There really are lunar phase rhythms. The influence of lunar rhythms on health, energy, emotions, success in business and love. Your personal new moons. Man's own lunar rhythms

05.01.2024 Insulin

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Man's own lunar rhythms

In addition to the general lunar rhythm, under the influence of which everything living and inanimate on Earth is, each person’s life has different lunar rhythms of their own.

One of these rhythms turns on at the moment of birth of a person and reveals “ astral secret" person. To reveal this secret for oneself, a person needs to know on what lunar day he was born. This can be found out from rare publications of lunar-solar calendars that were published in our country in the nineties of the twentieth century, or from a qualified astrologer.

In this individual rhythm, the lunar birthday on which a person was born is taken as the first lunar day. For each person, his lunar birthday is the beginning of his own lunar month, a day of mental cleansing and building mental models, as is usually done on the first day of the lunar month. Like the usual first day of the lunar month, it can be longer or very short. It depends on whether a person was born at the beginning of the lunar day or at its end.

The action of the first own lunar rhythm unfolds not on the physical plane of existence, but on the energetic or astral plane of human life. This rhythm allows you to determine which days of the lunar month will bring with them trials, lessons and provocations specifically for this person. After all, this rhythm will have its own dangerous 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th days in order in the sequence of days of the lunar month. They will manifest themselves on the emotional plane of life, creating special psychological difficulties in a person’s life. Table 7 presents the matrix of the development of the individual lunar rhythm for all days of the general lunar month, which is called “Lunar Roulette”.

Particularly complex combinations of days of general and individual lunar rhythms are formed for people born on the “satanic” days of the general lunar month.

For example, for a person born at the beginning of the 9th lunar day, this day will be the first day of his individual lunar rhythm. On his first day of individual rhythm, as in the general rhythm, a person can make plans and mental models. For those born on the 9th lunar day, on your lunar birthday you should be especially attentive to your thoughts, avoiding despondency and irritability, which can lead to sad consequences. However, this applies to all people. The ninth day of the individual lunar rhythm for this person will be the 17th lunar day of paired energies. In the life of a person born on the 9th lunar day, it is in sexual relationships and in a state of liberated fun that delusions, deceptions and seductions await. But the dangers of the 15th lunar day for a person born on the 9th lunar day will coincide with the seductions of the 23rd lunar day. The twenty-third day of the individual rhythm will be the 1st lunar day. This is a warning sign that mental dirt in the form of unforgiven grievances and difficult memories can serve as bait for energy vampires. This confronts a person with the need for timely liberation from them by the practice of forgiveness. All the forces of darkness take up arms against a person on his personal 29th lunar day, which coincides with the 7th day of the general lunar month. Salvation for this person will be the strict implementation of all the recommendations of this lunar day and especially honesty and silence on this day.

Table 7

Individual lunar rhythm of a person

It is important to know and take into account whether a person was born in a full or partial lunar month. The presence of the 30th lunar day in a person’s month of birth includes for him, in his individual rhythm, the energies of the day that falls on the 30th day of the general rhythm, as well as the day that is the 30th in order in his individual lunar month. For a person born on the 9th lunar day, the 30th day of the general lunar month will be the 21st day of his individual rhythm. If the month of his birth was the 30th lunar day, it means that he can count on the transformation of his internal structure and can engage in self-healing. If the month of his birth ended with the 29th lunar day, then the possibilities of the 21st day of his individual rhythm were not revealed to him. On the other hand, the 30th day in order of his individual lunar month will be the 8th day of the general lunar month. When born in a full lunar month (with the 30th lunar day), a person has every opportunity to experience Love and gain Forgiveness, provided that he masters the subtle energies of his being. If there were only 29 days in his month of birth, then the person does not have such an opportunity.

It is better for a person to carry out practices of cleansing the physical body in the rhythm of the general lunar month. Practices with the astral body can be done according to the general rhythm, but such actions on days of their own individual rhythm will be more effective. For example, astral protection for the coming month can be built both on the 3rd day of the general lunar month and on the 3rd day of your individual lunar month.

The individual lunar rhythm of a person makes it possible to see and realize what the temptations of the “satanic” days of the common lunar month manifest for a given person. For a person born on the 9th lunar day, the 15th lunar day of the general lunar month will be the 7th day of his individual lunar month. This warns him that excessive fuss and irrepressible lies can attract many temptations into his life. The 23rd lunar day of the general rhythm will be the 15th for him, and the 29th day will be the 21st day of his individual lunar month. The transformation of the internal structure, which is given to a person on the 21st lunar day of the general rhythm, can be achieved by this person only if he has reliable protection from Satanism and as a result of his victory over the evil in himself.

A person’s individual lunar rhythm also gives him additional opportunities that open up to him with proper work on the astral (energetic and emotional) level of life. A person born on the 9th lunar day faces the task in life of freeing himself from illusions and misconceptions and everything that leads him away from the right path along the road of Evolution. For this valor, a person born on the 9th lunar day gains the strength to free other people from the seduction of the forces of evil and from its seals in the form of the evil eye and damage. To achieve the task set before him, this person must make the most of the possibilities of his individual lunar month. For example, on the 8th lunar day of the general lunar month, which for a given person is the 30th, carry out the practice of the 30th lunar day - repentance and liberation from conscious sins, as well as gaining the highest spiritual Love for everything and all-acceptance of Life. And on the 19th lunar day of the general lunar month, carry out moral cleansing of the soul and conscience with the practices of the 11th lunar day of your individual lunar rhythm - abstinence from food, prayers and breathing through the spine.

The rhythm of an individual lunar month is constant from the birth of a person until his death. Knowing your individual lunar rhythm will allow you to avoid many dangers and add strength and energy on the path of self-knowledge and self-realization.

Interpretation of self-test images on the 25th lunar day

1. The forest is your character. What weather did you see it in? What did they find there? Coniferous trees indicate your roughness. Impenetrable thickets require clearing the space of outdated ideas and attitudes, perhaps even uprooting weeds and cultivating them by planting seedlings of noble and useful tree species. And in general, you can make a wonderful cultural park, leaving somewhere remote secret corners with a carved gazebo for an intimate conversation. How do you like this idea?

2. The chest is your Soul. What is it filled with? What values ​​are there? Everything is in your power - to fill it with hereditary values ​​and your treasures, which will be appreciated by other people and always applicable for yourself. Or keep all sorts of junk there that no longer has a place in this life.

