the faint-hearted - the unknown. For the thoughtful and valiant - an ideal. The need is urgent, the task is great, the time has come. Forward to the victory! Victor Marie Hugo

Human capabilities have not yet been measured. We cannot judge them by previous experience - the person has not yet dared so much. Henry David Thoreau

If something is beyond your capabilities, then do not decide that it is generally impossible for a person. But if something is possible for a person and is characteristic of him, then consider that it is also available to you. Marcus Aurelius

Man is created for happiness, like a bird is created for flight. Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko

When all roads come to a dead end, when all illusions are destroyed, when not a single ray of sun shines on the horizon, a spark of hope remains in the depths of the soul of every person. Delia Steinberg Guzman

I'm not a lady. Everything that was taught
It swept over me like the wind.
But adversity did not break me,
Let me seem tough at times.

I'm not a lady. I am a fearless warrior
The one who looks only forward
The one who knows so well the value of war,
But in the distance the sunrise is already flaring up.

I fought for him and will fight,
And I will never forget in my life:
The South lost its war ingloriously
And I won my victory equally.

Touching the cotton fields with my hand,
I look with faith into the days to come...
- What helped you? - they will ask, surprised,
- Strength of spirit, just bring it back and save it!
gone With the Wind

Difficulties give rise to the abilities necessary to overcome them. W. Phillips

We are people with a strong spirit and resourceful mind; we will be able to build help from any intrigues and obstacles! Juliana Wilson

A purposeful person finds means, and when he cannot find them, he creates them. William Ellery Channing

We must look for our essence, our human origins, our inner strengths, our potentials. The height of a person does not depend on his physical height, but on the grandeur of his dreams. The horizons that open to him are outlined not by mountains, but by his self-confidence. He is young at heart; he is the bearer and keeper of hope, he has the eternal strength to remain optimistic, enthusiastic and able to accomplish what he strives for. Jorge Angel Livraga

True defeat is the voluntary renunciation of one's rights. Jawaharlal Nehru

When you don't get the role you deserve, you have to write it yourself.

Fate brings strong people to their knees in order to prove to them that they can rise, but it does not touch the weak - they are already on their knees all their lives.

A soul that has never suffered cannot comprehend happiness! Overcoming difficulties makes you happier. George Sand

Strength of spirit makes a person invincible. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

You are very strong. I'm just very tired. Remember your wings, remember that you can fly. It's hard to walk on earth if you can fly. Spread your wings and fly. Despite the difficulties and circumstances. And despite the fact that many hold your wings. YOU are stronger!!! You will fly!!! Just believe in yourself!!!

With experience I learned -
There are no easy paths in our life.
But what won't kill me -
Tomorrow will make me stronger!
In this world everyone is alone
Free to control your own destiny,
But from start to finish
You just need to be yourself!

When it becomes very difficult for you, and everything turns against you, and it seems that you have no strength to endure one more minute, do not give up for anything - it is at such moments that the turning point in the struggle comes. Beecher Stowe

To be strong, you must be like water. There are no obstacles - it flows; the dam - it will stop; if the dam breaks, it will flow again; in a quadrangular vessel it is quadrangular; in the round - she is round. Because she is so compliant, she is needed most of all and stronger than anyone!

There is no need to be sad when fatigue controls the body, the spirit is always free. In the midst of the battle you are allowed to rest. Agni yoga

The Spirit alone, touching clay, creates Man from it. Saint-Exupery A.

The self-making spirit is tuned to the wave of the forces that control the world.

True man is not an external man, but a soul communicating with the Divine Spirit. Paracelsus

The quietest and most serene place where a person can retire is his soul... Allow yourself such solitude more often and draw new strength from it. Marcus Aurelius

Your determination not to give up will allow you not to break even when everything collapses.

The main thing is not the place where you are, but the state of mind in which you are. Anna Gavalda

The spirit is strong with joy. Lucretius

The joy of the spirit is a sign of its strength. Waldo Emerson

The mind is the eye of the soul, but not its strength; the strength of the soul is in the heart. Vauvenargues

Don't be afraid of your fate,
After all, everything is extremely simple:
Become stronger
Don't let go of your dream
Just follow her.
Black obelisk.

