Taurine in sports nutrition. Taurine in bodybuilding – necessity or uselessness? Video: Taurine in bodybuilding

13.08.2023 Glucometers

    Taurine is a derivative of the amino acid cysteine. This substance is present in small quantities in various tissues, the highest concentration is observed in the myocardium and skeletal muscles, as well as bile.

    As a rule, taurine is found in the body in free form: it does not form bonds with others and does not participate in the construction of protein molecules. This compound is used in medicine, the production of sports nutrition, and energy drinks.


    The sulfonic acid taurine was isolated by two German scientists from ox bile back in 1827. It got its name from the Latin word “Taurus”, which means “bull”.

    The use of taurine as a medicine, as well as as a component of sports supplements and energy drinks, began not so long ago.

    Like other amino acids, taurine is vitally important; it takes part in many biochemical processes. The body can obtain it from food or special supplements; the volume of its own amino acid synthesis is very limited.

    The connection performs the following functions:

    • helps neutralize and remove toxic compounds;
    • has a cardiotropic effect;
    • participates in the exchange, and;
    • stabilizes cell membranes;
    • acts as a neurotransmitter that inhibits synaptic transmission (electrical activity in synapses provoked by the propagation of nerve impulses);
    • influences the homeostasis of electrolytes and water, regulating blood pressure;
    • improves the course of energy processes;
    • accelerates tissue regeneration, stimulating the healing of damaged tissues;
    • acts as an antioxidant;
    • promotes the dispersion of fats in the intestines;
    • forms compounds with bile acids and is an integral part of bile.

    The lack of this compound leads to serious consequences and the development of serious pathologies.

    Amino acid deficiency is manifested by the following changes:

    • decreased general immunity;
    • decrease in visual acuity, development of degenerative processes in the retina;
    • the development of abnormalities in calcium metabolism, which leads to various negative effects, in particular, an increase in blood clotting;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • depressive and subdepressive states, increased anxiety, restlessness.

    Humans get taurine from almost all foods of animal origin. This amino acid is not found in plants.

    The highest content of this compound is in poultry and white fish; it also comes from pork and dairy products.

    Due to the fact that with a balanced diet a person can receive a sufficient amount of the amino acid, and in addition, it is synthesized by the body, taurine deficiency is quite rare. Most often it is experienced by vegetarians, since this compound is not supplied with plant foods.

    Impact on the athlete's body

    The benefits of this amino acid are the following:

    • increased performance, rapid removal of metabolic products (lactic acid), which cause discomfort in the muscles and a feeling of fatigue;
    • acceleration of recovery after intense exercise;
    • increased transport of glucose to muscles to maintain their tone and growth;
    • suppression of convulsive muscle contractions during excessive load, lifting heavy weights;
    • increasing the speed of recovery after injuries and surgical interventions;
    • protecting the cellular structures that make up the muscle fiber from oxidative stress during intense training;
    • accelerating fat burning.

    Application in bodybuilding

    Let's consider the effects of using taurine in bodybuilding. This compound takes part in the process of osmoregulation, that is, a set of processes aimed at maintaining stable fluid pressure.

    Taurine is considered an amino acid that retains water in cellular structures, maintaining its normal concentration. This property of the substance is known theoretically; there is little empirical evidence today.

    Taurine increases the ability to concentrate and enhances endurance, so it is taken before training or before important competitions. To improve performance, increase the number of approaches and increase the effectiveness of loads, supplements with this amino acid are taken during the training process. Taken after training helps prevent the development of pain, speeds up recovery and reduces fatigue after high loads.

    Taurine in energy drinks

    Taurine is included in many energy drinks, usually together with caffeine, sugars and other stimulants. The amino acid content is about 200-400 ml in 100 ml of drink. This amount is not enough for the body to experience a pronounced stimulating effect.