3. The hut in the forest is your family. Do you want to live there? With whom? How? It is in your power to make it a wonderful mansion with all the delights of civilization, where you live in love and harmony with the people you love and dear to you.

4. River - Love. Narrow? Stormy? With whirlpools? Drying out? Which one are you waiting for, which one do you have? Imagine it - different, full-flowing, generous... Whichever one you want... Think - which one?

5. Sea - sex. Are you afraid of a storm? Do you like the breeze? Do you swim right away or test the water first? Maybe you have never been to the sea and don’t know it? Imagine it in a way that will give you joy and happiness. And be happy!

6. A jug in the desert - sex in marriage. Do you think it's empty because it's hot and everything is dry? It’s not true, it’s magical - it contains healing inexhaustible nectar or the purest spring water... Or jewelry... or something else just yours... Check often what’s in your beautiful jug.

7. A horse is a person of the opposite sex. For a woman it is a man, for a man it is a woman. General attitude towards them. Do you like it? For what? Do not love? Why? Don't know how to handle? Read a book about horses, learn at least theoretically how to manage, care for, and approach to them. Tame this beautiful animal within yourself and make it your friend and helper. It will respond to care with devotion and love.

8. Wall – life obstacles. Why does it have to be right in front of you and big? Or maybe she is somewhere far away and low. Why does it need to be overcome? Maybe it has a wide open gate? Or, in general, this wall does not bother you and you are heading in a different direction? You have to watch this wall all the time. To prevent it from growing in your way, push it far away.

Try testing your family, friends, and acquaintances. Ask them in more detail and you will learn a lot of interesting things. And if necessary, advise them to carry out the practice of the 25th lunar day with corrective images that will rid them of incorrect attitudes and open up the possibility of a happier life. But such advice can only be given by those who have already adjusted their lives in this way. If you tell another person before you do it yourself, you will deprive yourself of the opportunity to benefit from this practice. This is the law of the spiritual path: to pass on to others only what you yourself have gone through.

Man's own harmony in the rhythms of the elements

The energies of the Universe are a powerful, almost magical force. Everything that exists in the Universe vibrates and connects with each other thanks to this force.

Each person is a microuniverse, and much depends on how attuned he is to the rhythms and vibrations of the Universe not only in his life, but throughout the whole world. A person carries a charge of his own energy, absorbs the same energy of other people and shares his own with them. Every moment of existence is an interaction with the outside world, which implies the need for balance and harmony. No matter how a person strives to show his individuality, he still remains an integral part of this world. That is why it is so important to consciously be in the flow of life, changing and improving with it.

What are the elements

Ancient philosophers and healers, observing natural phenomena, came to the idea that the Universe is a Unified Space, in constant, never-ending movement. Day and night, bloom and decline, rise and fall, inhalation and exhalation, etc. - all these polar opposite processes reflect the internal activity of living organisms, objects and phenomena and constitute an indivisible One Whole.

One state gradually transforms into another, creating a new quality. The source of eternal motion, according to ancient thinkers, is the presence in the world of opposite Principles, which in ancient China were called: Yang - the active principle and Yin - the passive principle. The constant struggle and mutual desire to supplant each other that exists between Yang and Yin is the fundamental driving force of all development.

According to the ideas of ancient Chinese healers and philosophers, in Nature there is Five Elements. Each item belongs to one of five Primary elements and contains the other four, but in a certain individually specific proportion. The laws of transformation and connections between the Primary Elements are the same for all things. The mutual relationships between the five Primary Elements can be represented as a cycle qualitative transformations different energies - elements. The unified energy is constantly moving, transforming everything into different forms. These phenomena are classified into five main ones "stages of transformation"five elements.

The elements from the point of view of cosmic development are one of the main components of the inner life of man and the world, their harmony and improvement. An element, or tatva (in Sanskrit), is a dense energetic substance that influences the world around it and is itself subject to change.

The Pentagon, a regular pentagon in the shape of a star, symbolizes eternity, perfection and the Universe in ancient teachings. This is an amulet of health, a sign on the doors of the house that drives away witches, a sign of prosperity and good luck, a magical remedy in conspiracies and rituals.

Rhythms of the elements

The elements have both long-term and short-term influence on human life. They change at intervals of two years, two months, two days, two eastern “hours”, two “minutes”, etc. And even the 60-year cycle of the eastern lunar calendar is under the influence of one of the elements. Each person, being born at a certain point in time, assumes as an initial state that combination of elements of the year, month, day, hour, etc., which existed at the moment of his birth. This unique combination of elements determines his psychological characteristics. But, having accepted a combination of some elements at the moment of birth, a person continues to live in a world of constantly and rhythmically changing elements.

Knowledge of the laws of the elements allows us to determine how our original the elements of the year, month and day, whether this interaction is harmonious or whether internal contradictions and complexes are created. The contradictions of the primordial elements create obstacles to the correct perception of the world and response to it and can negatively affect health. In addition, knowledge of the laws of the elements allows us to understand the influence current elements of the year, month and day, use their favorable combinations and mitigate the negative effects of unfavorable elements. Using the same laws, we can analyze our interactions by element with partners, relatives and friends and understand how they change over time. This opens up a new facet of life and provides new tools for relieving contradictions and tensions, and allows you not to miss the right moment for the right action.

It should be noted that on an unconscious level we often correct our internal state (wearing clothes of a certain color, eating certain foods). But, knowing the laws of the Elemental Star, we have the opportunity to consciously influence our lives, which has a great effect.

The Eastern lunar calendar is built on interaction five elements; This - Tree, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water.

✵ Element of Wood. Gives greater adaptability and variability of behavior depending on the situation. The ability to maneuver allows you not to complicate the situation in which you currently find yourself. This element is considered unifying; it gives life to other elements.

✵ Fire Element. Creates situations of rapid and instant transformation, gives activity, activity and long-term passion for some business.

✵ Earth Element. Everything inertial and stable is associated with it, which, as a rule, causes a feeling of heaviness. The element gives a slow inclusion in all processes.

✵ Metal Element. The ability to wait in the wings and instantly turn on and resolve problems, spasmodic movement. This element gives composure, firmness and impenetrability, and patience.

