Preparation for MRI of the pelvis with contrast. MRI of the pelvic organs - preparation, features, contraindications. Preparing for an MRI with contrast agent injection

28.07.2023 Glucometers
  1. The patient is located on the diagnostic table;
  2. The doctor determines the examination area, secures the limbs with belts;
  3. After turning on the scanning mode, the magnetic field acts exclusively on the area being examined;
  4. The doctor observes the progress of the procedure through a protective window;
  5. Sometimes a pathology identified at the initial stage will require additional confirmation;
  6. Repeated magnetic resonance imaging with contrast takes 10-15 minutes;
  7. Gadolinium is administered intravenously;
  8. After the scan is completed, the person gets dressed;
  9. The wait for results outside the doctor's office is on average about 20-30 minutes.

MRI vertically shows:

  1. Condition of blood vessels (after contrast);
  2. The structure of the intervertebral discs;
  3. The structure of the cartilaginous plate;
  4. Tumors of the spinal cord, ligament formations;
  5. Sizes of lymph nodes.

The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. The person must maintain a motionless position throughout the entire period of time. Any activity distorts the signal. Inaccurate results contribute to incorrect treatment tactics. To avoid complications, we recommend that you familiarize yourself in advance with how a pelvic MRI is done and the specifics of preparing for the procedure.

During the examination, the patient may experience pain, so the person takes a forced position. Muscle cramps provide a blurry picture. Tell your doctor in advance about hyperexcitability, fears, and involuntary muscle contractions!

Average duration of an MRI procedure

Native pelvic tomography lasts 15-20 minutes (without contrast). The average duration of additional examination is 20 minutes (intravenous injection of gadolinium, scanning). You need to prepare in advance to lie still in order to qualitatively visualize the condition of the ovaries, prostate gland, uterus, and bladder in men and women. If examination of the hip joints is required, the duration of the MRI is increased by 45 minutes.

Regardless of the duration, MR imaging is safe, but it is difficult to remain calm on the examination table for more than 1 hour.

Types of MRI of the pelvic organs

Native examination of the bladder, kidneys, ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes helps to study the structure, size, structure of organs. In addition to the standard examination, the study of the pelvis is carried out using other methods:

  1. Perfusion MRI;
  2. Tractography;
  3. MR scintigraphy;
  4. Non-contrast MR angiography.

The perfusion mode involves the study of oxygenation (oxygen saturation) of tissues. The essence of the procedure is to study the passage of a bolus of contrast agent through the area under study. Combination with MR spectroscopy and MR angiography allows one to obtain a versatile structure of anatomical details. Measuring the spectrum of different tissues and comparing them with normal values ​​helps confirm the nature of the pathology.

Tractography is a type of MRI that helps visualize the conduction tracts. It is used more often in brain research. When tomography of the pelvic organs, MR tractography is prescribed to examine the conductive tracts of the spinal cord.

Health is the most important and, in fact, irreplaceable human resource. The quality of life depends on how well he feels. Currently, medicine has made amazing strides in both treating and preventing fatal diseases that in past years claimed the lives of young, seemingly healthy people. Early diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as nearby tissues and organs, has become possible using the pelvic MRI procedure. The virtually painless, non-invasive procedure allows us to identify problems in men and women and tell the attending physician how to help the patient. Conducting an MRI of the pelvic organs is especially important for women, because, for example, if problems arise in the reproductive system, this procedure will allow you to accurately indicate the cause and degree of complexity of the situation.

MRI technology is based on reading the results of magnetic resonance resulting from the directed influence of electromagnetic waves. Currently, the use of an MRI device for diagnosis is one of the most informative research methods. OMT tomography with or without contrast can effectively identify such serious problems of the external and internal pelvic organs as a cancerous tumor at an early stage of development.

MRI of the pelvic organs is a serious procedure that requires certain preparation from the patient. Basically, preparation for an MRI of the pelvic organs consists of following a certain diet for several days before the study. Since excessive gas formation and intestinal fullness will reduce the accuracy of the result, 2 days before the appointed date you must stop eating foods that contribute to increased gas formation. Should be excluded: bakery, confectionery products, apples, grapes, legumes, cabbage. Fried, smoked foods, milk, and carbonated drinks should be avoided.