    It was previously thought that taurine enhances the effects of other energy drink components through a synergistic effect. Studies have shown that in the quantities contained in energy drinks, this compound does not have a stimulating effect on the body, does not enhance the effect of caffeine, but does not have any side effects. The data from this experiment can be viewed at the link (in English).

    Indications and contraindications

    Indications for taking medications and dietary supplements with this amino acid are:

    • development of degenerative processes in the retina of the eye;
    • cataract;
    • injuries, dystrophic processes in the cornea;
    • open-angle glaucoma;
    • insufficient functionality of the cardiovascular system;
    • type 2 diabetes mellitus;
    • intense physical activity.

    Taking medications and sports supplements containing taurine is contraindicated in the following cases:

    • the presence of hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug;
    • peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • chronic stomach diseases accompanied by acid balance disorders;
    • hypotension;
    • serious pathologies, insufficiency of heart function;
    • kidney diseases;
    • cholelithiasis and other pathologies accompanied by cholestasis.

    Pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents under 18 years of age should not take products containing taurine unless prescribed by a doctor.

    Taking taurine may be accompanied by the development of negative side reactions. Allergies (itching, rashes), hypoglycemia, and exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases may occur. When combined with alcoholic drinks, the effect of the amino acid can increase significantly, which leads to depletion of the nervous system.

    Before using sports supplements or medications containing taurine, it is recommended to consult your doctor for possible contraindications. When taking, you should strictly follow the instructions for the product and follow the recommended dosage.

In the diet of any athlete, such a sports supplement as taurine occupies a special place. This supplement is not considered as popular as creatine or glutamine. But if you learn more about it, then those who love sports and energy will be pleasantly surprised and new opportunities will open up before them.

Everyone should have a certain amount of taurine in their diet. In appearance, this supplement is very similar to creatine or glutamine. This white, tasteless powder. This amino acid was first discovered in the 19th century by isolating it from bovine bile. But despite this, only recently has it become more or less popular.

Properties and functions of taurine

Taurine in the form of a white powder is easily soluble in any liquid, and it also has a very good effect on the functioning of almost all organs. But if there is a deficiency of it in the body, then there is the possibility of various pathologies appearing. This sports supplement has a very good effect on veins, blood and bone cells.

It has an energetic purpose. Taurine significantly influences energy metabolism in the human body. It improves lipid metabolism and protects the electrolyte composition of the cytoplasm. If we talk about practice, then during training, thanks to this process, fatigue is reduced and the power of the exercises increases.

Taurine It even has the ability to make the work of thought processes faster. By taking it, your memory may improve, your concentration may increase (which is important during training), but your temper and hostility are significantly reduced. By taking taurine, a person's sleep improves and their ability to work increases - this is very important for athletic people.

For example, due to the fact that athletes exercise a lot, they often become overworked, therefore, for this reason, their vision decreases. But this amino acid plays an important role for the vision of any person, especially for athletes. Also, when using a computer, the screen emits bright light and when the eye strains, the retina loses such useful taurine. If 50% of the natural substance is lost, this may be the first step towards blindness.

Even in the brain, taurine has an anticonvulsant effect. In order for beneficial properties such as calcium, magnesium and sodium to be absorbed faster and a good metabolism to occur, this substance will also come to the rescue. Taurine has the ability to control the processes of absorption of various microelements. Its function, by and large, is this, namely to ensure that there is no excess or deficiency.

For both men and women, taurine plays a vital role. It is also needed by people of different age categories, from small to large.

In addition to its healing processes, taurine gives strength to a person, affects physical and psychological health and even the emotional state. If a person has a deficiency, he may feel a loss of strength and be in constant depression.

By taking taurine, you can notice how strength appears for longer workouts. Naturally, in order to feel its effect, it is important to give up alcohol. The result appears simply before our eyes.