✵ Element of Water. Everything blurs and masks. Water is like a rushing stream, sometimes it has a very violent manifestation, as well as strong bursts of subconscious reactions, which makes the bearer of this element very sensitive. At such moments, an indomitable desire appears to break everything, wash it away and start all over again. It is characteristic of Water to absorb everything and change qualitatively. Mysterious, enigmatic situations are also associated with this element. It is useless to put pressure on people of the element of Water - like water, they will find a crack and leave.

Laws of elemental interaction

The elements interact according to the law of the five-pointed star - the Star of the Elements.

The laws of the Star are as follows.

The elements are strengthening each other, interacting in a clockwise circle. Wood strengthens Fire, Fire strengthens Earth, Metal is born in Earth, Metal forms and cools Water, Water nourishes Wood.

The elements destroy each other, interacting in a circle counterclockwise. Wood drinks up Water, Water destroys Metal, Metal cuts Earth, Earth falls asleep and destroys Fire, Fire destroys Wood.

The elements create(i.e., they create conditions for the emergence) of each other, interacting along the rays of the star counterclockwise. Wood will give birth to Metal in the Earth, Metal will give birth to Fire through a spark, Fire gives birth to Water, i.e. an alchemical reaction occurs, Water nourishes the Earth, Earth will give birth to Wood.

The elements are muted(i.e. transform, change properties) each other, interacting along the rays of the star in a clockwise direction. A tree loosens the Earth, destroys the strength with its roots, the Earth muddies the Water, the Water floods the Fire, but does not destroy it, the Fire melts the Metal, makes it softer, the Metal chops the Tree into small pieces and changes its structure.

The figure shows only positive directions of interaction between the elements.

There are elements active(in interaction influencing) and passive(subject to influence).

Determination of the original elements of man according to the eastern lunar calendar
Elements of the lunar year

The elements of the eastern lunar years change cyclically every two years and influence the general mental attitude of people, determine the level of intelligence, ways of thinking and perceiving the world. In the first year the element is active, in the second it is passive. The cycle of changes in the elements is ten years, during which five elements change for two years each. The cycle of the 60-year lunar calendar begins with the element of Wood. The last current 60-year cycle began in 1984, and the penultimate one began in 1924. Table 8 provides information about the alternation of elements of the last two cycles.

When determining the element of the lunar year of birth, it should be taken into account that the eastern lunar year does not begin on January 1, but from the moment of the new moon, when the Sun is in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, that is, from January 21 to February 19. A person born before the start of the lunar year in this year belongs to the element of the previous year.

Yang is an active element.

Yin is passive.

In years of disaster active tree(or Yang Trees, as indicated in the table), ending in 4, are the easiest to adapt to something new, to grow into new soil. But if in these years a person, like a blade of grass, can break through even asphalt, then in these years passive tree(or Yin) ending in 5, in order to do this, the tree must be watered and the soil loosened.

Element active fire makes you think actively and act quickly in years ending with the number 6, and for active actions in years passive fire ending in 7 require additional incentives.

In years ending with the number 8, when Earth element is active, we think about strength and solidity, we strive for sustainability and preservation of the familiar. And in the years passive earth ending in 9, it is easiest to change your consciousness, habits, and accept new ideas.

Table 8

Elements of the years of the eastern lunar calendar

Element of active Metal in years ending with 0 , creates spasmodic processes: either calm and preparation for action, then, at the right moment, resolution of problems. In years of disaster passive metal ending in 1 can be confusing.

During the years of the element of Water ending in 2 (active Water) and 3 (passive Water), it is difficult to contain the desire to leave the channel, break all the dams and start all over again. (During the years passive water ending with the number 3, mysterious, strange events occur.)

Elements of the lunar month

The element of the lunar month affects the emotional state and energy of a person (astral plane). The energies of the elements change in the rhythm of the months of the lunar year. Two months in a row carry one element, the first being active, the second being passive. The cycle of elements of the months of the eastern lunar calendar begins with the beginning of a new 60th anniversary with the element of Wood. In 1984, in the year of active Wood, the first month of the lunar year carried the element of active Wood.

The dates for the onset of the eastern lunar year in the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century are given in Table 1. The number in brackets next to the start date of the year indicates that this year was the 13th intercalary month, and what it was in order from the beginning of the year. Skip this month, and its serial number will belong to the next month.

Find the start date in Table 1 (above) for the start of the new eastern year in the year you are interested in.

For example, in 1962, the year of the Black Tiger (element of Water - Yang) began on February 5, this will be the beginning of the first month, which (see table of 9 elements of months) carried the element of Metal - Yang.

A person born on August 25, 1962 was born in the 7th month from the beginning of the lunar year, and the 7th month of the year, ending with the number 2, carries the element of Fire - Yang.

Table 9

Elements of the months of the lunar calendar

Examples of calculating the elements of the lunar month of birth

Using the tables, determine the elements of the lunar year and lunar month of birth.


The table determines the element of the lunar year of birth - active Water.

To determine the element of the lunar month of birth, you should:

✵ according to table 9, at the intersection of number 7 (line with the number of the lunar month of birth) and number 2 (the last digit of the year of birth), determine the element of the lunar month of birth - active Fire.

Intercalary months of the lunar eastern year (like a leap year) are introduced every 2–3 years in order to compensate for the difference in the duration of the lunar (354–355 days) and social solar (365 days) years, which is 11 days.

The 13th month is given to people to catch up and make up for lost time. This month does not carry any element, and its element is transferred in order to the month following it.

For those people who have time, this month can become a month of rest and relaxation. This month is used for meditation and one can sleep a lot during this month.

The number of the additional lunar month from the beginning of the lunar year is indicated in Table 1 in parentheses next to the start date of the lunar year. This month is not taken into account when determining the number of the lunar month of birth; it is skipped.

Table 10

Dates of the additional 13 lunar months of the eastern lunar calendar

An example of determining the element of the lunar month of birth for people born after the additional, thirteenth month.

✵ using Table 1, we find the start date of the lunar year and the number under which the additional lunar month is inserted - 01/25/63(5) - that is, the 5th in a row;

✵ according to table 19 we find that this month lasted from 05/23 to 06/22/63. But, since it is not taken into account, the next month (from 06/22 to 07/21/63) will be considered 5th. And August 25, 1963 is the 7th month of the lunar year in 1963;

✵ using table 9, we determine the element of the 7th lunar month - active Earth.

The influence of lunar rhythms on health, energy, emotions, success in business and love. Your personal new moons

The influence of the Moon on sea tides has been known for a very long time. Just think, if the Moon has such a strong influence on billions of tons of water in the seas and oceans, then what influence does it have on you and me if we are seventy-five percent water? Blood pressure, the supply of cells with nutrients, the timely removal of poisons, the speed and quality of thinking depend on the movement of blood. Immunity depends on the movement and composition of lymph; our mood and interest in a particular area of ​​activity largely depend on the quantity and quality of hormones in the blood. Summer residents and gardeners have long used the lunar calendar for timely sowing and harvesting. Many people still let sowing their desires and harvesting their luck take their course and do not connect it with lunar rhythms. And completely in vain! Lady Luna will help you choose the best time to start any business, tell you when you should be more active, and when you should slow down and listen to your intuition, when you need to successfully complete what you started and celebrate your victory. It will help you get around many unexpected obstacles and pitfalls. You will stop punching walls with your forehead and will easily swim in the bright stream of cosmic energy towards your goals. Energy ups and downs, emotional outbursts and calms will be easier for you to anticipate and use wisely. By tuning into the rhythm of the Universe with the help of the Moon, you will act more efficiently, wisely and in a timely manner, and your awakened intuition will help you more and more.

For deeply religious people I make a special retreat. Knowledge and reasonable use of data about the phases and cycles of the Moon is not astrology, quackery, etc., but the natural wisdom of life. For example, when calculating the annually changing date of Easter, the Christian church uses information about the first full moon after the spring equinox. Therefore, information about lunar cycles does not contradict religion, and many very successful countries (for example, China) live and celebrate the New Year according to the lunar calendar. And their life is more harmonious, successful and close to nature. I propose to follow their example and briefly study how the phases of the Moon, the location of the Moon in various zodiac signs and the days of the lunar month influence various aspects of our lives.

Let's start our acquaintance with the phases of the moon. The new moon is mysterious and enigmatic... The night is dark, the Moon is not yet visible in the sky, but it is already being born and growing. This is a magical time when you can and should make plans for the entire lunar month, and these plans are usually carried out without much effort on your part: excellent business offers appear, buyers are found, fans appear, health procedures are easy and give the expected result. All this should be planned on the first lunar day, which lasts from the moment of the new moon to the nearest moonrise (that is, the beginning of the 2nd lunar day). The first phase of the Moon begins with the new moon, during which energy, information, knowledge are accumulated, plans are made and projects are developed. The first phase is similar to our childhood: we accumulate knowledge and strength, dream about the future and prepare for adulthood.

The second phase of the Moon begins with its first quarter (this information is in lunar and ordinary detachable calendars) and lasts until the full moon. This is the best time to start important things, activity, courage, risk. It is similar to our youth, when we already have quite a lot of knowledge and energy and want to achieve it as quickly as possible. If you start your business in any field during this period, then the energy of the cosmos will help you, you will live and act in the same rhythm with the rhythms of the Universe and will definitely get the desired result.

The full moon is a special time. We have maximum energy, it seems that we can move mountains, and yet it’s worth taking care of ourselves. It is during the full moon that most heart attacks and blood pressure problems occur. Give yourself a break for a day or two, collect your thoughts, and in the third phase of the Moon, give it your all, boldly do everything you set out to do, overcome any obstacles: cosmic forces are on your side. This period corresponds to a person’s maturity: there is already enough knowledge and experience, and energy is still high. Dare, create, achieve everything you dreamed of and planned at the beginning of the lunar month.

Then comes the fourth lunar phase (from the third quarter according to the calendar), when our energy and activity decline, fatigue accumulates, and we want to rest more. Don’t push yourself, it’s better to listen to your body and don’t force things. This time corresponds to a person’s old age, when the main tasks are completed and it’s time to take stock. Do the same: finish things during this period, take stock, correct mistakes and do not deny yourself the rest that you especially need now. The new moon will soon come and everything will start all over again.

Try to follow the recommendations described above for at least one lunar month, starting from the next new moon, and you will definitely notice that you get more and more done and get tired less, all your undertakings in different areas become much more effective, and you have more free time for your favorite things. And you feel not like a cornered horse, but like a healthy and energetic person. You just have to start, and in the next lunar month you will automatically detect the changing phases of the Moon and flexibly adjust your actions. Living in harmony with the forces of nature is pleasant, easy, reasonable, useful and natural. The Bible says that God created the moon to indicate the times. So let's use these guidelines to know which time is best for which activity. The moon shows us the natural routine of life. Just as nature is abundant in everything, so our life will be abundant in all areas if we are in harmony with nature.

The lunar calendar is much older than the solar calendar. In ancient Rome, after each new moon, priests informed the people about the beginning of a new lunar month and named the dates for the beginning of the lunar phases. There are twenty-four hours and forty-eight minutes in a lunar day, which is much more consistent with human biorhythms than a solar day of twenty-four hours. The number of days of the month in our ordinary calendar is thirty (thirty-one) - a conventionally accepted number that is not associated with any natural processes. A lunar month is the natural period from new moon to new moon. Life according to the lunar calendar is more natural and harmonious with nature. Features of lunar days, phases of the Moon and the position of the Moon in a certain zodiac sign give each day its own unique character, energy and mood.

The nature of the lunar day affects our behavior, the phase of the moon affects energy and activity, the zodiac sign determines our mood and tendency to different types of activities. The moon moves from one zodiac sign to another every two to three days. Only during the new moon is the Moon in the same zodiac sign as the Sun. How beautiful and harmonious everything is in nature! The position of the Moon in the zodiac signs on any day can be found out on the calendar. But what this situation means for you and how best to use this time, we will now consider.

Moon in Aries

Emotional tension, impulsiveness and extreme. Try to show restraint and self-control. Get more rest. If possible, free yourself from important matters; you still won’t achieve any sense in them.

Moon in Taurus

A time of calm, peacefulness and reliability. Reaction and speed of thinking slows down. Simple household chores are better. And in business, due to a slow reaction, mistakes are possible. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid large transactions during this period.

Moon in Gemini

A time of active activity, travel, communication, meetings with pleasant people. The danger of outside influence, suggestions, mistakes. It's good to be on the road.

Moon in Cancer

Time to immerse yourself in the inner world. A time of sensitivity and emotional instability. You should beware of rash actions. The best activity is to restore beauty and order in the house, accompanied by suitable affirmations.

Moon in Leo

A time of fun and high spirits. I want compliments, praise, pleasant communication. The days are suitable for holidays, presentations, and romantic dates. It's important to look good.

Moon in Virgo

A time of precision and practicality, excessive pedantry and nitpicking over trifles. A period of responsibility and focus necessary for important work.

Moon in Libra

Calm, harmonious mood. It is easier to make peace and reach a compromise. Indecision, hesitation in decision making. Increased attention to the rules of etiquette and standards of decency. A good time for negotiations and networking.

Moon in Scorpio

Increased emotional arousal, passion, dissatisfaction with everything around, desire for change. Intuition and sense of danger are heightened. Try not to do anything drastic, maintain stability in everything. It's better to practice self-improvement.

Moon in Sagittarius

A time of stability and calm. I want to give and receive advice, teach and learn. Interest in social life and career growth increases. It's good to gain new knowledge and share your experience.

Moon in Capricorn

A time of responsibility and a sense of duty. People on such days can be indifferent and even callous. A period of precision, cold logic and sober calculation. It is good to do things that require clarity and precision. Not the best time for creativity.

Moon in Aquarius

A time of emancipation and freedom. Vivid display of emotions. Independence and the absence of outside influence are important. The desire to pamper yourself and make extra purchases. Luck in gambling. Time for communication and fun meetings.

Moon in Pisces

A time of romance, intuition, daydreaming, and a penchant for mysticism. The desire to communicate with loved ones, to give compliments. Interest in poetry, painting, music.

Try to observe changes in your emotions and interests over the course of a month. And the Moon will become a reliable beacon for you and help you plan your personal and financial affairs at the most appropriate time. It will also be easier for you to understand yourself and others, stop in time, avoiding conflicts and disappointments.

Interesting? Let's continue our acquaintance with the secrets of the Moon and consider the features of each lunar day. The nature of the lunar day significantly influences our behavior.

They begin with the new moon and last until the moon rises (sometimes for several hours and even minutes). Bright, beautiful day. You need to have time to make plans for the month. All dreams will definitely come true if they do not harm anyone. Try not only to write them down, but also to vividly imagine them. It is very useful to forgive grievances on this day, so plans will come true even faster and easier.

Day of generosity and abundance. Continue to think over plans, stop manifestations of greed. Day of intuition.

Time for active and decisive action. Passivity is dangerous and harmful. Great physical activity is beneficial.

The day of temptations and temptations, the choice between good and evil. The day is suitable for passivity and meditation.

The day is successful for creative and purposeful people. It's time to stand up for your principles and show your feelings.

A day of silence, solitude and humility. You can’t complain about life, people, circumstances. A time of intuition and insight.

All the words spoken today will come true, all wishes will come true. Be kind and careful with your words.

A day of repentance, liberation from grievances and difficult memories, cleansing of soul and body.

Dangerous day. The possibility of deception, seduction, fears and anxieties, pride. Don't start new things.

10th day

Time for a fun and active holiday. Energy flows like a fountain, you need to focus your energy on strengthening family relationships and traditions. It's good to start building or renovating a house.

11th day

Time of increased energy activity. Show love and care for your loved ones. Feel free to start new things!

12th day

Day of mercy and compassion. Do good to your neighbors, show love and care, do charity. Under no circumstances should you be angry, quarrel, or cry.

13th day

Time for rejuvenation of the body. Take care of your appearance, visit a beauty salon. It is useful to gain new knowledge.

14th day

The best day to start any business. All endeavors work out great, don’t miss your chance! Great physical activity is beneficial.

15th day

Dangerous time. Possibility of temptations, bad influences. It is advisable to pacify violent emotions and impulses. Diet or fasting is helpful. You should behave calmly and quietly.

16th day

Bright, harmonious day. Do not disturb his calm by shouting, waving your arms, or loud music. It is very useful to cleanse the soul, body, home. This is not the time to be active at work.

17th day

A day of lightness, celebration, fun, love. Time for presentations, promotions and the happiest marriages.

18th day

The whole world around you, like a mirror, will reflect your true face. Take note of everything they tell you today and draw conclusions. Time for passivity. Beware of dark thoughts.

19th day

A dangerous time of bad influences, obsessions, energy vampirism. Keep communication to the necessary minimum. Do not make important decisions, do not agree to proposals, do not start any business. It is useful to repent, to cleanse your soul, thoughts, body, home.

20th day

A time of spiritual growth, important decisions and actions. Don't get distracted by little things, get on with the things that matter most to you. Bravely overcome all barriers.

21st day

A day of activity and good luck. It is very good to get a new job, fast career growth is guaranteed. Collective events, seminars, and brainstorming sessions are successful.

22nd day

Day of wisdom, learning, new knowledge. Educate yourself, learn new and interesting things, and boldly implement any ideas. All knowledge should be used only for good purposes.

23rd day

Dangerous, dark day. Aggression and adventurism increase. Direct your energy into a peaceful direction: sports, cleaning. Avoid conflicts and crowds of people. Give up meat and sex.

24th day

A time of creation, laying the foundation for future victories. A good day for creativity and health promotion.

25th day

A day of calm and passivity. Don't start new things, finish those already started. Avoid unnecessary contacts. Be alone with yourself.

26th day

Dangerous day. Conflicts, empty talk, vanity. Don't brag about your achievements. Save your nerves and money, avoid shopping.

27th day

Day of intuition and discoveries. Don't be distracted by trifles, focus on solving the most important problem, and the solution will find itself.

28th day

A very bright, harmonious, favorable day. Do not upset the balance, do not break or destroy anything. Try to maintain a good mood and positive thoughts. Don't make any decisions, engage in self-knowledge.

29th day

The most dangerous day of the lunar month. Time of darkness, magicians and sorcerers. Weakening of energy. Protect yourself from all evil, light more lights and candles in your house. Get rid of gloomy thoughts and the company of gloomy people. Don’t make any plans, don’t start any business, don’t believe anyone’s promises. Sum up the results of the month.

30th day

These days don't happen every month. A time of beauty and harmony, kindness and love. Finish what you start. This is not the time for new things and plans. Thank the passing month for all the lessons, joys and new knowledge. With a pure soul and bright thoughts, get ready for the onset of the new lunar month.

The kind and wise Universe guides our mood and behavior, warns us how to protect ourselves from mistakes and maintain spiritual harmony in any situation. Align your plans and actions with the lunar rhythms, and you will live happily and successfully in harmony with the Universe, avoiding mistakes and disappointments, achieving your goals in the joyful flow of cosmic energy, which makes everything easy and pleasant.