The last meal is no less than three hours before the test. You can drink water 2-3 hours before the test.

What you can eat before an MRI: lean boiled meat, greens, cereals that do not contribute to constipation, vegetables and fruits, except those mentioned above.

The day before, it is better to take a laxative and do an enema to cleanse the intestines. An hour before the test, you can drink an antispasmodic painkiller, for example, No-shpu. Preparing the bladder before a pelvic MRI can involve either filling it with extra water by drinking or simply not going to the toilet an hour before the test. The degree of filling required depends on which organ will be examined. In the case of studying the ovaries and fallopian tubes in women, the day of the cycle will also be important. In addition to the main preparation points, the attending doctor can additionally advise how to prepare for an MRI. These recommendations deserve special attention.

For women

Preparation for such a study as MRI of the pelvic organs in women should be agreed upon with the gynecologist who is observing the patient. He should give a referral indicating the expected diagnosis, which will help the specialist performing the tomography to pay special attention to a specific organ. For the study, you need to bring the results of previous tomographs, ultrasound of the uterus and appendages, as well as fallopian tubes, and the results of surgical interventions, if any. These results will help to trace the process over time. The doctor must tell you which day of the cycle to do the test. It will be most accurate on days 6-10. An emergency MRI is performed any day.

The lower half of the women's pelvis is susceptible to various diseases and pathological processes, which can be corrected and cured with successful diagnosis, especially at an early stage.

For men

MRI of the pelvic organs is usually offered to women, especially due to the importance of reproductive function, but this study may also be prescribed for men. Preparing for a pelvic MRI in men in terms of nutrition is no different from women. A couple of days before the test, you need to stop eating foods that cause increased gas formation. The day before, you should take a laxative and do an enema. If special attention will be paid to the intestines, the last procedure should be repeated on the day of the procedure. The tomograph examination itself is considered painless, but many experts recommend taking an antispasmodic an hour before it. The bladder must be either full or partially filled. Men have less preparation than women, since they do not have to calculate which day of the cycle the tomography occurs on. However, they should remember to bring with them the results of previous studies, for example, CT scans of the bladder, prostate gland, and other organs.

Before the procedure, the attending physician may prescribe additional tests. Their purpose is to identify or confirm a problem in the body.

While in women, special attention is usually paid to the reproductive system, then when ordering an MRI, men often need to obtain information on the bladder, scrotum or soft tissues.

Indications and contraindications

To establish a diagnosis, MRI of the pelvic organs is prescribed for sudden weight loss for an unknown reason, or for the presence of blood in urine and stool tests. Heavy and painful periods, nagging pain in the lower abdomen are also indications for an MRI.

Frequent, painful urination in men and sexual dysfunction are an alarming sign that requires investigation. It is possible to prescribe an MRI after an antegrade pyelography (kidney x-ray) to clarify.

MRI may be recommended to monitor existing pathology in the development of a particular organ. If problems were identified based on the results of an ultrasound of the coccyx, then the area of ​​​​tissue damage can be clarified using tomography. On the films you can see:

  • Metastases;
  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvis;
  • Pathological changes in blood and lymphatic vessels;
  • Soft tissue injuries;
  • endometriosis;
  • prostatitis in men;
  • Neoplasms in the scrotum (in men).

Tomography allows you to check almost all pelvic organs. However, it should be remembered that it does not always reveal the presence of stones in the genitourinary system. In addition, MRI, unlike, for example, duplex scanning of the arteries of the extremities, does not show the speed of blood flow.

Like any intervention, even if not invasive, MRI has a number of contraindications:

  • During pregnancy, it is not recommended to do it in the first trimester;
  • If the patient has an artificial heart pacemaker;
  • The presence of foreign metal objects in the body: pins, plates, staples and screws installed in places of bone fracture, as well as other metal objects;
  • If the tomograph is a closed type, then claustrophobia will be a contraindication.
  • The patient's weight is over 120 - 130 kg.

How to diagnose

After the appointment and preparatory activities before the MRI scan, the patient arrives about fifteen minutes before the appointed time to fill out medical documents, if necessary.