Any business is argued in my hands,
Seething, boiling and sparkling with flames,
My energy is resurrected again,
And the bright spirit of a fighter is in my eyes
You will become stronger from difficulties!

We have the hidden ability to rise from life's storms and become even stronger

Do not do anything by force.

You will almost always achieve more with affection than with brute force.

Persuasion is often more effective than force.
If power is united with justice, then what could be stronger than this union?

Take it not by force, but by persuasion.

What is valid for the greater must also be valid for the lesser.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

Make your way by force.
Caesar Gaius Julius

Everyone feels what their strength is, which they can count on.
Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus)

In movement, strength grows and gains power.
Virgil Maro Publius

The one who is first is stronger.
Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

Love can be gained by affection, not by force.
Publilius Syrus

By forgiving a lot, the strong become even stronger.
Publilius Syrus

Consent strengthens even weak forces.
Publilius Syrus

The strongest is the one who controls himself.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

It's easier to do more than the same. Strength must be maintained through constant exercise.

If a person has the ability to reason and can contemplate the sun, moon and stars and enjoy the gifts of the earth and sea, he is not alone and not helpless.

It is not possible to see those forces that are only allowed to be felt.

Many strong people are defeated by the weak.
John of Damascus

From strength comes our truthfulness, From weakness comes our deceit.

Those who direct their strength towards good deeds are the strongest.
Margaret of Navarre

Intrigue is the strength of the weak; even fools are smart enough to do harm.
William Shakespeare

We always have enough strength to endure the misfortune of our neighbor.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

We have more strength than will, and we often, just to justify ourselves in our own eyes, find many things impossible for us.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Power rules the world, not thought, but thought uses power.
Blaise Pascal

To boast of strength - to carry a bull on your shoulders - means to be like him.
Bernard Le Beauvier de Fontenelle

Use your strength carefully so that you can do more later, but beware of ever doing less.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Consciousness of one's powers increases them.
Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

The most unpleasant feeling is the feeling of your own powerlessness.
Thomas Carlyle

No one knows what his powers are until he uses them.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Our strength is in the power of thought, in the power of truth, in the power of words.
Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

Strength needs no abuse.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Two people of the same build would not fight for long if the strength of one overpowered the strength of the other.
Kozma Prutkov

It is never a sign of cowardice to submit to a power above you.
Alexandre Dumas (father)

The strong have the right to be optimistic.
Heinrich Mann

Stronger than anything in the world are the rays of calm eyes.
Anna Andreevna Akhmatova

...it’s bad when power lives without the mind, but it’s not good when the mind is without power...
Maksim Gorky

The strong are always kind.
Maksim Gorky

Strength is in the mind. The head is crazy, like a lantern without a candle.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Strong people are always simple.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

If only people believed that power does not lie in force, but in truth, and would boldly express it.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

A strong man is not afraid of enemies, but he is afraid of friends. Having defeated the enemy with one blow, he does not feel any grief, but he is involuntarily afraid of injuring his friend, like a woman. The weak are not afraid of friends, but they are afraid of enemies. And therefore he sees everyone as an enemy.
Ryunosuke Akutagawa

Quotes, aphorisms and sayings about the Force.