I’ll tell you another useful lunar secret: those days when the Moon is in your zodiac sign are your personal new moon. At this time, especially if it falls during the period of the waxing Moon (from the new moon to the full moon), you seem to get a second wind, luck accompanies everything, and you can start those things that you have long dreamed of, but for which you did not have enough time , no strength. The only exceptions are the dangerous 9, 15, 19, 23, 29th lunar days, on which you should not start any new business. On the remaining days of your personal new moon, you will have enough strength, time, and cosmic support for the most important and complex projects. Take advantage of these two to three days every lunar month for success and prosperity in all directions. And when everyone around says that you are always lucky, do not forget to remember and thank our beautiful Moon for her help and tips! And gratitude will attract new reasons for gratitude.

Results. Lunar rhythms have a significant impact on our lives, emotions, health, energy, and behavior. To achieve success (both in business and in the personal sphere), it is very useful to take into account information about the phases of the Moon, the position of the Moon in the zodiac and the days of the lunar month.

The phases of the Moon influence energy and activity; the position of the Moon in the zodiac largely determines the mood and inclination to various types of activities, and the day of the lunar month determines the characteristics of behavior and reactions.

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Secret knowledge about

how to achieve maximum results

with minimal effort.

How tempting it is to always be the best and succeed in everything.

Those women who have actually achieved this know that the path to ideal is not easy. And they know that “there is no limit to perfection” - there is always room for growth.

But sooner or later a serious problem arises along the way:

  • There are only 24 hours in a day - that's all we can control.
  • There are a great many areas of application of efforts and desires, but I am alone.

What to do? How to set priorities correctly and choose the most appropriate time for action in order to easily achieve results in any area of ​​life?

If the answer to this question interests you, then here you will find the answer.

  • devote enough time to family and children, maintaining love and mutual understanding,
  • to be a hospitable housewife who knows how to keep order, cook deliciously and create comfort in the house,
  • do what you like, develop talents, earn money, achieve success in your career,
  • communicate with like-minded people, maintaining trusting relationships,
  • It’s interesting to relax with benefits for the soul and body,
  • maintain your figure and youth...

Add a few more points that matter to you.

How to manage it all?

At first, my attempts were more like running a marathon without preparation - I wanted everything at once. She rushed to attack, but in the end she didn’t have time to do anything, everything fell out of her hands. I was dissatisfied with myself, a bad mood appeared. There were times when I wanted to give up on everything. One day I realized that I needed to do everything differently.

I started setting priorities. And I decided to act gradually.

It started to work out better. However, the question has often arisen: how do you know at what point it is better, for example, to do housework, and at what point to go to a business meeting? When to take care of your health, and when is the best time to have a romantic evening with your loved one?

How to feel what is important to do today?

It turns out that this information was collected by our ancestors. Living in harmony with nature, they carefully monitored natural phenomena and observed their impact on human life. Wise observations have come to us in the form Lunar calendar.

Lunar calendars appeared a very long time ago. Scientists continue to debate when exactly the lunar calendar appeared. But they agree on its primacy. The fact is that the change in phases of the Moon is one of the most easily observed celestial phenomena. That is why many ancient peoples - the Babylonians, Jews, Greeks, Chinese - initially used the lunar calendar.

The Moon does not just revolve around the Earth, it influences the Earth on a physical level - the ebb and flow of the waters is the work of its “hands”. The moon also affects humans, who are mostly water. Affects his soul, psyche, nervous system and intuition. And therefore on behavior.

With a lifestyle in tune with lunar rhythms, problems are solved more easily, health improves, life becomes more harmonious and joyful.

Imagine that you are swinging on a swing. By performing the same actions, you can either help the swing swing or hinder it. It all depends on at what point you apply the effort. Our life represents exactly the same “swing”.

The same actions can help move or slow down movement. The Lunar calendar helps you choose the right moment for action.

When I studied the Lunar calendar more carefully, I realized that I had often prevented the “swing of luck” from swinging by taking actions at the most inopportune moment. It turned out that before I was exhausted, and the result was close to zero. Often because she chose the wrong moment to act.

Now, each time I tried to understand more deeply the concepts discussed in the Lunar Calendar. I began to study different sources, compare where their opinions coincided and where they differed. I started to adhere to a few recommendations at first, then added a couple more points that I began to pay attention to. As a result, I noticed that the Lunar calendar becomes an additional impetus for improving the quality of life.

When I became interested in the Lunar calendar, I realized that in order to get a complete picture for the day, I had to collect information bit by bit from different sources.

Many of you have probably encountered something similar?

If you want to know more, you need to invest a lot of time. I didn't have a lot of free time every day. And then my husband came to my aid.

We have developed a unique monthly electronic lunar calendar “Rhythms of Life”. In him in a convenient form the main aspects of the influence of the Moon on life for each calendar day are reviewed and compared.

The Lunar calendar “Rhythms of Life” has two blocks: text and tabular.

Text option

In text version— brief and complete information about the aspects of the Moon for the current calendar day:

  • what lunar days fall on a calendar day, when do they begin and how do they affect,
  • what is the current phase of the moon and its properties,
  • what zodiac sign is the Moon in, the time of the Moon’s transition to another sign, how does it affect,
  • when do New Moons and Full Moons occur and how they affect them.

In addition to the general characteristics of lunar days, phases, signs and events in Lunar calendar “Rhythms of Life” there are detailed recommendations on each of the listed aspects for seven spheres of life:

  • Health
  • Nutrition
  • Family
  • beauty
  • Lifestyle
  • Advice for business people


In tabular form convenient to view detailed recommendations for the day. A quick glance is enough to know how best to act.

Five aspects of the influence of the Moon (lunar day, phase of the Moon, Moon in a Sign, State of the Moon, Lunar events) on seven areas of life (health, nutrition, family, beauty, lifestyle, everyday life, advice to business people) are presented in detail.