Those who are exposed to such manipulations for the first time are usually interested in how it is carried out.

The specialist clarifies the reason for ordering the study, finds out whether the patient suffers from claustrophobia, whether there are epileptic seizures or other sudden changes in the state of the body, as a result of which the patient may suffer. Are there any allergies to the injected contrast, if it is used?

It is determined whether there are metal objects or heart rate drivers in the patient’s body. Is the patient pregnant, and if so, for how long?

The patient is then placed on the work table of the tomograph. The doctor explains that when performing an MRI of the pelvis in women, as in men, it is necessary to lie still.

If we talk about how long an MRI lasts, then, as a rule, from half an hour to an hour. If a contrast agent is administered, the procedure may be delayed further.

After fixing the patient's body, it is placed in the tomograph. If necessary, the patient can always contact the doctor conducting the study. The device has a built-in microphone and speakers, as well as a video camera through which the doctor monitors the patient’s condition. After this, the magnet coil is placed over the pelvic area and the tomography process begins.

It is quite noisy, so the patient is asked to use earplugs or headphones. Usually, the study itself does not cause negative feelings.

After completing the study, the specialist prepares the results, and the patient can engage in any activity, including physical activity.

When to Apply Contrast

In some cases, MRI of the pelvis without contrast is not very informative. Then an MRI of the pelvic organs with contrast is prescribed. Since the cost of a substance that contrasts with internal organs is quite high and comparable to the cost of MRI, the use of contrast agents is prescribed only when necessary. Such cases include:

  • Inability to make an accurate diagnosis after a routine examination;
  • When it is difficult to determine the boundaries of the tumor and healthy tissues, it is impossible to identify individual foci of the disease;
  • To specify visual information about lymph nodes.

In men, pelvic MRI with contrast is prescribed in the same cases as in women, taking into account gender differences and possible locations of tumors and metastases.

What can a pelvic MRI reveal?

MRI of the pelvic organs can detect many diseases, including in the initial stages, when diagnosis by other means does not give any result. One of the most serious diseases detected by this method is organ cancer. In addition, tomography shows various structural defects, arthrosis and injuries. A femoral neck fracture is well examined using MRI. In the case of an MRI of the gluteal region of the pelvic region, neoplasms, tissue damage, and neurological changes can be diagnosed. In fact, MRI is the only way to obtain reliable information about this area due to the significant amount of muscle and fat tissue.

What does it show in men?

MRI of the pelvis in men shows both general problems that are not related to gender, and specific ones that are unique to them. MRI shows cancer in the testicles, bladder, pelvis, and prostate gland.

Cryptorchidism will also be detected using this study, even if it was not visible on ultrasound.

What does it show in women?

MRI of the pelvis in women reveals general problems associated with tissue integrity disorders, osteoporosis or arthrosis, neoplasms in the bladder and nearby organs. In addition, MRI of the female organs shows cancer of the reproductive system, fibroids, and endometriosis. MRI will help diagnose infertility in combination with other diagnostic methods, since it cannot accurately show whether the tubes are patent.

Benefits and Risks

This procedure is considered harmless to the body and has no side effects. In rare cases, the patient may develop an allergy to the injected contrast.

There is a certain risk in patients with mental illness, who require general anesthesia to remain immobile for an MRI. However, even in this case it is minimal.

There are many advantages of pelvic MRI compared to other research methods. First of all, this is a non-invasive procedure, its high accuracy. MRI shows the most minor changes in tissues and blood vessels.

It perfectly complements the results of other studies, for example, CT of the bladder.

Survey results

As a rule, interpretation of MRI images of the pelvic organs occurs immediately after the procedure, and a medical report is given to the patient within half an hour. MRI results usually include a film with images of the pelvic organs layer by layer, as they were recorded by the device, and a specialist’s conclusion on the identified changes in the body. If necessary, images are additionally recorded on magnetic media. This is done to view them electronically or forward them to the attending physician for additional consultation.