Sports nutrition specialist and gym trainer | more details >>

Graduated from: Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank. Specialty: social work, pedagogy. Courses on health-improving fitness and bodybuilding at the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture, at the department of health-improving physical culture. Master of Masters in arm wrestling, 1st adult category in hand-to-hand combat. Prize-winner of the Cup of the Republic of Belarus in hand-to-hand combat. Prize-winner of the Republican Dynamyade in hand-to-hand combat.

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Date of: 2014-10-28 Views: 37 534 Grade: 4.0 Taurine is an amino acid that exists in the human body in free form. What does it mean? This means that it is not found in tissues and muscles; taurine is found in chains of amino acids (peptides). The concentration of taurine in the body is quite large and is second only in quantity. In the body, taurine is synthesized thanks to amino acids such as methionine and cysteine, as well as a small amount of B6 vitamins. Based on the rather complex process of taurine synthesis and the sufficient supply of starting components, it began to be added to various.

Taurine Research

The very first study on the importance of taurine for living organisms was done in 1970, when conditions for taurine deficiency were created in the diet of cats. As a result, it was concluded that without taurine, animals experienced interruptions in the functioning of the heart muscle, and blindness gradually occurred. These studies then switched to the human body, and it was confirmed that a lack of taurine in the diet leads to impaired retinal development. It was found that a lack of taurine in the diet, especially during infancy and adolescence, affected the development of the body. In any case, everything in the body must be balanced. And even if you lack one of the components, some physiological process is disrupted.

Properties and functions of taurine

1. Stabilizes cell membranes

It is this property of taurine that allows you to normalize in the body: carbohydrate, protein, electrolyte metabolism, the enzymatic system, and the production of a number of hormones. This cellular mechanism involving taurine also strengthens the immune system.

2. Participates in the conduction of nerve impulses

Acts as a neuromodulator. In simple terms, taurine takes part in the transmission and formation of nerve impulses in the central nervous system.

3. Participates in the formation of bile acids

Taurine is part of the structure of the main components of bile. Bile is needed to digest fats. It is also necessary for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Metabolic processes with taurine are associated with the prevention of diabetes, obesity, and liver diseases.

4. Reduces the effect of stress on the body

Any athlete is under stress during training and at this moment the energy reserve runs out and immunity decreases. Adrenaline is also released during intense physical activity. It reduces fat and glycogen stores. For people thinking about preserving their muscles, taurine will be a must-have supplement.

5. Helps restore heart rate

Some studies have shown that during prolonged aerobic exercise, such as running and swimming, taurine helps restore heart rate. Therefore, it is often used by track and field athletes, marathon runners and team sports athletes (football, hockey, volleyball, etc.). In my opinion, taking taurine when playing sports, even amateur ones, has many positive aspects.

Consequences of a lack of taurine in the body

Our body is a complex structure that tends to work 24 hours a day. Therefore, all the necessary substances must be taken constantly and in the right quantities. A taurine deficiency can lead to:
  • weakened vision,
  • Decreased skeletal muscle tone,
  • Anxiety, excitability,
  • Decreased immunity level,
  • Decreased libido
  • Developmental deviations in children,
  • Development of liver and pancreas diseases.

Application and dosage

Taurine is widely used in the food industry and sports nutrition production. It is often included in energy supplements, and the concentration can often exceed the daily requirement. The average person needs 400 mg per day. At the same time, in sports supplements we find from 400-1000 mg of taurine. Don't be afraid of this dosage. The body and its transport system are not able to absorb more than it needs. But even if you take more than 5 g of taurine, the worst thing that can happen is gastrointestinal upset. Some sports nutrition manufacturers produce taurine as sports supplements. I recommend the following products:

Is taurine harmful?