8441. Power, not public opinion, rules the world, but opinion uses this power. B. Pascal.
8442. Power always steals from the many for the few. Wendell Phillips.
8443. Power always attracts people with low moral qualities. A. Einstein.
8444. Power conquers everything, but its victories are short-lived. A. Lincoln.
8445. Power is trusting by nature. There is no surer sign of weakness than an instinctive distrust of everything and everyone. A. Count.
8446. Strength also includes patience. Impatience shows weakness. G. Hauptmann.
8447. A force devoid of reason dies by itself. Horace.
8448. Power that does not know the enemy helps to subjugate people. Xun Tzu.
8449. Power is not some deity that gave the world a click and set it in motion, it is not something different from matter: it is an inseparable property of it, it has been inherent in it from time immemorial. I. Moleschott.
8450. Force necessarily leads to peaceful government, and absence of force necessarily leads to disorder; strength necessarily leads to tranquility, and lack of strength necessarily leads to danger. Mo Tzu.
8451. The force with which we exert an effect on other objects depends on the force that we have over ourselves. I. Eotvos.
8452. The strength of arguments is not in number, but in weight. Latin saying.
8453. The willpower of the weak is called stubbornness. M. Ebner-Eschenbach.
8454. The strength of virtue lies in its modesty. E. Feichtersleben.
8455. Strength and beauty are the blessings of youth, but the advantage of old age is the flowering of prudence. Democritus
8456. Strength and weakness of the spirit are simply incorrect expressions; in reality, there is only a good or bad state of the organs of the body. F. La Rochefoucauld.
8457. The strength or weakness of our faith depends rather on courage than on reason. The one who laughs at omens is not always smarter than the one who believes them. L. Vauvenargues.
8458. The power of reason is that it recognizes the existence of many phenomena that are incomprehensible to it; he is weak if he is not able to understand this. The most natural phenomena are often incomprehensible to him, let alone the supernatural! B. Pascal.
8459. The strength of the revolution lies in the sublime aspirations of humanity, reason and freedom, and not in the unbridledness of animal instincts, hostility, arbitrariness, and violence. V. Korolenko.
8460. The power of speech lies in the ability to express a lot in a few words. Plutarch.
8461. The power of words is limitless. A successful word was often enough to stop an army that had fled, turn defeat into victory and save the country. D. de Girardin.
8462. The strength of those who force is nothing other than the weakness of those who are forced. V. Zubkov.
8463. The power of those who govern is, in reality, nothing more than the power of those who allow themselves to be governed. G. Raynal.
8464. The power of honesty is so great that we value it even among the enemy. An ancient aphorism.
8465. The force of egoism is just as inevitable and just as calculable as the force of gravity. Gaymiard.
8466. Those whose grief is silent suffer the most. J. Racine.
STRONG (adjective)
8467. The strongest thing is inevitability, for it rules over everything. Thales of Miletus.
8468. Stronger than all victories is forgiveness. F. Schiller.
8469. A strong character, like a strong current, encounters an obstacle, only becomes irritated and intensifies even more; but, having overthrown the obstacle, he creates a deep channel for himself. K. Ushinsky.
8470. A strong man is not afraid of enemies, but he is afraid of friends. Having defeated the enemy with one blow, he does not feel any grief, but he is involuntarily afraid of injuring his friend, like a woman. The weak are not afraid of friends, but they are afraid of enemies. And therefore he sees everyone as an enemy. A. Ryunosuke.
8471. Strong women marry only weak men. Betty Davis.
8472. Strong shocks in life heal minor fears. O. de Balzac.
8473. Strong people are always simple. L. Tolstoy.
STRONG (noun)
8474. The strong trample on morality. Morality caresses the weak. He who is persecuted by morality always stands between the strong and the weak. A. Ryunosuke.
8475. The strong have the right to be optimistic. G. Mann.

Willpower: the ability to quit smoking. Superhuman willpower: the ability not to tell everyone that you quit smoking.

Ruthlessness in getting rid of doubts or the ability to ignore them is called willpower.

Karol Izhikowski
If I had more willpower, I would be able to overcome her.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec
I have fantastic willpower: I can do absolutely nothing!

Henryk Jagodzinski
He is one of those extremely weak-willed people who cannot be influenced by anyone.

Oscar Wilde
A man has his own will, a woman has her own way.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
Life requires a person to have iron willpower and a considerable amount of money.

Strength and weakness
Power is never funny.

Napoleon I
Only weakness does not forgive, only powerlessness does not forget.

Vladislav Grzegorczyk
Honesty in politics is the result of strength, hypocrisy is the result of weakness.

Vladimir Lenin
If you give in, do it right away, and they will call you generous. But if you give in after reflection, they will decide that you are weak.

Jean Rostand
Intelligence is highly valued when strength becomes cheaper.