Cost of the procedure

MRI of the pelvic organs is a modern, high-tech research method. Consequently, its cost cannot be too insignificant. Now the cost of the service varies in different clinics from 5 to 10 thousand rubles, depending on the region, the quality of the MRI machine, and effective demand. Over time, it is likely that its cost will decrease slightly due to increased competition in the medical services market.


Caring for your health is one of the main incentives for conducting various studies, including pelvic MRI. The test is not the cheapest, but it can help the doctor make the correct diagnosis in the early stages of the disease. Then the treatment process is not delayed, and the patient can hope for recovery and continuation of an active life. In case of lost time, the price for late diagnosis may be the patient’s life itself.

The magnetic resonance imaging method allows you to study in detail the tissues and organs in the pelvic area to detect tumors, the presence of metastases, and congenital pathologies. MRI of the pelvis is often prescribed to clarify the diagnosis made after examination with ultrasound and x-rays.

The method is safe as it does not involve radioactive radiation. An MR tomograph creates an electromagnetic field to which molecules of organs and tissues react. Response signals allow you to obtain a three-dimensional image of organs on a computer screen, examine the area of ​​interest in various projections, and record a video of the examination process on a CD.

Diagnosis of pelvic organ diseases using MRI

MRI of the pelvic organs allows you to determine the presence of diseases of the female and male genitourinary area, bones and joints.

MRI of the female reproductive organs can reveal:

  • Abnormal growth of tissue in the uterus (adenomyosis, endometriosis);
  • Malignant tumors in the bladder or other parts of the urinary system;
  • Cancerous neoplasms in the uterus, ovaries;
  • uterine fibroids (benign tumor in muscle tissue);
  • Congenital anomalies in the development of the reproductive organs;
  • Changes in the structure of the uterus and fallopian tubes, obstruction of the tubes.

MRI examination is used to diagnose prostate and testicular cancer in men.

Using the magnetic resonance method, diseases of the pelvic bones are diagnosed:

  • Traumatic injuries (for example, a fracture of the femoral neck);
  • Necrosis and bone tumors;
  • Inflammatory processes in the joints (arthrosis);
  • Infectious inflammation of bone tissue (osteomyelitis);
  • Congenital defects of the pelvic bones and hip joint, dislocations.

An examination with this method shows where the tumor is located, the degree of its development, the spread of cancer to other organs, and the appearance of metastases. In this case, there is no need to take tissue samples for a biopsy, perform organ puncture or curettage to determine the nature of the tumors, that is, to violate the integrity of the integument. Accurate diagnosis helps to choose a treatment method and plan surgery.

Indications for the examination of the pelvic organs using the MRI method

MRI of the pelvic organs is prescribed to women when symptoms appear, such as: abnormal uterine bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, unexplained growth of the abdomen in the absence of pregnancy. The examination can also be carried out during pregnancy (starting from the 2nd trimester), if the next ultrasound showed the appearance of a neoplasm in the pelvic area.

The reason for examining women with this method may be infertility, absence of menstruation or menstrual irregularities, which may be the result of inflammatory processes and tumors of the uterus and ovaries. As evidenced by patient reviews, it is possible to diagnose tumors at an early stage, which often saves lives.

A man may be referred for such an examination if he has the following pathologies: undescended testicle, tumor growths in the scrotum or testicles, pain in the lower abdomen, frequent and painful urination, the appearance of blood in the urine, urinary retention.

MRI of the small and large pelvis is mandatory if:

  • An X-ray does not accurately show the picture of the disease;
  • There are congenital defects of bones and joints;
  • Traumatic damage to bones and organs in the hip or pelvis occurs;
  • Inexplicable pain appears in the thigh and intestines.

Any specialist to whom patients turn with these symptoms can refer for examination: gynecologist, urologist, surgeon, orthopedist, gastroenterologist, oncologist and others.
MRI of the pelvic organs using a contrast agent is often used. This allows you to get a clearer image of damaged tissue or tumor against the background of healthy tissue. A contrast agent is injected intravenously before the procedure. Accumulating in the diseased tissue, it highlights the tumor, details the image. This method has contraindications, as some people are intolerant to certain medications and chemicals. Contrast agents used in MRI are much less toxic than X-rays, however, they are not recommended for use in early pregnancy or when examining nursing mothers and newborns. Patients with renal insufficiency should also not have an MRI with contrast.

Preparing for an MRI Pelvic Exam

Preparation for the examination includes special measures that need to be taken before the pelvic examination, as well as general recommendations.

Bowel and bladder preparation

In order for the image to be most reliable, a pelvic examination is carried out with a cleansed intestine. For this it is recommended:

  1. If you have constipation, take a laxative in advance or do a cleansing enema the day before;
  2. To exclude gas formation, it is necessary to remove fresh vegetables and fruits, brown bread and dairy products, and dishes from legumes from the diet the day before the test;
  3. To absorb gases in the intestines, it is recommended to take activated charcoal or the anti-gas agent Espumisan.
  4. Do not eat before the examination.

Involuntary muscle contractions can interfere with obtaining a clear picture, so 40 minutes before the start of the examination you must drink “No-shpu” (an antispasmodic drug).

Preparation for examination of the pelvic organs in women

The procedure is not carried out on the days of menstruation, therefore, when scheduling an examination of women, it is necessary to calculate a suitable day (usually no earlier than a week after menstruation).

General preparations for MRI

Magnetic resonance imaging is performed after receiving the results of laboratory tests. Assumptions about the presence of diseases are made on the basis of ultrasound, x-ray, and computed tomography data. The results of all these procedures, as well as past MRI examinations of the pelvic organs, must be carried with you so that the doctor can decide on the need to examine one or more organs and monitor the development of pathology over time.
It is necessary to have with you a referral from your attending physician specifying your general health status, the presence of diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, and central nervous system, which may complicate the analysis. In some cases, a procedure using anesthesia is required. This procedure is used to examine patients with certain neuropsychiatric diseases, young children, and patients experiencing pain. The use of anesthesia increases the cost of a pelvic MRI procedure. Moreover, the cost of an examination with contrast is much higher than without the use of a contrast agent.

The patient must notify the doctor that he has:

  • Claustrophobia. In this case, an MRI is performed under anesthesia or an open type tomograph is used;
  • Heart disease, nervous disorders. The administration of sedatives and the presence of other specialists during the procedure may be required;
  • Severe kidney disease. Contrasting is categorically contraindicated in this case;
  • Metal fragments, body bullets, metal orthopedic devices. Metals can become magnetized and distort results. In addition, during the procedure they heat up a little and may move, which can cause damage to internal tissues. Magnetic resonance imaging is not used in such cases;
  • Implants for heart rate regulation, hearing amplifiers and others. For such patients, examination of the pelvic organs is done using ultrasound or x-ray.

During the procedure, the person should not wear metal objects (jewelry, watches, fasteners). Women should wash off their makeup as it may contain metal contaminants.

The duration of an MRI of the pelvis depends on the complexity of the examination. Usually it is 20-40 minutes. If consultations with other specialists are required during the examination, the cost of their services is also paid.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic organs is a painless technique for studying the patient’s body, which uses the properties of magnetic radiation and radio waves. This procedure provides the opportunity to visualize organs, tissues and physiological processes.

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Magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic organs is a painless technique for examining the patient’s body.

MRI today is the most popular way to diagnose functional disorders or traumatic injuries of various organs. This makes it easier for medical specialists to make a diagnosis. Simple preparation for pelvic MRI ensures an easy procedure.

A modern modification of magnetic resonance imaging includes virtual endoscopy with three-dimensional images:

  • diffusion MRI – records the movement process of fluids inside cells;
  • diffusion-weighted examination. Determines the relocation of radio-labeled protons;
  • magnetic resonance diffusion: diagnosing blood flow;
  • spectroscopy is a combined diagnostic method that allows you to identify biochemical changes in fluid and tissue;
  • angiography – provides the ability to visualize sections of tissue vessels.

The entire information base is recorded on media.

Main characteristics of the procedure

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Modern modification of magnetic resonance imaging includes virtual endoscopy with three-dimensional images

The diagnostic method is based on the unique capabilities of nuclear magnetic resonance. The process uses a variety of magnetic resonance transistors to generate radiofrequency pulses directed at the organ or tissue being examined. Radiofrequency vibrations create a uniform, configured high-intensity field.

The image appears as follows: in the human body, protons rotate around a natural axis all the time. The creation of a magnetic field allows them to line up in a new order and change their trajectory in a given plane. When the impact stops, the protons return to their original position. The energy released by them is sensed by a magnetic coil, and this action is recorded and processed by a computer program.

The higher the density of the liquid or tissue, the greater the amount of energy emitted by the object being examined. It is directly dependent on the time it takes for the atoms to line up. The duration of chain construction in soft tissues is much longer than in hard ones. Thus, the computer, receiving data about temporary differences in energy, builds an image according to different areas.

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The creation of a magnetic field allows them to line up in a new order, change their trajectory in a given plane

The process creates many images of sections of tissues and organs of various projection depths with a thickness of up to 6 mm, similar in appearance to an x-ray. This technique allows you to evaluate the structure of organs, and since the images are digital, they are stored in a computer and can be used for detailed study.

Important! The device for the procedure can be closed and open type. The power of an open tomograph is half that of a closed one, so to obtain better diagnostics, you should use a closed type of device. The duration of the examination is from 30 minutes.

Indications for the diagnosis of the pelvic cavity

Magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed to women to confirm preliminary diagnoses of a malformation or inflammatory process in the uterus and appendages, cystic neoplasm, tumor, metastasis, suspicion of endometrium.

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The device for the procedure can be closed and open type

Men are diagnosed due to abnormal developments of the organs of the genitourinary system, inflammatory or hyperplastic anomalies, inflammation and tumors of the prostate, testicles, bladder and ureters.

General indications for magnetic resonance scanning

  1. Suspicion of malignant tumors, control of the dynamics of tumor formation.
  2. Determination of the zone of increased spread of metastases and the degree of damage to neighboring organs.
  3. Injury to any pelvic area.
  4. Preventive diagnosis of abnormal and pathological body structures.
  5. Prolonged pain in the pelvic area and sacrum.
  6. Rupture of cystic tissue or suspicion of tissue rupture, as well as other acute pathologies of the abdominal organs.
  7. Diseases of the urinary tract, kidneys and ureters. Primary history and monitoring of the dynamics of the development of the disease and the course of therapeutic treatment.
  8. Identifying the cause of infertility.
  9. Abnormal structures of the rectum.
  10. Damage or pain in the hip.

Contraindications to the procedure

Magnetic resonance imaging is the safest instrumental procedure, but despite this, this method of examination has a number of serious contraindications.

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Duration of the examination: from 30 minutes

It is strictly prohibited to use this method in the following cases:

  • the presence of implants, foreign bodies (bullets, fragments), medical devices that stimulate the functionality of any organs (neuro-, psycho- and pacemakers, prostheses, pumps, clips, coronary artery bypass grafting, etc.);
  • obesity. The diameter of the tomograph is intended for people weighing less than 130 kg;
  • pregnancy, especially the first trimester;
  • the lactation period has relative restrictions on the procedure;
  • claustrophobia;
  • mental disorders;
  • age up to five years.

Some restrictions are relative, therefore, if absolutely necessary, diagnostics are carried out with additional security measures.

Preparation for the procedure

A magnetic resonance tomograph does not require special preparation; with pre-planned procedures, a moderately full bladder is recommended. Emergency diagnostics are carried out without special preparation.

How to prepare for an MRI?

Preparation for an MRI of the pelvic organs includes the following steps:

  1. Three days before the examination, you need to exclude gas-forming drinks and foods rich in fats, coarse fiber and flour foods.
  2. It is mandatory to take laxatives 12 hours before. On the morning of the diagnosis, a cleansing enema is performed.
  3. If there is pain in the abdominal area, it is recommended to take antispasmodics immediately before the procedure.
  4. Diagnosis is carried out only on an empty stomach.
  5. In women, diagnosis is carried out from the 7th to the 15th day of the menstrual cycle (if necessary, it is allowed in the second period).

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Magnetic resonance imaging does not require special preparation; for pre-planned procedures, it is recommended that the bladder be kept moderately full

They come for diagnostics in loose clothing, without metal parts. Many clinics provide a disposable cotton cover for the procedure. All clothing, watches, jewelry, metal objects and removable dentures must be left behind before entering the treatment room.