I will dispel the myth about the harmfulness of taurine and its side effects. Most likely, the harmfulness of energy drinks in general has caused this misconception. It is not taurine that is dangerous to the body, but the components of energy supplements that are dangerous. But they are harmful only for those who have diseases of the cardiovascular system, central nervous system (excitability, insomnia, etc.). I have already said that it is impossible to overdo it with taurine. Therefore, you can safely take it if you do not get enough of it from foods such as fish, meat, eggs. Personal fitness training from the author of this article:
  • preparation of training programs and nutrition online,
  • weight loss and adjustment,
  • gaining muscle mass,
  • Exercise therapy for various diseases (including the back),
  • rehabilitation after injuries,


How does this drug affect the athlete’s body? Its main properties and advantages. Presence of contraindications and possible side effects.

Taurine is a sulfonic acid that is found in small amounts in our tissues and bile. It has a stimulating and cardiotromic effect and has found its use in medicine and bodybuilding. Taurine is increasingly included in sports nutrition, various energy drinks and medications.

How does it work?

When administered subconjunctively, sulfonic acid has an anti-cataract and retinoprotective effect. In addition, when administered topically, taurine accelerates metabolic processes, plays the role of a neurotransmitter acid and has an anticonvulsant effect. If you regularly take taurine, you can normalize the course of energy processes, optimize metabolism in eye tissues, prevent the development of dystrophic diseases and significantly improve metabolic processes.

Where is it kept?

As we mentioned, sulfonic acid has found wide application in pharmacology and the food industry. Taurine can be found:

  1. In energy drinks. Take any energy drink and read its composition. As a rule, the average dosage of a component is about one gram. Taurine itself does not provide a physiological effect. It also enhances the effect of more powerful stimulants, including caffeine. The main thing is to take the supplement in the recommended dosage. In this case, side effects are excluded.
  2. In supplements for athletes. Taurine is increasingly being added to sports nutrition. The volume of this ingredient (as in the previous case) does not exceed 1-1.5 grams. At the same time, you should not expect any special stimulating effect.

What then is taurine needed for? It is believed that its use helps get rid of excess fat, improve skeletal muscle function and lower blood sugar levels. Some studies confirm that taking the supplement helps speed up the production of growth hormone and protect the ligamentous-articular apparatus from injury. Professional athletes, as a rule, recommend taking sulfonic acid not separately, but in combination with other supplements.

What benefits does it bring?

The popularity of sulfonic acid is due to its multifaceted action and maximum effect. Let's look at what else taurine may be needed for. Let's highlight a few of the most important effects:

  • protection against dystrophy. Numerous studies have confirmed that the action of sulfonic acid can prevent dystrophic changes in muscle fibers;
  • tissue regeneration (restoration). Due to this property, taurine is increasingly being added to sports nutrition. It accelerates recovery processes and promotes cell healing. This is why specific sulfoxylate supplements are recommended to be taken post-workout;
  • recovery from injuries. Such a useful substance does an excellent job of restoring muscle and bone tissue after fractures and surgical interventions. Often part of medical therapy;
  • filling the deficit. It’s not for nothing that sports nutrition contains taurine. It should be taken to replenish the existing lack of sulfonic acid after physical exertion, ischemia, surgery, radiation exposure, and severe stress. The study showed that most of the substance is excreted through the kidneys, and restoration of reserves is possible only from the outside. The body is able to cover the deficit, but only after a few days;
  • protection from stress. Taurine is often recommended to protect the central nervous system from disorders and excessive exhaustion.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite its safety, the supplement has some contraindications. Taurine is not recommended:

  • with high sensitivity to the element;
  • in the presence of allergic reactions to the additive;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • children under 18 years of age.

Possible side effects include allergic reactions, eye inflammation, tearing, redness, and itching around the skin of the eyes.

Prices and where to buy taurine supplements


Taurine is effective and beneficial for the body. But it is important to take it wisely - after reading the instructions, in the absence of contraindications and after mandatory consultation with a specialist. Good luck.

Do you want to build a great body? Then study the features of the amino acid taurine, which not only restores, but also forms new muscle fibers after exhausting training.