You only need one glance at the table to see For example,

Waning Moon in Scorpio, 4th phase and all this affects in such a way that:

  • The day is suitable for visiting the dentist,
  • Not suitable for cutting or coloring hair,
  • On this day you should avoid consuming coffee and chocolate.
  • The day is good for diets and fasting,
  • Vegetable and carbohydrate foods are recommended,
  • On this day you should not solve serious business issues and expand acquaintances
  • It is unfavorable to start a business
  • It's worth showing diplomacy
  • Good day to get a job
  • Good day for rest
  • On this day you should not succumb to the influence of others
  • No need to fuss
  • This is not the best day for dating or getting married
  • But the day is good for conceiving children
  • Suitable for any household chores and especially for washing
  • Have a good time in nature

If one of the areas of life is more important to you at the moment, for example, “hair cutting,” then you can choose only that one. With one keystroke it will be generated table for the current month for “hair cutting”. This will help in planning things for the future.

Convenient, wouldn't you agree?

Based on this information, it is easier to choose where to direct your efforts today in order to feel cheerful and energetic, be in a great mood and be at your best in any situation. After all, this is exactly what we so often lack!

As you begin to take the first steps in tuning your life to the lunar rhythms, you will be able to feel how something is subtly changing in your life.

For some reason, life becomes a little easier. Things turn out more successfully, less energy is wasted.

Every day the Lunar calendar guards your well-being - it tells you how best to act. Life becomes easier and more joyful.

By following simple recommendations from the treasury of ancient and modern knowledge, inaccessible to most, you can easily achieve your career goals, maintain good family relationships, significantly improve your health, and maintain youth and beauty.

And the closest image that conveys the inner essence of changes is our breathing. After all, we notice how naturally effort is given on exhalation, while on inhalation it is almost impossible.

It may not be so obvious, but weeks and months are also shaped by the Moon. The four weeks of the month are the lunar phases, and the month itself is the time from one conjunction of the Sun and Moon to the next. This is how the cosmic clock works.

What are they telling us? First of all, about the time of beginnings and accomplishments. In addition, each position and angular aspect with the Sun forms a special connection, a mood, which in one way or another organizes earthly affairs.

The lunar calendar is more ancient than the solar one. Even in ancient Rome, after each new moon, priests publicly announced the beginning of a new month and named the dates for the onset of lunar phases. Since ancient times, people have lived precisely in accordance with lunar rhythms; they understood that the influence of the Moon on the Earth is no weaker than the solar one.

Although the lunar calendar is more complex in keeping track of dates, it is therefore easier to mark dates and plan in everyday life using the solar calendar.

Lunar days are longer than solar days. They last 24 hours 48 minutes. And as intuition suggests, 24 hours of sunshine are always not enough for our body.

The nature of the lunar day largely determines our behavior. The energy state of the body, the degree of its vitality and activity depend on the phase of the Moon. The zodiac sign determines the emotional mood and inclination towards one or another type of activity.

Every month we go through an ever-changing set of cosmic rhythms and energies that greatly affect our physical and emotional state, and the paradox is that we hardly notice it, primarily because the influence is global on everyone and everything.

Simply by following your intuitive promptings, you are subject to the lunar rhythms. If you just rigidly and mentally, mechanically plan activities, then you can fall into the “flow” or go against the “flow”. Essentially, this is why recommendations are given for lunar days, simply to suggest the direction of astral flows, to suggest the correct behavior, because lunar rhythms tell us the most natural and most favorable type of behavior at the moment.

There are people who, even without knowledge of the lunar calendar, live in full accordance with it. As a rule, these are very harmonious people. They have developed intuition, and they are used to listening to it.

Each lunar month is life in miniature, birth, growth, flourishing and old age. And these phases are reflected in our lives and in our affairs. Watch yourself. Studying yourself, recognizing your qualities and discovering new things is the most exciting thing! And when you know your characteristics, you can find a way to correct unwanted reactions, knowing their cause.

But this process is not mechanical, but creative, since we are all unique individuals and the clue here will be the direct manifestation of harmony and joy, peace.

When the moon is waxing, the body accumulates energy, and excessive loads are undesirable, as this can lead to exhaustion. At this time, the immune system weakens, even minor ailments are difficult to tolerate.

When the Moon is waning, the body easily and naturally consumes energy. Loads, pain, and infections are easily tolerated. Therefore, it is appropriate to carry out medical procedures and surgical interventions on the body on the waning Moon (of course, these are only general instructions; for important cases, chart calculation is necessary).

Depending on the lunar day and phase, the character of a natural, instinctive principle manifests itself in a person. All the best feminine properties and the most pronounced qualities in those born in the first phase are most clearly expressed. People born in the first phase of the Moon are not yet awakened souls. They have virtually no experience of previous incarnations.

They still understand little about the world around them and are often lost. At your best, you are simply pure children; negativity gives infantilism and dependence. But in any case, these are people with great potential.

Those born in the second phase are awakened souls. They have had time to gain emotional experience, but are not yet overloaded, not burdened with a large number of experiences, they are distinguished by awakened, vivid emotionality. They are receptive, but their emotions never overflow - they know when to stop, and at the same time they are stable in life.

People born on a full moon are overly emotional. They easily infect others with their emotions and often become the cause of emotional distress. They need outside help, complicity, sympathy. They are often dissatisfied and dissatisfied with themselves. They are given great freedom, and they are ready for a lot, they are able to perceive and absorb anything.

In the fourth phase of the Moon, souls are born who have already experienced almost everything possible. Since childhood, they have fully formed personalities and reason very maturely. Passions may be boiling in them, but you can’t tell from them. They have a memory of everything in their subconscious and therefore they know exactly what they want and what they don’t. But this is a necessity of internal work, which should bear fruit.

Particularly noteworthy are the days of Hecate. In ancient Greece, she was the goddess of the dark moon, to whom new moon days were dedicated. Those born these days suffer from insoluble internal contradictions and often experience depression. In their subconscious there is a heavy burden of past mistakes and karma. As a rule, this is unfavorable for any issues related to children. Those born immediately after the new moon are souls so inexperienced and undeveloped that they succumb to any influence.

For them there is a great danger of manipulation with consciousness; they can be used and exploited by anyone and everyone. But if they listen to their nature, they are given purity as a gift, from which everything else can then develop.

Our Earth is a double planet consisting of the Earth itself and the Moon. The significance of this link, in my opinion, has been greatly overlooked.

There is no clear answer to the question of the origin of the Moon. Neither academic science nor esotericism has it. Nevertheless, quite logical theories exist in both places.

In academic science today, the version that most fully explains the state of affairs is the collision theory. Its essence is that some relatively small cosmic body touched the Earth tangentially at a low speed. As a result of the collision, part of the material from the alien and the Earth itself ended up in low-Earth orbit and became the Moon.