Important! Before the examination, technologists are notified of the presence of any foreign objects, implants, tattoos, piercings, or permanent dentures in the body.

Carrying out magnetic resonance imaging

For patients with increased weight category or claustrophobia, it is more advisable to use open-type diagnostic equipment. This category of tomograph has the clearest image with an increased magnetic field, more than one Tesla.

How to make a diagnosis:

  • The patient is placed on the retractable part of the device and automatically moves inside the tomograph.
  • To examine the pelvic area, a magnetic coil is installed aimed at the pelvic area of ​​the body.
  • The patient must lie motionless throughout the entire procedure; for this, the patient’s body is fixed to the retractable couch with straps. The diagnosis itself is harmless and painless, but some patients may feel discomfort due to the influence of increased magnetic activity.
  • The patient is alone in the treatment room, an audio connection is established between him and the radiologist, the specialist himself sees the patient and controls the course of events.
  • After the diagnosis is completed, the patient needs some time to adapt.

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For patients with increased weight category or claustrophobia, it is more advisable to use open-type diagnostic equipment

When diagnosing children, people with mental disorders, or fear of closed spaces, sedatives are used, so the examination time increases.

After the procedure is completed, radiologists begin to review the details, study what the image shows, and draw up a conclusion based on the results of the examination. The time interval from the end of the procedure to the preparation of a complete anamnesis can be two hours. Images, disks and a final anamnesis are given to the patient for presentation to the specialist who prescribed the diagnosis.

What does magnetic resonance imaging show?

An MRI is done to identify the following pathologies of the female body:

  1. Benign neoplasms.
  2. Malignant degeneration of tissue.
  3. Congenital features of the development of the organs of the reproductive system, such as a double uterus, a bicornuate uterus, congenital absence or acquired closed vagina.
  4. Inflammatory processes.
  5. Position of the fetus in the third trimester of pregnancy.
  6. Cystic formations.
  7. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes (adhesions).
  8. Endometrium.
  9. Physical damage to the female reproductive organs.
  10. Accumulation of blood or purulent masses in the fallopian tube.
  11. Prolapse, prolapse of the uterus, intestinal processes, bladder.
  12. Damage to the coccyx, hip bones.
  13. Sand and stone deposits in the urinary organs.

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After the procedure is completed, radiologists begin to consider the details, study what the picture shows, and draw up a conclusion on the results of the examination.

MRI of the pelvis in male patients can determine:

  1. Modifications in the prostate gland (prostate adenoma).
  2. Inflammation in the genitourinary system: vesiculitis, orchitis.
  3. Damage due to trauma.
  4. Modifications of vascular tissue.
  5. Traumatic injuries to bone tissue.
  6. Malignant or benign neoplasms.
  7. Stones in the organs of the urinary system.

Advantages and disadvantages of the survey

Magnetic resonance imaging is a painless, non-invasive way to examine the internal organs of a person. In the process of diagnosing, ionizing radiation is not used, diagnostic images are of high quality and detailed, exceeding the level of diagnosing by any other means.

You can get an image of abnormal development, tumor formations, traumatic injuries and other pathologies that cannot be diagnosed by other methods.

Magnetic resonance imaging can detect minor morphological changes without histological analysis. Often the procedure replaces a tissue biopsy.

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Magnetic resonance imaging is a painless, non-invasive way to examine human internal organs

MRI is more informative than computed tomography in the case of diagnosing tumors, abscesses and other bulky tissue in the pelvic cavity.

Possible negative reactions in the diagnosis

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General information

Magnetic resonance imaging is better performed on a closed tomograph, since it has a higher field, which guarantees improved image quality than on open tomographs.

For a comprehensive examination, MRI alone is not enough; specialists may additionally prescribe ultrasound, radiography, multispiral computed tomography or PET examination.

All men over forty years of age should undergo this examination.. The fact is that in this age group the risk of prostate cancer increases significantly.