The content of the article:

Taurine is an amino acid compound that exists in the human body in free form. This means that it is part of chains of other amino acids, but is not found in tissues. The body synthesizes a large amount of taurine, and in this it is second only to glutamine. The synthesis of the substance in the body occurs thanks to cystine and methionine. A small amount of vitamin B6 also takes part in the production of taurine. Taurine is used in sports as part of various nutritional supplements.

History of taurine research

Taurine was first studied in the 70s of the last century. The subjects were cats whose diet was artificially deficient in the substance. During the experiment, it was found that the animals began to have interruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and showed signs of advancing blindness.

After this, research began on the human body. Numerous clinical studies have shown that insufficient levels of taurine in the body impair the development of the retina, which is especially noticeable in childhood and can lead to disturbances in the development of the entire body. There is nothing strange about this. The body always strives for balance, and with a lack of any substance, physiological processes are disrupted.

Properties of taurine

Let's look at the properties that taurine has:
  1. Stabilization of tissue cell membranes. Thanks to this feature, taurine is able to normalize the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein compounds, the functioning of the enzyme system and the production of hormones. Taurine also enhances immunity at the cellular level. This property is important enough to use taurine in sports.
  2. Conducts nerve impulses. Taurine is a neuromodulator and takes an active part in the transmission of nerve impulses to the central nervous system.
  3. Contains bile acids. Taurine is an essential element in bile. As many people know, it is thanks to bile that fats are digested and fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed. Metabolic processes in which taurine takes part are associated with the prevention of obesity, liver disease and diabetes.
  4. Reduces the impact of stressful situations on the body. Any training for the body is stressful. This leads to a decrease in immunity and consumption of energy reserves. In addition, under the influence of strong physical activity, the body begins to synthesize adrenaline, which burns fat cells and reduces glycogen reserves. For those athletes who want to maintain their muscles, taurine is simply necessary in sports.
  5. Restores heart rhythm. According to recent studies, during prolonged aerobic exercise, such as running or swimming, taurine can restore the rhythm of the heart. This became the reason for the use of the substance by representatives of team sports. Even beginners can be advised to use taurine in sports.
  6. Protecting muscle tissue from dystrophy. Studies have shown that the substance is able to eliminate muscle dystrophy that was caused by dexamethasone. Although the mechanism of this effect on cells is not completely clear at the moment, it nevertheless occurs.
  7. Accelerating recovery from injuries. The drug accelerates the body's recovery after severe injuries or surgery.

An insufficient level of taurine in the body leads to the following consequences: vision deteriorates, skeletal muscle tone decreases, a feeling of anxiety appears, excitability increases, immunity decreases, libido decreases, children may have developmental deviations, and diseases of the liver and pancreas may develop.

Rules for the use of taurine

Taurine is used in sports and the food industry. This substance has become one of the main ingredients in a large number of sports nutritional supplements. It should also be noted that some supplements contain taurine above the daily average. The average person needs 400 milligrams of taurine per day.

In sports supplements, 400 to 1000 milligrams of the substance are most often used. However, this should not be feared, although the body cannot absorb more than it should. The only side effect from an overdose may be stomach upset, which can only occur if more than five grams of taurine are consumed.

Among all the dietary supplements containing taurine, 3 worth noting are: Twinlab Mega Taurin Caps, Taurin Trec Nutrion and Taurin NOW.

Side effects of taurine

On the Internet you can find information about the negative effects of taurine on the human body, but it’s time to dispel this myth. This opinion was largely influenced by energy drinks, which also contain taurine. However, these products have nothing to do with sports nutrition and often have a negative effect on the body.

The important thing to understand here is that this is not the fault of taurine, but due to other ingredients found in energy drinks. But these additives, first of all, pose a certain danger only for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, central nervous system, such as insomnia, increased excitability, etc.

An overdose of taurine is practically impossible. If you think that this substance enters your body in insufficient quantities through food, then you can safely consume additional taurine.

Watch a video about the use of taurine in sports: