Love horoscope for the Capricorn sign for October. Love horoscope for the Capricorn sign for October What awaits the Capricorn woman in October

26.01.2024 Insulin

In your personal life in mid-autumn 2017, no major changes or shocks are expected; everything will be within normal limits.

The planet of love Venus and passionate Mars are located in the ninth house of long-distance connections of Capricorn, so travel and spiritual matters will influence the development of events on the love front. Perhaps a long-distance relationship will begin, based on common ideas and intellectual interests. If you are single, there are chances of meeting love on a trip, or feelings for a person from afar will develop. A fateful meeting may have to do with education, culture, and even work.

If you already have a significant other, this period is well suited for strengthening the couple's community, developing common values ​​and setting goals that you will strive for together.

In order to express yourself fully erotically, in October 2017 you need strong underground currents, otherwise it is not easy to express emotions, feelings and even spiritual potential. Without these currents, you become an ascetic, or the love story becomes irrevocably a mystery.

The second half of October 2017, when Venus transits Capricorn’s career house, is favorable for creativity. You have the opportunity to gain popularity through your talents and creative pursuits. Your loved one will support you if necessary.

Capricorn career and finance horoscope for October 2017

The month is very active and promising professionally, because the Sun is in the career sector and is also accompanied by Mercury. On October 14, 2017, Venus joins these planets, and on October 23, Mars. Such powerful planetary influences are undoubtedly capable of generating important events.

Capricorn's entrepreneurial spirit is strong, and business ambitions drive you to strive for greater achievements. The desire for victory is supported by the energy and hard work characteristic of representatives of your sign. You are able to express yourself in public, become a leader and lead others. The stars promise success in work and business, which will be expressed not only in recognition of your merits and growth of authority, but will also be supported by good earnings.

On October 10, 2017, Jupiter, the planet of luck, enters Capricorn’s house of friendship and social connections. Jupiter will remain here until November next year. During this period, your social circle will expand, new friends and supporters will appear, and you will enjoy the support of others. A favorable time for business development through the Internet and the start of innovative projects. Don’t rely only on your own strengths, look for like-minded people, and luck will definitely smile on you.

Regarding finances, income may be higher than usual. However, unforeseen expenses cannot be ruled out, since Uranus, the ruler of Capricorn’s house of money, forms tense aspects. It is recommended to be more careful in money matters throughout the month, because... there is a tendency to spend money unwisely and make unnecessary purchases. It is advisable to postpone large financial transactions to another time.


The topic of health is among your priorities. Mercury, which rules your house of health, forms negative aspects with Uranus and Pluto, so problems are possible. Take care of yourself and if something bothers you, stop everything and go to the doctor without delay.

Your time has come! Start fighting for your interests and show others what you are worth.

October will bring activity, energy and strength to Capricorns in 2017. By overcoming obstacles and solving difficult problems, you will be able to 100% realize your endeavors. From every difficult situation at work or on the personal front, try to learn the maximum possible lesson. Capricorns, do not be impatient, give everything into the hands of fortune, it will bring you results “on a silver platter” exactly when it is needed.

In October, Capricorns cannot pretend and pretend that they are working. It really takes more effort, and only then will it be rewarded. If you intend to imitate activities, be prepared to answer for this even to high authorities.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Capricorn

The Capricorn love horoscope for October 2017 again promises irritation and conflict situations. To better deal with the next attacks of anger and rage, often put yourself in the place of your opponent - this will help you understand not only yourself, but also your partner. Monitor your behavior and analyze it, this will not only allow you to improve relationships with loved ones, but also how to return to your own soul. Do not pay attention to what others tell you, Capricorns, about your relationship - it has nothing to do with you.

You can have a wedding in October, but you need to find out more about the days when this will be most favorable.

Financial horoscope Capricorn for October 2017

What the financial horoscope for October 2017 requires from Capricorns is their innate perseverance and determination. Only these qualities, multiplied by the desire for success, will become assistants in the implementation of large projects and undertakings. Capricorns - lawyers, consultants, designers - have great prospects in October.

October is a good time to start an ambitious project that deserves great effort and promises great rewards. Do not be afraid to involve qualified personnel and employees with extensive experience in performing complex tasks - their efforts will pay off.

Health horoscope for the sign Capricorn October for 2017

October will have a positive impact on the health of Capricorns in 2017. The only parting advice is not to get too cold, because there is a high probability that the body may be weakened and will not be able to deal with new difficulties. The Capricorn horoscope for October 2017 recommends taking care of your lower back and kidneys, they are also under attack. Alcohol is allowed in very modest quantities.

Try to do regular exercises that strengthen your back and especially your lumbar region. The health of Capricorns will be greatly benefited by the consumption of citrus fruits, as well as measures to strengthen the immune system and protect health. We recommend that you contact relevant specialists. If you have chronic diseases, get recommendations on preventive measures.

It looks like Capricorn has finally achieved his goal and you feel quite confident. However, this is only the beginning of the journey, so in October 2017, do not relax and work with your sleeves rolled up.
According to the Capricorn horoscope, October 2017 is your time of energetic growth and victories. Despite the fact that a lot of things will not go at all like clockwork, but on the contrary, through obstacles and effort from above, you will succeed. Because this month for you is associated with upward mobility, without options! If you feel like you are standing in one place or things are moving too slowly, let go of the situation and surrender everything to the will of higher powers. As soon as you stop expecting quick results, and start enjoying the process of action itself, then everything will go even better than you could have expected. Don’t rush towards your ambitious goals, because good and global things always take a lot of time. Give it to yourself.
In October 2017, Capricorn's ambitions will increase. Good upbringing and quality education will help you advance. You will strive for the highest strata of society and are able to attract the attention of superiors not only to your personal or work problems, but also to universal ones. You will be dedicated to your idea and will be able to convey it to the majority. It is possible to speak from the podium or from the stage. In a friendly audience, your speaking skills will increase even more. It will be a pleasure to listen to you, and they will want to follow you!
Remember that in October 2017 there will be no concessions. If you work, then the result will be noticeable, but if you only create the appearance of vigorous activity, do not expect awards and recognition. This applies to any area of ​​life and any goals, not just career ones. Working on yourself is no exception.
In October 2017, Capricorn will work hard to get a good education. It is possible to study by correspondence or self-education, which will allow you to spend more time at home with your family. Studying and mastering new practical skills will bring you joy, and you will be happy to share your knowledge and experience.
Everyone will only see your external success, since you will tend to hide your internal problems and experiences from others. If you are attentive to any dark manifestations of your soul, then you will have the opportunity, through awareness and forgiveness, to cleanse yourself and strengthen your inner core.

Favorable days in October 2017: 3, 20, 21, 30, 31.
Unfavorable days in October 2017: 5, 12, 18, 19, 28.

Horoscope for October 2017 Capricorn - Love, family
According to the Capricorn horoscope for October 2017, conflicts can be expected in the area of ​​love and relationships. View them as an opportunity to develop and improve your communication and relationship with your loved one. The main thing is to listen! Try to understand the position and feelings of your beloved “opponent”, put yourself in his place. Ask yourself questions, monitor your behavior. Get rid of the idea that you are always right and know everything. We are all different, each with our own unique set of positive qualities, shortcomings, needs and interests. The whole magic of compatibility is that you can, through your own efforts and work on yourself, build (from all the listed components) the format of the relationship that would suit you and your partner. Even if your relationship may seem strange to someone from the outside.
In October 2017, everything is very difficult in Capricorn’s family relationships. The problems still revolve around real estate or other large properties and again no one wants to give in. And even those who have not been together for a long time cannot decide on the division of common material wealth.
Friendly couples continue to resolve complex issues related to housing, and in one case this may be a long renovation, and in another - the acquisition, exchange or sale of real estate, and in some cases this will happen in another city or in another country.
Capricorns in love will be a little more lucky in October 2017 - their relationship will experience a period of renaissance and a joint trip can contribute to this. Single people are looking for a new romance, and most likely this will happen on a trip or among people who have come from afar.
Not only business, but also romantic relationships with people from afar, with foreigners, are possible. You may be in love with your teacher or spiritual guide. At the beginning of October 2017, Capricorn's love story can lead to conception. However, you can personally destroy your happiness if you stoop to unceremoniousness and rude showdown.
To organize a wedding and marriage, select a date with your astrologer. The timing is not bad, but there are important individual nuances.

Capricorn horoscope for October 2017 - Health
In October 2017, according to the Capricorn horoscope, your energy potential is high and you are not afraid of diseases. The stars advise you to be more careful when traveling and driving. During the period from October 8 to October 12, the probability of incidents is quite high.
In general, October 2017 is a rather positive period for Capricorn and does not pose any obvious health threats. But you need to monitor the weather and avoid drafts to avoid hypothermia. Because in October your immunity may be somewhat weakened. So start your morning, for example, with a glass of warm water with lemon and honey. Also, eat right and dress for the weather. Take care of your lower back and kidneys. Drink alcohol in small quantities and drink more clean water.

Horoscope for October 2017 Capricorn - Money, finances
In October 2017, Capricorn's financial positions are stable. Money will arrive regularly, and its quantity will increase noticeably. The largest amounts will come on October 1, 2, 10, 11, 18, 19, 28, 29.

Horoscope for October 2017 Capricorn - Work, business
According to the Capricorn horoscope, October 2017 is very good for work. Those who have worked on several long-term projects for a long time can count on special luck - after hard work, you can count on a positive result.
In October 2017, Capricorn will have the opportunity to receive the support of other people necessary to achieve their own goals. Dating and making friends with influential people will contribute to your career and popularity.
Good relationships with superiors, a harmonious work environment, and a creative approach to assigned work will contribute to career advancement. Some extreme situation at work or in society can propel you into leadership. At this time, you may be offered a leadership position. As a boss, you will have a great sense of the practical capabilities of your subordinates, which, combined with the ability to create a harmonious atmosphere at work, can be very effective.
In October 2017, Capricorn's connections with colleagues from other cities or countries are developing with varying success - you have outlined a general line, and you strictly follow it. And if any obstacles arise along this path, then try to overcome them. Most likely, your efforts will be crowned with success, and you, one way or another, will achieve your goal.
The Capricorn employee will receive the support of his superiors and can count on a new position. And if this has already happened in the recent past, then there is a good chance to talk about a bonus or other professional benefits.
For work in October 2017, you need to show your typical perseverance and determination, and then everything will go well. This month is full of opportunities to realize everything you have in mind. Nothing prevents you from starting new large-scale projects, as well as from bringing to fruition the ones you started earlier. So go for it, everything is in your hands! It will bring you lawyers, consultants in any field of activity, artists and designers. If you need to bring your idea or project to light, do it in October 2017.
Based on materials from Pavel Globa and Tatyana Borsch

In October 2017, everyone born under the Capricorn zodiac sign will have to set their priorities correctly and direct all their energy and strength to achieving specific goals. All your actions and thoughts should be devoted to the main goal and proceed from it. Only in this way will you be able to fulfill your old dream and become a successful person. It is especially important that in moments when you no longer have inspiration and you feel tired, this approach to business will give you just enough strength not to give up and move on. Capricorns will be very active this month. You will have a lot of great ideas that can get confusing, so you need to keep your actions consistent and not try to multitask. You may simply not have enough time to do several things and everything will quickly get boring. Make a clear plan for your path to success and follow it, without deviating from the plan under any pretext. During this period, your life will be filled with bright and positive events, thanks to which you will be able to feel like a full-fledged person and see all the diversity of the world around you. This is why Capricorns will find it difficult to concentrate and determine their priorities. You will want everything at once, but be patient and wait, don’t be afraid that everything interesting will pass you by. This is wrong. It’s just that everything has its time and place, if you do everything to achieve what you want, then a happy and prosperous future awaits you.

In the first ten days of October 2017, Capricorns will have to make the greatest efforts for their own development, personal growth and self-realization. During this period, many will find a job, thanks to which they will not only ensure a comfortable life for themselves, but will also reveal their potential. Due to the busyness of your life, it will not be easy to make a final choice and you may be a little confused. If you take control of your feelings and emotions and learn to manage the situation, then at the beginning of this month you will begin to enjoy the first results of your efforts. Nothing happens right away. Remember the notorious expression: “Moscow was not built in a day”? So it precisely characterizes your life in a given period of time. Don't expect results to be immediate; everything takes time. Be patient, purposeful and confident in the successful outcome of the matter. Only with a positive attitude and optimism will you succeed, and the results will exceed your expectations. You may be looking forward to meeting old friends whom you have not seen for a long time. Do not refuse if you are offered to go somewhere together or come visit you.

In the second ten days of October 2017, in the professional sphere, Capricorns need to learn to defend their opinions, resist circumstances and try not to let their lives go with the flow. You have a chance to change everything. Your future is in your hands. If you've sent out a resume looking for a job and someone isn't satisfied, find other ways to prove that you're the value they're looking for. You don't have to accept the rejection right away. Remember that employers love persistent and stubborn people, as well as those who think outside the box. Try to stand out from the gray mass. In a good way, of course. Unemployed representatives of your zodiac sign have nothing to worry about, since their resume and recommendations will impress many and they will have several offers of available vacancies. But for those Capricorns who are already working, events and activities await them that will change their lives for the better. Many will want to change their type of activity, and, consequently, their job. You will understand that work should be enjoyable, you should like it. This is the only way you will be able to reveal your potential and invest your whole soul in the development of the company, for which you will be generously rewarded. Circumstances may arise from which you will not see a way out. But this is another test, by coping with which you will strengthen your authority, and perhaps get a new position. Just try to look at each current situation, as if under a microscope, in small details, connecting them together with a logical chain. In the end, the result will be impressive, and you will be proud of yourself and perplexed that the solution was so simple.

In the third decade of October 2017, under the influence of Venus, Capricorns will experience a romantic period in their relationships. Representatives of your zodiac sign will radiate incredible attractiveness and mystery, thanks to which your loved ones will try their best to do something nice for you, surprise you with something and win you over. Through their actions, Capricorn's companions will become excellent sources of inspiration, strength and energy. The home will become the place for Capricorns where they will always be listened to, understood and supported, where they can take a break from all the busyness and fuss, and gain strength for further achievements. Lonely representatives of your zodiac sign should be attentive to their surroundings. Someone who has been nearby all this time has loved you for a long time and deeply. The end of October will give Capricorns many opportunities. You just have to learn to control the situation and keep your emotions to yourself. Get more rest and sleep. The best makeup is a healthy and sound sleep.

In October, all Capricorns' attention will be focused on work and business. This is the time when you will have to show your diligence and competitiveness. For hard work, there will definitely be a reward.

In October, in the career field, space will favor Capricorns and guide them towards success. However, the principle of common sense must be observed in everything. In other words, it acts intelligently, according to the agreed plan. From the beginning of this month, Capricorns will experience big changes in this area, which will last for more than one month.

At this time, it is better to avoid investing money in risky projects. It is better to postpone all investments for the future. If you still want to invest in some business, be prepared for the fact that it will develop very slowly.

There will be less luck in the financial sphere. Money will be one of the problems for Capricorns. Only hard work and friends will help somehow improve the situation.

In October, one of the representatives of the sign will become interested in religion and their spiritual development. You will have the chance to visit interesting and hard-to-reach holy places.

Career horoscope for October 2017 for Capricorns

Achievements in the field of career and work promise to be very significant. At this time, Capricorns can move on to a better paying job. There is a possibility of foreign travel related to professional life.

The only problem in this area may be conflict with colleagues. Try to act calmly and avoid trouble. Refrain from any political activity in the workplace, as this can become a source of conflict.

If you are a student, you may be overwhelmed by laziness. You will completely lack motivation to fulfill your student responsibilities.

Financial horoscope. If you don't have enough money, family and friends can be your main additional source. Due to the influence of Uranus, you need to be especially careful with taxes.

In order to somehow improve your financial situation, you will have to work harder. If you own your own business, you may want to make some changes to your work arrangements. It may be worth using new advanced technologies.

Love horoscope for October 2017 for Capricorns

The personal life of Capricorn men and women promises to be fun and varied. If you are alone, the horoscope predicts a meeting in places associated with spiritual development

The only problem may be relationships with brothers and sisters.

Contact with children will also be a source of much concern.

Health horoscope for October 2017

The horoscope predicts excellent health throughout the month. The only source of problems can be stressful situations.