The high mortality rate from this disease is explained precisely by the fact that it is difficult to diagnose using conventional methods. If with their help the cancer becomes noticeable, this indicates that it has already affected not only the prostate, but also nearby organs.

Men need to undergo this type of diagnosis in order to detect pathologies of other organs located in this area. In particular, these are diseases of the bladder, rectum, and lymph nodes.

What does the study show?

Despite the fact that MRI became widespread only a few decades ago, it can detect diseases that are difficult to recognize in these organs. This is especially true for diseases with late onset of symptoms.

With the help of magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvis in men, such diseases can be detected.

  • Malignant tumors of the bladder.
  • Malignant tumors of the pelvis or ureter.
  • Colorectal carcinoma.
    Prostate carcinoma or adenoma.
  • Osteomyelitis.
  • Necrotic diseases of the femoral head.
  • Femoral neck injuries.

Using MRI, you can detect the slightest foci of a tumor process, as well as other diseases. This happens because the doctor receives the image in different projections. Tomography can provide exactly the number of slices needed to detect the disease.

In other words, the doctor not only sees the organ completely, but is also able to examine in detail all the processes occurring inside it. Three-dimensional imaging is extremely useful for identifying in detail any change in shape or tissue structure.

How should you prepare for the study?

Tell your doctor if you have serious renal pathologies: in this case, it is not advisable to conduct an X-ray contrast study.

Please note that all objects foreign to the tomograph must be removed from the body, such as:

  • jewelry;
  • watch;
  • all kinds of zippers, studs and other accessories;
  • glasses;
  • piercing

Take note!
If the patient has claustrophobia, be sure to warn the doctor about this. He will administer a sedative injection and, if possible, conduct a test for.

When is research contraindicated?

If the patient has implants or implanted devices. Here is a list of contraindications.

  • Cochlear implants.
  • Clips that are used on brain aneurysms.
  • Stents located in blood vessels.
  • Implanted pumps.
  • Built-in defibrillators or pacemakers.
  • Joint prostheses that contain metal.
  • Nerve stimulators (implanted).
  • Built-in heart valves.
  • Pins, plates, stents, staples.
  • The presence of fragments or other metal objects in the body.

How is the Magnetic Resonance Imaging procedure performed?

An MRI machine is a large cylindrical tube surrounded by a magnet. During the research process, a person is on a table that can move to the center of the magnet.

The open-type tomograph does not completely surround the patient. They are used for patients suffering from fear of closed spaces or excess weight.

However, in some models of open-type tomographs, the magnetic field is not so powerful, so in such cases it will be difficult to obtain a normal image.

During an MRI, a coil is placed over the area being examined. The patient must remain motionless throughout the entire procedure (up to 45 minutes). If a study is performed with a radiopaque substance, the procedure time increases.

It is administered as a radiopaque agent. It is safe for humans and in very rare cases causes allergies.

A contrast agent is injected into a vein. The study is done immediately after gadolinium has been administered, before the bloodstream spreads it throughout the body.

During the procedure, the patient does not feel pain. At the same time, some patients may feel warmth in the pelvic area. This is a physiological reaction of the human body to a magnetic field.

And although the subject is alone in the control room, he can maintain contact with the doctor using radio. The patient is in the doctor's field of vision. After the procedure, he does not need to undergo adaptation.

Are there any risks for the patient from this study?

This procedure is safe for humans. However, in the rarest cases, an allergic reaction to gadolinium is possible. A possible serious complication of the procedure is nephrogenic systemic syndrome.

However, if the kidneys are examined, this risk is completely minimized.

It is best to carry out diagnostics in men using an open-type device - this will be much more reliable and safer.

Comparison of MRI machines. Closed MRI on the left, open MRI on the right

Deciphering the analysis and next steps

A person cannot independently understand the analyzes. This is done by a trained professional. After the results of the study are sent to the attending physician.

If necessary, other diagnostic measures are prescribed:

  • digital rectal examination of the prostate;
  • Ultrasound and;
  • CT scan;
  • instrumental research;
  • biopsy.


Magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic organs in men can detect many pathologies that are very difficult to detect by other means. And if your doctor insists on taking it, don't be alarmed. After all, it is often recommended to undergo it for preventive purposes.