Without the Moon, life on Earth in the form in which we live and observe it now would simply not exist. The main effects of the Moon on the Earth are that:

The Moon stabilized the speed and angle of rotation of the Earth.

The moon, by the force of its gravity, mixes the magma, which thereby gives stability to the continents and moderates volcanic activity.

These influences make it possible to maintain on Earth a narrow temperature regime favorable for the existence of water in three states of aggregation and the development of life.

By supporting the ebb and flow of the tides, the Moon facilitated the emergence of life from the sea onto land.

For the Earth, the Moon is a reliable catcher of dangerous meteorites.

In esotericism and religions, the main tone has long been the perception of the Moon as an echo of some cosmic tragedy. The Moon appears as a twilitly conscious, not fully viable fragment of a highly intelligent being, caught in the same life harness with the Earth.

The Moon appears to be an agent of subtle influences on the Earth, the mechanism of which is not entirely clear. Be that as it may, it has long been noted many times that:

Lunar rhythms set the phases of life for all living beings.
Vegetation and productivity are directly dependent on them.

The well-being and fertility of animals are directly linked to the Moon.

Psychic phenomena are consistent with lunar rhythms.

Complex phenomena such as the behavior of large groups are also associated with the Moon.

Lunar rhythms of nature

Everything on Earth lives in a certain rhythm. The new moon is the moment of birth of a new life, the beginning of the lunar cycle. Therefore, according to the laws of astrology, it is better to start any new business on the new moon. In Japan, for example, New Year is celebrated on the first new moon in January. “Nature's New Moon” is spring, a wonderful time of great awakening and renewal. Spring is a turning point, a transition from the old life to the new, so in the old days the Slavs began the new year in the spring. Just as at the new moon the Moon is not yet visible in the sky, so in the spring there are no fruits yet, only the conception of a future life has occurred.

The crescent moon grows, plants grow and develop. This summer is the time of the waxing moon, when the processes begun on the new moon continue.

Nature blooms, filling with juices and colors. Everything that was laid and sown in the spring must ripen by the full moon in autumn. In astrology, the full moon is considered the most emotionally intense period; it is a surge of emotions, an unstoppable fountain, like the autumn delight of nature. Like the full Moon, all nature in the fall reaches the perfection of shapes and colors and takes on a complete appearance.

We admire the magnificent autumn landscapes, but we don’t want to remember that in the fall life in nature comes to a standstill. After the full moon there is a slow calm - leaves fall from the trees, birds fly away, gradually all nature falls asleep, and the snow serves as a blanket for it. Winter has come - this time of year corresponds to the phase of the waning moon.

The Moon is a planet of the water element; all liquids on Earth are under its influence. The ebb and flow of rivers occurs according to the phases of the moon. For two weeks, when the Moon is waxing, the water rises. By the full moon, the water reaches its highest point, at which time the tide process ends. The very next day after the full moon, the water slowly begins to recede. For two weeks, during the waning Moon, the water level in the rivers decreases and the tides occur. And a day or two before the new moon, the lowest water levels in rivers are observed.

Most of the Earth's surface is occupied by water, so the Moon has a greater influence on earthly life. The movement of fluids in plants is also coordinated with the lunar phases. At the time of the new moon, on the darkest nights, the energy potential is collected in a part hidden from view - in the roots of plants. The moon is growing and energies are rising up the stem. By the full moon they reach the flower, the crown of the plant.

During the time from new moon to full moon, energy in plants is replaced with a qualitatively new, young, clean one. On a full moon, the vessel of life is filled to the brim, nature is full of fresh strength, and it has received an impulse for further development. The Full Moon protects plants from diseases and strengthens them. Harvested immediately after the full moon contain the greatest amount of useful substances. The full moon and the first days after it are also the best time to collect medicinal herbs. It is not without reason that folk experts on the medicinal properties of plants pay special attention to the holiday of Ivan Kupala, which is always celebrated on the July full moon. It is believed that herbs collected on the night of Ivan Kupala have all-healing, magical powers.

Immediately after the full moon, plant energy is directed downwards. On the waning Moon, nature lives on the energy received from the waxing Moon. And the further from the full moon, the less strength the plants have.

Competent lumberjacks begin work immediately after the full moon. Having passed the stage of energy renewal, trees at this time are full of fresh strength, wood does not corrode, rot, and is resistant to any diseases.

One Canadian timber harvesting company is open only a few days a month - after the full moon. This company is thriving, its wood is known as the best, it is used only for the manufacture of furniture, souvenirs, and window frames.

In eastern countries, logs are marked with the phase of the moon in which the tree was cut down, because the purpose of the wood and its price will depend on this. If a tree was cut down on the waxing Moon, then the wood is only suitable as a building material for temporary shelters, fences, supports, and packing boxes.

Experienced gardeners have long been convinced of the relationship between nature and the phases of the Moon. When planting plants, many gardeners use lunar calendars. On the waning Moon, when vital energy is directed downward, it is better to plant root crops and low-growing crops. Seeds planted on the growing Moon will very soon sprout, and such plants will have well-developed aerial parts - stems and leaves. On the waxing Moon it is good to plant plants whose fruits grow on branches and not underground, ornamental and fruit crops, and greens.

Plants planted before the full moon surprise with their height. For example, radishes, turnips or any other root vegetable will delight you with quick and lush flowering, but you will not get fruit from it. Just before the full moon, it is beneficial to plant decorative climbing plants and all those plants that should be tall.

The Moon has four critical points - new moon, first quarter, full moon, third quarter, when the Moon is in conjunction, square or opposition (0, 90 and 180 degrees on the zodiac circle) to the Sun. From an astrological point of view, conjunction, square and opposition are tense aspects, so for four days in a month when the Moon is in this position, it is better not to sow or replant anything. People's knowledge about the critical points of the Moon is reflected in many proverbs, for example: “Sow a vegetable on a new moon and a worm will eat it.”

Many people do not use any sowing calendars at all, however, their garden produces a bountiful harvest every year. Observing such people, I discovered that they, relying on their intuition, plant everything exactly according to the lunar cycles. These gardeners, being in love with plants, have a great sense of when and what to plant without special calendars. Such people really do not need lunar calendars. And everyone else needs such calendars only for a while. They can be used for several years until “agricultural intuition” is developed.

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