Vasily Klyuchevsky
Don't hit the weak, much less the strong.

Vladimir Dubinsky
Do not offend the weak if he is stronger than you.

Mikhail Genin

You read online: aphorisms and quotes.

It doesn't matter how strong you are. You can die from any trifle.

Tell me, American, what is the power! Is it in money? So my brother says it’s about money. You have a lot of money, so what? I think that strength lies in truth: whoever has the truth is stronger! So you deceived someone, made money, and what - you became stronger? No, I didn’t, because there is no truth behind you! And the one who was deceived has the truth behind him! That means he's stronger!

Depression is not a sign of weakness - it is a sign that you have been trying to be strong for too long...

People cry not because they are weak, but because they have been strong for too long.

Johnny Depp

It is the weak who must be able to become strong and leave when the strong are too weak to be able to hurt the weak.

Milan Kundera. The Unbearable Lightness of Being

The ability to forgive is a property of the strong. The weak do not forgive. (The weak do not know how to forgive.)

Mahatma Gandhi

All the power is in the eyes, sometimes they are more useful than their owners.

It's not that I don't want to cry, on the contrary, I really want to. Someone just has to stay strong so that you all don't have to be strong.

Jodi Picoult. Fragile soul

If I was ever strong, it was because she stood behind me.

Margaret Mitchell. gone With the Wind

If your life is a mess, you just need to find the strength to start, and you will slowly sort it out. Do you understand, brother? You just need to find the strength to start, and you will succeed.

Irvine Welsh. Porn

Don't give in to anyone. Girls need to be strong too. It doesn't matter if you are not admired. There is no need to hate the era in which you were born. And always remember, strength is keeping smiling.

The power of believing in yourself. This power can change fate.

Fuck! It says so many things in so few letters.

Jared Leto

Let go of the mistakes of the past and when you do, your heart will become stronger.

One tree's hill

A person becomes truly strong when he has the desire to protect someone he cares about. You will become strong.

Pushing waves apart with the power of thought is not a miracle, it’s a trick, but a single mother working three jobs to feed four children is a miracle. You people often forget that the power lies within you.

Mario Puzo. Godfather

Don’t ask God for an easy life, but ask him to make you stronger.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Power makes you more selfish, elevates you above others... makes you lonely... is that what you need?

He who knows people is prudent; he who knows himself is enlightened; he who conquers people is strong; he who conquers himself is powerful.

Lao Tzu. Tao Te Ching (Book of Path and Power)

Sometimes a woman must be a witch to survive.

Stephen King

As long as a person does not give up, he is stronger than his destiny.

Erich Maria Remarque. Three comrades

Power always attracts people of low moral character.

Albert Einstein

We are only as strong as we are united, and as weak as we are separated.

Joanne Rowling. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

A strong person in the present is a weak person in the past. We are not born strong, we come into the world weak, all without exception. We grow stronger as we grow older. Strong people rarely admit that they have strength. It’s easier for them to call themselves weak, at least to themselves. Thus justifying vices - momentary weaknesses to which everyone has the right. If we move on, it means we have strength. If we stand still, it means we have found the strength to stand on our feet. If we fall and cry, it means we are gaining strength by crying tears of pain.

Elchin Safarli. ...no memories without you

The more you lose, the more power you gain in return.

Fairy Tail

For every man, the driving force is a woman. Without a woman, even Napoleon would have been a simple idiot.

John Lennon

Strength is in the absence of fear, not in the number of muscles on our body.

Mahatma Gandhi

The strongest is the one who controls himself.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

If you want to be strong, be invisible.

Victor Hugo. The man who laughs

Look, I didn’t die without you, I’ve become stronger and now I keep my posture not only in photographs.

Elchin Safarli. If you could know…

It takes a lot of effort to restore faith to a person who was once deceived.

Stefan Zweig. Impatience of the heart

... when a person has something that he wants to protect... only then can he become truly strong...

And I realized that if I want to survive in this world, I must, even if not by much, become stronger.

Haruki Murakami. My favorite satellite

When we are hit for no reason, we must respond blow to blow - I am sure of this - and, moreover, with such force as to forever wean people from hitting us.

Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyre

Truly strong people don't explain why they want respect for themselves. They simply do not associate with those who do not treat them with due respect.

Sherry Argov. I want to be a bitch

From the moment I realized my weakness, I can begin to become stronger.

The hearts of Pandora

Sometimes being strong means doing nothing, and vice versa - exerting strength means showing weakness. Strength for me is ultimately wisdom. The wisdom of relevance.

It is better to be soft on the outside and hard on the inside than hard on the outside and soft on the inside.

By admitting his weakness, a person becomes stronger.

Honore de Balzac

The greater the power, the greater the responsibility.


A strong woman is a woman who knows that her weaknesses are a strength that cannot be resisted.

Francoise Sagan. A little sun in cold water

When a person is faced with a force that he cannot destroy, he destroys himself instead. This is his curse.

30 days of night

To be strong, you must be like water. There are no obstacles - it flows; dam - it will stop; if the dam breaks, it will flow again; in a quadrangular vessel it is quadrangular; in the round - round. Because she is so compliant, she is needed most and most powerfully.

I ran... Until my muscles began to burn like fire, and my blood became caustic, like acid... And then... I ran on...

Beauty is power, just like money, just like a loaded gun.

Chuck Palahniuk. Invisible

Doctor, they have weapons.
- But I don’t have it. It makes me a better person, don't you think? They can shoot me, but mentally I am stronger!

Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't strong. You are the strongest woman I know!


A person should fall into bed every evening, half dead from fatigue. If the forces are not used, they rot, and we begin to destroy ourselves at wild speed.

Dmitry Yemets. Methodius Buslaev. Sword Dance

The power in a relationship is with the one who doesn't care anymore.

Every person - even if he does not know about God or denies Him - in the depths of his soul is drawn to something beautiful, perfect, which gives meaning to life, before which one can bow. Just as it is common for people to breathe, think, and feel, it is also common for them to believe in an ideal. The conviction that there is a higher thing gives us the strength to exist.

Alexander Men

With a kind word and a gun you can achieve much more than just a kind word alone.

You must allow yourself to be weak in order to become stronger.

For another observer, all the phenomena of life take place in the most touching simplicity and are so understandable that there is nothing to think about, there is nothing even worth looking at. The other observer will sometimes become so concerned about the same phenomena that (it even happens quite often) - unable, finally, to generalize and simplify them, to draw them out in a straight line and then calm down - he resorts to another kind of simplification and simply - he simply puts a bullet in his forehead in order to extinguish his tormented mind along with all the questions at once. These are only two opposites, but between them lies all the available human meaning.

Fedor Dostoevsky

Life is a fragile thing, and it’s not always possible to save it. We just do the best we can and hope that this fragile life will endure no matter what.

The ability to forgive saves us from anger, hatred and waste of mental strength.

Great power always baffles primitive people.

The strong do as they please, and the weak suffer as they should.

The rays of calm eyes are stronger than anything in the world.

We can achieve more with patience than with force.

The strongest is the one who controls himself.

No one can think clearly with clenched fists.

A smart person will never mess with a strong person.

A woman's strength lies not in what she says, but in how many times she says it.

By forgiving a lot, the strong become even stronger.

It was a “no,” endowed with the power to tear the sky as easily as silk.

Unfamiliar sayings about power

The enemy can be fought in two ways: firstly, by laws, and secondly, by force. The first method is inherent in man, the second - in beasts.

Use your strength carefully so that you can do more later, but beware of ever doing less.

Do you really think that only weak people give in to temptation? I assure you, there are such terrible temptations that it takes strength, strength and courage to succumb to them.

Unprecedented unfamiliar statements about power

Greatness does not lie in being strong, but in using your strength well.

Patience and time give more than strength or passion.

It's easier to do more than the same thing. Strength must be maintained through constant exercise.

Character and personal strength are the only worthy acquisitions.

Oh, this tenderness! How much more powerful is it than force!

Judging by my experience, a man, when alone with a woman, for some reason always believes that he is in control of the situation. Probably because men are physically stronger than women. And few of them understand that intelligence means much more than muscles.

The one who is first is stronger.

The power of millions is in zeros.

What is valid for the greater must also be valid for the lesser.

Not everyone who has unlimited faith in their abilities ultimately wins, but those who don’t believe in them never win.

The strongest are those who direct their strength and good deeds.

Everything can at some point turn out to be a source of strength - passion, rage, and even fear, but not guilt.

Unconventional unfamiliar statements about strength

It is impossible to be strong always and everywhere - just as it is impossible to be weak. You just need to not miss the line beyond which someone else’s power comes to an end.

To look death in the eyes, to foresee its approach, without trying to deceive oneself, to remain true to oneself until the last minute, not to weaken or become cowardly is a matter of strong character.

A strong man is not afraid of enemies, but he is afraid of friends. Having defeated the enemy with one blow, he does not feel any grief, but he is involuntarily afraid of wounding, like a woman. The weak are not afraid of friends, but they are afraid of enemies. And therefore he sees everyone as an enemy.

Where the weak hate, the strong destroy.

If you want to train your student's mind, train the powers that he must control. Exercise his body constantly; make him healthy and strong; let him work, act, run, scream; let him always be in motion; let him be a man in strength, and soon he will become one in mind... If we want to pervert this order, then we will produce early-ripening fruits, which will have neither maturity nor taste and which will not slow down: we will have young scientists and old children.

There are two ways to apply force: push down and pull up.

Never resort to violence unless you are stronger.

The strength of one passion must be judged by the strength of another, which is sacrificed for it.

Strength needs no abuse.

You can give in to force, but you meekly submit only to reason.

What a person truly should fear is not external power that suppresses him, but moral force, which is the determination of his own free mind and at the same time something eternal and indestructible, so that, turning against it, a person turns it against himself.

Proud strangers' statements about power

The strong act with his hand, the wise with his mind, and the cunning with someone else.

What are the hallmarks of what is truly human in a person? Reason, will and. A perfect person has the power of thinking, the power of will and the power of feeling. The power of thinking is the light of knowledge, the power of will is the energy of character, the power of feeling is love.

To boast of strength - to carry a bull on your shoulders - means to be like him.

Just as it is necessary that willpower be possessed by one who is persistent in achieving a reasonable goal, just as obstinate is disgusting...

Make your way by force.

Strength is needed to strike. Endurance - to take punches. Dexterity - to avoid blows. And intelligence... Well, actually, that’s what they beat for.

The strong one is not the one who can put you on your shoulder blades with one look, but the one who can lift you up from your knees with one smile!

There is nothing outside of you that can ever allow you to become better, stronger, richer, faster or smarter. Everything is inside. Everything exists. Don't strive for anything outside of yourself.

The pain is strong, but your eyes are stronger.

If you don’t lose your composure, people understand that you are stronger than them: you have the strength to restrain your anger, but they cannot and say all sorts of stupid things that they later regret. Nothing compares to anger in power - except self-control, because it can curb anger.

Freedom increases strength, and strength always leads to a certain generosity. Coercion suppresses force and leads to all sorts of selfish desires and all base tricks.

Strength also includes patience. It shows in impatience.

Winged unfamiliar sayings about strength

A drop breaks a stone not by force, but by falling frequently.

Take it not by force, but by persuasion.

Yes, everyone wants to get good luck - but why do they think that it can be taken by force?

If there is a faith that moves mountains, it is faith in one’s own strength.

They say about horses that their strength is in their mouth and tail. The same, in fact, can be said about women.

Trust is a sign of courage, and loyalty is a sign of strength.

If the weak join the weak, they will not become strong.

Justice without force is helpless; Power without justice is despotic.

Health without strength is the same as hardness without elasticity.

In movement, strength grows and gains power.

The strength of the devil is in his angelic patience.

The only thing that can resist force is even greater force.

Your suffering gives you strength.

Great despair always gives rise to great strength.

Like the forces of nature, the power of passion is shown by how great the obstacles it crushes, to which it angrily turns.